This page contains all the killer pheromone reviews currently available (updated regularly).
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Heaux Cosmetics Review: Overhyped, Overpriced Pheromone Products
Heaux Cosmetics has popped into the pheromone scene over the past 1-2 years and has seemingly taken over the social ...

The Truth About Viral Pheromone Perfumes On TikTok & Other Social Media
Can fragrances truly enchant strangers and ignite feelings of love? Over the past year or so, there have been several ...

The Gilroy Oceans 13: Does The Fascinating ‘Gilroy Pheromone Patch’ Work Like In Movies?
The Gilroy Oceans 13 refers to a scene in the movie, 'Ocean's 13', where one of the members, Linus, has ...

Liquid Trust Review (An Oxytocin Based Social Pheromone Product From The ‘Mone Graveyard)
Liquid Trust (Oxytocin) by Vero Labs (sold by Love Scent & Amazon) is an "old time" pheromone product that has ...

Pure Romance Basic Instinct Review (Another Pheromone Oil Cologne From Amazon)
Basic Instinct by Pure Romance is yet another "pop up" pheromone perfume that's gained some traction lately. And surprisingly, I ...

Pure Instinct Pheromone Oil Review: Does This Tik Tok “Viral” Product Actually Work?
Pure Instinct pheromone oil comes in a "roll-on" perfume/cologne bottle, and is designed to be an attraction product for men ...

Does “Pherazone” Pheromone Cologne Work? An HONEST Pherazone Review & Analysis
Pherazone cologne is one of those products that have been floating around the internet for years. It has perpetuated itself ...

Raw Chemistry Pheromone Cologne Review: Average Product, But Works Okay
Raw Chemistry's pheromone cologne has been floating around the internet for a while now, and I regularly get requests to ...

Alpha Q by S1CK: True “PLAYER” Vibes (Attracts Models & Quality Women)
Alpha Q is currently my top pick for an overall sexual attraction formula… it's complex 20 pheromone formula covers every ...

New Pheromone Additive: Review On LaCroy’s Attraction Powerhouse
New Pheromone Additive (or NPA) is one of the most mysterious, BLATANT & "polarizing" sexual attraction formulas on the market ...

Are “Love Potions” Real? Best Romantic Pheromone Scents Comparison
"Romantic attraction" pheromones scents are by far the most interesting of all categories. Is it possible they are the equivalent ...

Swoon by Pheromone Treasures: Playful, Imprint, “WOW Factor” (Seduction)
Swoon is a unique, "feel good" imprinting & seduction formula that covers core areas of attraction, and gives off a ...

EXPOSED: Dr. Winnifred Cutler & Athena Institute (10x Pheromone Review)
Dr. Winnifred B. Cutler, the founder of Athena Institute and the Athena 10x pheromone products, has been floating around the ...

PherX Review: It Works, But It’s Not Worth The Money (Ripoff Reports Included)
PherX pheromone oil is another product that has been getting a lot of inquiries lately - it has been around ...

Nude Alpha GEL: Romantic “SUPERGLUE”, Crushy Feelings, & Massive Fallout
Nude Alpha is one of the most powerful "romantic attraction" products currently available for attracting high quality women into relationships ...

Pheromax Review: Yes, It Actually Works… But It’s Subpar & WAY Overpriced
Pheromax, is one of those products that's floated around the internet for years now... but the question is, does it ...

Alfa Maschio 2.0: NOS Edition Review (Refresh Of A Killer Seduction Formula)
Alfa Maschio NOS is a (currently) limited edition version of AM, with "punchier" self effects, harder-hitting effects on women, and ...

S.O.B. by PheromoneXS (The REAL “Instant Jerk” Women Love, Dark, Magnetic Vibe)
SOB-XS is the REAL "instant jerk". Its designed to attract women by pushing the SAME emotional "hot buttons" that make ...

The Hookup by Pheromone Treasures (Easiest Way To “Friends With Benefits”)
The Hookup is another fantastic product from the Pheromone Treasures lineup. As the name suggests, it is a seduction formula ...

Dr. Amend’s “Pheromone Advantage” (Don’t Believe Everything You Read)
Dr. Amend's "Pheromone Advantage" has been popping up on the internet lately, and it is another product that simply FAILS ...

Nexus Pheromones Review: About As Effective As A “Fart In The Wind” …
Nexus Pheromones cologne is another mass marketed pheromone product with hefty marketing campaigns designed to lie, cheat, and steal people ...

Grail of Affection: POTENT A1-Based Romantic / Crushy Mix (“Instant Chemistry”)
If I could dub Grail Of Affection, I would call it "Instant Chemistry"... GoA promotes feelings of affection, mutual, natural ...

Nude by Liquid Alchemy Labs (Young Women “Super Glue”, Crushy Feelings)
Nude is a social/romantic attraction product designed to "break the ice" - and create crushy feelings very quickly (especially on ...

Hypnotica by Liquid Alchemy Labs (Mesmerizing, Hypnotic Conversations)
Hypnotica is a social type product designed to create a "hypnotic" effect in your social interactions - to the point ...

Max T-150 by Liquid Alchemy Labs: The “Self Effects” Lip Balm
Max-T 150 is a "lip balm" style product - and a fast, convenient way to boost your sense of wellbeing, ...

Glace by Alpha Dream Review (Center Of Attention, Social “Party Animal”)
Ever wanted to be the life of the party? The "go to" guy everyone invites to their parties, outings, and ...

Pherlure Review: This Products Blows Ass, Pure And Simple (Do Not Buy)
If you're looking for a REAL "Pherlure review", you're in the right place. There is no shortage of shills, fake ...

X22 by Hax Pheromones Review (Magnetic, Sexy, INSANE Self Effects)
X22 is one of the most underrated, sexiest, social powerhouse pheromone products available. It's fun, memorable, attractive... but the most ...

Putative Pheromones (Cutting Edge “XSP” Molecules & Effects, AD Alternatives)
The "XSP" putative pheromones lineup is geared towards advanced enthusiasts, experimenters, and those who wish to boost, modify, or create ...

Voodoo by Liquid Alchemy Labs (Hypnotic, Subconscious Imprinting, Fallout)
Voodoo is an extremely potent "subconscious imprinting/fallout" formula that has largely remained a mystery to most pheromone users since 2014 - ...

Certo by Alpha Dream Review (Creates “Crushy” & Dreamy Feelings, Sexy)
Certo by Alpha Dream is another classic that has gone relatively unnoticed in the pheromone world, due to it's label ...

Corporativo (AKA Corpo) by Alpha Dream – Sexy “Entrepreneur”, VIP Vibe
Corpo is a "high status" alpha/VIP type formula, which projects an aura of someone successful, attractive, and highly sociable/magnetic... Corpo ...

Androtics Direct Review: Not a Scam, But Very Shady (A314, Pherotalk Shills)
Androtics Direct used to be one of the top pheromone companies in the world. They provided excellent products at great ...

L2K by Alpha Dream Review (The “Brooding” Bad Boy Seduction Formula)
L2K is a "beast level" attraction formula designed to give the wearer a huge amount of "influence" with women, by ...

Alfa Maschio by Alpha Dream (Projects Bad Boy Vibes, Studly, Alpha & Sexy)
Alfa Maschio by Alpha Dream is a unique attraction formula designed to give the wearer a sexy, studly "bad boy" ...

Overdose Pheromone Gel by Liquid Alchemy Labs (SUPER Confidence Self Effects)
Overdose by Liquid Alchemy Labs is a unique gel pheromone product, designed to give you an AMAZING sense of "self ...

Evolve-XS by PheromoneXS (“Natural” Sexual, Flirting, & Easy Escalation)
Evolve-XS is a killer sexual attraction formula which has been tweaked to PERFECTION after years in the "experiment" phase. It ...

XiSt by PheromoneXS (Friendzone Killer, “Instant Boyfriend”, Flirty, Romantic)
XiSt is a POTENT "romantic attraction" formula, designed to make women feel emotionally attached (or "crush") to the wearer... it's ...

Aqua Vitae by Liquid Alchemy Labs (Weapon Of Mass… Seduction?!)
Aqua Vitae by Liquid Alchemy Labs is a MAJOR attention grabber, creates a high status "celebrity" persona, and attracts some of the ...

Bad Wolf (INSANELY Powerful Attraction & “Magnetic” VIP Blend, Alluring)
Bad Wolf by Liquid Alchemy Labs is a follow up to one of the most successful pheromone products of all ...

Wolf by Liquid Alchemy Labs (Social Popularity, VIP & Young Chick Magnet)
Garry, the owner of Liquid Alchemy Labs designed Wolf as a product to "inspire trust, leadership, lust, and the desire ...

Nude Alpha by Liquid Alchemy Labs (Potent “Romantic Attraction”, Prince Charming)
Nude Alpha's magnetic imprinting effects work from the moment a woman lays eyes on you. And if you play your ...
Latest posts by Joe Masters (see all)
- Heaux Cosmetics Review: Overhyped, Overpriced Pheromone Products - October 22, 2023
- The Fascinating Female Pheromone Effects On Males (Powerful Attraction) - October 21, 2023
- The Curious Case of “Vabbing” & Pheromones: A Controversial TikTok Trend - October 18, 2023