Ever wanted to be the life of the party? The “go to” guy everyone invites to their parties, outings, and fun nights out with the squad?
Glace is one of the “all time” most popular social products for 1 reason: It adds laughter, sociability, and fun to all your social interactions…
It really is the ultimate “life of the party” mix.
No, it’s not meant for deep or serious conversations.
… but if you’re looking for a product that can add a “fun” dimension to your social interactions, or lighten up the mood when you’re feeling “serious”, it can be an absolute godsend.
… it is also an extremely useful tool if you’re using “alpha” or intimidating attraction mixes and giving them more likability.
The “extreme” social properties of Glace gives it many dimensions – some of them including hilarity, lowered inhibitions (your “filter” for saying things will go our the window), and popularity.
Quite frankly, I don’t use “mindless” socials often.
However, there are situations where having a a pure “party vibe” might be ideal for your situation.
With Glace, it is designed to create an environment where anything goes… to the point where it can get really silly.
It’s simply one of the best socials for having fun, with nothing else in mind.
Before I even tested it, the extreme social/hilarity aspect of the product is something I was expecting, considering it was designed as a pure social product (which I’ll talk more about shortly).
Anyway, one of the things about my personality is that I tend to be lost in my own thoughts quite a lot, so communicating can sometimes become an issue.
For example, I’ll have trouble coming up with things to say, or just simply switch off my critical thinking and just BE social.
Now, there are a few socials that can do this (like X22)…
But Glace does it in a completely different, more exciting way.
With X22, I can think of smarter, wittier things to say.
With Glace, I tend to be more of a motormouth (which is actually a good thing, especially if you’re dealing with large groups of people).
Inducing laughter, sociability, and openness with a large group of people is EASY with Glace (which is one of the best reasons to use this – other socials are geared more towards enhancing individual interactions).
Just recently, I went on one of those “Royal Caribbean” cruise ships and sailed to New Caledonia.
So as you can expect, I was going to be crammed into a nice ship with about 3000 other people. I had actually gone with my parents, and they had some family friends who had kids in my age range.
Unfortunately, it was a ship that catered more to older folks, but there were also quite a few men and women on-board too.
A certain woman had caught my eye, and I believe she was the most attractive woman on the entire cruise.
I had one of my family friends shove me into her while we were
walking through the casino, and started a small conversation with her and her mother.
I know, that’s silly, but it was on the spot and it would be the least weird way to introduce ourselves to a very attractive woman who’s also with her mum. We pulled it off pretty well though as it was believable due to the ships “rocky” nature.
I talked to her casually asking if she was okay (lol), and then about the DJ, and about other random stuff.
But it wasn’t until later that I realized she would be a tough cookie to crack. Why?
She seemed to be quite reserved, and not open to just talking to strangers.
She had seen me while walking around the ship, but she never said hi, nor made eye contact (even though we had been friendly the day before).
In order to get her attention, I had to make a more “enticing” aura around myself.
This is where the “Glace magic” happens in terms of creating social popularity and openness
… you have to remember, cruise ships are CLOSED eco-systems.
You will be exposed to the same people over and over again for the next week or however long your cruise is.
And there will of course be the same seedy guys trying to get lucky with the limited number of (attractive) women available.
With this in mind, the night club scene was obviously the first place I went to see if she would be there, and also if other attractive women were there.
As expected, she was constantly bombarded with unwanted male attention.
This was a situation I would have to handle a bit more delicately if I was going to do anything with her.
I also had the small problem of a “friend” who I met on the first day, who had started to become somewhat aggressive towards me as he started seeing me as a threat (to women he had no chance with in the first place).
But anyway, I ignored his actions, and continued on creating social status, being open with a larger group of people, and also making myself the center of attention.
Almost immediately after being exposed to Glace, I was the one brought the party to the night club.
Many people were uncomfortable at first, but there was an immediate shift in the vibe as soon as I stepped into the room…
As people got hit with the Glace pheromone cloud, they became less reserved, chattier, and sillier.
Glace is an EXTREME social that makes people WANT to talk – to you, as well as everyone else
I quickly established myself as the “popular” guy, with Glace as my original wingman to getting women…
I say original, because in the mean time I made several friends who went OUT OF THEIR WAY to try and “talk me up” to the beautiful woman who caught my eye earlier.
That is one of the most awesome reasons I love using social products — people will do you favors, buy you drinks, and treat you far better than if you had no social status or aren’t charismatic.
I didn’t even ask for anybodies help, it just happened because I was seen chatting to her briefly.
Anyway, I used a bit of social engineering and now had her attention – it was time to mix it up with something a bit more aggressive and get things moving along in a more sexual direction with 2 blasts of Alfa Maschio (fantastic combination by the way).
Read the review and you’ll have a good idea of what happened 🙂
This is just ONE example of Glace working its magic in a social scenario…
And I only wrote it because it is a recent situation and one that I can recall vividly.
But there are so many more situations where using Glace can be an outstanding choice in just about every group social situation.
Most social products are geared towards enhancing one on one communication, or at the very least giving you an aura of being easy to get along with.
But if you need to grab the attention of many more people, then Glace will be your best choice (especially for creating an “open” atmosphere around you).
Glace is not a complicated product – it’s just pure fun in a bottle.
Here’s a quick summary of all the effects I’ve found with Glace by Alpha Dream
- Open up the “lines of communication” (even if the person is hard to talk to)… Glace is an absolute MONSTER for getting people to chill out and open up to you. The motormouth effect gets everyone going and you will quickly see a change in people’s demeanor – from being reserved to shouting over eachother to be heard. Let’s be honest, some people are just hard to talk to… especially women who are “quiet” or reserved, like the gorgeous woman I opened earlier. If it wasn’t for Glace, heavier attraction products might have pushed her further away than if I had not established a social presence first.
- Like other Alpha Dream products, Glace also has some SERIOUS kick in the self effects department… because it’s an upbeat social, you won’t just notice people becoming chattier, sillier, and more enjoyable – YOU will too. You’ll enjoy talking other peoples ears off and being much more open than usual, which lets people do the same in return. As a side effect, Glace is also useful to sort of “teach” yourself to be more social, if you naturally aren’t this type of person. Yes, pheromones can have lasting impact on your actual personality too.
- Outstanding for quickly creating a “circle of influence” and friends who want to be around you… like I mentioned in the review, once I had established that I was bringing the party to the nightclub (where initially everyone felt a little bit more reserved), I had become the center of attention. Guys went out of their way to help me out with the women, women were drawn to my status, and wondered what it was about me that everyone wanted to be around. While it’s not in an “alpha” way, being social goes a long way for crowds in their teens to 20’s, which is the majority of the crowd involved in this scenario.
- Glace should be used strictly as a “party” type product – high energy, sociable, fun – makes everything seem funnier than it actually is… it has some pretty hilarious properties, even the slightest jokes can turn into fits of laughter. The silliness that ensues can be useful in opening up a bunch of strangers to be more social, but the interactions will not be “deep”. For deepening friendships romantic/casual encounters, I highly recommend switching to a product designed for those purposes.
- NOT recommended for work, or more “serious” places like meetings or if you are a boss, superior, or among males who will try to out-alpha you. As I mentioned earlier, you will not be taken seriously while using Glace (unless you’re wearing it with alpha products – and even then it will lessen the impact they have slightly). Spraying too much Glace can also have negative effects, like being treated childishly, or losing respect from men and women.
- Has some of the most blatant, “extreme” social effects from every other social product… most other socials work by creating some type of intrigue, and help deepen the impact your words have. With Glace, because it is a “party” type of social product, has the opposite effect – there is no subtlety. However, this is VERY useful for breaking certain people out of their shell, like shy/reserved women. Getting these types of women to open up can be quite a challenge, even if you do use “romantic attraction” products or something more gentle… Glace will give them that confidence to break down their barriers.
- Glace is a major component of the POWERHOUSE “falling in love” mix (credit to as33156)… I’m unsure how this mix originally came to fruition, however, having used it on several occasions I can see why it was dubbed one of the most powerful “falling in love” mixes to date. Combined with Nude Alpha, and androstadienone (single molecule), it creates a SEVERE crush on women, more so than these components have alone. I believe Glace lets women feel the emotions the other 2 components are creating more openly, and express them more easily (read the review and links above).
Glace will blow you away with its blatantly obvious social effects on people -- it's a fantastic tool for quickly creating a fun social presence and getting people to open up fast. While it's not meant as a "deep" communication product, it will open the lines of communication, even with people who may be somewhat difficult to talk to (such as a reserved or quiet women). These women usually require a little warming up to people, but their attention is not given away easily... the best way to draw them in is by creating a fun, upbeat aura around yourself... very much like Glace! This is one of the top social products I own, but remember it does have negative effects in high doses. Be responsible with your dosing an reap the rewards. Glace by Alpha Dream Final Summary
Social effects on men
Social effects on women
Conversation Quality
Conversation Quantity
The Ultimate "Life Of The Party" Mix
Final thoughts on Glace by Alpha Dream
If you’re looking for a product that opens doors to social popularity, be the “life of the party”, and grab the attention of people around you… then Glace will be a fantastic addition to your arsenal.
Not only is it a great standalone social, it is also an outstanding “mixer”, which works great with more “alpha” or “attraction” type products, to make them friendlier.
Super cool tip: Fast burn Glace burns off quickly, so combining it with alpha/attraction products is ideal as they will outlast the socials… making them more effective in the process. Start off your dates or night with a few sprays of Glace to draw women in… then over time, watch them fall for the charms of the sexual/alpha molecules left behind.
Anyway, that’s about all there is to say about this excellent “party” social product.
I’d highly recommend it, even if its just as a backup in case things go wrong with highly aggressive mixes — and you need to “de-sexualize/de-alpha” them to stop intimidating women or feeling edgy.
Thank you for reading,
- PheroJoe
P.S. Remember, do not underestimate the importance of having a good social type product on hand. They are extremely useful for getting people to want to do things for you, opening women who are closed/reserved/quiet, and even for busting out of OD’s when you use too much product and start scaring people off. Younger women especially are drawn to more social type characters, which makes Glace an excellent mixer for creating kickass combos with attraction/alpha products.
P.P.S. Alpha Dream offers a no questions asked, 90 day, full money back guarantee. If Glace doesn’t work for you (and I’m’ sure it will), you can still get your money back with no hassles, and no hoops to jump through, and no dramas.
Order Glace and take it for a 90 day “test drive”today – at absolutely NO risk to you.
Don't Go Anywhere. Check Out These Articles First.
- Heaux Cosmetics Review: Overhyped, Overpriced Pheromone Products - October 22, 2023
- The Fascinating Female Pheromone Effects On Males (Powerful Attraction) - October 21, 2023
- The Curious Case of “Vabbing” & Pheromones: A Controversial TikTok Trend - October 18, 2023
Hey PJ,
I’d be interested to know how much Glace you usually add to Alfa Maschio – ADs website talks about up to 3 sprays for solo use, but I guess to ‘socialize’ AM one might want to use less? Also, Glace is unscented, right?
And what I was wondering – L2K is said to be, at least partially, a combination of AM and Glace. Does AM + Glace feel similar to L2K to you or is it a different kind of beast?
Thanks & cheers, BB
Hi BB,
I personally feel that AM is reasonably social on its own with no added buffer, however, it can still be quite intimidating to younger women. If you were to socialize it, 2-3 sprays makes for a great combo. As for the AM + Glace combo vs L2K, L2K is a completely different beast. Their modes of operation are completely different, although they are both equally as complex and powerful.
Who knows, you might find that you prefer one over the other – I use AM more often than L2K simply because it suits my personality a bit better. When I’m not feeling high energy or social, L2K works better. All in good time 🙂
Also can I combine certo with A1? Do you recommend getting the A1 from Lal pheromones or from XS? thanks again..
Hi Taylor, Certo already contains a pretty hefty dose of androstadienone, and in particular Alpha Dream a1 is very potent… it would be redundant to add more to the product. As for which vendor to buy it from, they are both very good quality, it would be better to just purchase it alongside any products you get so you can save on shipping. Cheers 🙂
Dear joe
I see in the review you said taking androstadienone + Glace + Nude Alpha can have a severe crush on a woman and can make her fall in love soon.
But the question is how do I apply and combine these pheromones on my body and ideally how much sprays each pheromones to apply on skin?
Hi Abdirazak,
Yes, using those pheromones together is actually a very powerful combo — I personally use them in these doses:
The best way to use this is to apply the pheromones in different areas of your body. For example, you can put NA on your jawline, Glace on your chest, and androstadienone on the back of your neck. Keep them all separate.
Hey man.
Saw you a few times on PheroTruth, but figured it’d be faster to just ask you directly on your site.
Have you ever tried BW + androstadienone + glace?
Seems to be 0 reports on it, as opposed to AV + A1 + Glace. Gonna have to test it out.
Hey joe
Have you ever used the new GLACE Nos? I approached women with NOS this year and there were a lot of women who didn’t invest in the conversation. I always had to have the conversation and even had to make an effort. Otherwise, I did not experience an increased amount of conversation and motor mouth in conversation with people. Not with myself either. GLACE Nos hasn’t done much for me or for many men.
Which pheromones help with the conversation crowd like the old GLACE?