If I could dub Grail Of Affection, I would call it “Instant Chemistry”… GoA promotes feelings of affection, mutual, natural attraction, and breaks open doors to romantic relationships
“Don’t wear this if you just want a one night stand because she will keep coming back”.
Okay, I borrowed that line off another review (True Pheromones), but I used it again here because it describes what the Grail Of Affection does PERFECTLY…
If you’re looking for a product that will:
- Help you break down “walls” (especially with difficult women) who don’t open up easily to people – whether they’re strangers or friends… then Grail Of Affection has well balanced, yet POWERFUL “disinhibition” features that help steer things towards a relationship. It works like gangbusters to “force” women to see you in a romantic light.
- If you feel like there’s little or no “romantic chemistry” between you and the women you want… then Grail Of Affection will open up the lines of meaningful communication, promote honesty and integrity, and help women see you as someone they can trust (and therefore tell all their secrets to which most people will never know). Along with the feelings/vibes it creates, makes it excellent for sparking a real romance.
- If you’ve ever been “stuck” with a woman, and feel that even if you do know her “personally”, she DOESN’T see you in a romantic way… then GoA will help “push the right buttons” (so to speak), and changes the way women perceive you very quickly… GoA has powerful “imprinting” effects that seem to work ALMOST instantly (unlike other products where it can take time to kick in. There is a downside to this, but it has a very easy solution – which I’ll elaborate below)…
… and there’s a lot more to it, which we’ll cover in just a moment.
But first, a brief intro to Pheromone Treasures and their kickass product line…
To be honest, this review has been well overdue for a while now.
However, I think it was important for Pheromone Treasures to become a bit more established in “pheromone world”.
Long story short, after I had written a brief review in an email last year, people started emailing me telling me I’m full of shit, blah blah blah.
Then some fan boys at pheromone-forum took that and started making up lies about the site.
… unfortunately, I decided to hold off the review until Pheromone Treasures had become more well known.
And a year later, they’re still here – except with an outstanding reputation of great customer service and “proven” excellent niche products.
As you might know, there are a lot of “fly by night” pheromone scams that pop up frequently, and I understand some people’s skepticism towards trying new products…
But have no fear. Pheromone Treasures delivers. Grail Of Affection is a POTENT “romantic attraction” formula that makes it unbelievably easy to “hook” women…
Also an important note before I continue:
Just because it’s a “romantic attraction” product doesn’t mean it’s beta or will get you friendzoned (unless of course you fail to escalate).
There are a lot of people who email me that are concerned about the “romantic” formulations because they think they’re soft, cuddly, and don’t really make women see you sexually…
The fact is, creating “crushy” feelings within women is one of the BEST ways to get with women who are not as open to simply hooking up with new people in their life (and that’s a lot of quality women)…
… and using products from the “romantic attraction” category opens up a huge number of women interested in a romantic relationship – only it has to be with the right guy.
And no, you don’t have to be the best looking, the richest, or most famous. You just need to push the right buttons to MAKE her want you…
When I first got a hold of GoA, one of the first things I did was take a look through the sales page for any hints about how it might work.
This immediately caught my attention:
“Formulated to specifically work with the pheromones naturally produced between two people in love, Grail of Affection takes what’s already there and makes it a little more potent. Trust, love, and appreciation are all attributes that are enhanced by the Grail of Affection.”
Reading that, you might think that Grail Of Affection is only good for people already in a relationship, or already have some mutual attraction.
However, throughout my testing, I consistently noticed women were being affected – regardless if we were already acquainted, or perfect strangers.
I’ll elaborate in moment, but I feel Grail Of Affection is one of the BEST products for creating “chemistry” – even if it’s not already there with your target.
Have you ever met someone that you liked, but never really got along with?
I have, and it can really turn things into an “uphill battle”, even trying to have basic conversations with them…
In fact, I experienced it earlier this year (as I talk about in my review of Glace).
Long story short, this babe was one tough cookie.
None of my usual conversation hooks, or even heavy seduction products seemed to have any effect on her, until I had developed a social circle and became the center of attention.
I went out of my way… because it was a cruise, and there’s not a whole lot to do (other than hit on women or atleast test your skills lol).
But the point is, there are some especially “difficult” women out there.
And sometimes not much will get through to them without some persistence (and perhaps a little help from our chemical friends).
During my testing, I noticed women were much more easily persuaded, trusted me more, and got “clingier” a lot more easily…
It also did it very blatantly.
As I mentioned earlier, there are difficult women everywhere, and I happen to work with one of them part time.
Now this woman is extremely attractive, and she knows it.
She can smell you coming for her a mile away, and although we are on “friendly” professional terms, I noticed a HUGE change in her demeanor almost immediately.
I’ve also tested mixes like XiSt, Nude Alpha, and Voodoo around her, and while they’re all EXCELLENT, there still seems to be a little resistance to letting her just be herself.
And while they do work, these products do take a little “exposure time” to get their full effects, which simply isn’t possible in my particular work place.
In fact, this is how I realized that Grail Of Affection has a “disinhibition” effect, as well as a “pull” that makes women want to hang around for completely inane reasons…
Not full blown fallout or imprinting (not immediately, anyway), but I noticed on days where I wore Grail Of Affection made her come up to me several times, for completely unnecessary reasons.
For example, she could have called.
But instead she walked all the way to the warehouse (where there are no “prying eyes”), and decided to linger around for no apparent reason.
Keep in mind, this is a very passive woman, and she will not go out of her way for anyone or anything.
She also felt eerily comfortable in my presence, as if we were already close friends.
The type of closeness you have when you’ve known someone for a while…
… where you don’t care about letting out some gas (lol) or telling an embarrassing story without feeling “pressured” to do so.
If you’ve ever been on a date, and the conversation was that same-old, boring stuff that always seems to repeat itself…
… to the point where you can tell she’s losing interest in you every moment that goes by…
Then this target would EXACTLY describe your worst nightmare.
But as the interaction continued, I noticed that she was warming up to me very quickly, and I also noticed that she had “bedroom eyes”.
… that sweet look of affection.
Although this particular conversation only lasted about 10 minutes, I could tell that the seeds had been planted.
Now I don’t advise using attraction pheromones at work, or even entertaining a relationship in a professional environment because things could go wrong very easily.
However, it’s clear that Grail Of Affections effects INTENSIFY as the interaction continues
This goes back to what I was saying about Grail Of Affection being “Instant Chemistry”.
Women that felt no attachment to you suddenly feel like you’re relatable, and it seems to develop into a bit of a “imprint” or “crush” over several meetings.
While I don’t believe it’s as deep as Nude Alpha or Voodoo, it does have a major advantage over them…
I mentioned earlier in the review that I had used other products on this particular target, but none of them seem to have “hooked” her in the brief moments we’ve talked.
Of course, I also test on my usual subjects, as well as women from the outskirts of my social group in order to get a wide spectrum of results.
Grail Of Affection performed consistently me with similar effects across the board.
There were a few exceptions which I’ll talk about near the end of this review. But first…
Here’s a summary of effects for Grail Of Affection by Pheromone Treasures…
- Works like gangbusters, even on “difficult” women who have a hard time communicating, or are reserved (like I said, “Instant Chemistry”)… as I mentioned earlier, Grail Of Affection works extremely well on women who previously might have been cold to you, or you don’t have much natural “chemistry” with… GoA will give you plenty of rapport, which will open the door to having romantic feelings for you. Which leads to…
- Grail Of Affection has some STRONG imprinting/fallout properties which make women attached very quickly… this is a common effect of romantic attraction mixes, but Grail Of Affection seems to start off more as a “liking” to your presence, and then quickly shifts into romantic interest, rather than a “sudden realization”. This creates the perfect breeding ground for emotions and feeling “affection” for the wearer…
- Grail Of Affection helps you begin every new encounter with a woman so you don’t become “just a friend”… GoA has a slight “status” element, which makes women see you as slightly superior to them. While you won’t be perceived as extremely dominant or “alpha”, this slight status boost is PERFECT for putting you in the “curiosity zone”… women will begin to wonder why they feel such a strong connection with you, and why they suddenly get along with you so much better than everyone else.
- Women feel like they can make lame jokes and and be playful with you, which means MORE FUN for both parties… GoA is very sociable and makes women chatty – and this will become a common thread in your interactions. I think GoA is a bit more serious than a product like XiSt, however, the upside here is that its more “grounded” into what a relationship would feel like with this particular person.
- GoA has EXCELLENT self effects which include: feeling “grounded” (cool & calm), a strong “social drive”, and makes it EASY to conversate… GoA simply greases the wheels of social interactions – which goes back to one of my key points: rapport creates what we like to call “chemistry”… if you are having trouble getting a woman to talk to you, Grail Of Affection makes it very easy to get them to drop their guards and let themselves be free around you.
- Grail Of Affection is an outstanding mood lifter for women, which makes them want to “linger” in your presence… I’ve noticed over and over that women who were not exactly “friends” were much more open to me socially, and casually invited me out either by themselves or with a group of friends. There is a very strong comfort element in GoA, but also a powerful attraction element- which is evident when you really start to feel that strong emotional connection building.
- DISINHIBITION: Lets women drop their guards and be themselves around you (great for breaking boring conversations, surface level BS, and fake behavior)… for example, with the woman I worked with in the introduction, many people know her as “friendly”, but not very open to people. Some people just aren’t trying to let everybody be their “friend”, especially if they’re attractive, and work around a lot of men (for obvious reasons)… however, after just a few minutes of exposure, she started showing me a side that I have never seen before, even though we’ve worked together for over 2 years.
- GoA has a potent comforting/uplifting effect on women – but it also has strong attraction properties too… like I mentioned earlier, just because “Grail Of Affection” sounds like a soft, romantic product, doesn’t mean it’s going to get you friendzoned. GoA works to create the exact type of chemistry you need to win the woman over – and makes it a “greased slide”, rather than an uphill battle. And the best part is, that these feelings get attached to YOU, and YOU only (hint: this is where reading the guide on fallout is vital to maximize this effect).
- Has outstanding social effects: not just in terms of being to able to create smooth conversation, but also to create a crushy/romance “vibe” … I think this is one of the core reasons GoA works well for me in particular – I don’t like to fake my personality. If I’m happy, sad, annoyed, people will usually know about it straight away. And what I noticed with GoA, is that I feel more honest with other people, as they are to me once they’re in my cloud. It is an extremely calm type of vibe, one where women don’t feel “pressured” to constantly be on their guard about what they share with you. This in itself is an extremely powerful way to get your hooks into a particular target.
- There are a LOT of obvious signs that GoA is working, but perhaps the sweetest are the “bedroom eyes”… It’s a soft look of affection for you, and although it’s not always obvious, you can usually feel it. I noticed this a lot over my testing, although the time it takes can vary depending on the woman. There are also your usual signs of attraction, such as hair play, pupil dilation (a big one), double takes, and generally wanting to be in your vicinity. Take full advantage of them.
- Has a very certain “charisma” about it, which makes you feel more like yourself (that’s the best way I can describe it)… in a bulletpoint above, I mentioned that it creates an “honest” type of feeling in you and people around, but there is more to it than that. I suspect it may have something to do with what’s mentioned on the sales page: “the chemicals produced between 2 people in love”. Could it be that you simply become more genuine, and therefore more “magnetic”? Who knows – it just works, and that’s all that matters.

Want to know SPECIFIC differences between the top “romantic attraction” category products available? See how GoA stacks up against other excellent mixes. Click here for info.
Before we wrap this up, let me just quickly explain the difference between Grail Of Affection and other “romantic attraction” products…
You may be wondering…
What’s the difference between this, and Nude Alpha/Certo/XiSt etc?
I personally believe it comes down to how QUICKLY GoA seems to hit, as well as it’s obvious blatantness (you’ll notice a lot of IOI’s and things getting “heavy” emotionally quickly).
GoA seems to be MOST similar to XiSt, except XiSt can take a while to really start showing its true colors…
It also has a more complex formula, but it seems to be at the cost of the interaction seeming “natural”.
I believe XiSt also has a much stronger “reset” effect, although GoA works better on women who HAVEN’T already friendzoned you.
One other thing: I believe that there is a big difference in how androstadienone, one of the core ingredients of GoA can affect women.
Some women seem to be more attracted to products without it, whereas some women are significantly more attracted to androstadienone mixes.
It may have something to do with the “emotional maturity” of the targets.
As for whether you should choose an androstadienone based mix or not, it will depend on your specific target, it’s not exactly something I can advise on over the internet.
Either way…
It’s a small price to pay if it will help you attract a high quality romantic partner… which it very likely will.
Another thing I should note about androstadienone based mixes, is they seem to attract women who are particularly interested in relationships.
It’s easy to get caught up in all the hype about seduction mixes which are only made for getting laid.
It’s a completely different game plan when it comes to attracting (and keeping) that special woman.
… androstadienone based mixes hit a lot of women hard – but especially those quality women looking for a quality guy.
These aren’t the women in nightclubs/bars every weekend…
And they are typically difficult to create a romance with due to their hesitation of settling for the wrong person.
With romantic attraction products like Grail of Affection, these kinds of quality women will see you in a different light, and pave the way for you to sweep them off their feet with a lot less “resistance” they have.
Especially towards men they aren’t really sure about.
Androstadienone makes women feel emotionally secure, protected, and safe in your presence… and if you don’t already know, is probably the MOST potent “attraction” molecule we know of (in terms of creating “attachment” towards the wearer).
Combined with the other secret pheromones in the mix, GoA is one potent, romanatic phero-bomb – all to help you get the girl you want.
Final thoughts on Grail Of Affection
Grail Of Affection was a pleasant surprise from the Pheromone Treasures line, because they are relatively new.
But in their short time operating over the last 1-2 years, they’ve developed a reputation for creating some excellent unique, niche products.
GoA is no exception – I believe it is a romantic attraction product, but also comes with a fantastic social edge that makes things EASY with women… and that’s the most important part of all.
If you can’t communicate effectively, or “connect” on an emotional/romantic level, then it’s just not going to go anywhere.
GoA helps to create real chemistry that will open doors – you just have to walk through them.
Grail Of Affection makes it very easy to open, conversate, and make a genuine romantic connection with women... and not just that, but FAST too. If I could describe it in 2 words, it would be "instant chemistry" -- women will feel comfortable enough to express themselves, and feel uplifted in your presence. This creates attachment, which can be used to move the needle to a relationship if that's what you're after. Grail Of Affection - Final Summary
Imprint Effect
Self Effects
Attraction (not blatant, but sexy)
Social effects (creates
"Instant Chemistry" (romantic, crushy, yet calm)
P.S. Grail Of Affection may sound like a simple product, but its effects go way beyond just creating “crushy” feelings with women like standard androstadienone. This particular mix (along with other products in the Pheromone Treasures lineup), tend to have very powerful “chemistry” effects on women. This can quickly create a certain type of rapport with women to steer interactions in the way the product is designed.
In this case, GoA does a fantastic job of creating and sparking those “crushy”, lovey-dovey type feelings, and making women feel very attached to you (fallout effect) QUICKLY. That is one of the greatest advantages of GoA, and definitely worth keeping in your arsenal for this reason.
Take Grail Of Affection for a RISK FREE 60 day 'test drive' today .
P.P.S. Remember, if for any reason you can’t get the product to work, or it doesn’t affect your target, or you just feel like it’s not your “vibe”… Pheromone Treasures also offers a FULL 60 day money back guarantee. That means you can take it for a spin for pretty much 2 whole months, and if there is any issue you can get every red cent back. No hassles, no drama, no hoops to jump through — even though I’m pretty sure you won’t need it, it’s great to have that extra peace of mind.
Click here to order your Grail Of Affection today at NO risk to you.
Don't Go Anywhere. Check Out These Articles First.
- Heaux Cosmetics Review: Overhyped, Overpriced Pheromone Products - October 22, 2023
- The Fascinating Female Pheromone Effects On Males (Powerful Attraction) - October 21, 2023
- The Curious Case of “Vabbing” & Pheromones: A Controversial TikTok Trend - October 18, 2023
Hey PheroJoe,
Would you say grail of affection is similar to true love? I already have true love and it works quite well but I also want to grab grail of affection……I just wanted to know your thoughts before I grab it thanks!
Hi JK,
True Love has very different effects from GoA, there is far more depth to GoA from what I’ve noticed. There is also a slight status element, which helps to create “crush” feelings from women, whereas True Love is purely all crushy. The disinhibition element also works great to help women feel those feelings for you. Both great products, just different methods about how they produce their effects 🙂
Hi phero Joe… Would you choose grail of affection as your go to product. Over cohesion, or true love?
Hi, it depends on the situation. If I am using it standalone, I would go with GoA. Cohesion is much better when combined with other products, and also for avoiding androstadienone depression. True Love is also good, but is best mixed with an alpha type product.
Looking forward to more reviews on Pheromone Treasures products – Captain and The Hookup maybe?
Hi Petruci,
Yes, there is definitely some more Pheromone Treasures stuff in the works!
What about a1 in GOA? Does it have a lot or is it extremely well buffered? I’m fairly sensitive to a1 and so are others in the mone world.
Finally is this product good enough from meet to sex? Or is this just an instant chemistry product designed for rapport and attraction but requiring something stronger for sexy time?
Hi Adrian,
GoA seems to be pretty well buffered, even though it does seem to deliver a hefty a1 blow to the targets. As for whether it’s “enough”, that is totally subjective and will vary… however, for older gentlemen, it might be wise to add something like androstenone or 1-2 drops of Primitive. There seems to be a slightly sexual element already built in, but I know you like those alpha molecules to help drive them.
Cheers 🙂
– Phero Joe
Hi Joe, say, how long can you wear a product like this every day around the same subject before diminishing returns starte to take effect…. An second question: Does unopened pheromones have a shelf life, or is pheromones indefinite with keeping then in a dark
Hi pg,
Most pheromones will last for several years, the only time I have seen them become less effective over a year or 2 is when they’ve been left inside a hot environment like a car and forgotten about, had some leakage, etc. You’re pretty safe if you store them in a cool dark area, they will last years 🙂
Also, for GoA, once you have hooked them in and are reasonably sure that they’ve got a fairly serious crush/fallout is developing, you can switch it up to something stronger like Nude Alpha. The diminishing returns usually happens in relationship scenarios where you might need to change things up once in a while to keep things interesting. For dating, and seeing eachother maybe only a few times a week or less you will be fine using it for weeks or months.
Cheers 🙂
Hi Phero Joe, did you get GOA unscented or scented? If unscented, did you use any cover scent and how did you applied everything exactly? And if you got it scented, which scent did you order it with? Thanks…
Hi Joe,
I had all my products in Vanilla scent which seems to work great 🙂 I usually just apply to the neck area as it seems to have great diffusion and is great for getting the best self effects.
I don’t know if it works or not?? The little Bottle was cracked and I got that shit all over my mail.
Send me a new one, but make sure it is packed a lot better
You will have to email Pheromone Treasures, and I am sure he’ll be more than happy to help you. Giving direct orders like that is kind of rude though, you should try explaining what happened and using your manners, that’ll be a lot more favorable for you.
Hey PheroJoe.
First of all I want to thank you for the work, guides and suggestion through this jungle.
I have made my own research and quickly find out to stay away from “current” products like Lexus, Phieromax a.s.o.
I am new to this and I strongly consider to get GoA as my first one. I am also hot to get Alpha dream “Certo”
Maybe some time later on I also considering to get “Overdose”. But what will your suggest to a “first time amateur” like me? Because I sense that Overdose is a hardcore product with an extreme influence (maybe best handled for hardcore pheromone-users?).
By the way, under some descriptions, you are using the word “self effect”. Is that mean that the product rising ones awareness and sense of self?
Hi Tomas,
Overdose is a strong product, so I recommend using some that are easier but you don’t have to limit yourself 🙂 You’ll be fine if you decide to give it a try. Yes, self effects means that the products will have effects on the wearer too (you), usually after a brief adjustment period. Your body takes time to realize that the pheromones are coming from your own body, and not other people.
Cheers 🙂
Hy pherojoe,
What do u think is the best combo with GOA?
1. GOA + AV
3. GOA + THU
4. GOA + NA
Thanks a lot dude..
hi Vellskud,
Sorry about the late reply — I haven’t tested all those combos a whole lot, but Swoon tends to mix quite nicely with a lot of products. I think the only combo I would be a bit skeptical of in there is GoA + Evolve-XS, because Evolve-XS also contains a lot of “friendly” molecules (atleast at first). As they evaporate, the product becomes a bit more seductive and aggressive… it will probably overlap with a lot of the effects Swoon products.
As for the rest, I have used it alongside AV, THU, and NA which are all excellent. GoA + XiSt is something I’ve yet to try, but I think it would also suffer from the same downside as Evolve-XS.
I’m new to this but I bought liik V2 but I was looking for something with huge fallout and something to get back in someone good graces
Hi Arel,
In that case, you might want to try XiSt. GoA is a potent product, but if you would like to change how someone feels about you, give XiSt a try and get the reset effect happening. You can then start adding in GoA at a later date when a new dynamic has been established.
Cheers 🙂
I’m thinking of mixing Oxytocin with GOA what Do You think about that Combo.
Hi Danny,
Oxytocin is a good molecule but it has a very short half life and the effects can be unpredictable. I wouldn’t recommend doing it, but if you would like to then I can’t really see anything wrong with it. Just apply it shortly before meeting with someone as it can wear off within an hour. You also need to maintain a close distance to the target, due to its heavy molecular weight.
How does Goa compare to pure A1 as well as to cohesion?
Hi Kotk,
GoA is vastly different than pure androstadienone – it is a well rounded product that covers other elements, including some communication pheromones to make the “chemistry” seem rather natural. This can be a powerful standalone product, or even an excellent combo with more sexually aggressive mixes.
As for Cohesion, it is also a simple Androstadienone product, except its tempered with androstenone and DHEA to counter its negative effects, as well as create arousal. I feel that Cohesion is very potent, but it also works best in combo with other products.
How many drops do you recommend for a 37 Hispanic male of goa?
Hi los,
GoA works great at 2 drops, however, you can try 3 and see if it works better for you. It is very densely packed with pheromones so it might have better effects, but may also produce negative effects on you more easily due to its high androstadienone content.
Do you prefer GOA to NAG? Have you ever combined them? Thanks!
Hi Kennedy,
They are both powerful products and have similar goals, but it would be difficult to prefer one over the other as they have slight pros/cons which make them better or worse for certain scenarios. There is a much more detailed guide on how to choose the best romantic pheromone scent here.
Would Swoon and GoA make a good combo? I got really good hits from Swoon as a stand alone. Was thinking that adding GoA would make it that much better. And also in a work place scenario which in your opinion would be better, Swoon, Etfz or GoA? I don’t know much about Etfz except that it’s very potent
Hi Kyle,
They are all fantastic standalone products, I would recommend just using one at a time and using them depending on your desired purpose. For example, GoA is an excellent flirting/bonding/fallout type product, whereas Swoon is a lot of flirty and lightly sexual fun. ETFZ is a complicated product which is geared more towards women seeing you in a sexual light, but is slightly more aggressive than both of them. If you are looking for a seduction product, I would go with The Hookup.
Swoon and GoA does work, but they both have a fun and flirty element, and I believe they overlap some pheromone molecules. I would use either of those with THU as advised above, as that will amp up the sexual properties of the products.
goa + am good combo?
Hi Nick, the combo works but not its not the best, because of how complicated each product is. There are overlapping pheromones which will buffer out the aggressive effects of AM. I would recommend using a simpler product with GoA, or using AM by itself.
Hi pherojoe, i have used goa extensively for about a month now, ranging from recommended 1 drops for asians upto 5 drop. After i thought I was not prone to a1 side effects, after intense daily use i think it caused me depression or should i say increased emotional amplification, like i would blow hot and cant let go of small things if i get angry, it this a1 depression. Also i think 5 drop has noticeable effect sometimes but also still very subtle or maybe my imagination, whil i feel below 3 drops is a dud, which is strange as 1 drop is recommended for asians. What dose do u recommend for a 32 yr asian?
Hi MS,
Yes a lot of people seem to think androstadienone doesn’t affect them, but over extended periods of times it can give you very severe depression and anxiety. There are warnings on the website, so I would definitely suggest taking a break and not using it for a while. As for a 32 year old male, you should be fine using 1-2 drops. However, your results will be better if you test and figure out what dose works best for you personally.
i’ve used these pheromones on a lot of girls and it works. girls will come up to you and just start talking.
Can u combine Swoon with Grail of Affection if what’s the ratio?
my goal is to pick up women in Shopping Malls & in Transit(Bus & Trains)?
Hi Jaz,
I would not recommend combining these 2 products as they are designed for similar purposes (romantic attraction). If you’re going to pair Swoon or GoA, I would suggest a more alpha/sexual product to combine with, such as Alfa Maschio, Alpha Q or maybe even pure androstenone. Cheers 🙂