Alfa Maschio by Alpha Dream is a unique attraction formula designed to give the wearer a sexy, studly “bad boy” vibe (women perceive wearer as sexually superior)…
It’s designed to spark deep, animal-like attraction towards the wearer… but can you handle it?
Alfa Maschio will give you an irresistible edge to your personality, make women see you as sexually superior, and give you opportunities to close them other men simply won’t ever get.
But before I even get started on this review, let me ask you a few questions.
- When you’re talking to a woman, do you ever just get that feeling she’s not attracted to you, get demotivated, and forget about asking her out? (because you know she’ll reject you or friendzone you?)
- Have you ever been considered “just a friend” by a woman you are interested in?
- Do you wonder how awesome it would be if you could just “be” a bad boy, and attract the attention of the hottest women around?
Let’s face it.
We all know women want “bad boys”, and if you’re not one of them, you’ll probably get rejected, friendzoned, or ignored.
Sure, there are some women who don’t fit that profile.
But if you’re at the nightclubs, bars, or any other sexually charged environment where men compete for the hottest women…
… well, you know how women love these guys.
But why do women gravitate towards “bad boys”?
Before we talk about Alfa Maschio, I think it’s important to understand WHY it was created.
I used to be one of the “nicest” guys ever. I had a hard time growing up being one of the only ethnic people in my school.
Getting singled out and having only 1 or 2 close friends was all I knew, and from that, I developed a lot of social anxiety and confidence issues.
Of course, all this translates to growing up thinking poorly of myself, low confidence, social anxiety, and other issues that prevented me from dating women.
… I didn’t even ask out a woman until I was in my late teens (talk about low confidence).
As I matured into an adult over the years, I realized what my issues were and got to work overcoming them.
That journey started about 3 years ago, and I am still on the path.
It’s only the last few years that I’ve gotten over my fear of women rejecting me, to being somewhat of a player…
I can safely say that my little adventure in pheromone world has significantly improved my seduction skills.
In fact, Alfa Maschio gave me a powerful “push” towards being the person I wanted (and needed to be)…
… someone with confidence, having a more naturally “sexual” nature, being more outspoken, personable, charismatic and more.
And here’s what I’ve discovered about these so called “Bad Boys”, and why Alfa Maschio is so effective
- They have sexual confidence, and often take time to work out, dress, and groom themselves well. “Nice guys” complain that women should like them for who they are.
- They truly believe they are attractive and women like them. Nice guys think buying women gifts, complimenting them, and putting them on a pedestals and chasing after them “should” work… when they actually like the total opposite.
- They don’t put women on pedestals. “Bad boys” value themselves… “nice guys” think women should like them for “who they are” and not have to develop attractive personality traits, or work on themselves to get the women they want.
“Bad boys” are HONEST about their intentions with women…
They flirt, ask them out, and either get them or get rejected…
Nice guys on the other hand will try to be sneaky and be “friends” when they really want more.
This is dishonest, and women know what you are doing…
Yes, this is a generalization.
There are genuine “bad boys” out there that have no problem starting trouble for no reason, bashing someones head in, robbing people etc.
But those women are VERY low quality and you do not want that BS in your life.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned by using pheromones over the last few years, is that your attitude determines everything.
And pheromones can help you make tremendous changes in your personality – and specifically, AM.
Several years ago (before I picked up Alfa Maschio), I realized women were not “feeling” me on a very primal level.
I am very tuned in to peoples feelings, emotions, and am usually a pretty good judge of character.
It’s a skill I learned as somewhat of an introvert. It’s very accurate, and I have been right about many people after meeting them only briefly.
I’m not sure why they weren’t feeling me… I thought I was doing everything right. I wasn’t too “nice”, not awkward, and a fairly good looking guy.
Women did occasionally stare and give me eye contact, but I didn’t have enough confidence to approach many of them.
But if I did end up in a conversation with a woman, I was sure to lay it down right, and have her laughing and giggling.
But somehow, I was still having a hard time getting women to see me in a “sexual” way.
Women wouldn’t meet up, kiss or touch me back (or just ignored me once they knew about my attraction to them).
Sadly, that’s what happens when you’re a “nice guy” (even though I was determined to not be one).
Soon after getting involved with pheromones, Alfa Maschio was among one of the first products on my list (after the a314 formula turned into a dud).
And that’s when things took a MASSIVE turn in my seduction game…
The self effects hit me like a ton of bricks.
I suddenly had the nerve to approach women, feel extreme confidence in myself and attractiveness, and even felt driven to act like a jerk towards women (and have no guilty conscience about it).
This attitude change that was kick started by Alfa Maschio changed the way I see myself, and women. I saw everything in a different light.
Almost like I stepped into a parallel universe and was being a new, far more attractive version of myself.
Alfa Maschio gave me balls of steel, and the swagger of a man who was dominant, sexy, and charismatic…
I’ll talk more on the self effects shortly, but peep this…
You see, you can actually develop the same skills with women the hard way.
Being a “bad boy” is MUCH easier than you think it is…
You don’t have to start fights with people, be a dick for no reason, or treat women like trash.
In fact, being a “bad boy” is more just speaking your mind, believing in yourself, being sexually confident, and not putting women on pedestals.
There are a lot more qualities that come with being a “bad boy” – but they are very simple behaviors anybody can adopt.
That’s where Alfa Maschio will work its magic – and TRANSFORM how women see you…
Stepping into the role of a “bad boy”, and suddenly getting a taste of that power was an intense feeling.
I suddenly understood what it meant to have women interested in me, and to not give a damn whether I got them or not, because I knew other women would be interested in me.
It gave me the confidence to believe in myself like I never had before. Sexual confidence.
It’s a bit like learning how to drive a car… you can read all you want about it.
Imagine yourself behind the wheel.
“Feel” what it would be like to be on the road…
But until you’ve actually taken it for a drive on the road, then it doesn’t really mean anything.
That’s why Alfa Maschio is so powerful. It’s self effects (and effects on women, which I’ll talk about shortly) are so strong,
You’ll quickly develop a “bad boy” persona that attracts women, gets respect, and makes you change the way you see yourself (in a positive way).
And that’s only a small part of the self effects…
I’ll go more in depth in my summary, but here’s another reason why Alfa Maschio remains one of my “must have” products.
Alfa Maschio attracts some of the sexiest women I have ever seen.
I’m talking about the baddest girls in the nightclubs, party girls, and girls who are just looking for “fun”…
And many of them have been models, done TV commercials for shampoo, lingerie, and been small time movie actresses.
But here’s a downside… while I’ve found them to be very physically attractive, you are going to attract women who are NOT girlfriend or wife material.
This usually means they are still in the “life’s a party” stage of their lives, are somewhat immature, and do not have their lives sorted out.
This is why they find sexually confident, assertive, “bad boy” persona that Alfa Maschio projects so attractive
But hey, it’s not really a downside if you’re just a single man looking for fun too.
And who knows – you might luck out and find a beauty that DOES have their shit together.
… but that’s what Alfa Maschio does.
Because you’re putting out such a dominant, sexy vibe, all kinds of women will find you attractive.
But especially the women who are looking for a man who can protect and take care of them.
Note: If you are interested in a conservative woman, Alfa Maschio might not be the best product because of its intimidating nature. You may be better off with a product designed to spark up romance, such as Nude Alpha or XiSt.
After getting some experience using this product, it totally changed my mindset about how attraction & pheromones work.
It completely elevated my game, my speaking skills, and my ability to flirt and and seduce with ease.
All in all, it’s an absolutely FANTASTIC product for beginner to advanced pheromone users.
It covers all the bases you need for a solid, consistent product that gets results.
Here’s a summary of effects for Alfa Maschio by Alpha Dream
- Alfa Maschio is a sexual, alpha powerhouse that “molds” itself around your personality… as I mentioned in the review, Alfa Maschio will give you an INSTANT boost to your personality. You will feel more assertive, sexually confident, and even change the way you think about how women perceive you. But the best part is, you don’t have to change who you are (unless you have serious social issues, which I urge you to improve)… everything good about your personality will become magnified, and improved. Women will see you as a sexually experienced male who has high social status, is dominant, charismatic, and naturally attractive.
- You will get “balls of steel” and approach women with significantly less fear of rejection, less negative thoughts about your attractiveness, and more assertiveness to ask women out… my biggest mistake when I first got interested in improving my seduction skills was that I was treating women “equally” or better than myself. The key is to make women see you as the superior one – which is why Alfa Maschio was designed to create the “bad boy” persona… it’s one of the most attractive archetypes of men. Women like men who are better than them, and its precisely the kind of “aura” that you will project when wearing AM.
- Other self effects include: becoming more “calculated” in how you think when it comes to seducing women… once you’re “under the influence” of Alfa Maschio, you will be astonished at how well you can tell a woman is into you (or not)… and if she’s not, how to act, and “tune in” to find out what will make her want you. It’s almost like a second nature. If you don’t quite understand, it’s kind of like having a little voice in your head that tells you what to do… like when to touch her, when to kiss, when to say something witty, flirty, or serious. It’s almost unreal. This will help you tremendously, even after you stop using the product.
- Another aspect of Alfa Maschio that I LOVE is the part that makes me so charismatic, more articulate, and have more enthusiasm in my voice… it allows me to think of smarter, wittier, and flirtier things to say… things that wouldn’t even normally occur to me. This is what I mean by Alfa Maschio “molding” around your personality. I am not sure if this is because of the extra confidence, self esteem, and way of thinking that it creates… or whether it’s due to a very specific ratio of pheromones. I have not experienced this with any other product, but it is much more fun to interact with women while wearing this.
- WARNING: Alfa Maschio contains a strong dose of androstenone – one of the most sexually aggressive pheromones we know of. Luckily, it is tempered by other pheromones to make it much more user friendly, but it can still make you very angry if you’re not careful. I have used this on some days and completely forgotten why I was feeling so much frustration over small things. This is when you know you’ve OD’d (opposite of desired effects because of too many pheromones). Immediately scrub your application points when this happens. It can also offend guys and girls by giving off an overly aggressive vibe, which is not the goal of Alfa Maschio.
- You will find it a breeze to open, escalate, and close some of the hottest women on the market… the only downside to this is more “reserved” girls may find you too intimidating to consider dating you. They might find you attractive, but you’ll need great game to make them feel at ease. That’s why I highly recommend using this on women that are just looking for “fun”. The ones that frequent nightclubs, bars, and other environments where men compete for women. There are products designed to get women romantically interested which are better used for them. If you find a woman is intimidated by you, but attracted, just back off a little bit and allow her to come to you.
- You’ll notice a HUGE improvement when it comes to “flirting” – such as more eye contact, little “glances” from a distance, women checking you out multiple times, wanting to touch more, being more affectionate, and letting you escalate faster… these are all indicators of interest (IOI’s), which gives you permission to go ahead and approach, escalate physically. Do NOT be “oh my god, she smiled at me” guy… especially when you have a beast like Alfa Maschio doing a lot of the heavy lifting for you (getting you sexual interest from women immediately is 80% of the battle – the rest is just not being a dork!).
- I’ve found women who previously rejected me, find sudden interest in me later while wearing Alfa Maschio… this has also happened with exes who I have hooked up with multiple times after break ups. It can be a friendzone buster, although it wasn’t designed for that purpose. It can seriously change women’s minds who are “on the fence” about whether they should date you or not. I had a woman who was very close to friendzoning me (due to my lack of seduction skills at the time), and changed her mind once I discovered how powerful AM really is… if you have already been friendzoned, there are products that can help get you out – but I recommend using more aggressive mixes until that happens, or until you are in a relationship.
- It will come natural to “be” the guy women want – someone who’s assertive, sexual, confident, charming, and can lead them… and even if you aren’t where you want to be yet, Alfa Maschio will bring out seduction skills you never even knew you had. Once you’ve really “adopted” the Alfa Maschio pheromone signature, you will wonder why it never occurred to you before. I can write pages and pages about the qualities you need to develop to attract certain types of women, but it will never be worth anything unless you really “experience” it. If for no other reason, I urge you to try it just so you can get an idea of how you would be if you were at a much higher level in your seduction skills.
- Be prepared for jealous behavior from ex-girlfriends, women who rejected you, and anyone that may have feelings for you (as well as open doors with women who you thought were previously “too good” for you)… remember, pheromones don’t just hit the people you want them to. It hits everyone. That also means women who were previously giving you the cold shoulder might start showing signs of interest… it really is up to you whether you want to pursue them or not. I personally recommend going for women who gave you interest right off the bat – it saves you from an uphill battle, getting a woman you have to win over… rather than a woman that’s already “sold” on the idea of you. I get it though – some women are worth the effort, especially if there was a screw up on your part.
- Remember to START LOW – 1 spray, then test for the desired effects. Then if that’s working good, up the dosage to about 2 sprays (older males may need 3)… Alfa Maschio is packed with powerful pheromones, so you need to be very careful to not offend a bunch of people, especially if you will be testing it at work, or other delicate social/professional environments. I’d recommend just testing this one in the environments I recommend, such as night clubs and bars, but it also makes for a killer pickup product during the day. I’ve found 1 spray to work very well for me, but I am 24, and stay in shape so I have naturally high testosterone/pheromone levels.
I could write about Alfa Maschio for days, because it has had such an immense impact in my personal life. It was one of my first serious pheromone products, and it changed the way I view myself, how I view women, and dare I say... WARPED how my mind thought about how to get the hottest women into bed. I can't say that's a bad thing. I compare it to being "Neo" in the matrix.
Alfa Maschio will provide you an "aura" of a sexually experienced man, who is dominant and. You will quickly adjust your personality to what most people think is being a "bad boy"... you'll be more assertive, have more confidence in yourself, and will believe in your own attractiveness and seduction skills with women. And if you don't, it will make you believe in yourself more. You'll see what I mean when I say it "molds" itself around you - your personality will instantly be more attractive, magnetic, sexier. Alfa Maschio by Alpha Dream - Final Review
Self Effects
AM is the "bad boy" of the pheromone world
It’s time to take control of your success with women
That about wraps it up for most of the “core” effects you’ll get out of Alfa Maschio…
And as you can tell by this super long review, it’s not just a fly-by-night one hit wonder.
In fact, it’s one of the products that kickstarted my journey into self improvement, and specifically, how well I did with women.
I never thought I could be a “bad boy”. It seemed like a vague, unattainable thing that some people were just gifted with.
With Alfa Maschio, I have improved my skills with women far beyond what I could have with an “organic” method
It provided me glimpses of exactly what skills and personality traits I needed to develop, in order to get the women I wanted.
But now it’s your turn… and if you’ve read this far, you know you have a strong interest in getting a product that will help get the results you deserve.
All you need to do is add Alfa Maschio to your arsenal.
I am a little biased, sure.
But for me, it did far more than just improve my game, and help me get women most guys only dream of getting…
It made me a better person.
And you too can have the same results.
Your small investment in the product will save you a LOT of frustration and guesswork when it comes to attracting women.
You will get the opportunity to test the waters of how “bad boys” really think, which is actually not that bad at all.
Thank you for reading,
- PheroJoe
P.S. If you find that Alfa Maschio offers a vibe that you simply can’t handle (and some guys do), then remember Alpha Dream offers a full 90 day money back guarantee. While wearing AM, you will be perceived as a “bad boy” – someone who is dominant, sexually attractive, and confident. It may make you behave much more dominantly/aggressively, and can even make you nervous if you’re not used to very strong “alpha” signatures… however, if you continue to use the product, you will eventually “adopt” the signature, and naturally develop more alpha personality traits in order to pull it off.
P.P.S. The self effects include “nerves of steel”, being more charming, articulate, and being seen as high status… but it is an INTENSE product, and some people find the vibe more frightening than “bad boy-ish”… if you really can’t handle the effects, then I would recommend something geared towards long term romance. However, for seduction purposes in nightclubs, bars, and other places where there is a lot of competition for women, Alfa Maschio will work MAGIC for attracting the hottest women around.
Click here to get your bottle of Alfa Maschio today.
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Excellent review of AM. It’s currently my favorite product and I’ve experienced most of what you describe — you just explained it better!!
My only qualm with it is that younger girls tend to get very attracted but oftentimes intimidated and uninterested because it’s so in your face — it’s got potential but often it scares them off. I’ve number closed repeatedly only to be shutdown later … What I want to make clear is AM gives you the Ferrari but if you don’t have a map you may be first out of the gate but have problems crossing the finish line.. Just an analogy I came up with–AM needs game too it work well just on its own.
AM works well with any game as it molds around your personality but do you think being a little conceited and arrogant and talking mostly about yourself will go farther picking up beauties than being the humble guy who always asks women questions about herself? Which image is it better to portray to be the MOST congruent with this product?
Hey Adrian,
I thought I replied to your comment way back. I personally think that a mix of both is perfect. There is no reason why you can’t be a “bad boy”, as well as take a genuine interest in the women you want to date 🙂 The “image” you are talking about is called fronting, which means it’s not naturally part of your personality. I think fronting is personally kind of weak, and just doesn’t come off genuine… when I wear AM, I tend to just be way more “out there” in terms of things I say, and slightly a-holish. However, my natural personality is caring, and it’s fine to let that come through as well.
As long as you don’t act like a doormat and have a backbone, then it will work wonders for you.
Ho joe. Its me again hhe. There something that i wanna to ask. If i wanna go to approach a girl that already have a bor friend, which one that i must to choose? AM? Or L2K? Or younhave another suggestion? Thanks
Hey Yoli,
It really depends on the girl and where she’s at with her relationship. Some women will simply not go there with you. Alfa Maschio is a great product as well as L2K… I’d say they are equally powerful, but just work in different ways. If she’s more convervative, and you are looking for a relationship with her then I might go with a product like Nude Alpha to help you there. Again, there are some cases (like if the woman is on the verge of breaking up) that she will go for you) where this might happen. But if she is in a happy relationship I don’t think it’s a very good idea.
Either way, have fun!
I am confused with so many products on display..after all the reading i have narrowed it down to two Alfa Maschio and Evolve XS oil..whats your take on it..which one should i go for..i want arousal and sexual effects
Hi Dan,
I would choose whichever vibe you are comfortable with. For example, Alfa Maschio requires a bit of badassery in terms of personality (and the self effects can help with that tremendously), and EvolveXS is great for creating comfort at first, and then moving things into a sexual direction. It really depends on your personality and goals, and the woman in question too. If she is averse to very alpha signatures, I would go with EvolveXS. If she is attracted to strong alpha signatures, then go with AM 🙂
I know you like to suggest True Love to go along with this product to lower aggression, but how would romantic types like voodoo or GOA work with AM?
Hi La’Darrious,
That’s true, True Love does work some magic with the product — Voodoo and GoA also work well, although I would suggest Voodoo if you’re looking for something to amp it up with. I’ve used both in combo, but I feel like GoA wants to do something in a direction (like connection, romance, etc), while AM seems to somewhat conflict with it. However, with Voodoo, there doesn’t seem to be too much overlap. Likely because it doesn’t have androstadienone in it, whereas AM does have a small amount for comfort.
Cheers 🙂
Hey PheroJoe, thanks for the nice review, I enjoyed reading it, i come here quiet often to get info, i’ve been testing alpha maschio for a while now, and i’ve noticed it’s the only pheromone that i’m getting selfies PLUS consistent IOI’s from ladies. pheromone XS is another company i go for when it comes to pheromones. i tried to search all over the net to find out what exactly it is that AM has that others don’t when it comes to my self effects. (which is a very calming effect i get but i’m in control) do you know? also i agree with MagicMaz, may be people got a bad batch or something, i bought my AM about a month ago from now (around August 2016) and it seems to get me a lot of hits. (including ladies pupil dilation) after testing it for about a month. anyways, thanks heaps for your review, keep’em coming, i enjoy reading’em. cheers.
So what would you think about testing Alpha Maschio with Loge boat or maybe Xist in a combo?
It does work and I have tried it, but I feel that Love Boat and XiSt are both complicated products and there is some overlap with ingredients in Alfa Maschio. XiSt and Evolve-XS however work extremely well together. AM on the other hand benefits from a more simple product combo, like XSP-96 or True Love.
Hey PheroJoe, What is the best pheromones for asian countries like Sri Lanka. Is it Alfa Maschio working for asian counties.
Thank You
Hi Akalanka,
Yes Alfa Maschio should work on Sri Lankan women. However, East Asian women may find the product a little bit intimidating, so something like L2K might be better in those scenarios.
Hey Joe, great reviews on your site.
I am new to pheromones. I am a black 45 years old but look really young for my age. I get attention from younger women because of my youthfulness.
I am also good at approaching women but closing the deal is usually my problem. But when a woman is flirtatious with me, I can really escalate. I want a pheromone that will make women really flirtatious because am good at flirting back. I am not really interested in too much talking. Just raw chemistry and flirtation. Which Pheromone would you recommend? I live in Europe and I can order Alpha Maschio, L2K or Chikara among others but I need just one.
Looking forward to your reply.
Hi Jamaro,
If you are looking for a versatile formula, I think Alfa Maschio would work very well for you. It has status, sexual elements, and is attractive to a very broad range of women. If you have a specific type of woman you are trying to attract, you could give me details but I think that is a great choice.
Cheers 🙂
Hi, I just brought Alfa machio, before I use to use true jerk which made me very disinhibited. Would this product do the same or better? And does it matter the way you dress? True jerk lowered my status a bit
Hi Sho,
Alfa Maschio is a lot more potent than True Jerk. True Jerk is good as a mixer along with other products to give them an aggression spike and to convey sexual confidence… however, AM is a totally different type of product. It has social status as well as a significant sexual edge over TJ.
I don’t think you should have seen any status reduction with TJ either – perhaps women think that you are studly and act colder towards you, which might be perceived as lowering your status. Guys might also feel a bit threatened around you and want to test you.
Hi Joe. Congrats for your blog, really great work.
I’m writing because I’m interested in alpha maschio and you have some questions. I hope that you can help me.
1) I know that this product function really good in environments like bars, night clubs but, is possible use every days, for example in university and work environments? If the answer is yes, how many sprays?
2) is possible use more than one time for day? Means like if I can use in the morning early and after use in the afternoon? This for had the product all day on the body
3) is possible use the pheromones and immediately put on my perfume?
4) And if you recommend with or without smell alpha maschio.
Hope to hear you
Kind regards
Hi Mat,
AM works great in those environments, but I would not recommend using it every day. I wouldn’t recommend using most pheromone products daily as you can develop a tolerance to the effects, and it is also difficult to scrub them off. You are bound to leave some residue which will make the effects get a bit weird over time. This is especially bad for strong products like AM. I recommend using 2-3 sprays.
You can re-apply thrroughout the day, but different pheromones evaporate at different times, so I recommend cleaning your application spots if you’re going to apply more product. I don’t recommend adding it into a perfume or cologne bottle, because if you get the ratio wrong then you will have a whole bottle of useless product. Also, AM and other Alpha Dream products use their own unique silicone base. Mixing it with a regular alcohol based product would ruin its intended diffusion. I suggest you get the product scented, because they smell quite strong and sweaty as pheromones do.
This product changed my life. More focus and less fear. I have had very hot sexual experiences with women I just met. But, this product will scare the more timid females. So do not be surprised when that happens. If you are after a steady girlfriend or are a little timid yourself, do not use this product or at least understand what it will do. Just looking at women will make them wet, especially if you know how to have an alpha mind set. It feels natural to give the women you like a bit of a challenge to see how they respond. Standing in their space for example. It is a misconception to think that when using this product every woman will love you and adore you. Wrong, some women don’t want a man as confident as this pheromone will make you. They like the timid types because they can have their way. You are not like that when using this, which is good, sometimes it is about frustrating a woman a little to trigger a sexual response. You are not going to buy into her game of control, you are in control. During sexual intercourse, especially women I just met, they feel your strength. You will slap her ass and pull her hair and they will ask you to repeat it. You can treat women like a slut. Especially when you know how to speak like a man and tell her what you want to do with her, without apologizing or becoming defensive, you will have your way with women sooner or later. This product makes it easy to be like this. But, yes there are some women, which know they are not that attractive and they will shy away. Who cares right, they are, more often than not, not an option anyway. You want the females that know they have something good, because that will lead to less resistance during sex and they enjoy it often much easier.
Hey Michael – awesome post! I completely agree. Some people think its just spray and let women come to you, and some just place way too much faith in the product and not on themselves. AM works fantastically (just recently re-ordered, don’t see why people think its still not up to the original quality, they work perfectly how I remember them). It makes escalating very easy and well received which is the whole point of pheromone products anyway 🙂
Hi I’m considering ordering this product and it sounds really good to my question if it contains a scent like a regular perfume ???
Hi Amit,
There are a few different scent options available on the website. I highly recommend Leather and Steel or Black Spice – but choose something that you would like. The scent of the pheromones is very strong through, so if you have a particularly sensitive target then you may need an additional cover, but I’ve personally found the built in scents pretty strong (very few complaints from women).
Hey PheroJoe Great site you have wanted to know if you can explain to me briefly how to use this wonderful product and what amount should be put and where to put it in the skin?
hi Amit,
First I would test the product at 1 spray to see how the effects work for you. If you are noticing positive results, you can safely move to 1.5 sprays, and if thats good as well, you can use 2. 3 sprays tends to be overkill and will probably start scaring people off, but you can try it to see what happens 🙂
The only thing with AM is that you should be actively escalating things, be confident, and your advances will be welcome if your game is on point.
I’ve read practically every thread about Alfa Maschio on various forums and now I want to make the leap.
Just wondering how this would pair with TAA, Instant Shine or A1. This seems to be an aggressive and sexual mix so I think something like A1 for social bonding would be a great boost.
Also, I’ve heard there have been a few bad batches, but I think the problem is resolved based on some recent reviews. Just wondering if you know anything about the last 1 month or so batch.
Hi Ali,
There was a very minor and short lived batch issue that was corrected a long time ago. Some people have exaggerated the effects and carried on myths about the product ever since. The product works great and has for most of the last 2 years. The current batch works fantastically.
Hi Joe, does Alfa Maschio do the same job as Bad Wolf? What are the main differences if there are any?
Thanks Chris
Hi Chris,
Bad Wolf is a very different product, and has much more “celebrity” type aura. It can also potentially be a lot more intimidating, and takes some work to figure out. I would say the biggest differences are that its more geared towards people who have a LOT of charisma, or people who would like to develop high-status, cool charisma. There is a much bigger learning curve too. AM is more geared specifically towards seduction, and has a lot of charismatic properties… but it also has more sexual properties IMO. It’s hard to explain the difference over text, but they are both fantastic products.
do you think am nos would work on asians born here in the states? if so, on younger or older girls?
Hi goodfellas187,
Asian women who were brought up in a western environment typically seems to react to pheromones the same way Caucasian women react to it. However, Asians who have a more “reserved” upbringing may find high androstenone levels off-putting. It all depends on the women in question, but you can easily test her reactions with just 1 spray and use more if she reacts well to it.
Hello Phero Joe,
Best Site Ever !
I have researched here and bought some items ( listed below ) recently, BIG Thanks…
Me : Chinese 50;
She : 40+ Chinese, massage therapist, very weak sexual desires, we had sex before ( once every 2 months )
Goal : she will massage me every Tues. & Sat. for 3 to 4 hrs, which Pheromone or combos work best to turn her into sexual direction and more sexual desires with me in the future ? Thanks a lot : )
* * * * * *
” Items Purchased so far ”
【 PheromoneXS 】
XiSt ( Oil ),
Evolve-XS ( Oil ),
Massage Oil with Pheromones ( Use on woman ),
Warming Body Massage Oil ( Mini )
Taboo ( spray sample ), LoveBoat ( spray sample ), Cohesion ( spray sample )
【 Alpha Dream 】
L2K , Alfa Maschio, Corporativo, Certo
Hi David,
Those are some great products, I haven’t actually used the massage oil products at this time, but I think using a product like Evolve-XS oil in an area where it won’t be touched (or massaged over) would be an excellent idea. The idea is for it to “evolve” into a gradually more sexual product, so it would likely work very well in this scenario.
Best Manner Phero Joe,
Your Attitudue towards your Visitor/Members are MUCH MORE Polite & Respectful than other Review Site, Keep Up your GOOD WORK !!
By the way, I put below dosage on myself before massage, it seems she likes the smell, I can see she became more free, but not turning her into sexual direction, any solution in this scenario ? Thanks a Lot,
BEST Wishes,
Xist : ( Neck ) 1 spray Right / 1 spray Left .
Evolve-XS : ( Neck ) 1 drop Right / 1 drop Left.
Evolve-XS : ( Wrist ) 1 drop Right / 1 drop Left.
is there a return policy on the nos edtion? the only phermones that have work for me was l2k v1
Hi Curtbaker,
Yes, all Alpha Dream product guarantees apply to all their products – if you’ve only had success with L2K, it may be because AM may make you appear to be far too aggressive, or perhaps overly threatening. Use it at a lower dose and work your way up.
phero Joe god bless u,you save my life with your knowledge and the pathway you on!Learning more from you godfather Joe!
Is alpha dream still having delivery issues? Some webshops are out of stock. Are they delivering small batches or nothing at all?
Hi Michael,
I have sent email after email, and they seem to be either ignoring me or just not really bothered at the moment. It is very frustrating, but I would avoid ordering for the time being.
I’ve been interested in buying pheromones, and I’m not sure whether, I should go for AM or Bad Wolf. I’m thinking AM, since this is my first pheromone, and being a beginner, however I keep thinking I should get Bad wolf since it actually makes you into a confident person. What do you recommend?
Also I’m Hispanic (doesn’t know if that helps) recently turn 18, so young man going for young women, and always in a public setting (since I have classes). I’m also trying to be more professional career wise since I’m tryin to get a decent job and trying to get into a university.
I dont know if this will help, but I really am confused whether I get one or the other
Hey Buddy,
Since you are only 18, I would strongly avoid these 2 products for now. They can be VERY intimidating, especially to younger women in your age range. I would recommend something like XiSt from PheromoneXS, or perhaps Swoon from Pheromone Treasures. Those have an excellent overall vibe that works fantastically on younger women with no negative effects.
I had a girl say to her girlfriends that I was the kind of guy she could get “accidentally” pregnant from. Women will know that someday somehow you have the ability to get them wet, a moment when she lets her guard down. It is like women know this when they see you (while wearing AM). I think this is in essence what kind of vibe Alpha Maschio gives. In real nature there is instinct, if you have a girl following her instinct, she wants to fuck.
If you follow the fairy tail bullshit about dating and dining a woman, you are looking for a romantic partner (which you try to impress with expensive dinners). AM is not that, AM is like: come back when you are horny, until then I don’t care. From experience I know, when women sniff AM, and women have told me this, she wanted to feel my d*ck inside her.
It is almost like no foreplay and no need for kissing, no need for “getting to know you better”- for weeks and months, just a submissive reaction, ass up, face down. I did not know this when I bought AM, but over the years I have learned, that this is how it works (for the women that are attracted to you). Don’t feel offended when women talk about you behind your back, when wearing AM you don’t care.
Women only talk about alpha males in a criticizing way (this is just a test), like “who does he think he is?” or “he is such a dominating asshole”, beta males they talk about what kind of sweat heart you are. The latter is not positive for sexual attraction. Sexual attraction is about cockiness, frustration the woman a little bit. AM is high status arrogance, cockiness. Your words will hit hard when you open your mouth.
I am not the strongest guy or the tallest, but even security is afraid to just approach me. I have had women talk to security about how I approached them. I was like “so what?”, I wast just very direct like when do we hook up? And she asked, for what? And I said, “I’m going to fuck you”. Again most women will test you to see if you crumble under pressure or not or if you are really an alpha male.
I have had a lot of women criticize me, for my direct approach. Only to reveal to me later they where extremely attracted to my behavior. With AM it is easy not to give a fuck, and you really should not. Be honest with women, if she says no, leave her alone. If she is really interested, she will get back to you eventually.
I had AM a while back .Man, I had all types of women getting at me. Now that I’m 58,I I want to have some fun.So I just Recently purchased a bottle of unscented AM.But I’m kinda uncertain about applying this powerful formula .But I will put it to work.
Ok.. another comment from me. Passive aggressiveness has taken a complete new level in my life, as my neighbours are now more passive aggressive against me than ever. They call me the Terminator. I have to admit I look like this when wearing alpha maschio. But this is far from what I expected it to do. I feel very confident wearing this product. This is the most polarizing pheromone I have ever tried. It is alpha as fuck. I make one sexually forward comment to a female and next she brings her friends to see how I look like. Not that I fucked her, but this product hits so fucking hard it will slap people in the face, it will hit their frontal lobe with a hammer. It sounds funny, but people are really really on edge when I wear this. They are friendly but remember Alpha Maschio is a bad boy. I have been tested by undercover police many times, they tried to sell me drugs, they tried to get drugs, they tried to booby trap me in many ways, not knowing that I’m a nice guy. So be warned when wearing this and transforming yourself, although I would never miss the chance if I where to start over, I have hit on many women in my neighbourhood, and this might actually turn against you. You can hit on women without Alpha Maschio, but with Alpha Maschio, it will hit hard and it will create a memory.
hello phero joe. I am light-brown/beige/tanned skin bald-headed South-Asian male with french goatie. But can pass for Mexican, Latino/Hispanic, or brown toned-Arab looks wise rather as a South-Asian male. I am also 29 years of age, I wish to attract women of all ages(non-jailbait) and all races, but prefer women between 18-29 age range. I am also a Computer Science student at school, so I don’t have much time going to bars or clubs. Is this pheramone affective in public buses, bus-stops, gym, restaurants, or social gatherings(non-nightlife)? Or more towards bars and night-clubs? Have you had brown toned people that you know say good stuff about this pheramone? Since I have a Georgia Armani cologne Acqua Di Gio Perfumo, I wish to get the unscented version of this pheramone. Is it as affected as scented one? Also which pheramone including this one, maximized your laid and attraction count? Although I am bettering my social skills as well trying by best to change my body fat to muscle, but in the mean while I need something like this pheramone, to boost my self-image.
Hi Tony, Alfa Maschio has a lot of androstenone, which is a very potent and arousing pheromone for women. However, it can make women feel intimidated, and the rest of the components in the formula are designed to prevent that from happening. AM is an excellent all around mix — I have found hispanic/latin, and darker skinned women to be highly attracted to mixes like it. Other great mixes for darker skinned women include Bad Wolf, Evolve-XS (by PheromoneXS). The Hookup (Pheromone Treasures)… they all have their own unique vibes, so you may be better off checking the reviews to see if its something that will fit with your personality. Cheers 🙂
I recently bought another pheromone cologne ‘raw chemistry’ since it was cheaper. But no results with raw chemistry so far while walking near females during day time and passing by them. Have you every tried raw chemistry by any chance? I mix raw chemistry three sprays two on the neck, and one on wrist rubbing together, with Armani Perfume three sprays. Doing you think that is good idea? I will buy Alpha Maschio soon unscented. Do you think it is a good idea to mix Alpha Maschio unscented with Armani Perfume? If so, how many sprays of both? Thanks.
Hi Tony, yes I have tried Raw Chemistry Pheromone Cologne Review: Average Product, But Works Okay, however their products are just very average, mass marketed pieces of junk IMO. They are cheaply made by marketers, not true pheromone enthusiasts.
How affective is Alpha Maschio at Bus stops, University Campuses etc.?
AM is very powerful on women in their 20’s. I haven’t caught a bus for a long time but for day game in general it is very potent. You may have to use only 1 spray or atleast tone it down a little with a social (unless you are very good at putting women at ease). Cheers
Do pheromones go off and loose effect if kept in a cool dark place for a long time < (years).
Hi Hardy, I have found pheromones to be effective after years. I have stored old bottles of pheromones which I break out on occasion that still work just as well as when I bought them. I have been told that light will degrade the pheromones moreso than just heat. They’ll last for a while, just give them a shake when you do use them after storing them for a while.
would like to get an ex girlfriend back in my life, which is the best for that?
I would recommend you to read through this article, if you want an ex back its not always so simple as getting a pheromone product. Alfa Maschio is powerful, but you would be better off with something that can trigger that romantic feeling for you again.
How is L2K and Alpha Maschio Mix? Is it a good combo?
No, L2K is best used on its own. I would also avoid mixing Alfa Maschio especially if you’re a beginner.
Can I mix Alpha Maschio with XiSt?
Just bought Alpha Maschio and for some reason it is not working for me. If I put 5 sprays is it a problem. How many sprays should I put and on what regions should I put my sprays?
Way too many sprays. Start with 1.
Sorry my english is not so good. I am from germany and visit my friend in the next time in a small city and i want approaching the ladys.
Approaching in smallcity have benefits and disadvantage.
Pro benefits
+In small city have the ladies few option of attractive men.
The ladies have low demands.
+The lady are less busy than in big city’s and have more time
+In big cities, men often approach women and in small city not often. She have low bitch shield.
-shy ladyies
-the girls can react fearfully
-many stubborn girls
Which “Alpha-Dream” and “Pheromone XS” products is the best for small city women?
Hi Mert, My personal favorite product from Alpha Dream is Alfa Maschio. As for PheromoneXS, I would recommend XiSt by PheromoneXS (Friendzone Killer, “Instant Boyfriend”, Flirty, Romantic) + SOB-XS (in combo). The products can also be used separately for a more romantic or sexual edge, which is why I would go with the combo over AM alone.
Has anyone tried the new, mct-oil based version of AM and has an opinion? Is it better or worse?
I haven’t tried this yet, but I’ll order some soon and shoot out an email with any updates. I’ll ask Alpha Dream if there’s any particular reason why they changed.
Hey Joe great site,
Does AMwork alone or can you layer it with other pheromones like the hook up
yes, but tbh I would avoid layering AM with anything else as it is already a very strong attraction product.