The Hookup is another fantastic product from the Pheromone Treasures lineup. As the name suggests, it is a seduction formula with “one night stands” in mind…
After some of the great releases from Pheromone Treasures since their launch, I thought it was about time to give another killer product the spotlight… “The Hookup”.
… but does it succeed?
I personally feel that The Hookup isn’t exactly the type of product you think it is, or as the name implies.
When you think of a product called “The Hookup”, you probably imagine a highly aggressive formula that is geared towards only 1 thing – sex.
However, upon testing The Hookup, I realized that this is a formula that CAN go in that direction, but is more of a well rounded formula that covers 3 important bases.
- The Hookup seems to create sexual attraction, but under a cool/popular social vibe… there are a lot of social properties with this product (which I’ll elaborate on shortly). These social properties allow the wearer to steer the product in a sexual direction with EASE. It creates a FUN, flirty environment, and works as a fantastic flirtation & escalation tool. If you are having trouble getting more “aggressive” mixes to work, then this could be the product for you.
- It also creates a sort of memory imprint/memorable experiences while wearing it… meaning that women will immediately pick up where you left off. In some cases, wearing hard attraction mixes (think AM, AV, etc) can make women act weird on your next meetup, because they were becoming turned on but didn’t close with you earlier. The Hookup will make women drop their guards and be much more easily persuaded to being a potential hookup.
- Is a FANTASTIC product for the BAR scene, parties, or social meetups… I personally feel that this product is geared towards younger women, because it seems to attract them like a magnet without scaring them off with a highly intimidating vibe. Combined with the fact that this product also creates a memorable “popular”/cool vibe, someone who’s comfortable being themselves, and seems to charm everyone, it makes for a very potent, upbeat seduction mix.
In saying that, “The Hookup” isn’t exactly the most accurate name for the product.
However, it is still a quality pheromone formula that has earned it’s place in my arsenal…
The high status “popular” signature, slight imprinting effect, and sexual elements of this mix create a fantastic overall VIBE (especially for getting younger women).
The Hookup seems to have a potent mix of imprinting, sexual attraction, as well as social properties that allow it to be a powerful “all around” attraction formula.
I normally classify attraction formulas into 2 different groups – romantic attraction, and sexual attraction.
(By the way, if you don’t know what the difference between romantic and sexual attraction products, read this).
That said, I’ve actually held off on writing this review for some time now, because I didn’t really know how to classify it…
Is it a product for seduction only? Or is it mainly a romantic type product?
But after mulling it over, I’ve decided that it is a very unique “hybrid” mix that attempts to give you the “best of both worlds”… and quite frankly, does a fantastic job of it.
Before I even wrote this review, I knew that people were going to be somewhat confused about it’s purpose.
Some people are used to “heavy hitters” like Alfa Maschio, Aqua Vitae, and other powerful products that give “instant” hits…
Where you can see women start sweating bullets once they’ve felt your presence.
However, there is a distinct difference in how The Hookup works, vs most seduction blends.
- Some people will feel as if The Hookup LACKS some power in the “seduction” department... but at the same time, it is an extremely fun, safe, sexual product to wear that will allow women to feel you are a potential hook up. You will still need to actively steer the product in a sexual way to get the most of it.
- The VIP/popular vibe also makes women drop their guards, and be far more likely to engage you in conversation… in bars/nightclubs/parties/daytime settings, this can be invaluable for not scaring women off, and significantly improve the number of women who respond positively (I’ve had OUTSTANDING results with the 20-something nightclub crowd, whereas they can be rude if they don’t find you attractive).
- The Hookup, like Grail Of Affection (another great Pheromone Treasures product) also has somewhat of a built in “imprint” effect… which helps to create natural feeling “chemistry” and makes interacting with especially “difficult” women much easier (the women who usually think they’re too attractive for most guys, or don’t open up easily, shy, etc).
There are a lot of benefits to a seduction product that offers the best of both worlds.
For example, some women who “aren’t sure what they want” will find The Hookup particularly attractive (which again, typically includes younger women)…
Same with women who are not looking for anything serious, but are still in the dating/experimenting stage – the college crowd… which is the main demographic I test products on.
There seems to be a very unique, balanced mix of molecules that creates romantic/sexual chemistry – but at the same time, does NOT push it into potential relationship territory.
One of the main issues people have with “hard” seduction blends is they can be difficult to steer.
Although they are powerful, it sometimes means you need to have highly tuned social/flirtation/seduction skills to make them work for you – or they might completely backfire.
Women might feel threatened by you, feel intimidated by your “sexual” vibes, or see you as “creepy” in the worst case scenario.
For example, if you’re just not a very charismatic person, then a product like say, Bad Wolf, might come off very intimidating to women.
… and even if they ARE attracted to you, they will simply feel compelled to avoid you because of intimidation.
The Hookup is an EXCELLENT product that makes seduction easy, by removing the “resistance” to your advances.
The Hookup is a fun, “high social value” attraction product that allows women to quickly feel a connection with you and build rapport/chemistry so you can escalate things easily…
From the moment you have opened a woman, she will be comfortable with your presence.
But over a few minutes, you will slowly start to see the magic of “The Hookup” really take hold…
She’ll be far more interested in what you have to say, she’ll feel a connection to you very quickly, and as you interact, may become “starry eyed” with your presence.
As you interact, you will notice pauses, seductive “looks”, and grinning that implies that she’s thinking about… “The Hookup”.
Although this product is not as blatantly “sexual” as other mixes, it is a unique mix that lets women form an impression very quickly (this slight “imprint” can be sexual and crushy)…
… Which is more than capable of getting you a “hookup”, one night stand, or whatever you want to call it.
The Hookup works by creating the PERFECT amount imprint/crushy feelings, rapport, and social status, and sexual tension to create the ideal conditions for a “hookup” …
One of the main reasons I like to try seduction products is because I literally live in a major “party city” in Australia.
And the best places to really test products are in bars/nightclubs so you can see the amount of magnetism and power they have compared to other products quite easily.
I personally felt like the bar was the best place to test this out, and I went to an upscale RnB lounge – which is one of my favorite spots (because I can dance).
This was one of my main testing grounds – and as I suggest later, I think it is one of the places where you will have the most success with this product.
Usually, at night spots like bars and nightclubs, women are on their guard.
Ad not only that, their friends are ready to “shoo” any man who dares talk to their attractive friend/s.
When I use heavy sexual products at the bar, women are MUCH more likely to ignore me, give short replies, keep looking away, or outright reject any conversation or approach…
(Remember what I said earlier about high impact sexual attraction products – rejections are a lot harsher and also require a lot more finesse/skill to drive the products)…
But with The Hookup, I quickly noticed how “open” women were, how easily they put their guards down, and even how much more inclined they were to interact with me.
… not only that, but women quickly developed “rapport” with me, and it develops into fun, flirty conversation.
And not only that, they are easily persuaded to do things – things like hooking up with a near perfect stranger.
As long as you keep things fun and light in terms of conversation, flirting, and escalation, women are far more inclined to come home with you if you keep it cool.
Don’t come off too eager or like you’re just trying to get laid (it comes off sleazy).
Even saying something like “you’re really sexy” can send the exact message to women after you’ve talked to them for a while (or even just asking women if they wanna hook up is more than acceptable – either they’ll go home with you or meet up at a later time/date).
And the best part is, because of the “social status” they perceive, the rapport you’ve built, and how fun/sexual the vibe is, women will feel that its perfectly “normal” that you said something so direct and honest.
This careful combination of social status, rapport/chemistry elements, and “low key” sexual tension makes it an EXCELLENT addition to anyone’s seduction arsenal.
If you’re looking for an easy to use product, that really “greases the slide” to getting women…
… all the way from opening, to building sexual “chemistry”, to escalating things…
Then The Hookup is one of the best “all in one” products I’ve tried to date.
And in particular, this has been working exceptionally well in bar type scenarios, where women are ALREADY inclined to meet somebody – whether its for romance or anything else.
With heavier attraction mixes, they can work in nightlife environments – but you also require a much higher skill level with women.
The Hookup makes women far more receptive and open to the idea, even if you currently lack that “bad boy” edge that some products require to be able to succeed.
Anyway, there are some more intricate details which I will cover below which haven’t been mentioned.
Here’s a summary of effects for The Hookup by Pheromone Treasures:
- The Hookup creates the PERFECT amount imprint/crushy feelings, rapport, and social status, to create an ideal vibe conducive to a “hookup” … unlike other attraction formulas, this product is unique in that it has elements from both romantic, as well as sexual type pheromones. This makes it an excellent choice for getting into sexual relationships with a wide range of women – from those looking for 1 night stands, all the way to relationships.
- The social/status elements of The Hookup, as well as the “lusty” feelings makes you seem EXTREMELY persuasive (and makes women “follow your lead”)… if you play your cards right and keep the conversations with women light, fun, and flirty, you can get away with saying some surprisingly “direct” statements without being sleazy. In fact, this is why I believe THU was created with a focus on the social/status/imprint elements – it makes the conversations flow, and makes women follow your lead …
- An excellent product for creating “friends with benefits” type relationships (in fact, I believe this is one of the core purposes of this product)… whether it was intentional or not, it’s hard to believe that the social, slightly romantic, and sexual elements of the product aren’t made for this exact purpose. Either way, all these elements combined make it a great product to build sexual relationships with just enough “emotional depth” to make them last…
- Women will behave far more affectionately than usual, have seductive “bedroom eyes”, and will giggle at your lame jokes when it starts hitting… you’ll notice all the usual IOI’s you can get from most seduction products – but what makes THU different? It seems to work on a deeper sexual level, WHILE you are interacting with the women in question. Things don’t move from social to sexual, it seems to be both at the same time, which is what I think gives THU its very own unique effects. There is more going on “under the surface” than you realize, until you start seeing women get slightly mushy and act more and more sexual with you.
- I believe The Hookup works by framing “hookups” in a much more fun and friendly way – rather than making women feel sleazy about it… most women care about their “image”, and that’s why even if they like you or are attracted to you, they may still reject your advances. However, if it is framed as “fun”, and feel that you are just a cool, sexy guy who won’t go crazy on them, they are far more open to the possibility of a hookup.
- I personally feel that this product is specifically geared to younger women in their 20’s due to its “moderate” sexual/social formulation (and its outstanding on this age range)… however, for older gentleman that want to attract women in this age range (men 35+), you might do well to add an androstenone spike to “amp things up” when it comes time to close. I highly recommend getting Primitive by Liquid Alchemy Labs, or simply using a more aggressive product altogether.
- To elaborate on the above point, the downside of simply getting another product though, is that you will lose the unique social/status/VIP and imprint effects of THU. My recommendation is to use THU for its great vibe on this age range of women, and then add a spike of -enone or Primitive when it comes time to take her home or escalate. The product works fantastically for men in their 20’s, but low testosterone, or older/unfit men may need a little aggression spike to make things more “hot and heavy” as the interactions go on.
- Women will feel that you are of high social status (not out of reach – but as a “brag-worthy” hook up), which makes them want you even more... this status/social value element of THU makes women feel that you are a catch – not in the “relationship” kind of way, but in a way that would make them feel like THEY got lucky if they hooked up with you. This turns the tables and your interactions around, and makes the fun and flirting so much more effective than other pure seduction blends…
- The Hookup puts everyone in a playful, fun, and social mood which makes it IDEAL for use in bars or nightclubs… in fact, even by reading the sales page, the creator of the product sounds like he had the bar scene in mind. All the social, sexual, and slight “crushy” feelings it creates allows women to open up and drop their guards very quickly.
- The Hookup has an “instant trust” element which gets established right off the bat, and puts women at ease… I think this was a VERY clever design by Pheromone Treasures, especially because women are afraid for their safety when it comes to going to a strangers home, or only somewhat acquainted persons home. This makes it much easier to make up their minds – they will feel as if you can protect them and won’t go “crazy” on them if they decline your offer.
- Here’s why the “memory imprint” effect comes in extremely handy: Let’s be honest… even if a woman WANTS to come home with you… there will be friends trying to “protect” her, transport issues, and more that prevents that from happening. The Hookup is cleverly designed so that this “imprint” and her “lusty” or sexual feelings for you will continue to the next day or next time you meet… it’s not just a “one hitter quitter” like I originally thought it was going to be. The more I use the product, the more I understand why it was designed this way.
- Creates some crushy/butterfly feelings, but not enough that a woman will see as “boyfriend” material (and therefore won’t hold out on sex to see if you’re worth it)… as I mentioned earlier in the review, The Hookup seems to create bonding/crush type effects – however, it works as somewhat of a mysterious “tease”. Women aren’t sure whether you’re there for a hookup, or whether you are looking for a girlfriend… and as a result, makes you seem a lot more interesting and spontaneous.
- Has strong sexual properties, but is not as “blatant” as pure seduction mixes (which makes it IDEAL for women in their 20’s)… as I mentioned earlier, hard-hitting attraction blends might not always be appropriate for some women, and especially not younger women. And while they can work, they are definitely much more difficult to steer without scaring/intimidating them. The Hookup takes care of this by giving the wearer a VIP/high status vibe, which also lets them feel at ease and be comfortable in their sexuality without pushing it over the edge.
- Self effects include feeling a sense of wellbeing, “comfortable in your own skin” type confidence, feelings of being socially superior and that you have immense value… all this translates into a cool, calm vibe which puts people at ease. It also gives you a sense of being able to think clearly when you are talking with women, and have REAL, open and honest conversation. This also means that women will feel an instant connection with you, and feel like they know you… which makes them TRUST you far more easily.
The Hookup is a fantastic product that I strongly recommend, especially if you are going after the younger crowd in their 20's. The product works particularly well in bar/nightclub situations, and gives the wearer a high "social value"/VIP type of vibe... it also creates a very "serene", calm confidence that breaks down "bitch shields" and allows women to open up to conversation, escalation... and of course, "The Hookup". I personally believe that this product was specifically designed for creating "friends with benefits" type relationships, due to its memory "imprint" and chemistry/rapport building effects. All in all, this is a must have, especially if you are targeting the "college crowd", as it seems to work best on them, but is suitable for parties, group social situations, and nightclubs. The Hookup by Pheromone Treasure - Final Summary
Social (great on men and women)
Social VIP (Status)
Imprint (just enough for bonding)
Sexual attraction (moderate)
"Instant Player Vibe"
Final thoughts on The Hookup by Pheromone Treasures
I’ll be the first to admit – THU really stumped me when I first got a hold of it. I was a bit confused as to why it contained all these different elements when in essence, it was supposed to be just a mix for finding “hookups”…
It’s not serious enough to create full blown “fallout”, it’s not sexual enough to be an instant “panty dropper”, and its not designed to be an “instant”, no-effort product.
But over time, I realized it’s VERY cleverly designed.
All the way from the social/status/imprint effects, to the way it “works women up” as your interactions build.
… The effects deepen as your interaction continues, and also allows you to “save your game” and continue at the next interaction (whereas with heavier products, women will be much more likely to flake out on you).
If you’re trying to get “friends with benefits”, The Hookup is one of the best products for this purpose…
And guess what? Once again, this aspect is perfect for women in their 20’s and the college crowd who are still trying to figure out what they want.
To some people, it may not be a “heavy hitter” (atleast not instantly).
… But at the same time, it’s also easy to use, works on women in my age range, and seems to be ideal for many situations where either a heavy-hitter may be too aggressive, or romantic type products may be too “romantic” and scare women off from the thought of commitment.
Overall, I highly recommend this product – especially if you feel that you’re “not ready” for harsh rejections and the higher level of game that “heavy hitter” seduction mixes require.
Thank you for reading,
- Phero Joe
P.S. The Hookup is a seduction formula, with just the right amount of imprinting, as well as “sexual aggressiveness” to get women comfortable with a “friends with benefits” scenario. If you are new to pheromones, or have trouble getting the balance right with more aggressive products, this may be the one to choose – it is easy to steer, has social properties which creates a very natural “sexual chemistry” with women (even if there was none before), and can quickly transform the way you interact with women to a more “sexual” level.
P.P.S. Remember, all Pheromone Treasures products are backed up by a full 60 day, NO QUESTIONS ASKED money back guarantee. If you feel like this is not the product for you, you can get your money back with no hassles and no hoops to jump through. I doubt you’ll need to use it, because THU is a fantastic attraction product that works magic in bar/social type scenarios… but at the same time, it can be slightly difficult to figure out. It’ll be worth it to spend some time learning it. But if not, you can exchange for another product or just get your money back anyway.
Click here to take The Hookup by Pheromone Treasure for a “risk free” test drive today.
P.P.S. Don’t forget – you also get a cool little treasure chest to keep your pheromones in when you order (for free). If that’s not enough reason to buy a product, I don’t know what is 🙂
Don't Go Anywhere. Check Out These Articles First.
- Heaux Cosmetics Review: Overhyped, Overpriced Pheromone Products - October 22, 2023
- The Fascinating Female Pheromone Effects On Males (Powerful Attraction) - October 21, 2023
- The Curious Case of “Vabbing” & Pheromones: A Controversial TikTok Trend - October 18, 2023
What scent did you use? Which are the best 2 scents PT do.
How many sprays did you use?
Hi Pete,
I have all my products scented in vanilla, so I can’t recommend a scent for you – although if you do get unscented you are free to cover it with whatever you want. I’m sure most of the scent packs are pretty good, haven’t had any complaints from anyone. Also, 2 sprays works great for me 🙂
Have you ever combined this with GOA? (or anything else?)
Hi Boyscout,
I have combined THU with straight -enone, Primitive (by LAL), GoA and several other products… it seems extremely well balanced and makes for a great combo maker, although by itself it is very powerful anyway. I would recommend using this for its intended purpose, but if you feel like tinkering go right ahead 🙂
Asking because this product makes me extremely depressed when I wear it
Hey! I am thinking about buying a pheromone from Hax Pharmaceuticals. Which product do you think is the best for a beginner? thanks!
Hi Omar
Hax has some very good products. I wouldn’t worry too much about whether a product is “beginner” friendly or not, you can still learn to use more complex products within a few weeks if you have good social skills and really test out the products. The Hax lineup is generally pretty decent, I would strongly recommend checking out P919, C4, X22, and M512 (get the oil pack too, its a very good deal).
Cheers 🙂
What about mixing this with overdose?
Hi Zach,
I haven’t tried that combo before, but I think it would just make it a bit overkill and defeat the purpose of “Overdose” being an alpha/social/sexual product. It is already pretty unique in its effects and delivery so I think it would make The Hookup redundant. Its always open to testing though!
I’ve been testing this for the last three days. The self effects hit me extremely negatively. Don’t think I got any hits but two different girls got in my way at two different places and I all but snapped at both of them. Really don’t think I’ll be using this.
Hi Nick, it sounds like you might be having issues with some of the more aggressive molecules in the product. As far as hits go, it is working because you had self effects (albeit negative). This can also affect people around you, as they might detect hostility and avoid you… maybe trying a friendlier product would be more suitable for your personality. XiSt, Nude, and possibly Swoon are good choices as they contain minimal amounts of androstenone.
Also, you mentioned that you had issues with L2K and Alfa Maschio, which suggests to me that it is just not a friendly molecule with your body chemistry. I think the 2 products mentioned above will be better than a mix purely for seduction, or you can also check out some social products and see how they work for you. I suspect it will be a lot better in your case.
Hello Phero Joe,
I bought a bottle of Hookup. I tested it for 10 days,one day in two day off. However i didn’t notice any hits. I tried different drops and different application points but nothing. Do you think that the problem is the diffusion? How do you apply your mones? I tried 2 ways 1: just spray and go 2 spray and spread the mones on the application points. Ps: I’m very new to the world of mones. If this can help I’m a 25 white male and I live on Italy. Currently the temperature is about 18-23, so i don’t think the weather is a problem.
Hi Alessio,
If you are new to pheromones, it may take a little while to start noticing hits. This is noticeable with strong alpha/sexual type pheromone formulas as the body may detect the scent of other males nearby and not be “congruent” with your personality. However, if you keep using it, you will notice that you begin to adopt the pheromone signature and start behaving in ways that work well with the pheromones. Also, you may want to try 3 sprays as that is the recommended dose for white males. My personal preference is 2 sprays, but I am rather fit and go to gym often which means I have a very noticeable, natural pheromone signature.
Thank you!
Joe- I’ve got Xist and I like the effects, do you think I can mix in THU or do you see any issue with this idea?
Hi John,
I have tried this combo a few times, it definitely works. I’ve only run it a few times but haven’t come to a conclusion about how well it works just yet, compared to a few other combos. I am waiting for some issues I am having with vendors at the moment to resolve before I will put up the combos page with tested and current testing combos 🙂 Cheers!
My thinking was that by using Xist and getting great resetting so far in my group that THU was a natural progression. Resetting as a fwb scenario is something I was going after.
I think you’ll be better off using XiSt for a while and then switching products on her to have this effect once she becomes more affectionate and starts developing feelings for you. You can use them together, but the results might be a little more difficult to navigate than using one at a time.
How does it compare with another rounded phero, like wolf or even corpo (that has a marked sexual side)?
In both ways. How does wolf/corpo compare in seduction and how does THU work like a status phero (with men and women)
I would have to say that the Hookup seems to have a slightly more seduction geared effect than Corpo, and compared to Wolf it is more aggressive (which is why Wolf works better on younger women). They are all good choices, but THU seems to have a slight bit more dominant alpha type vibes, while also not being overly intimidating or overbearing.
For dates, would you prefer combining this with GOA, or Swoon? Or something else entirely?
Hi Jessie,
I would probably wear either The Hookup or Swoon, but probably not both. Although they do make a good combo, I really like the overall vibes of each and both are suitable for first dates, but THU is more geared towards getting the hookup.
Hi Phero Joe, I am experiencing a situation where The Hookup works like magic for me, girls give absolutely ridiculous excuses to come to my place and there is actually no job to be done anymore, but I dont get the same stuff with Wolf which attracts super young girls but thats it, it seems to lack some power in college ground. Also I feel like the “more effective; Pheromones dont change anything, for example L2K and Aqua Vitae almost like they work only on very old women, why is that
Hi Pertti, it sounds to me like you may already have a high androstenone signature naturally, or perhaps you might look intimidating and women might see you as a threat more easily with products like L2K or AV. I would suggest looking into products that are friendlier to see how they work. Some people have messaged me about this before and they had better success with social products like X22 by Hax.
It sounds like THU is a let’s see where the night will lead kind of product. Can it also be used for traditional dating? Meet, set up date, get her number, then on other occasions dinner and drinks. Finally,on still the next meet sex at a hotel. Does it have this capability? Also would maxt150 work instead of primitive or will the cops mess things up?
It would be great to get an answer to this question as I have some perfect dating candidates lined up for testing of this pheromone in the next couple weeks!
Hey Adrian, sorry about the late reply but yes I feel like The Hookup would work extremely well on a broad range of women. I have never found Max T150 to mess anything up, because it doesn’t have enough diffusion to really hit women. It is really just a boost for your own personal gain… if you try to add cops with into the mix you need to assess what the women are interested in. If you are meeting for dates, no (because the women would be looking for a romantic partner and this would be a huge turnoff). If you and these women are clearly meeting to hook up, yes.
Thanks for the tips. I’m eagerly awaiting your review of Casanova btw. Any idea when that will come out?
I am currently working on a few projects, but I would say in 1-2 weeks for now. If it does change, I will have to send an email out soon anyway as it has been far too long 🙂
How would you compare The Hook Up to Alfa Maschio?
They are both very different products, The Hookup definitely “feels” like it has a friends with benefits vibe, and AM is more for pure power in seduction.
THU seems to create chatterboxish gab both from me and the targets. It feels friendly but I can’t drive the combo (where u can seduce someone). My mind gets overloaded with sensory input much like a woman’s so it’s hard to steer and it also doesn’t steer itself. I’m finding it more a social product with no sexual edge.
Also I see AMOGS as intruders not friends. If someone’s trying to butt into a conversation while I’m picking up I feel he’s thinking of his own self gain.
I’m noticing most people who’ve used it get gab and good mood and chatterbox chit chat not scintillating conversations.
What is your take on this? It works better as a social than a seduction product .
I don’t get that effect at all, but keep in mind you are in your 50’s (last I recall) so adding in an -enone spike is probably going to be helpful for you. As for “AMOGS” , this seems to be a strictly you problem because I do not have guys try to disrespect me constantly, with or without problems. You may not be as intimidating as you think you are, and maybe these guys that intrude into your personal space lack respect for you because of something you’re doing. Sorry for being direct, but I think that’s the only way to get through to you with the types of questions you ask. Also, I don’t mean to be rude, but have you talked to a therapist before? Not because of stress or anything like that, I just think it may help you get more perspective that I can’t give you online with your dating life. Let me know if you have or will go to a therapist at some point and let me know about the interaction, I am genuinely curious.
Hi Phero Joe, I feel like you are the only one who can explain the situation. I have had 100% good experience with THU before, by far easily the best product ever for me. Today I approached a girl in 20 and she just slapped me with full force. After the slap her jacket fell down. I told her you dropped your jacket and when I picked it up for her she all smile and giggling like there is no other guy anywhere. Please explain me, what was the slap about? How can it be explained? Was she into me or what? The situation left me very confused, thank you in advance
Hi Masa, I have no idea because I don’t know the context and manner in which it happened. I have had some very blatant reactions from The Hookup before, but not a full on slap lol — maybe its her way to seeing if you would take it seriously or jokingly.
Pherojoe, ever try THU+ NA? If so what did you notice and dosages?
I like this product as it is. But since I’m a bit older, I could use the extra punch.
I mixed this with a few drops of NNPA, Iso E Super and some other diffusion-improving-musky-substances. It hits like a mofo. Women rubbing there legs together good. ‘I’m too wet to end this f*ck’ good.
Sometimes I use a dab (much less then a drop) SOB oil, to give me the vibe of a rascal. A very sexy rascal.
I agree, great combo. Thanks for sharing.