Discover The Secrets Of “High Level Players” To Effortlessly Attract The Most Beautiful Women…
… there seems something almost magical about those few men who seem to mesmerize women at will. What secret do they possess that gives them this power, this intensity, this animal magnetism? …
If you’re still struggling to get the women you REALLY desire… this top-level information will transform your skills with women to an effortless new level… you’ll discover the “deep seduction” secrets of REAL players… how they get women to “obsess” over them… and become the “top pick” among the hordes of men ready to chase them… whether you just want a sexy girlfriend, or want to play with multiple attractive women… this will be the most important letter you ever read.

Last updated: 9 January 2024
From the desk of: Joe Masters
Dear fellow man,
Would you like to achieve a high level of success with attractive women you couldn’t even DREAM of achieving before?
It’s possible, and I’ll explain how in just a moment.
But first, let me ask you some questions:
- Do you have the confidence to approach beautiful women you’re attracted to? Or do you make excuses at the last second… letting a chance with her slip away forever?
- Do you have the right mindset to confidently ask women out, date, and seduce them? Let alone even ask for a phone number?
- Have you ever run into a gorgeous woman with all the qualities you’ve dreamed about... but ultimately failed to get her sexually or romantically interested in you?
The truth is, most guys fumble their way into dates and relationships, but never get the beautiful women they really want.
If You’re Struggling To Meet & Date Attractive Women, This Will Be The Most Important Letter You Ever Read

Let me introduce myself:
My name is Joe Masters, and I have been a high level “player” for about 7 years now.
But it wasn’t always so easy …
In fact, I was kind of a loser in high school without many friends, and never even had a girlfriend until my 20’s…
Which was by pure chance too, because it wasn’t with someone I was even attracted to.
And as time went on, I became increasingly dissatisfied with my life…
When would it be MY turn to finally “be” with someone I was actually in love with…
…or atleast in SOME kind of sexual relationship, with someone mildly attractive?
Why Was I Such A Loser To The Most Desirable Women?
My friends all seemed to have no problem meeting women and getting into relationships, but I just didn’t understand why it was so easy for them.
About 9 years ago, I met someone who “ticked all the boxes”…
I was absolutely blown away at her jaw-dropping beauty, personality and intelligence.
Head. Over. Heels.
I had an instant crush on her like a little schoolboy…
Somehow, I fumbled my way into dating her…
… for about 2 weeks.
And Soon Found Myself In The Dreaded Friendzone …
She said she didn’t feel any “chemistry” with me.
And even though we were surface level “friends”, I knew it was just an easy way to let me down.
Needless to say, I was devastated.
Even more so, when I found out she was in a g*ngbang 2 weeks later.
My heart broke into a million pieces …
I broke down and felt completely crushed for almost an entire year…
It was gut-wrenching for me (and keep in mind, this was just over a rejection, not even a break up).
Yes, as pathetic as that sounds now, that was me.

My Inability To Attract Women Led Me Into Deep Research About Game
And somewhere along the way, I stumbled upon “PLAYER SUPREME”.
I don’t remember how I found his website, but I’m eternally grateful that I did.
I spent MONTHS on his forum, devouring every piece of knowledge I could find about women, dating, seduction, how to act, walk, and speak like a TRUE player …
And 10 years later:
It remains the most SUPERIOR seduction knowledge I have ever received… by far.
No PUA, dating coach, or other “guru” has even come close in all the years I’ve been around…
In his prime, Player Supreme played the game, at the highest possible levels …
… from PIMPING, and being a MACK (aka getting money & gifts from women)…
… to building a “team” of women he would bang on rotation.
Discovering these little known secrets from Player Supreme transformed me:
From ‘Repeat Failure’ To Scoring The HOTTEST Chicks (In Competitive Nightclub Scenes)

Nightclubs are competitive – and full of tough, handsome, cocky guys…
But it’s also like “fishing in a barrel” once you have the high level game you need to succeed.
And over the months/years as I advanced my skill level, women were eventually chasing ME to be with them.
Not just “average” chicks either.
I’m talking MODEL quality women.
Sadly, “Uncle Supreme” as I knew him passed away a few years ago due to a heart attack.
But it was a hidden goldmine of information.
And reflecting on it a decade later…
It is hands-down the BEST information I’ve found for meeting, dating, and seducing women.
Women Will OBSESS And Develop Romantic/Sexual Feelings Over You

(Some Call This “Effortless Attraction”)…
And I’ll talk more about that in a sec.
But first::
Have you ever heard women talk about a certain guy constantly?
They say things like, “oh he’s such a player”.. or “he thinks he’s all that” etc.
But deep down, they are VERY attracted to this person.
Logically they may not understand why. But emotionally, they are attracted, curious, and most likely CRUSHING on him.
And developing this DEEP understanding of women’s psychology, seduction, and attraction is all part of the master seducers game.
This is what makes women…
- Become completely obsessed about that “one” guy, and think about him all day, every day…
- Talk to their friends about and complain about… but will run back to in a heart beat…
- Wonder what’s so “special” about him, which can lead to almost scary levels of attraction…
Yes, these well-kept secrets can spark that kind of “psycho” level addiction over you…
… just like those “bad boys” she’s helplessly attracted to (and no, you don’t have to actually be a bad person — just learning adapting this specific mindset can trigger those same animalistic feelings for you).
How many times have you seen a jaw-droppingly beautiful woman, and think that’s EXACTLY what your dream girl looks like. But deep down, you think “I could never get her”…
Most guys never even reach the level of confidence to approach, let alone ask for a phone number.
And even if they do, get ignored or friendzoned eventually, because they don’t know how to KEEP her romantically/sexually interested.
If you don’t understand this, you’ll NEVER attract the “top tier” quality women you want.
On the other hand…
Men Experienced With Women, Know How To Push The Right “Attraction Triggers”
This level of mastery over women, allows you to:
- Create DEEP emotional attachments to you (potential romantic imprinting)… this can cause women to constantly think about you, and question themselves about if they’re attracted to you (sometimes this can cause weird behavior, but once you know what it’s about, its easy to control her attraction for you).
- Create that “primal sexual attraction” feeling which turns women on… making them behave more receptive, flirty, and convince THEMSELVES they want to sleep with you.
- Make women wonder why you seem so “magnetic”, ethereal, & dreamy (women subconsciously put you on a pedestal – effectively putty in your hands)… it is your duty to use your power over women responsibly.
Girls That Once Seemed “Out Of Your League” Become Easy Lays, Not An Impossible Dream
Women chase YOU, not the other way round…
You never get upset if a woman leaves, because there are others waiting in line.
This information has been hidden from the general public for over 10 years now.
This is decades worth true OG “player” knowledge about game and seduction you won’t find anywhere else.
… not in any $2000 PUA program, or $5000 dating guru bootcamp (in fact, back in the early 2000’s, people were ripping off Player Supreme’s content and charging thousands for it- and it was STILL “watered down”)…
And I’m releasing the ENTIRE COLLECTION for a fraction of what it cost me over the years.
It’s called “Supreme Attraction”:
What’s Inside The “SUPREME ATTRACTION” VIP Package?
- Over 900+ “seduction knowledge bomb” podcasts… literally years worth of well kept information about everything from confidence, understanding women, manipulating women, how to dress, how to communicate, how to advance your life in every area…
- Female Mind Seduction course for complete mental, emotional, & physical control over women (if you want women to OBSESS over you)… learning these techniques will separate you from the sea of men trying to beat down every hot woman’s door. Understand and apply these secrets and elevate your game to an entirely new level…
- The “7 Steps To Become A Player” program… which contains almost COMPLETELY unknown knowledge anywhere about deep level game, and how to develop a real “player mindset”… this will make you the man women often say they don’t like, but secretly want.
- “Texting Seduction Secrets” which is self explanatory… but will show you how to text women so they STAY interested, and become more attracted to you with just words… most completely screw this part up, even if they manage to get a phone number. It’s slightly outdated, but the principles can be adapted for use today with instagram, tinder, bumble or other apps.
- 30-40 other podcasts and PAID products about dating, self improvement, confidence, and even a “laughing buddha” meditation … includes 7 Ways To Get Her Addicted To You by Vin DiCarlo, The Players Bible, and Awaken The Giant Within (audiobook) by Tony Robbins.
It will take you months, possibly even years of just listening to even get through all the podcasts.
But through listening, repetition of key concepts, the rants, laughs, and other shenanigans…
You’ll adopt a player mindset, and intuitively understand the game of seduction.
And develop a “masters” level education on women, game, and seduction.
“Knowledge is power” after all.
There’s a reason why listening to people talk in a foreign language can help you understand new cultures and languages.
It’s the same with developing seduction skills…
If you listen and absorb enough info – even if you don’t apply it consciously, you’ll subconsciously change your behavior…
You become NATURALLY more attractive. Your vocal qualities, body language, personality, and confidence all become noticeably better… because deep down, you understand what women truly want, so you can “become” it.. and that is the “true power” of master level seducers.
You start to truly understand how to “play” the game, when you’ve felt it’s been rigged against you for so long.
Soon enough, you’ll CONSCIOUSLY apply knowledge, and attract women at an almost “effortless” level…
How Many Chances With Beautiful Women Have You Missed?
I know how it feels to wonder when, or even IF you’d ever be able to attract your “dream girl” when she comes along.
Because you’ve probably missed COUNTLESS opportunities already…
Not approaching on eye contact, or even if you received obvious interest.
Always making excuses at the last second (not dressed well enough, not feeling confident enough, breath stinks, & other excuses)…
If you’re sick of letting opportunities with gorgeous women go right by you…
It’s time to make a decision that will change your life forever.
There is no alternative offering the same high quality, deep seduction knowledge you’ll get here.
This is what has allowed me to effortlessly surpass my peers (even people who I once considered “naturals” with women)…

Here’s What You’ll Discover Inside Supreme Attraction:
- Develop REAL “bad boy” qualities that are attractive to women (and what it takes to dramatically improve your life with these alpha traits)... if you’ve ever felt shitty about yourself, because women choose the “bad boy” over you, then you know the impact it takes on your self esteem and confidence. Never get put in this situation again… instead, YOU will be the vampire that takes these women from “weaker” men. Sound heartless? It is.
- Countless confidence/self esteem building tips & tricks (a lot which does not have to do with approaching women – but will build your NATURAL confidence to do this)… Supreme himself was a self described nerd who slicked his hair back, and tried to act like Spock at one stage (as hilarious as that is to imagine). His deep understanding of “self psychology” can push you out of this state easily, and transform you into a much more calm, confident, and relaxed person. This powerful mental state makes picking up women second nature, not an impossible feat to overcome as it may seem currently.
- How to easily remove “bad programming” that prevents you from attracting women subconsciously… your subconscious mind is how you perceive the world and women. Simply changing this from the inside out with the knowledge you’ll acquire can quickly change your destructive patterns. Once you examine, and get rid of your inner bullshit, your success with women will level up dramatically.
- Nightclub dancing tutorials, and how to get sexy women from nightclubs… sexy women are ready and prepared for men to approach them in nightclubs and bars… but will you be prepared? Not knowing this vital info guarantees failure. There are some short basic dance tutorials included, as well as many podcasts covering this specific part of the game. Once you have mastered it, getting women is like taking candy from a baby.
- Understand female psychology and how to manipulate it to your advantage… I didn’t say Supreme was the nicest guy ever. In fact, some of his devious mind games came from a deep understanding of women, which he explains in depth for hours on end. Knowing this can transform you from an average guy to “player” very quickly.
- Instant mindset shifts that come from absorbing the information, even if you apply it slowly… like I said before, just understanding this deep level game will actually make you significantly more attractive than the average man out there – even if you don’t completely apply everything right away. Observing it happen in real life, will give you new perspectives, beliefs, and behaviors.
- How to become what women want in a man (tap into your energy and become irresistible) … there’s a lot of things that go into it, such as developing your confidence and charisma, but foundations come first. You need to start getting your life in order, in order to appear more attractive to women – not just physically, but on a mental, emotional, and ENERGETIC level. Most people don’t even consider the “non-physical” parts of game like energy and how to utilize it, but its there, and its powerful. Here’s how to tap into it and exert this energy onto women, so they find you supremely attractive.
- How to keep a conversation going effortlessly, and use your words to embed yourself into women’s psychology… perhaps one of the most important things about game you absolutely NEED to understand, and Supreme will beat this into your head so you do it automatically.
- A DEEP understanding of women, and develop conversational skills to excite and trigger attraction when talking to them. You won’t ever need to rely on stupid pickup lines, fake stories, or other gimmicks. You’ll also be extremely unimpressed when you see a “PUA” in action and wonder how you fell for that rubbish in the first place.
- WARNING: Some of this stuff borders on pure manipulation & brainwashing (in order to get women thinking about you)… if you are a “nice guy”, and feel some of this may be a bit… unethical… it’s probably best to avoid for now. These games need to be played with care, because women will hate your guts after you suck her dry emotionally (if you follow the training to a “T”).
- “Secrets of the heartthrob”, and other countless episodes about game itself, and how to handle all kinds of situations with women… ever notice how some men seem to just calm women down, when they are rude or disrespectful to “lesser” men? Or maybe you are the one that gets disrespected – here’s how to change that.
- The difference between good girls, freaks, and hos, and the different types of game to apply… amateurs treat all women in the same way, ignoring obvious differences in the types of women out there and how to approach them. The truth is, there are core principles and then other aspects of game that will work better on each of them… the funny thing is, this concept was ripped off, repackaged, and resold (10x the price) by PUA’s about 10 years ago, not sure where it is now.
- Becoming a MASTER seducer and all the steps needed to get there… no it won’t happen overnight. But if you want the most attractive women, or maybe you just want to attract your “dream girl” for a relationship, understanding all this will get you there faster than all the “dating gurus” and “pickup artist” bullshit out there. Discover the real secrets of attraction from a MASTER seducer.
- Mastering your energy, mind, body, and soul (and ultimately, your entire life)… becoming a true master level seducer means that all things start to come together in your life, and it starts going your way. It doesn’t mean you have to have a car, house, and a million bucks – simply getting to the stage where things are happening in your life, can be the key to unlocking your true potential in the game of seduction. Supreme will help you get there.
- Destroy the mental blocks stopping you from success with women (a complete “mindset shift”) … if you’ve ever had a “eureka moment”, where everything you’ve learned suddenly converges and you get an INSTANT level up in whatever it is – this is exactly what will happen after just weeks or even months. This knowledge will set you free in the game of seduction.
- Power personality traits, habits, and beliefs to develop “TRUE MAGNETISM” (this is why some guys constantly have sexy women around them)… if you’ve ever wanted to be “that” guy that’s constantly surrounded by women who want to bang them, the reason is they have REAL personal magnetism that exudes from them on an energetic level. Here’s how to get there.
- How to eliminate fear, get women to see you as a sexual threat, and pass every “shit test” without even thinking about it… the reason I hate PUA so much is because REAL players do not even face the same issues with women. Because when you operate from a place of fear, you attract shit tests, bitch shields, and all these other things women do when they don’t really like you. Becoming a true player means you’ll never have to deal with these petty issues. Because women would never do this to someone they actually like (think rich, famous, or extremely good looking – and no, you don’t need any of those).
- How to get women to OBSESS over you with listening and probing conversations (she “replays” this in her mind over and over again)… this is why understanding game and women is crucial before you ever read or go through a seduction course. Because its not actually about talking, its about listening – something most people haven’t quite wrapped their heads around to this day. Yet, Player Supreme knew about this for decades before any of these courses and have crap pickup programs came out. Learn from a true player and elevate your game to an entirely new level.
- Develop real “player swag” (this will make women STARE with curiosity and powerful initial attraction)… all you really have to do is not screw it up with your talking to actually seduce women. You do not have to be best looking guy, rich, or famous to take advantage of this, because you will have to go DEEP into your psychology and energy to understand this.
- How to attract sexy women even if you’re fat, ugly, bald, and/or short (not nice guy advice)… many pickup gurus will tell you none of this matters, because they want to sell you their products. The truth is, it DOES matter, but if you are one or more of these, you will have to do additional work to become attractive to the most beautiful women out there. Yes it takes more effort, but it can be done.
- Dramatically enhance the effects of your pheromone products… as I preach regularly, pheromones are a TOOL to be utilized. But you are the ultimate driver of the products and how you interact with women. And once you “know” what you’re doing, what to say, how to behave, and sort out your inner bullshit, using pheromones along with it will make your results go GANGBUSTERS.
Order Today For Early Bird VIP Bonuses (RRP $297)
- 3 Powerful guided meditations to help you overcome social anxiety, develop charisma, and eliminate fear… these pack a punch and should be used regularly to help you visualize the success you will inevitably have. Meditation and visualization of achieving success with women is crucial to actually getting there (one of the easiest ways to instantly “level up” in your game without any effort).
- Other related PAID products from guests (including “7 Ways To Get Her Addicted To You” by Vin Di Carlo), and several others around self improvement… just because Supreme is one of the best, most unknown experts in this field, doesn’t mean all others are bad. These additional tools will help you reach your goals with women faster than ever – and particularly if you don’t really care about getting a lot of women, and want to attract a stunner for a relationship.
- Pick up women anywhere in the world with club dancing tutorials and nightclub seduction podcasts… Supreme was a vampire of the night, and learning how to dance and how to pick up women in nightclubs is one of the most valuable skills you can learn. Why? Because its based entirely on BODY LANGUAGE. Don’t be one of those guys yelling in women’s ears, because it can be done with no words if you get your body language and energy right. You won’t understand it until you learn from the master.
Save YEARS Off The Learning Curve To Get The Women You Really Want
Maybe I’m just overly competitive, but I HATE the feeling that I “can’t” accomplish something.
And being able to attract the hottest women, became something of a competition for me.
I couldn’t stand the thought that another man was MORE “worthy” than me for a woman to sleep with… it was demeaning to me. I wanted “revenge” on women that thought other men were superior to me, by becoming the absolute BEST “seducer” I could be.

I wanted to be “that” guy — getting laid with no effort, and constantly having women available whenever I want. Meeting, dating, and seducing just became completely natural in my life.
And that’s exactly what listening to Player Supreme over the years did.
That’s why there is no “30 day money back guarantee”.
We live in the digital age, and you can’t just “un-download” a product after you bought it.
There is literally over 100’s of hours worth of podcasts and golden nuggets of information to completely transform yourself from the inside out, and finally start succeeding with women.
And let’s be honest…
You’ve probably paid a lot more, for a lot less in the past.
That’s also why I was hesitant to release this information…
… because most guys won’t value it, the same way I did when I first came across it.
The proof it works is already in the pudding with my own success, and self-evident truths I’ve been talking about on House Of Pheromones for years.
This Must Cost An Absolute Fortune Right?
Player Supreme didn’t care much for fancy packaging and polishing up his material with the best graphics, sound quality, or whatever.
If he did, he could have easily charged thousands for the amount of mind blowing content he was putting out on a regular basis.
And it would still be worth it.
However, I am only releasing this info for a small price, because it is very expensive to host large files online and run the website.
And not only that …
… it’s expensive to market the products to people that need it (it’s sickening how much money fake “dating gurus” actually make).
I’ll recap everything you’ll get in a moment, but you will not find a deal like this ever again…
Here’s Everything You’ll Get With The Supreme Attraction VIP Package
It is very expensive to run this website and the costs run into the hundreds with the amount of time and money spent on hosting, testing, writing, editing, services, etc. I’m only keeping this price low until the new website is launched. This contains YEARS worth podcasts and training (it can be done within months if you’re dedicated enough). However it is really too much information to be practically giving away. Avoid disappointment, and pick up the entire 20gb+ package today.
To recap, you will be receiving:
- 900+ podcasts covering everything you need to know to become a high level player, from DEEP level game, understanding women, psychology, self help and much more.
- Paid products that were created by Player Supreme, including Texting Seduction Secrets, 7 Steps To Becoming A Player, Female Mind Seduction, some of Nightclub Dancing video tutorials.
- Bonus related content, including 7 Ways To Get Her Addicted To You, 3 meditations created by Supreme, and much more which were previously paid products.
- LIFETIME updates when new content is acquired, as I try to contact old members for missing content (this already contains more than 90% of the entire library).
Don’t miss out on this very underpriced package…
This information was acquired over years, and your small investment of $200 will pay for itself many times over. If you want to achieve a high level of success with women, this will get you there with a clear and easy to follow path. It may not be for everyone, but the lessons within are worth much more than this bargain price. Success is within reach.
Whether You Want A “Top Tier” Girlfriend, Or Become An Elite-Level Seducer…
Dating is more complicated than ever, and women have an endless stream of men available to them, at any time, everywhere they go…
How do you win the affection of the most attractive, desirable women?
You’ll uncover their deepest desires, then you’ll use your knowledge to make them THINK, FEEL, and BELIEVE you’re “the one they want and need” .
Much like Casanova (the one known for his seductive antics), often preyed on the broken dreams of women…
… planting himself as their “savior”, their personal hero, and of course…
… Their lover.

The game will reward you, if you put in the time to understand how women think.
Selfishly blaming women for failures without taking the time to understand them, or developing “game”…
… means you’re wasting opportunities ALL the time.
Seduction Is Simple Once You Know The Truth About Women
Understanding their desires, and then being able to “package” yourself in a way that makes them want YOU — is a skill advanced players use all the time.
This is what gives you substance in your GAME.
That’s why PUA stuff mostly never works, or comes off incredibly awkward.
But I digress.
I know guys who purchase pheromone products, dating courses, and soak up all the information they can, and STILL don’t know jack about seduction.
If that’s you, don’t waste any more time and money on things that don’t work.
Instead, this is the easiest, fastest way to gain clarity about “the game”, yourself, and women so you can master it as QUICKLY as possible.
The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll be able to attract the women you want.
And I am a testament to it.
If You Want Women That Are “Out Of Your League” This Is The Easiest & Fastest Way
This is not for men who are just happy to date anyone, as long as they get laid once in a while.
And it’s perfectly okay if you’re content with that.
In fact, 99% of guys “settle down” with someone they’re mildly attracted to.
We’ve all been there…
But the goal of this entire program is to give you the keys to attraction, so you have the skills to approach, date, and seduce women.
That Includes Your “Perfect 10” Dream Girl
Even if you lack confidence right now, think you’re “ugly”, or don’t fully have your life together…
Things change rapidly with the right knowledge and paradigm shifts in your brain.
Whether you just want the skills to get YOUR “dream girl”, or want to build a “team” of women to bang at will…
Player Supremes decades of seduction experience is “distilled” and passed down in this affordable package.
No fancy packaging.
No sugar coated bullshit.

An Arsenal Of Secrets To Become An ELITE Level Seducer: Enter The “Effortless Attraction” Phase
$200 is a small price to pay for the years of podcasts, products, and well kept secrets about dating and seduction.
But not just seduction…
In the process of becoming extremely desirable, you’ll also notice men, women, and other people who want to constantly be in your vicinity.
Your life will feel like its magical again.
You’ll wake up excited to the start the day, instead of dreading what’s to come.
Your energy becomes so magnetic, people go out of their way to help YOU, women naturally gravitate to you and respond warmly to your advances…
Imagine always having a full social calendar, dates, and the OPTION to simply hook up with one of your f-buddies, meanwhile you’re focused on work and other hobbies?
This is effortless attraction, where you don’t have to put in much effort to attract an endless stream of gorgeous women into your life…
In fact, it becomes rather normal.
Most Men Will NEVER Date The Most Beautiful Women Available. But If You Want That Life, It’s Within Reach Now
There’s no greater feeling than overcoming a problem which has caused endless pain in your life.
For me, I never thought I’d ever date 9’s/10’s, and women “all the guys want”.
And now there are jealous, envious men whenever I go out in public, because they couldn’t dream of dating the beautiful women on my arm.
You will also experience rapid skill increase, understand fundamental and advanced seduction knowledge, and how to master yourself so you finally succeed with women.
Don’t waste another moment.
Get your order in now before the price goes up, and you will have full access to everything within 8 hours.
Click here to Order Supreme Attraction
Joe Masters
P.S. Everything you need to become a MASTER-level seducer is contained within… if you want to know the secret of why women go absolutely crazy over certain guys, and how to become one of them, Player Supremes’ knowledge will transform you from being a complete novice, to high level player with multiple women (if that’s what you choose to do)… without complicated pickup tricks, made up stories, or having to be inauthentic like other courses. This approach to game will quickly elevate your confidence, game, and skills with women… allowing you to have the dating life you’ve always dreamed of…
Weeks or months from now, you too could experience that magic that comes from being able to meet and casually hook up with “model quality” women…
YES! I Want The Skills To Date The Most Attractive Women With “Effortless Attraction”.
P.P.S. I paid THOUSANDS over the course of several years, the price is only going to be kept this low for the early birds, get it before the price increase (this is NOT a false scarcity tactic!)… with over 20+ GB of podcasts, 100’s of hours of audio, and other paid products, this is SEVERELY undervalued and a fraction of what was spent on all this in the past.
The knowledge is far more valuable than the price I’m charging, which is why there will be no refunds. The alternative is following various PUA/Dating “gurus” and continuining to pay for products and courses with no results. This simple, working system is all you need to become a truly high level player with women.
Save Years Of Time, Money, & Frustration And Discover The Secrets Of Seduction Here.
P.P.P.S. Don’t be one of those guys that dreams about meeting gorgeous women and MAGICALLY falling in love – that’s just not how it works in the real world… even “average” women constantly have guys messaging them on tinder, bumble, instagrams, facebook, and whatever other social media is out there. If you truly want to get the women you want, it will take an understanding of the game, female psychology, and yourself – and Player Supreme will help you get there faster and easier with his decades of seduction wisdom contained within.
Order Supreme Attraction and Transform Yourself Into The Man Women Want Today.
Here’s Everything You’ll Get With The Supreme Attraction VIP Package
It is very expensive to run this website and the costs run into the hundreds with the amount of time and money spent on hosting, testing, writing, editing, services, etc. I’m only keeping this price low until the new website is launched. This contains YEARS worth podcasts and training (it can be done within months if you’re dedicated enough). However it is really too much information to be practically giving away. Avoid disappointment, and pick up the entire 20gb+ package today.
To recap, you will be receiving:
- 900+ podcasts covering everything you need to know to become a high level player, from DEEP level game, understanding women, psychology, self help and much more.
- Paid products that were created by Player Supreme, including Texting Seduction Secrets, 7 Steps To Becoming A Player, Female Mind Seduction, some of Nightclub Dancing video tutorials.
- Bonus related content, including 7 Ways To Get Her Addicted To You, 3 meditations created by Supreme, and much more which were previously paid products.
- LIFETIME updates when new content is acquired, as I try to contact old members for missing content (this already contains more than 90% of the entire library).
Don’t miss out on this very underpriced package…
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- Heaux Cosmetics Review: Overhyped, Overpriced Pheromone Products - October 22, 2023
- The Fascinating Female Pheromone Effects On Males (Powerful Attraction) - October 21, 2023
- The Curious Case of “Vabbing” & Pheromones: A Controversial TikTok Trend - October 18, 2023