Want to get your ex-girlfriend back? Getting back an ex is a common reason for men seeking out pheromones to help them “win” someone back… but does it work?
In my experience, it can help (a lot), but its not something I recommend.
It doesn’t matter how “hot” you think she is. The fact is, if you are trying to get an ex-girlfriend back its probably never going to go back to the way things were…
… a “breakup” is always going to scar a relationship permanently.
Not only that, but she’ll feel like she has a sense of “power” over you… which she might use to string you along while she chases other men behind your back.
You will never completely trust your partner again, and you’ll always be worried about whether she’s just waiting for an opportunity to jump ship (for something she perceives is better).
So you gotta ask yourself… is it really worth it? Is she REALLY the best you can do?
Pheromones can help you get back your ex-girlfriend and significantly improve your chances..
But by the end of this article, you’ll probably wonder if its worth all that trouble.
I know, you think she’s the only girl in the world for you… the only one with that certain personality, look, laugh, whatever.
As hard as it is, during a breakup, you really have “tunnel vision” and can’t see yourself being with someone other than your ex-girlfriend…
… especially if you thought it was a fantastic relationship, and things wouldn’t ever go wrong.
But I understand – getting an ex-girlfriend back might seem like its the only option you have left (it’s not).
… because I felt that way at one point too.
And not only that, I made every single mistake in the book.
I called and texted like she was the only girl on Earth, tried to reason with her, and even lost my confidence over the situation.
It was my best friend just throwing something away for reasons I couldn’t understand.
Getting broken up with is one of the few “soul crushing” experiences most men go through before self realization, building REAL confidence, and gaining control over emotions.
It was for me anyway. The first time was with someone who I considered my best friend (she was), but a few years
younger than me.
She had all the qualities I was after in someone, a high energy personality good looks, some direction in life…
I never really thought it could happen to me, but it did.
And now I’m THANKFUL for the experience, because that’s also about the time I realized what it takes to be a truly confident person from the inside out.
And developed attractive personality traits rather than looking for short term fixes (and also the reason why I advise you develop these traits so strongly on this site).
I learned a LOT of stuff about myself, relationships, and the nature of women…
All of which will help if you really want to get back back your ex-girlfriend.
To cut a long story short, I did end up getting her back (which turned out to be a waste of my time in the end). The last thing you want to do in this situation is become a negative loser and blame all women like the MGTOW followers and let weakness take over your life.
As I quickly discovered, it wasn’t as “rosy” as I pictured it in my head for the reasons I mentioned earlier.
There is always going to be a feeling of hurt, distrust, and fear of full commitment which will ruin the relationship again eventually.
You still want to know how to do it?
Okay, but don’t say I didn’t warn you – this can be a bit of an uphill battle, and you have a pretty good chance of getting your ex-girlfriend back.
But you need to follow this advice carefully, and avoid skipping steps – much like in my “get out of friendzone” guide“.
In fact, these 2 guides are actually very similar – the difference with getting an ex-girlfriend back and escaping friendzone is slightly different but much the same.
There is a lot more emotional/complicated history that needs to be dealt with when attempting to get an ex-girlfriend back… which is a lot more difficult than getting a girl who might not have much romantic interest in you, and simply raising that interest level.
But until I say so in this article, just pretend you don’t know what pheromones are (this is going to help you get her back, so do not just skip and try to use combos without understanding it).
Anyway, let’s get started.
Step 1: Change your mindset of “getting your ex-girlfriend back”, to “making her WANT you back” (huge difference).
The biggest mistake men make when attempting to reconcile with their ex-girlfriends… is that they suddenly put them up on a pedestal, thinking shes the perfect girl and yada yada…
… your ex-girlfriend suddenly seems so much higher value than she actually is.
This is a terrible thing to happen, because it will diminish your own self-esteem and value and make things even MORE difficult (in terms of reconciliation).
You’ll probably perceive her to be more attractive than other women, more compatible, or other justifications for wanting her back.
I get it… our ego makes us want to think that you’re the best she can do, but reality says otherwise.
… and from there, a downhill cycle of thought that begins and ends with you feeling that you are worthless, don’t deserve her, or other negative feelings.
There is also a STRONG, “primal” feeling triggered when any important social tie is cut, so you are literally fighting against yourself to avoid contact with your ex-girlfriend.
This is due to certain chemicals becoming unbalanced in your brain, which makes you feel awful. This is very much like a drug withdrawal (read more about love pheromones here).
Step 2: That’s why the first step to reconciliation… is LETTING GO of your attachment.
This is one of the most paradoxical things about getting back together with an ex-girlfriend…
But trust me when I say this: when you are desperate to get an ex-girlfriend back (or any girl for that matter), you push her further away.
When you text or call, or ask her to hang out some time she is afraid that you are going to try and put things back together, when she just doesn’t feel the same about you any more.
I’ve actually read about something called “G.I.G.S” (Grass Is Greener Syndrome), which seems to be common with younger women.
… all of a sudden, they seem to do a complete 180 on you, and don’t seem to have any explanation as to why.
Usually excuses range from:
- I love you, I’m just not “in love” with you
- Needing “space”
- I need to “find myself”
This is one of the more difficult types of breakups to endure, because you don’t really have anything to go on… but you can bet your ass its that she is either bored, trying to get with someone else, or both.
Very rarely do women break up without a “back up plan”…
This is just personal opinion.
But women, (especially younger women) are on the facebook/instagram/snapchat train, where attention is like currency…the more they have, the better they feel.
I really think its kind of ruined things in the dating world, because women perceive that they have all the power and can string along men with no downsides for them.
They also have guys who hit them up constantly, so they feel like they have a never-ending supply of men to feed their ego (especially if she’s even remotely attractive).
This is an additional obstacle you will have to face, but its not impossible.
All you have to do is CUT CONTACT with her while we sort that emotional mumbo jumbo in your brain out.
This is the most CRUCIAL part of the process, because it will give you time and space to get yourself together, before you make a move.
How long? It depends… you will need to achieve something before you even decide to get back in contact with her.
But most likely, this is a process that will take a minimum of a few months (and if you try to skip, you will just end back up on square one, which is why step 3 is so important).
Step 3: Fall in love with your life… and yourself (because if you don’t nobody else will).
Usually there were signs that a break up was coming. Your ex girlfriend probably brought these things up or hinted and you didn’t do anything about it. Be completely honest with yourself.
If you’re like a lot of guys, you probably got lazier and tried less hard to keep your girl interested.
You stopped being who she was attracted to in the first place.
Maybe you lost interest in your hobbies, your passion for life died a little, your energy got dissipated into your relationship when it should have gone towards improving yourself as a person.
When you grow as a person, your relationship also grows and progresses (I personally think this is the #1 threat to relationships ending).
Relationships seem to stall when you’re not making progress on yourself, as well as together. Having new experiences to bond you to eachother, and things to work on as a couple improves cohesion and that’s what keeps people together.
It sounds like some weird abstract idea doesn’t it? Well it’s not, and it’s really quite simple.
If your life isn’t interesting, full of fun, friends, and happiness (because you relied on your girlfriend too much or got lazy), then chances are nothing will change until you change the people and environment around you.
Get back to your hobbies and passions, set goals and achieve them.
Get involved with YOURSELF… attract cool new friends to show you a different side of life.
In case you’re stuck in a rut for ideas, I’ve got a few to kick your list off.
- Get the Secret Alchemy Of Personal Magnetism (if you don’t already)
- Amp up your “personal power” with the help of pheromones.
- Hit the gym – lose weight and pack on some muscle (get a personal trainer if you have to). This will also help to ramp up product of naturally occurring pheromones in your body odor.
- Learn how to dance (one of my most rewarding passions in life – street dance/freestyle/hip hop)
- Learn martial arts like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, MMA, Muay Thai, boxing etc
- Something else that you like that’s manly and an attractive skill.
- Hang out with new friends, get new perspectives, and get excited about life!
Step 4: Once you’ve gotten involved in your life and put YOURSELF before your ex-girlfriend, THEN you can think about reconciliation. But first…
By now, you’ve followed my instructions and are currently on a “no contact” basis with your ex-girlfriend (or minimum contact if you have anything important to do with her, like kids).
You’ve also begun to get back involved back in your life, and stopped dwelling on past events like the breakup… slowly.
But you might be realizing that there’s still a part of you that hates your ex-girlfriend or still wants to be back with her again.
This is like the invisible weight on your shoulders, and its going to hold you back if you attempt to get your ex-girlfriend back at this point.
And there are only 2 ways to stop this from happening:
- Allowing enough time to pass to feel completely and utterly INDIFFERENT to your ex-girlfriend.
- OR… dating other women to get the stench of desperation off of you.
There are people out there that follow all my instructions, but simply fail at this last step.
There is a part of them that continues to get tangled up in old emotions for their ex-girlfriend, which is why they keep ruining their chances over and over again.
But why though?
When your girlfriend broke up with you, it was most likely not an “instant decision”…
Instead it was probably planned out over weeks or months, and debating with herself, weighing her options and maybe even cheating.
Your ex-girlfriend now sees you of someone that’s LOWER value.
And to change this perception, you need to develop higher quality personality traits and improve your life.
Changing that negative perception of you is a crucial part of getting your ex-girlfriend back… because she’ll WANT to be back with you.
That’s why step 5 is so important.
Step 5: When, and ONLY when you are completely neutral towards your ex-girlfriend, can you attempt reconciliation.
Why? Because at this point, you are just an option for her.
In fact, if you get in contact with her too soon, she’ll probably get a nice little ego boost because she gets off on knowing you still miss her after all this time.
(That’s also why I told you to date other women, because women can get extremely bitchy when they think they have power over you).
Remember, we are trying to change her perception of you… which is not a very easy thing to do, and it just can’t be faked or skipped over.
Because you will NOT be getting back your “old” relationship… you will be starting a completely new one with the same woman.
Everything we’ve done up until now is to do a complete 180 on her and make her see what a rare and valuable person you really are.
But we’re going to put a little turbo charger on it, and use products to “amp up” your natural pheromones.
Step 6: Get some killer pheromone combos to push her attraction “over the edge”…
Pheromones are powerful, but they’re still just 1 element of this puzzle – if you try to skip the other steps you MIGHT get somewhere…
But if you want to maximize your chances of success, then using them all together is the best way.
That means using some kickass combos to really help push the idea that you are a completely “new” person (and you don’t need her, and have other women available to you).
Here are some combos that I’ve used – some of them are known, others are not as well known.
But each of them has a slightly different purpose, which may be better or less suited to your needs.
- Escape The Friendzone by Pheromone Treasures: While not exactly a combo, this particular product is an absolute POWERHOUSE when it comes to re-sparking romance and pushing those sexual attraction buttons in women. Having used this one over a period of time, and can really help bring the “sexual” aspect of a relationship together, and in turn, opening the doors to romance again. I would suggest using it with Grail Of Affection as the sexual tension builds in your interactions with your ex-girlfriend.
- Bad Wolf + XiSt: A high powered pheromone combo that has alpha, sexual, and romantic properties… this is one of my all time favorite combos, because it has fantastic self effects, affects women of a large age group (18+), and has a massive amount of magnetism/pull. This combo may even make her feel that you are now “out of her league”, which is probably why I like it so much. If you think that she thinks she is too good for you, try this combo out on her and let her see that other women find you attractive, that you don’t need her, and you are much higher value than she thinks.
- Nude Alpha + Glace+Androstadienone/Voodoo: The classic “falling in love” combo… A user on pherotruth made up this combo a while back, and its proven itself many times over. Women seem to feel like you have a very special quality about you, and see you as an ideal romantic partner. This is a fantastic combo if women feel that you have already done enough “pursuing” and she’s gotten her head and ego blown up. This is best for longer term game, and has a more likely chance of her hitting YOU up and putting in the work, rather than you going out of your way to make something happen.
- Alfa Maschio + True Love: The “bad boy” with a soft spot, but never weak combo… Alfa Maschio is one of my favorite attraction products, and True Love is a fantastic add on to make it feel more physically comforting to women rather than just purely alpha/sexual. It gives it more social properties and makes women feel like they have “butterflies” in the stomach… this is an extremely crushy, potent mix, and best suited for women who are sexually attracted to you, but still need to develop more emotional attachment before getting involved in a relationship with you again.
Step 7: Weigh your options, and if you REALLY think its worth it then slowly re-introduce yourself into her life.
The entire point of becoming completely “indifferent” towards your ex-girlfriend is that you can now start from scratch… and restart a brand new relationship.
The cool thing about being at this point though, is you probably won’t even want to or even bother.
Because other women find you attractive, you have interesting stuff going on in your life, and you probably don’t find her as attractive as you initially thought she was (because she’s an option for you now, just like you are/were to her).
Now as for specifically going into HOW to introduce yourself, you can do this through several methods.
- She’s probably contacted you in the mean time, which you’ve ignored up until now. Reply to a text, and set up something.
- Meet at a party or other public event where you will be seen and noticed, but not specifically because of her.
- Create a Facebook event, invite her or get a friend to invite her if you don’t want to do so directly.
- Use your brain and get creative.
Once you have arranged to connect with your ex-girlfriend, it’s important to remain cool, calm, and collected.
Act like it’s your first date or meeting with an acquaintance. If serious topics come up, try to brush them off and have an unbothered attitude.
You will use this time to set up other friendly dates where you can slowly work your way back into her mind.
You goal is to establish a mutual friendship where you will be able to work romance back into the friendship — remember, this is NOT the friendzone, because you’ve already crossed the line by being intimate.
You are just using this as a way to remain in her life so you can have another chance at romance.
While on your “friendly” dates, casual meet ups, or random run-ins with eachother, you should do several things:
- Remember to wear your pheromones, and practice on other women to make sure they’re working as they’re supposed to. Adjust your dosages so you can get maximum effect from them.
- Bring up positive moments you’ve shared together as a couple. You’ll start removing negative thoughts about you from her head, and start making her wonder what was so wrong in the first place.
- Get familiar with the process of creating romantic interest or “fallout” (consciously).
- You have to make her think you “like” her romantically, but you could either take it or leave it. When you are genuinely romantically interested in her, this will be exciting (kind of like when you start connecting on a romantic level with a new person).
- Start bringing up moments in time where you were totally happy and connected as a couple, you’ll notice she starts showing you more affection as time goes by. Depending on how bad the break up was, it might take hours or days.
- From this point on, she is getting attached emotionally again, and you should start escalating physically. Do not rush or force it, or you may end up back at square one.
- Do NOT rush… if you followed my steps to the “T”, then you will do much of this organically and not try to force relationship talk, or try to persuade her… you will see her as just an option. Your goal is to attract her back and get HER to bring up reconciliation because she sees your high value and what she’s missing out on.
Step 8: From there on, its up to you to make her believe she’s missing out, and her life was much better with you in it.
The confidence and new attitude you bring from making your life more exciting should STICK with you.
Because then you can remain positive with or without her.
Once you get back together, don’t start ignoring yourself again and get lazy.
This is not just a temporary fix, just so you can get your ex-girlfriend back…
This is some high level social mastery that is ongoing and will tremendously improve your life.
Remember to put yourself first – women like men who like themselves.
This automatically creates attractive, manly behavior because you have goals and passions in life.
Use your new goals and passions and even get her involved in them – this will create an even stronger relationship and help you grow as a couple so you can prevent future break ups from happening.
Let’s wrap things up
Okay, so hopefully my mini guide here gave you some perspective on your break up and will help you get your ex-girlfriend back.
Writing an in depth guide is way beyond the scope of House Of Pheromones.
But if you look around you’ll constantly see similar advice.
Also, the “no contact” rule is simply bad advice if you aren’t being productive with your time.
This is just for people who want to play a silly game with no plan, once their ex actually does contact them.
In the end, its really all the same – make your ex girlfriend want you back.
Take the steps above, and I GUARANTEE you’ll have a high success rate of getting your ex girlfriend back than just going “no contact” and hoping she begs to get back together.
As a man, you have power and it’s time to use that power to better yourself.
The worst case scenario is you’ll have become more attractive so you can start dating other hotter women, and then make her insanely jealous 🙂.
I hope this report helps at least improve your chances to get your ex-girlfriend back.
Actually no, I take that back… if you followed my advice, you DID dramatically improve your chances (but not that it should matter, you’ve leveled up in all areas of your life, and you’ll be able to get better and hotter women anyway).
Thank you for reading,
- Phero Joe
P.S. BONUS micro lesson: During your self improvement adventure, it’s also important that you improve, and understand HIGHER LEVEL GAME… this means being able to know exactly what makes women tick, makes them think about you all day long, and drives them completely crazy in love for you. What is it that makes women so emotional about certain men? The easiest one is conversation. Learn how to talk to women in an emotional way, and it will improve your game DRAMATICALLY.
Don't Go Anywhere. Check Out These Articles First.
- Heaux Cosmetics Review: Overhyped, Overpriced Pheromone Products - October 22, 2023
- The Fascinating Female Pheromone Effects On Males (Powerful Attraction) - October 21, 2023
- The Curious Case of “Vabbing” & Pheromones: A Controversial TikTok Trend - October 18, 2023
I’m wondering about Alfa Maschio + True Love with my ex. She’s 22 and we do not talk anymore. I do have the opportunity to talk with her for very short periods of time while passing each other on the way to class. I was a big pussy when we broke up so I was thinking AM would help more than the other pheros. Would this combo be ideal to try out or should I try xist + bad wolf? Would you recommend any additional pheros like love boat, vibe or cohesion? Thank you.
Hi James,
I think if you ended on bad terms XiSt + Bad Wolf is just a straight up epic combo. The self effects are great, it hits strongly, and generates a lot of attraction… it really seems like the reset effect gets sped up once you learn how to use BW and then combine it with a strong emotional/romantic attraction product like XiSt.
I LOVE how you develop this. It’s not only true. But by following all the steps, you are actually walking the same path that you need to get away from her, to follow your own life.
It’s like: do this, it will get you free and give you a lot of choices in your life (and actually give you a life). When you finish you will be at a fork, you can get back with her or not, but now you have the strength to actually decide, you are no longer needy for her.
By the way, that is actually no only healthy for you, but the only way you can actually get her back also.
Smooth, smart and true. Love it.
I recommend doing this even if you don’t want to get your girlfriend back. Just for the psychological power of seeing that you are over her, not just thinking it, but actually living and feeling it in her desire to want you back. That will heal you, give you strength and confidence in your new you. You wont feel under her anymore, it wont be mental thinking or rationalisation, but you will feel it, you will experience it.
Thanks Anon,
I agree. Doing this all will help improve chances of reconciliation dramatically, because you will no longer be relying on a certain person for your happiness. The “fork” you mentioned is definitely the point people need to reach before they try to get an ex back, because at that point it really doesn’t matter anymore.
I just want to tell you my story. I have been with my wife for 17 years. I thought we are deeply in love. But what happened after our kids grew a bit. She realized that there was no desire, no sexual attraction, though we did have good sex. She then fell in deep love with sexual attraction with another guy. That guy looks similar as me but has something I didn’t have. I now realize I do not have the natural charisma, I am a needy leech, who moreover in this broken state clings to this relationship as hell. I know I need to improve myself, but can’t find out how. We need to stay together because the children are still small lovely girls 6 and 8. She says she will not leave me because she doesn’t want to hurt the children. I started dance classes, exercise every morning, smile a lot, stopped thinking what others think about me. I also see on the others that I am changing and they start to feel good when in my company. But my wife seems more and more distant. I hope I will successfully become who I need to be to get my wife back. I just want to assure everybody, that everything is happening to me is exactly like “the beware things” in articles on this website. Good luck to everybody in becoming “the man of your dreams”.
Wow, that’s excellent to hear Martin! I definitely recommend dancing, it is a skill that will come in extremely useful, and I’ve met plenty of women through it myself. Eventually, it will stop mattering how she sees you, which will very likely be enough to push her buttons enough to get her attracted to you. I would not wait around for her and start dating other women as soon as you are comfortable. This will improve your confidence dramatically and make you care a lot less. Keep on doing what you have to do – this is the most important step, and the one where most men fail by lying to themselves.
So, me and this girl have been on and off for a couple of years now, every time something goes wrong, we get through it BUT she says she only ever saw me as a friend, even though we used to do coupley things together, we would even have intercourse.
She said that she is only emotionally attracted to me, as of now we talk to each other but it is only for helping each other out and she also does not feel close to me anymore. She also keeps breaking up and getting back together with her current boyfriend.
I know where I messed up and I have improved my life, apart from the physical side of things which I am working on as we speak.
I wanted some advice as to what I should now do, I do want her back, but she does not trust me anymore either.
If I was going to use XiSt, what would I pair it up with to give me the best chance possible of getting her back? Thank you!
Hi Nick, there are some great combos you can use to amp up the effects of XiSt listed this article, and also this article about 14 Step Guide To Escaping Friendzone (Plus Killer Pheromone Combos). Please check out both.
Will this work even if she’s in relationship with someone else? Does it apply to men attracting women only or it can also work with homosexuals, like butch Lesbian attracting women?
Human psychology is pretty similar across the board 🙂
Hey Joe,
What’re your thoughts on XSP96 as a replacement for A1/Voodoo in the “falling in love” combo, as opposed to being used as a booster in the combo?
Would NAG + XSP96 + Glace likely have the same/similar effects as the original combo, or would something be missing without the use of actual A1?
Hi Patrick,
XSP-96 is a VERY GOOD alternative, especially for men who struggle with anxiety/depression from using androstadienone. There is a powerful attraction/crushy feel to it, without any of the downsides for men. In fact, it has positive self effects 🙂 I believe a strong androsterone product such as APi/NA/NAG + XSP-96 would very close to the falling in love combo.