Alpha Q is currently my top pick for an overall sexual attraction formula… it’s complex 20 pheromone formula covers every base, including physical/sexual attraction, crushy feelings, projecting VIP vibes, and making the wearer appear to be in a completely different league from other guys…
It also has the added effect of working like gangbusters on “top tier” attractive women (and works in competitive environments like nightclubs too).
It is created by the master formulator Garry – the legend behind the Liquid Alchemy Labs product line.
But we’ll get to the juicy little details in a moment…
Firstly, a little backstory.
This review took a long time to create… and it was in the “testing” phase for almost a year…
… but now that I have concrete results, this is probably the most cleverly designed formula I have used to date.
In fact, it is now one of my top 3 seduction mixes.
I’ll talk about “differentiation points” from other products shortly. But first, here are some of the core effects I’ve discovered.
- Projects a “player” vibe which women find extremely attractive, magnetic, and engaging on multiple levels (it can be intimidating at first, but as AQ “unravels”, it simply becomes more intriguing to them)... there is a significant “pull” factor when wearing Alpha Q – deep and meaningful eye contact, looks of curiosity, and wanting to be approached or opened… to women becoming comfortable with the wearer after only short interactions.
- Giving the wearer extremely high social status & social acceptance (while also making conversation and building rapport effortless)… conversations seem to flow naturally, and an element of “realness” to interactions with women. I believe there is a certain molecule (androstenetrione) which has beautifying, and emotionally deepening properties in the mix (more details below). The high social status vibe makes women feel like they “have to have you”…

- There is a beautifying effect which I noticed (yes, visually), as well as beautifying or deepening emotional/ “crushy” feelings when interacting with women… I’ll elaborate more on this effect below, but this seems to be one of the most unique elements in Alpha Q, and one of the reasons it will be taking a spot in my list of top pheromones. While it doesn’t exactly fit the profile of a romantic attraction product, it does a fantastic job of creating those warm fuzzy feelings for women… making them want to be physically close, and stay in constant contact with the wearer after being exposed.
It’s way more complicated than that. but here’s why this is a total “game changer” for attraction pheromones currently out there…
At this point, there are over a dozen attraction formulas out there, all with their own strengths and weaknesses.
So what makes this the “game changer” I think it is?
Quite simply, Alpha Q has a myriad of effects, without being too alpha, too sexual, too social…
… too skewed in one direction.
In fact,
Each pheromone of the 20+ pheromones are balanced and work in perfect harmony…
… dramatically AMPLIFYING the effects on women…
Many formulas out there simply focus on the end goal, and the user should decide how to drive it and be congruent with the vibe it projects.
And sometimes being someone they’re not comfortable being.
This often leads to disappointment and going back to search for a new “magic pill” solution to their problems.
For example, someone who buys an aggressive sexual formula, but is not good at escalating with women and taking things in that direction (i.e. not “congruent” or confident enough to match the pheromone signature)…
This can make them come off as creepy, stalkerish, and even worse, scary to women.
Alpha Q solves these problems by it unique “layered effects” approach…
What do I mean by “layered effects”?
Perhaps it is because I’ve been testing pheromones for a long time, or maybe its because the product is just so well designed…
… but I can almost “feel” the layers of Alpha Q, and how they are working their magic.
I’ll attempt to break some of it down, but the effects will be more detailed in the summary.
The first layer obviously begins with self-effects.
AQ has the BEST self-effects I have experienced to date – including SOB, Alfa Maschio, or other products like X22.
It is strong, but not over the top “adrenaline” confidence, where you might say and do offensive things, then later realize it was rude or inappropriate.
The self-effects set within about 10-20 minutes for me, and there is a clear shift to feeling warm, inner confidence…
It is grounded, cool, & calm.

… this gives you the confidence you need to casually start conversations with women, or get you into a playful, more “carefree” mood to help you on dates or with escalation.
The next “layer” is sociability and projecting a “VIP” sexy-alpha type aura…
However, it does this without coming off aggressive or douchy…
In fact, people respect you without fear, and this usually results in admiration or attraction for you.
It CAN be intimidating to some women, but they are easily disarmed when you start conversations or interact with them…
This is because women think you’re out of their league, and find you intimidating (in a good way).
Women like men who are challenges to them.
… especially 9’s and 10’s who are used to guys approaching them ALL the time.
By giving you a supremely “high status” vibe, women feel as if you might be out of reach, which makes them feel even more magnetized towards the wearer…
However, it is masked under genuine interest, social “chemistry”, and an attractive crushy/sexual vibe that keeps them hooked…
Words seem to flow effortlessly, there is an uncanny level of trust and comfort – but there is yet another layer that exists in between them...
There is a strong underlying feeling of sexual attraction under the surface.
This is yet another “layered effect” of the complexity of Alpha Q…
Women show obvious signs of attraction, like eye contact, slight intimidation (catching your eye and looking away), looking into both eyes).
When interacting, they are touchy-feely and to welcome physical affection or playfulness (which is another hint there may be androstenetrione in the mix).
This high level of blatant sexual tension is difficult to balance with social and alpha properties.
Alpha Q masterfully covers all bases of attraction… without over-extending in any direction.
This makes Alpha Q particularly attractive to a large number of women, because its:
- Sexual, without being sleazy.
- Alpha, without being too aggressive.
- Social, without the lack of respect from socials (at times).
- High status, without being too serious.
To make a long story short…
Alpha Q works like gangbusters on women who are extremely attractive (specifically models, typical 9’s and 10’s).
Extremely attractive women are used to getting hit on by guys all the time…
… it only makes sense they would want to be with the HIGHEST VALUE guys too (which is why women ignore “regular” guys, and chase after wealthy, rich, famous, or extremely good looking men)…

it’s to elevate their own status to look good in front of others.
And Alpha Q delivers it in bucketloads…
It does it by also projecting youthful, “popular guy” vibes, and a mysterious element that keeps them “on the hook” for more…
…which makes them even more “possessive” over you if you engage them…
Another peculiar observation: I found Asian women (Japanese, Korean, Filipino mostly) were specifically attracted to me.
Women also seem to think you are highly educated, perhaps an entrepreneur, or have some other unique high status position in society.
Normally, with aggressive sexual/alpha type formulas, this Asian women would be intimidated and perhaps even turned off (especially ones raised in their own countries).
Asian women who are raised in the west seem to respond like Caucasian women to most mixes.
Another of my most surprising discoveries is the products strong visual “beautifying” effect…
Alpha Q had a “familiar” feeling, but I couldn’t put my finger on it until atleast 2 months into testing.
… but I am now certain it contains an ingredient called androstenetrione.
I have tested androstenetrione by itself many times, and am always astounded at its unique effects.
To elaborate, it has the effect of making the wearer (and people nearby) appear more attractive than they actually are.
And not only this, there seems to be something deeply beautiful about the experiences one has while wearing this pheromone.
It is emotionally amplifying, and makes events, experiences, conversations, etc seem much more meaningful in the moment, as well as in retrospect.
Alpha Q creates and enhances “crushy” feelings when you’re interacting with women…
This is also the reason why I suspect the Nude Alpha product line by LAL is also a potent love/crush formula.
However, as of right now I believe it’s one of the ONLY formulas that actually contains the molecule (correct me if I’m wrong)…
… but because it is more geared towards sparking romantic interest, its potential has been untapped.
Until now, that is.
If I’m right, Alpha Q has this in some quantity, and only a small amount is required to trigger more emotional and physical attachment from women…
… another clue here is women tend to contact me more frequently after exposure to AQ, indicating there may be a fallout effect happening.
I could of course be wrong about the molecule (androstenetrione) here, but either way these effects are definitely present.
That covers most effects I’ve found during testing, but here is a more detailed summary.
- Alpha Q is an attraction formula, with “popular” guy VIP vibes , sexual attraction, and alpha/authority – without all the negative effects associated with strong sexual pheromone products – a true “PLAYER” vibe (especially attractive women in their early 20’s)_… AQ covers all bases with expert precision, with each element carefully chosen to create a “player” vibe. Women feel intimidated because you are someone other women want. It projects the vibe of someone who is dominant, but not threatening. This makes picking up women, dating, and seducing effortless with minimal effort.
- Powerful visual “beautifying” effect makes you look more attractive to women (attention grabbing “spotlight” effect, causes staring, eye contact, checking out the wearer)… there is something “ethereal” about this effect. By making you appear more attractive, it also has the opposite effect where women look more attractive to the wearer too. This is a huge attention grabber, and almost feels like a “spotlight” effect, and is noticeable when walking through crowded areas. It’s fantastic for using in competitive bar/nightclubs as you can get the attention of the MOST attractive women easily.
- Emotional amplifier, makes conversations, experiences, and other interactions with women FEEL more “dreamy” (potential “crushy” feelings and imprinting, women become easily attached to the wearer)… a surprising effect I discovered was how genuine interactions are with women while wearing the product. It feels as if you are connecting on a deeper emotional level, and can be steered in a romantic, sexual, or platonic way. I also get contacted more frequently by women, another clue it contains ingredients from the NA product line by Liquid Alchemy Labs.
- IOI’s and extremely obvious attraction: dilated pupils, double takes, obvious physical contact, and yet feels natural (makes it easy to escalate with women, as touching is welcomed and feels good to them)… this was especially apparent when I was dating a Japanese girl, who is not very “touchy-feely”, yet when I switched to AQ she would constantly try to be as physically close as possible. I.E. wrap her arms around my waist when walking, leaning into me while stopped, it was all super cute. This is a common thread with all women who are affected by AQ. They will find excuses to touch you which makes sexual advances easy.
- Strongly suspected molecule P96: “Has mesmerizing social and romantic chemistry effects, along with high personal power and magnetism… there is a high level of social acceptance and respect with P96… people see you as someone with a certain “allure” about them, a feeling of openness and feel comfortable expressing themselves around you. This is an underrated effect, because everyone is trying to put on a “front” these days, and appear to be more than they really are. Give people the freedom to be themselves around you, and they will be permanent parts of your life — which is especially true when it comes to women.
- Performs FANTASTICALLY in competitive environments like nightclubs, bars, (or anywhere men & women compete for attraction)… these are my main testing grounds because of the high number of women looking for ONS. They are also the TOUGHEST environments to succeed in. Alpha Q, as I mentioned is an incredibly potent attention grabber, and seems to hit women within 5-10 seconds (test standing at a bar next to a woman – this is likely to draw her attention to you, which you can then open, and lure her into the vibe so she sticks around because of AQ’s powerful magnetism)…
- The social elevation effects extend to other MEN too, they will not act aggressive towards you, get competitive, or cock-block… in fact, there is a “comradery” type leadership effect, where men try being helpful as long as you don’t mess with their women. I actually hit on a woman who was with a guy. However, he seemed cool and gave me a wink to hint it was his girl… later he came to shake my hand asking how I got another girls number. I told him I just gave her my phone, and he started laughing hysterically… it wasn’t that funny, I was just being real (very good tip by the way – just hand a woman your phone and assume she’ll put in her number – this works especially well wearing Alpha Q).
- Projects an aura of youth, fun, has playful social effects while not being too goofy, wittier & fluid conversations, more flirtation and “warm” connection to women (very positively received)… this is a common thread with products containing androsterone (and I believe AQ has it in a decent quantity, which also explains the next self effect). It seems to make the wearer more articulate and put their thoughts into words more easily, and be more charismatic when communicating. Women seem to be flirtatious and poke fun at the wearer (definite sign of interest). If you ever get stuck in conversations, women are likely to keep the conversation going as they simply enjoy your presence.
Some women feel “threatened” by your presence, but are quickly disarmed when have an interaction with them (possibly because you appear to be a “player”, or attractive to other women)… there is something trustworthy about the vibe AQ projects. As mentioned above, it probably contains a strong androsterone component, while also giving the wearer an aura of youth and “layers” the aggressive alpha/sexual properties under powerful social effects.
- Seems to reduce brain fog, help the wearer think more clearly, and make you feel more focused “in the moment” + powerful confidence boosting properties (strongest personal self effects from a product to date)… again, this seems to be an effect of androsterone working its magic. You are able to think more strategically when it comes to getting women, and make plans, execute, and succeed whether its for approaching women, or escalating things. It almost feels like the Limitless movie, where everything becomes more clear (but obviously you aren’t going to learn new languages overnight or make millions in the stock market within days).
- Has unique “layered effects” to create depth in your interactions with women (making you seem highly desirable/alluring) … the longer you interact, the more “magnetizing” it becomes… normally, 20+ pheromones would be considered an OD (opposite of desired effects). However, due to the masterful formulation, Alpha Q manages to sucks women into your pheromone cloud and makes them want to stay. You’ll see them becoming physically close, flirting, and feel subconsciously drawn to the wearer.
- Women feel more disinhibited around the wearer, because there is a strong element of “trustworthiness”, acceptance, and chemistry… this allows them to act on impulse, and are receptive to flirting and sexual advances. Of course, you can’t be weird about it, but the overall effect from AQ leads to making the entire process of meeting and dating, to having sex with women significantly more easy.
- Effects last up to around 5-6 hours, and gradually taper off (re-app 1-2 sprays if needed)… however, I did not feel the need to re-apply, because the effects are still noticeable. In fact, sometimes I feel like I am wearing it even though I wore it the day before (there seems to be some kind of build up effect, but I am still investigating it). Needless to say, the product is a solid all-day or night formula.
- Projects an air of a young professional, with a “cool” and down to earth personality (and someone who is high value without being overly intimidating)… compared with Bad Wolf, Alpha Q is much easier to use, but just as complicated in its formulation. If you haven’t already adopted a cool, charismatic vibe, AQ will help you get one. Bad Wolf on the other hand, can come across extremely domineering, overly forceful, or too “polarizing” for certain women. WHile some may feel more aggressive mixes are better for them, I personally find more polished mixes like AQ far more effective for seduction.
For that reason, Alpha Q is my new favorite product in the attraction category… let it transform you into the powerful, confident man women can’t ignore.
Is it going to be the BEST product for you personally? I can’t know for sure – but I do know it’s going to be a new staple in my arsenal.
It’s been developed from the ground up into a complex array of pheromones all working together perfectly.
It’s not too alpha, not too social, not over the top sexual…
In fact, it projects all 3 qualities in a way that doesn’t interfere with the other, making it the best standalone I have used to date.
Of course, there are some excellent products out there, but AQ’s intense beautifying effect, as well as powerful social/VIP qualities, along with its self effects make it the best choice for me in the seduction category.
For long term dating, you may find more success elsewhere, but for now – for those of us who want to meet and date as many women as possible, this is an excellent investment in your arsenal.
It can also give you the confidence and “inner game” you need to succeed with women…
If you’ve read my article about how to use pheromones for self improvement, you understand the cycle of thoughts, beliefs, and actions…
With Alpha Q, women are extremely receptive to the wearer, and react positively.
If you are someone who is struggling to approach women, have casual conversations with people, or lack the ability to take things to a sexual level…
I think AQ can be the key to getting you there.
… what this means is by wearing it, you will become accustomed to women checking you out, having women in your presence, and women wanting to interact with you.
All this to say, is eventually you will start seeing yourself as someone who women are genuinely attracted to, and change your beliefs to match your new reality.
And not only that, AQ’s kickass self effects will help motivate you into putting yourself out there to approach women with ease, and keep you mentally sharp for navigating the interactions.
How much is THAT advantage worth?
It’s priceless if you continue making excuses about why you can’t approach women, can’t escalate, or whatever else is stopping you from getting the women you want.
Alpha Q is just a pheromone product, yes – but it can also be a powerful tool to help you “upgrade” your level of game (even if you already have experience with meeting and seducing women).
It is now one of my top pheromone products for a reason.
The powerful self effects, social and romantic “chemistry”, attention grabbing, etc – if I were to design a pheromone product, I think it would be very close to what S1CK Jewelry and Liquid Alchemy Labs have created.
I’ve explained most of the effects with as much detail as I can for now, but be on the lookout for new discoveries (I have found things out after months of testing that were not apparent).
Who knows what else is in store?
Alpha Q by S1CK Jewelry & LAL
Social Effects (self & others)
Romantic (crushy, creates attachment)
Alpha (not overly dominant)
Sexual (obvious, but blended perfectly)
New TOP Attraction Formula
Alpha Q was formulated by the mastermind behind Liquid Alchemy Labs, Garry Nelson. I expected nothing less than a mysterious product which I would have to dig deep to uncover. And that's exactly what it did. It is simply an incredible attraction formula that covers all the bases, including social fluidity, sexual attraction, the right level of alpha qualities... and it does this without being too skewed in one direction (which leads many people to start mixing and matching other products to balance them out. This mix is perfectly balanced for almost any scenario you will encounter from meeting, dating, and escalating with women.
Thank you for reading,
- Phero Joe
P.S. To sum it up quickly, Alpha Q is an insanely complex mix of 20+ pheromones… al working capture her full attention and spark a balance of sexual attraction, “romantic chemistry”, and mesmerizing social interactions...
… it basically takes all the best parts of every pheromone product currently available, and works its magic by revealing “layers” and depth as you interact with women… making it one of the best attraction products currently available. If you haven’t tried it yet, it’s definitely worth adding to your arsenal.
Attract the beautiful women you deserve with Alpha Q today..
P.P.S. S1CK Jewelry offers a full “peace of mind” 100% risk free, 30 day money back guarantee – if you aren’t absolutely THRILLED with Alpha Q, simply contact them and receive a 100% refund… with absolutely no questions asked, no hassles and no hoops to jump through. While I’m sure you won’t need it, it’s always nice to have extra security when you’re spending a lot of money. Have no fear – the product and vendor is solid (as I would expect anything from Liquid Alchemy Labs and any affiliated products).
Click here to take Alpha Q for a risk free, 30 day “test drive” today…
Don't Go Anywhere. Check Out These Articles First.
- Heaux Cosmetics Review: Overhyped, Overpriced Pheromone Products - October 22, 2023
- The Fascinating Female Pheromone Effects On Males (Powerful Attraction) - October 21, 2023
- The Curious Case of “Vabbing” & Pheromones: A Controversial TikTok Trend - October 18, 2023
You mentioned this had a positive effect on Asians…Have you noticed such effects from any other races?
Hi Pogadero, yes this works just as well on other women, Caucasian, mixed, Latinas and other darker skin beauties as far as I’ve tested it. The only reason it stuck out to me that it was quite attractive to Asian women is because they tend to be either turned off, or highly intimidated by mixes as sexual as Alpha Q.
Based on your experience using this product, what would you say is the difference between this product and Swoon?
Hi Pjones, I think they have very similar aspects – but I would say that Swoon has more of a “fun” element to it than AQ – whereas AQ has more of a suave, “cool” kind of aura… they are both excellent products and there are times where I would prefer one over the other… but you won’t really get the nuances unless you use both. Either one is a great choice 🙂
No worries they’ve been very accommodating since then, it’s perfectly fine to delete these comments.
I can’t get in touch with this vendor and I’ve tried to multiple times after my order. Any suggestions on how to reach them? They won’t respond to my emails…..
Hi Steve, I believe they had a technical error for a few days but it has since been resolved. Please try to get in touch with them again, they are responsive to me and have been for most people. Cheers!
Behind the scenes, I was the reason for the addition of ISO E Super to the scented Alpha Q blend since I was testing AQ alongside Swoon a month after buying with its initial release and it made a big difference in the longevity and diffusion radiance of the hits, lessened the edginess and added slight additional social leaning. Keep in mind that it buffers if using with other alpha/sexual/status blends and needs to be compensated for in a blend.
Heres what I found with AQ since I’ve had another year to play with it.
The vibe it seems to give is high social status, cool, suave, and very fun and sociable to be around. Alpha. I get Free stuff regularly wearing it. Sometimes even big free stuff. But even little stuff is a great indicator, such as a grocery clerk taking off the 5 cent bag fee while flirting a bit. Without VIP mones I’ve never been comped.
Males react NON THREATENING, authentic. Guys started talking and friendly, feel like socializing with me and cool with me even around their women. I’ve used this around the police on duty who are laughing and buddy buddy same as other men. For making new non sexual male friends or hanging around other guys this is the go to blend. This may be Putative 74.
People want to do things for you because they like you and not intimidating or fear based respect. My sisters new husband who I barely knew was offering to do all kinds of things to help me out and very buddy buddy and we barely talked otherwise….
It does have self effect help such as being more witty and more articulate, more confident to approach with less anxiety.
I thought at first it would be a daily driver, but seems to have too many mones that drain neurotransmitters and It does have some androstenone buildup so I cant generally use it everyday as I have a stronger natural signature, at least there is no A1 in it.
It is hitting women sexually but under the cover of lots of comfort/social so they dont get that over the top reaction like unbuffered but is having it. It is tuned down just to the point where its starting to intimidate but not polarize. As such I identified this right away and realized it could be used around everyone since its not turning off people, this is why I had thought it was a top 5 mix even from early uses. Perhaps if you want a 1-1 date then there are many more heavy sexuals you can also use which can work for you around ovulation or against you otherwise, but if I’m going to be around family or friends or occasionally work I’d likely not use a polarizing sexual…
Try it in the bedroom, Garry had told me the below when I asked about TAC since I saw effects that were similar using AQ and a few others. He has his own combo in here that is not TAC apparently but works well…
Strangely, even two weeks later wearing no mones from 10+ feet away and never talking otherwise a cashier who I only knew from a purchase once waves to me in a grocery store and gives indicators she is showing some type of imprint perhaps, later this occured often with those I know.
A few people have said they do not like the fragrance being sweet and a tad dry. I see its now available unscented. My personal opinion is that scents that are sweet are not popular with men, however when I go to places like LPMP and read reviews of things LP HOMME or SUPER which smells like pancakes and is sweet with things like brown sugar, there are pages and pages of women who like it and so I use it.
I wish it didn’t have ISO-E…that single ingredient really screws up my skin for some reason
Hi Steven, that’s unfortunate to hear. Have you tried using a type of lotion over the top to avoid any irritation? It might be able to help if it had some type of oil to act as a barrier.
Hi Steven, if you already know the small amount of ISO E Super which is found in so many colognes is what causes your skin issue, then get the unscented version which is free of the scent which includes the iso e super if Phero Joes suggestion doesnt work well but the blend does. The ISO E Super is part of the scent added and not the base pheromone formula in this product so it wont be in the unscented version. Unscented does not mean the product does not smell, pheromones have a natural scent and how they are perceived by a woman depends on her genetics and the timing of her menstrual cycle. You might also see if you are less sensitive applying it to the back of the hands or on wrists, as the neck tends to be thinner skin and more likely to have irritation, especially if you shave.
Any plans to review Casanova?
Hi Andy, yes I will definitely be checking it out!
What are you currently reviewing / working on next?
Hi Andy, at the moment I am looking at reviewing Casanova by S1CK Jewelry 🙂
hey, did you finish reviewing Casanova? I am deciding between it and AQ. I am a 20 years old and i’m looking more for a casual hookup rather than a ‘locking’ someone down. Which one would you recommend?
Sorry man, unfortunately I’ve been on a business venture, but I will have some time to work on HOP and update you with some new stuff soon.
would you ever combine this with Xist or NAG?
Hi Berto,
The product works fantastically without any add-ons. I haven’t tried this combo but it would be an interesting mix… however, I feel there would be too many molecules overlapping and fighting for the attention over the other. That would make both products less effective – but you never really know until you try it!
Amazing stuff especially in a large group of women.
Makes you top dog
Hello Dan!
I just found your blog and I feel happy and amazed for it. After the fall of Androtics Direct, I thought I wouldn’t be able to buy good pheromones. Even considering how sketchy they were, it was the most reliable supplier at the time.
Now I will fully submerge into your blog and try to cooperate as much as I can, as I used to do in pherotalk. But first, can I ask for your advice? there are two products I miss a lot from Androtics Direct, and I would love to restock.
As the experienced user you are, can you recommend alternatives to Instant Shine and Mystery Boy?
Those two used to work like a charm. I work in the media, and I need something that really works! it’s a competitive job and every advantage counts.
Also, have you tried “Dark Water” by Androtics? they are supposedly trying to redeem themselves with that one.
Thank you!
Hello Dan!
I just found your blog and I feel happy and amazed for it. After the fall of Androtics Direct, I thought I wouldn’t be able to buy good pheromones. Even considering how sketchy they were, it was the most reliable supplier at the time.
Now I will fully submerge into your blog and try to cooperate as much as I can, as I used to do in pherotalk. But first, can I ask for your advice? there are two products I miss a lot from Androtics Direct, and I would love to restock.
As the experienced user you are, can you recommend alternatives to Instant Shine and Mystery Boy?
Those two used to work like a charm. I work in the media, and I need something that really works! it’s a competitive job and every advantage counts.
Thank you!
Hi L, I don’t recall the effects from Mystery Boy but all the products by Androtics have been far exceeded by other vendors. As for Instant Shine, the closest product I can think of is BlissXS which puts people into a carefree jolly mood.
Hi Phero Joe, do u think this mix is driven mainly by androsterone or do u think it is androsterone heavy as it is very attractive to asians, unlike something like Alpha Treasures driven by Androstenone.
Also, could you name a few androsterone driven alpha products for work and attraction in an asian environment, thanks.
Hi MS, I really like Corporativo (AKA Corpo) by Alpha Dream – Sexy “Entrepreneur”, VIP Vibeand it is also very effective on Asian women. It has a very nice status elevation effect while being professional, yet sexy at the same time.
Hi Joe, I grabbed a sample of the AQ to try out. I am still getting more familiar with mones. Really wanted to try out a few of the other products but the site gives me an error everytime and will not allow me to purchase anything else.. but after looking at the reviews of AQ and it allowing the purchase, I gave this one a shot…
However, AQ unfortunately had an opposite effect when worn… I purchased the unscented and when applied (usually did about 3 spray shots), it gave off a very strong “unscented scent” smell that my favorite cologne couldn’t cover well… but my issue wasnt so much the smell, but that this one gave me a feeling that was not really nervous, but more of a constant, on-edge feeling around friends and family that I’m normally calm with…
I am already a calm, cordial person, and it does cause an effect to make those around, want to carry on conversations about life events with you..
I didn’t want those few situations to discourage me from trying it out more.. so I tried it out again to a night club with friends…. honestly, the entire time, that same edgy feeling came over. So much so later on I just called an Uber and called it a night early… but even while riding with the Uber driver, I intentionally started conversing with him and struggled to maintain a candid conversation with the driver..
Sorry for the long storyline review. I won’t give up on AQ just yet as it may take getting used to but when the site fixes the other products I would like to maybe mix it with another or try something different.
Hi Tnoodle,
It sounds like AQ was trying to work its magic, but you are subconsciously blocking its effects by not being fully present in the moment. I would definitely recommend you to keep using the product, your body chemistry will get used to the vibe its creating and adopt it as its own. You might feel “edgy” because you are not 100% comfortable being in the spotlight, alpha, charismatic etc… but the longer you wear it, the more you will naturally develop these qualities that the product is projecting.
I’ve used AQ… Seems to attract Asians and tall blondes the most… Women who like status… It is also very strong… 2 sprays seems like OD to me. People should look into .5-1 spray options as well.. It does a lot of things well but nothing amazing.
Your opinions change like the wind my friend.
Do pheromones such as this have the power to increase libido too?
Yes, especially when women are exposed to pheromones that have been studied and shown to increase arousal such as androstadienone and androstenone 🙂
Hey phero Joe. Is this top of the line phermone? Or are there more potent ones? And which ones by chance?
Hi Tony,
Alpha Q is formulated by Garry from Liquid Alchemy Labs (not sure about scent itself). LAL is an excellent manufacturer of pheromone products, this is currently my favorite product to use in social/sexual situations.
Hey Joe,
Member Blahmind over at DXS posted about the new version of AlphaQ (updated in May) being a dud, after being a fan of the original.
Any thoughts?
Hey thelaw, I haven’t ordered since may but the last bottle I received seemed to work just fine. I’ll look into it soon, although I haven’t had any complaints or knowledge about any formula change until just now.
Thoughts on Alpha Q vs Alfa Maschio?
They are both great products – one or the other might be better for certain purposes however it is up to the user to determine the ideal product for their personal situations. I feel like Alpha Q is the better all around product, whereas Alfa Maschio works better for “closing the deal”.
Hey, I was wondering, is Alpha Q a product you can wear everyday like the pheromone wolf; without any negative side effects?
Hi Pjones, I don’t recommend using this daily (or any pheromones daily) and I try to refrain from it due to the build up pheromones can produce. With Alpha Q, I find I can wear it around 2-3 days, then on day 3-4+ it can get very unpredictable. You may very well get ghosted, intimidation, and other negative side effects. If you do try to wear it daily, make sure you clean up the application spots thoroughly. Cheers 🙂
How many days would you say you could wear the wolf pheromone before you have to stop?
With any pheromone product, I will usually cap myself at about 2-4 days depending on how I feel. Sometimes I just fully reset and will not wear anything for a whole month and I can start testing pheromones as accurately as possible.
I am thinking of getting true pheromones(true love),alfa maschio q, or aqua vitae.which one is the best in ur thought? It’s my first time using pheromones product.what are their differences?
Hi Sagar,
True Pheromones is good, but the products from Alpha Dream are much more powerful (yes more expensive)… however, if you’re just looking for a low cost product to test, the True Pheromones lineup is a pretty good starting point 🙂
Hi Taulloo, thanks for reading my articles! Anyway, I think S1CK is still working on an automated system for tracking their deliveries but all my orders have been received on time every time. And I haven’t heard of anyone having issues with it — you should get your products soon 🙂 Cheers
Could you please do a review on their other pheromone “Casanova”?
Will be getting onto that real soon 🙂
Hi Joe,
They now have ‘original’ and ‘new’. I assume you used ‘original’ for your test, right?
Also, which is better for a try – scented or not. I have no idea how both nor does the description of the product help. I’d go with unscented to cover with my regular cologne but am afraid it will mix and smell weir as I apply colognes lightly.
Hey, yes, this review is for the original formulation. I have yet to test the new one, but I’ve been told its pretty similar, just more concentrated. I will look into it soon.
I want to buy Alpha Q, but there are many recent reviews which point out that the combination is changed or the product is more concentrated. Which is making it less effective. What is your take on it?
Hi Karan, I reviewed the original version, the new version is simply a more concentrated version as far as I know. But I will look into getting a new bottle soon and see whats changed.
Do you think it would be ok to use 1 or 2 sprays of AQ under the nose for self effects and then use NAG on the neck and A1 on the temples/behind the hears?
I think that would be a bit excessive, because if you spray AQ it is going to diffuse. It has ISO E which has very good diffusion properties. I haven’t tried this as a combo, but I personally think that it would just be too much going on to have cohesive effect. You would be better off just using one or the other. However, you can always give it a try and see what happens, that’s the fun part of pheromones!
I found this effect kind of funny too since I work around a lot of very sexy Korean and Japanese women, it was obvious right away. Some would be too intimidated, but it’s easy once they open up. The ones I found most attracted were roughly 20s to mid 20s to older ones. I also have maaaaaddd yellow fever
“Mad yellow fever”
I have two questions:
1) The recommended use of Alpha Q, from what I have read, ranges from 1.5 sprays to “Use as you would cologne…”. Understanding that usage does vary by individual, do you have any suggestions? How do you tell if you’ve used too much?
2) I have read your article on reuniting with an ex. The advice makes sense, and I have been putting in the efforts as recommended. Alpha Q was not in the list of suggested pheromones. How do you think it compares?
I love your site and appreciate any insight you can give!
Thank You!
I have found Alpha Q to be relatively flexible, and easy to handle even if you do use too much. With AQ, it’s not as “touchy” as other pheromone products out there, meaning you can get away with not using an ideal dosage. What happens when guys use too much pheromone is that they get negative effects, such as people feeling weird around the wearer, becoming “ghosted” (where people are extremely short with you, don’t seem to want to engage), and even seems to be a bit of a repellent. That’s why I harp on people to get their dosage right to get the best effects from their products.
As for that article, I have actually been away and recently come back onto the site, so I will be updating content and have some new reviews coming really soon. However, if you do want to use Alpha Q in that situation, I would recommend pairing it with XSP-96 from PXS — crazy good combo for taking things to a more romantic level than using it alone. Although I suspect there is already some of the same molecule in the product.
Hope this helps 🙂
– Joe
Hi I’m a 20 year old male looking for a good strong romance pheromone and attraction pheromone. Something that can help for hookups and one night stands and also going into a long term relationship. Something I can wear through put the day and also at night when going out. I’d prefer oil based pheromones as they work best. Let me know your thoughts bro
Oh and age range would be 18 upto to max 25
Hi Qaz, sounds like you need something versatile for day wear and something to transition easily for night time purposes. I would definitely recommend Alpha Q, it is probably my top pick at the moment although I like to switch it up occasionally. If you can afford it, I would get AQ. If its a bit out of your price range, I would also suggest Corpo by Alpha Dream or The Hookup by Pheromone Treasures. The Hookup does have some very good effects in bars, although seems a bit more inhibited in night clubs than Alpha Q or Alpha Maschio.
If you’re after something more for trying to attract a romantic type of relationship, again I would suggest The Hookup, Swoon, or XiSt – there is no one size fits all that works best in every single situation, so you will have to decide what you want exactly.
As for trying to target women in the 18+ 20’s range (you’re not going to get a product that only works on a “max” age lol), I am suggesting these specific products because they tend to work very well on younger women.
Hope this helps,
– Joe
You say you can develop a cool-charismatic personality with this product. You also said it’s easier to use than the Bad Wolf pheromone. Would you say that this product is more of a cool charisma vide and Bad Wolf is more of a fiery type of charisma?
Hi Pjones – yes, if you were going to simplify it I think those words would describe it accurately.
Saw this in a magazine and found the sample here on Amazon. Looking for a new scent for my man and wanted to see if this was any good. Delicious scent 🙂 not to over bearing and love the way it smells on him, so attractive for sure definitely worth the value thinking about buying the full version from S1ck. This a Masculine sweet smell I love Must Buy! Definitely recommend it.
Thank you for your little review 🙂 What effects have you noticed from a female perspective if you don’t mind me asking?
Hi Joe, thanks for the review. Can Alpha Q be paired with Alfa Maschio?
Hi Jason,
I would not recommend this because they both have similar purposes. Use one or the other, not both 🙂
They charge around whooping 129$ for a bottle. I wanted to buy travel size but you said those are discontinued .As I am willing to spend around 50 to 60 max.i am eagerly wanted to try alpha Q because it’s top pick pheromones rn.
Hi Sagar, yes the price is quite high for the product, however keep in mind there is a lot more product and the sheer amount of pheromones in this product. It is also not cheap to create. When used only occasionally these bottles can last over a year (as they should). Wearing pheromones daily is not ideal for your mind and wallet lol.
Hey Joe, first up, love your site and what you do here. It’s great to get a hands-on user review of pheromones from someone who knows mones well, and how to use them. Just had a question on Alpha Q. In your opinion what mones does it combo well with, mones that amplify it’s positives and reduce the negatives (if any). Would this combo well with A1 (Dienone) type products? The goal being to cause a deep imprint that would bring women back to you again and again. Any suggestions would be really helpful. Thanks a ton. M
Hi Maverick, thanks! Absolutely. The only times I don’t recommend mixing Alpha Q is mostly with other alpha/sexual type pheromone products, because this can cause a clash and cause both combined to be less effective. I have tried androstadienone and it works well to shift the effects to a more “crushy” feeling mix. It also combines very well with Casanova, which adds depth and mystery to AQ’s already powerful effects.
As far as mixing, how do you determine the right ratio for combos? Do you combine in the same areas or in different areas of your body? Thanks!
Hi Frankie, I generally tend to pick one product to use as a “base”, and then once I test for the best dosage for that product, I’ll add drops/sprays to another complimentary product. Once I start to get negative/OD type results, I’ll wind it back and adjust my dosage. This is why its difficult to just create a combo with the doses as it can vary person to person.
Can Alpha Q be mixed or stacked with Casanova, for example?
Hi Duane, Im still testing combos with True Love, but yes Casanova and Alpha Q actually work very well together.
Hey, been using AQ for about a week or two.. Just coming to grips with it.. Seems to me its warm but can also turn cold as the app expires the next day.. My behavior becomes push /pull towards women. I’m warm and charismatic, but less likely to put up with bullshit.. Its very granular.. Very real to me. However, the coldheartness it makes me feel the next day causes me to sometimes do things I regret like block a woman on social media who I don’t have a chance with perhaps because she’s living too far away.. Once the ISO E app wears off I realize I went to far and unblock her… It kinda is cool , calm, Daniel Craig but then the side effects the next day can make me a little off centered (cold hearted is a better word).. Do you feel this too?
No, it doesn’t have this effect for me. Sometimes I can get burnt out if I was using it the entire day, but the next day effects are fine as I stay fit and eat healthy.
Hey PJoe! I love AlphaQ V1. and it works well but I’m getting bad side effect the next day… A feeling of COLD HEARTEDNESS. It’s as if I feel no empathy for anyone the day after…. It happens everytime i use it… the day I wear it, it doesn’t happen. Do you know why I experience this with AlphaQ and no other mone? It’s the only thing that preventing me from giving it high score. cheers. Adrian.
It could be that you are burnt out from using it. I often feel like this if I have gone days wearing pheromones, even if I do scrub them off well at night to ensure it doesn’t mess with my sleep. Your brain and body need time to reset too I’ve found over the years.
Hi Joe this is my very first time about the topic of pheromones what would you recommend me for getting my dream girl
Hi Mathew, I would recommend starting with the Top 10 Best Pheromones For Men To Attract Women (Updated Reviews For 2020).
After that if you have any questions, just shoot me an email or comment on the product/s you’re interested in.
Hi PheroJoe,
I think you’ve made an accidental error here. AQ is not a sexual product it should fall under alpha. It can lead to arguments, and power battles. I don’t care if it can be steered sexual, it doesn’t increase libido nor make women horny. Seems to be more VIP respect. For that reason I’d say it’s an alpha product.
I find AM, NPA, raw None, M3X etc all sexual products. BW too is way more sexual than AQ.
I truly believe it should be reclassified.
It works very well for me in both categories, the fact it has VIP/Alpha qualities without being too overbearing is very good with men and also manages to be extremely attractive to women in a sexual way. I know that you depend heavily on -enone as you manage low T, but it works well for most guys in their 20s-30’s with average to high T levels.
With Alpha Q, how many days or usage of the product have to be use before your body gets accustomed to the molecules and seeing the fruit of its effect?
I switch it up to see which pheromones trigger the best response. So far It seem that I get better response, looks, result with Xist and Evolve combination. Its been only 6 days since I finally recieved Alpha Q( 2 days) and L2k( 2days) and try both. I was under the impression that it kicks in right away. Maybe I’m to eager? Maybe my body isnt responding, maybe it’s still early in the game? Maybe stress level? Im open to your thought on this process
Hi J, you will need to be careful because it seems like you’re throwing all sorts of pheromone products together. You must clean applications off properly with either a scrub, hunter soap, or witch hazel. Once you’ve done this, be sure to take a week or 2 off so your body can come to a baseline. After that, test 1 spray of only 1 product and test it… if you get good results, add another spray. Once you start adding too much product or mixing products it can start to get a bit difficult to gauge the effects of the products.
Alpha Q is very different from Evolve + XiSt and may take a bit more time for you to notice the effects.
In your opinion what combo of Lal products does this feel like to you?
Meaning if you were to create a kitchen sink mix of pre-existing Lal products, which ones would you put together in order to create Alpha Q or something reminiscent of it?
Not easy to do this, it would be a bit of Bad Wolf, some hypnotica, some Nude Alpha… but they would be completely different and its impossible to do it this way if you’re actually going to try lol.
What pheramone can I mix Alpha Q with?
It depends what you’re trying to achieve. However I’ve found it work fantastically well with Casanova for amping up the romantic/emotional attachment effects and add another layer of “mystery” into your personality.
Any experience with the oil version of alpha q?
Not sure which version you’re referring to — can you DM me a link?
Hi Joe, I have a few questions about the AQ.
1. Is AQ a good pheromone for beginners or is Casanova better?
2. Does AQ have high conversation volume like glace and wolf?
3. I look for pheromones, which are very talkative Effects. Which pheromone combo with Alpha Q Can the amount of conversation increase like the old glace? When I speak to a woman in the neighboring country and we both speak the same languages and badly there is a language barrier, I want that to die Conversations run smoothly.
Is AQ + X22/Hypnotica/P74 or Overdose a great conversation enhancer?
4. Does Alpha Q only help with hot women dying in one Live in
the big city, be turned on by many men, where very many rich men live, in the pretty one Women have many congresses or functions AQ better for women who live in a small town,
are less likely to be approached by men, few are rich and attractive men to choose from but where the Women are still very pretty. Pheromone works for Which pretty women die from such small towns?
If you read Alpha Q quickly it’s will be “I’ll f_ck u “
I didn’t see that, until you pointed this out.
It’s the playing with names, Garry does sometimes. Like also SXD9 (sixty-nine) for example.
I was looking into buying a bottle of this mix, but doubting about the price. I think you just dragged me over the line.
[I’ll f*ck you]… Good find and funny.
Joe, just wanted to check if you’ve combo-ed Alpha Q with True Love – to push the romantic and imprinting aspect more – and if so, what’s your experience been? Is Alpha Q + True Love be a better combo than Alpha Q+Casanova for romance/imprint? Would love to get your take. Thanks. M
Hi Nick, yes Alpha Q and True Love actually work very well together… as do all 3 of the top products. Im not sure if it was by design or intentional, but I really like 2 sprays Alpha Q and 1 spray True Love. This combo gives me excellent feel good effects and a celebrity/crushy feeling. This I feel would be a stronger imprint as TL is more geared for that purpose… however, for a party situation ,Casanova is also an excellent combo. Whatever you decide, its part of the fun 🙂
I work in a warehouse. Can I use this as my daily driver? I am an assistant manager. If not aloha q, what would you suggest?
Hi Jaxon, Yes it will work for these purposes. However, I would honestly recommend something a bit more toned down for a work environment. I’d suggest something more along the lines for Corpo by Alpha Dream for Captain by Pheromone Treasures.
I work as an assistant manager at a warehouse. It’s a super laid back environment. We all cuss and play loud music with cussing to pass the time. Can this be my signature?
yes! but tbh, it would get a bit expensive running this constantly, would keep it to 1 spray every 2-3 days to keep things interesting.
Hey Joe,
Have you tried the Roll-on version yet? and what was your experience?
I find AQ is great at 1 spray (I use V1) but it is attracting mostly 6′ tall black ebony models. Hot women but 90% of the time it’s intimidating asian models, and white models look at me but find an excuse to exit as quickly as the dialogue starts. Without this mone even hb6 black women don’t know I exist. The black ebony models are hot but not my preference. How can I get it to pull a wider range of nationalities?
Intimidation is usually not much of a problem if you have a calm, relaxed demeanor. I’ve known you for quite a while, and to be frank, I would imagine that you come off a little bit strange in your interactions (based on how you describe situations that have happened). You think too much and are way too analytical, and most likely rush conversations. I would strongly recommend you some meditation to calm down and drop your expectations from women, because its like they have a super radar for any type of desperation or need. You might attract black models more than Asian/White women, because you put them on a pedestal subconsciously, whereas if you don’t care for black women, you probably seem to be more normal.
Thank you PheroJoe. Having read your post I feel there may be some truth to it. Because I’m not really into black models I don’t put them on a pedestal or even make much eye contact. And that’s why they’re more into me and quickly. However, I’ve had instances where I’ve walked into a bar and talked to an asian model and had black ebony models get angry with these asian women and push there way into me. As if they want to pick ME up. lol.. It’s not so bad but they’re mostly 6′ and I like shorter models like 5’3″-5’9″. I will try and use a narrower interest approach with white and asian models. But I always had my best success with AQ with quick closes. I got a lot of numbers but and Y’s to dates but like strong sexuals it’s harder to convert them than milder sexuals like M3X where I got a lot of lays but things progressed more smoothly and unfolded over many hours. Some of these hit them over the head mones are really sneaky because they give you the impression they work like magic but in reality they cause a lot of attractions , numbers, Y’s to dates, and then a disappearance act from the women at hand.
Can you wear other regular colognes while also wearing this pheromone cologne at the same time?
Hey Phero Joe.
The website link to which you point ( ) has been up and running for barely 6 months.
Is this an update ?
To where have you been linking AQ before ?
I’m asking just to make sure I’m buying the real stuff.
I think you are mistaken, I did not link to that website you mentioned. It’s only ever gone to the official website (S1CK Jewelry).
Hey Joe! I would like to ask which pheromone cologne you recommend for attracting Scandinavian women?
Hi Sattus, for Scandinavian women, they tend to be attracted to very masculine men, so something along the lines of Alpha Q and Alfa Maschio/SOB would most likely work great on them!
Hi Joe,
Any news about Alpha q v2?
I read on another Website that v2 is more for Business, and not for seduction.Is that true?
Greets from Germany.
Hi Mitch, I haven’t tried both of them to compare, so I wouldn’t be able to tell you. However, V2 seems just as effective (if not more) than V1. If some people have mentioned there’s a difference, I’d just write them off personally, the product works remarkably well in most areas I’ve tried between them both.
Is alpha Q better than TL for making my girl hot and bothered??