“… there seems something almost magical about those few men who seem to mesmerize women at will. What secret do they possess that gives them this power, this intensity, this animal magnetism?”
Welcome. this is your introduction into the magical & mysterious world of pheromones…
You may be wondering, what are pheromones?
The short answer is, they are like regular colognes.
With one major difference…
They are infused with pheromones, which can have “effects” on other people once they are exposed.
Pheromone colognes give the wearer an “edge” when it comes to attracting women, enhancing romantic relationships, or even for social/professional purposes.
They do this by creating an “aura”, or “vibe” around you that other people can feel.
My name is Phero Joe, and I have been an enthusiast of pheromone products and for over 8 years.

Over the course of those 8 years, I have tested hundreds of products and written detailed reviews about which products work…
… and more importantly, which ones don’t.
They’re often marketed as being “chick magnets”, where a few sprays will have women (or men), chasing you down the street.
You already know its nonsense…
… but what about the products that really DO work?
How powerful are they, when it comes to sparking love, and boosting attraction between men and women?
How deeply can you embed into someone’s psyche? How big a part do pheromones play in the game of love? Does fate decide, or can you cheat?
It’s true – there is plenty of scientific evidence to back up the fact pheromones work.
What its NOT capable of, is determining it in real life social, dating, and professional environments…
For example…

- Pheromones make the wearer seem extremely “magnetic” and cause women to feel compelled to interact with them.. it enhances the social interaction and removes barriers to escalation, from asking for phone numbers, meeting, and more…
- Cause powerful romantic “imprinting” effects on women… this effect can cause “crushy” feelings and behavior, and make women possessive about the wearer. They will think about you constantly, and can lead to falling in love, and long term relationships.
- Escape the “friendzone” with women and get them to see you in a new light… pheromones work by giving the wearer subconscious “vibes” that are created naturally… when you alter them, this can trigger new feelings about the wearer, which is a potent tool for getting out of friendzone (or even getting exes back).
- And much more…
A lot of men (and some women) turn to pheromones because they have unrealistic expectations about what they do.
And while they are powerful, they are never going to be a replacement for being a quality all around person – they are just one piece of the puzzle.
Pheromones should be treated as an “add on”, not a replacement for confidence, style, personality, game, etc.
Embarrassingly enough, my personal journey started off kind of like this – I was crazy obsessed with a girl.
Isn’t that always how it starts?
Anyway, after my moronic self at the time got friendzoned, I was looking for ANYTHING that could help me change things around.
In fact, I became very proficient at getting into – and OUT – of the friendzone.
It’s a long story…
But in the end, I got the girl I wanted (years later), and it wasn’t even what I expected.
Since then, I’ve developed a passion for testing and reviewing products, because of just how effective they are.
It seems subtle at first, but when you learn how to use them, it is that extra edge that can make a difference in your life.
Whether its for a romantic pursuit, advancing your station in life, or becoming a social mastermind – pheromones can help you succeed.
But first of all, you have to know what you’re looking for…
Luckily for you, I am a pheromone nut!

I’ve written extensively about how pheromones work, and tested the best… but also the worst.
I’ve spent an ungodly amount of money on pheromones.
A lot of which were complete duds.
I’ve also had my share of crazy experiences, which I can only attribute to the power of pheromones…
… because you wouldn’t believe me if I told you!
But once you experience the effects, you’ll be completely mesmerized and frankly — annoyed that you never came across them before.
My goal with House Of Pheromones is to offer you quality reviews, news, and information.
The unfortunate part about this hobby is that there is a LOT of junk out there.
I’d say that there less than 10 reputable pheromone product vendors out there that aren’t just cash grabs.
… I’ve spent thousands on good AND bad products out there, so you don’t have to.
In fact, you can check out my current top 10 pheromones for men list here:

If you search for reviews on certain products, you are bound to land on websites that hype scam products up.
They create fake “reviews” around these products, in order to generate a commission when people buy.
Some of these scam products include:
… and the list goes on.
In fact, it’s such a widespread problem I wrote an article about pheromone scams here.
And while I too make a small commission, I want to make sure you only get products worth your while.
I may not make much money out of this project, but I make enough to keep the site up and make it worth my while to spend time writing proper reviews.
The content takes hours to write and weeks to test each product thoroughly.
You might think I’m crazy for spending so much time and money on this stuff. Because at the end of the day… is it really worth it?
In my opinion – YES.
Why? Because pheromones are like an invisible “upper hand” when it comes to everything that’s important in your life.

Especially when you need back up in romantic, social, or professional environments.
Just imagine how much more fun life would be if women chose you over the competition.
… at nightclubs, parties, bars etc…
… if your boss saw you as “higher up” material and promoted you over the competition…
… or if you had a kickass social life and you were #1 on everyone’s invite list?
… the women you’ve had your eyes on suddenly start paying way more attention to you…
While pheromones won’t do ALL the work, pheromones are tools you can to “steer” things in your favor.
Join me in my journey to awesomeness.
Thank you.
- Phero Joe
P.S. If you’re still confused about how pheromones work, here’s the simple explanation: humans naturally produce pheromones, they are a present in our sweat. They can indicate things about our natural chemistry, including our gender, testosterone levels, and other things on a subconscious level.
… by using synthetic pheromone colognes and perfumes, you can enhance your natural pheromone signature. And therefore create very powerful effects on men and women… especially when it comes to love and dating.
I invite you to hang around, read a little more, and get acquainted with the power of pheromones today…
Check out the list of top 10 pheromones for men here.
- Heaux Cosmetics Review: Overhyped, Overpriced Pheromone Products - October 22, 2023
- The Fascinating Female Pheromone Effects On Males (Powerful Attraction) - October 21, 2023
- The Curious Case of “Vabbing” & Pheromones: A Controversial TikTok Trend - October 18, 2023