The “XSP” putative pheromones lineup is geared towards advanced enthusiasts, experimenters, and those who wish to boost, modify, or create their own custom pheromone mixes…
Several years ago, Androtics Direct was the only one to offer these specific molecules — however, because of their shady business practices, “rolling blackouts”, and constant disappearances of in-demand putative pheromones…
… they have pretty much put themselves out of the game altogether.
But what exactly are they?
- Putative pheromones are just another name for single molecules… they simply have their chemical names hidden to ensure competitors can’t steal them.
- Typically experimental, and while some of them are absolute “must haves”… you can also expect a few duds (unless of course, I have tested, reviewed, and recommended them here first).
- A few secret “putative” pheromones are now known by their actual chemical names… but many of them remain a mystery. Fortunately, they won’t disappear without explanation, and SteveO as a trustworthy vendor has revealed some very good putatives for the good of the pheromone community already.
PheromoneXS now offers exact alternatives of these special molecules – but why should you even consider them?
If you haven’t yet been introduced to putatives, they are basically just unnamed pheromone molecules, or molecules which have pheromone-like effects.
They are excellent tools to significantly enhance, tweak, and even create your own pheromone mixes…
Due to their experimental nature, some of them have been found as duds…
Luckily, most of the useful Androtics Direct putative pheromones have EXACT alternatives
Here’s a quick summary of putatives, as well as links to buy them:
P96: Closeness, “crushy” feelings/imprint effect, high social value & acceptance (highly recommended)
- Hands down one of the most potent putative pheromones discovered – it has IMMENSE power when it comes to creating emotional “imprints” & attachment, and obvious in romantic/social interactions… it is known for being like androstadienone, except it had no negative effects on guys… it creates a “romantic” and “social” atmosphere around you, where people can be themselves, feel attached to you, and for women, even develop a significant crush on the wearer. It creates a relaxed, carefree, and somewhat “romantic” atmosphere around the wearer which is very attractive.
- Has something of its own “reset” effect on relationships (extremely useful for getting out of friendzone or to get an ex back)… P96 was a major component in the “Instant Boyfriend” mix, along with the original A314 (which is now defunct). What I mean with the “reset” effect, is if you have negative history/experiences with someone, it seems to “wipe the slate clean”. It just seems like whatever it was, is not a big deal anymore, and that both people are “starting over” in a way. Women see you in a new light, and relationships deepen and enhance very quickly.
- Has mesmerizing social and romantic chemistry effects, along with high personal power and magnetism… there is a high level of social acceptance and respect with P96. People see you as someone with a certain “allure” about them, a feeling of openness and feel comfortable expressing themselves around you. This is a very underrated effect, because it seems like everyone is trying to put on a “front” these days, and appear to be more than they really are. Give people the freedom to be themselves around you, and they will be permanent parts of your life — which is especially true when it comes to women!
- SteveO has also nicknamed this the “bridge” pheromone, due to its amplifying effects (when combined with other single pheromones or formulas)… P96 is fantastic for boosting the power of pheromones in a mix, as it “fills in the gaps”, and makes a pheromone signature feel more natural. If you have overdosed, or using a combo that isn’t working, having P96 can be a lifesaver as it can quickly fix negative effects, and make a combo even more powerful.
P86: Powerful visual beautifier, spotlight effect, very “hypnotic” with emotional imprinting potential (highly recommended)
- P86 is well known for being a powerful visual beautifier – it literally makes yourself and others appear more attractive than they really are... this is a known ingredient in the Nude/NAG/Nude Alpha product line, when looking in the mirror you can tell the difference very noticeably. You will look and feel more attractive, and others will perceive you to be more attractive. Physical flaws seem to be minimized, while positive features seem to be seen in a vastly more positive light. It is also a strong attention grabber, and seems to work at fairly large distances (staring, people feeling in “awe” of your presence).
- Makes experiences, conversations, and being with other people feel “dreamier”, euphoric, and more meaningful (romantic fallout potential)... people, especially women will repeat their interactions with you over and over in their minds, and seem to remember them in a romantic way. I strongly believe this ingredient is a major part of why the Nude/Nude Alpha product line works so powerfully to create a deep, emotional attachment with you. I strongly believe this is also very closely (or is) androstenetrione – the actual chemical name.
- Makes things feel more emotional, and artistic in a way (higher appreciation of art, people, culture – likely due to its beautifying effect)… but also, because it seems to intensify the emotions people experience. It is as if it makes things more “in the moment”, or like you are experiencing things from a higher perspective. Very difficult to describe it, but this quality makes it ones of the most unique on the market. Also, I believe the ingredient androstenetrione is banned in some places, hence the need for a coded putative which does not disclose what it is exactly (although it is most likely the same molecule).
- Has magnetic characteristics, increases the need for physical affection, and makes people feel more intimate with you… this ethereal quality about P86 gives it a somewhat “dreamy” quality, and seems to increase sex appeal. However, it feels more “sensual” rather than sexual — what its most noticeable trait is that it seems to make women feel more comfortable touching you, in a very natural way… if you haven’t yet broken the “touch barrier”, this will close the distance and help you be more physical with women, which makes it a lot easier to escalate. This is another putative pheromone which disappeared, until competitors with a direct alternative came to the market which didn’t create false scarcity to increase demand.
P74 (“best friend” in a bottle, instant rapport, connection, & charisma)
- P74 is another potent putative pheromone, which was known for making everyone you come in contact with feel like INSTANT “best friends”… it provided a great mood lift, excellent rapport, and instant connections with other people. It also had the effect of making people feel unusually “open” with the wearer, very easy to get along with, and created a very “comfortable” vibe – those warm fuzzy feelings you get around people you genuinely enjoy being around. People felt empathetic towards the wearer, but in high doses, it came at the cost of respect.
- “Warm and fuzzy” feelings, charisma, and high sociability (most likely a CORE component of MX297 – a potent social product from AD, which last I heard got severely weakened)… while this molecule is useful for creating friendships, it isn’t very good unless combined with other pheromones for attraction purposes (however, if you’re in need of a purely social putative pheromone, this is a great choice). Using too much can neuter alpha or sexual type pheromone products. The original MX297, when combined with a sexual type pheromone was an extremely attractive mix, which is unfortunately not available anymore.
- I originally suspected this to be epiandrosterone. However, on later uses of the product I don’t think that’s the case… in high doses, P74 can be unattractive and can get you friendzoned if you don’t wear it with something more alpha (androstenone & P75 were popular choices), as well as combining it with alpha or sexual standalone products which were too intimidating and needed to be toned down a notch. Epiandrosterone, to me feels more neutral, whereas P74 in high doses can seem slightly feminine in higher doses.
p75: Alpha+masculinity, without being domineering
This was another great molecule that provided excellent effects in the alpha department. During my testing, I found that it used to create an aura of respect around me. it was calm and authoritative, however, it was not intimidating respect like androstenone tends to create. It leans more towards being seen as someone “popular”, yet masculine.
It also had a “brainiac” type of effect on me personally, I would become more articulate and be able to make more mental connections between ideas and my thought processes in my own head. At the same time, it seems to create a physical type of relaxed feeling – of being comfortable in your own skin. There is definitely a feeling of being “centered”, and being one with your body.
In higher doses (and I consider above 5mcg high), it creates a more dominant, attention grabbing aura. I believe it can be sexual, but I think it’s more “sexy” than the arousing type of attraction androstenone creates. For a long time, I suspected this to be androstAnone, however with later experiences I found that there are some minor differences. People seem to rave about this molecule all over the Androtics forum, but I think it’s pretty average and would prefer androstAnone over it.
p79: Lusty, emotional intensifier, “heavy”…
One of the more intriguing molecules from the putative line up include p79 – a known emotional amplifier. It seems to make things emotionally “heavy”, so when you feel good, p79 makes you feel GREAT. If you’re in a bad mood, it will be pure aggravation, and so forth. With that said, this molecule can be unpredictable, and quite frankly I found that it ruined mixes more often than enhancing them.
Using lower doses reduces the risk of ruining mixes, but still — it can make you as well as others around you a little uncomfortable, and I think it’s because it makes people act how they feel. If guys feel a little intimidated by you, and if you are wearing “alpha” type molecules or mixes… that intimidation can turn to full on hateration. It’s not something you want to deal with while you are with a woman or out in the field.
This “2 way effect” is mostly useful or close encounters with women who are already into you. In other words, it can be risky if you are around women who are not interested in you for the moment. It’s a molecule that you would add on once you know there is interest, so that you can amplify those lustful feelings – or risk blowing yourself out if she’s not interested and you are in the process of building it.
p83: The amazing “disinhibitor”, instant bullshit removal
Another interesting molecule that has been in circulation for a while now (and is most likely the molecule beta-THDoc – more info in resources), is p83. P83 is mainly used to create a level of extreme disinhibition. To elaborate; there is more “openness”, however, depending on the persons feelings towards you, this may be a good or bad thing.
People will feel disinhibited enough to express how they REALLY feel about you… people will not hide their feelings. If someone feels good around you, they will show it by complimenting you, being physically close, show signs of affection etc. However, if they don’t like you for ANY reason, it will also prompt them to act like that towards you more blatantly. On a side note, I also find it difficult to articulate myself properly.
It’s not a “bad” molecule – however, social situations and even being around women can get tricky. Especially if you’re not sure where you stand with someone. I don’t think it’s an “amplifier” in the sense that p79 is – but what it does do is make molecules you are wearing MUCH more obvious in terms of effects. It will give other pheromone molecules a more distinct vibe, because there is no “filter” on them. Kind of like a cigarette – when you remove the filter, the smoke will be a lot harsher.
p93: “Caucasian magic”, the blonde chick magnet
When I first got a hold of this molecule, there were some rumors that it was apparently kind of racist (lol). It was known as a Caucasian blonde chick magnet… but mostly when used by guys that are not Caucasian. Curiosity got the best of me, since I am not white, and decided to put it through the ropes and see what happened. To my surprise, it actually was very effective… and especially effective on white women. I also found that it was not effective on African descent women, nor Polynesians who are a large group down here in Australia.
However, I won’t focus on its “discriminating” qualities for this summary. Lets talk about the actual effects it had: it was a mood lifter, and produced some very noticeable rapport in record time with the ladies. Women seem to relax, and let go of stress when exposed. It seems to create a feeling of familiarity between people, even if you just met eachother — kind of like when you meet someone and “click” with them right away.
Some people also do not react well to it – there is a somewhat unapproachable aura about it. There have been instances where I have lost my patience for people and acted rudely which is out of character for me. However, once you open people they light up with enthusiasm. It creates a kind of “focused” vibe, so when you are busy you might feel that others are a distraction for you(and they will also feel this, which is what creates the “unapproachable” vibe I mentioned earlier.
p102: Auditory/visual enhancement, attention grabbing, “primal”
p102 was a freebie Androtics was throwing at everyone a few years back. It was actually quite useful, as it seemed to draw attention to the wearer at far away distances. The other thing that really stuck out about this molecule is how obvious the auditory enhancement is – you can hear small noises, and find a greater appreciation for sound in the most “primal” sort of way. Walking through the city with this on is like being in a jungle, and your ears are tuned in to every sound for your survival.
Some people have reported that p102 also makes people like the sound of words coming out of their mouth… it creates a feeling around the mouth that is pleasurable, and makes sensations like kissing and touch more pleasurable.
P102 is also chemically known as EpiAlloPregnanolone – is also a component of the romantic powerhouse product XiSt. I’m not quite sure how useful it is, but it does explain why people pay a lot more attention to you while wearing it. This is consistent with the findings of testing it solo and with other products.
p103: “Don’t worry, be happy”
Commonly known as “mindless happiness”, p103 was successful at minimizing all you current issues and simply moving them to the back of your head – where they will not bother you. I felt that this molecule was a bit strange because of its inconsistency, because one moment I might be extra giddy and then the next I might be extremely focused on myself or completing a task. Sometimes, this also leads to “zoning out” mid conversation. It’s a very “happy go lucky” or “ignorance is bliss” type molecule.
It also had a slightly disinhibition effect, although not quite as pronounced as p83. It’s also different. While wearing it, I was on a strict diet, and had breached it multiple times by eating chocolates and sweets which I can ignore 99% of the time when I am at my families house. The thing is, I didn’t realize this until I had got off the p103, and noticed all the small blunders I had made while wearing it.
I think it contains an element of “IDGAF”, in a careless sort of way (which also translates to poor body language, and sometimes clumsiness). You will likely make some bad decisions while wearing it. Not because it makes you lazy (quite the opposite), but because of the fact nothing really seems to matter, except that you’re happy. I did have a few times where I overreacted at some people, but I believe this is part of the disinhibition type effect it creates.
p90: Calm authority, the understanding leader
The 9x series of pheromones all generally tend to be somewhat useful — p90 is no exception. P90 in particular seems to carry an air of wisdom or respected elder type of authority, or someone you might respect like a war veteran. You don’t question them, you don’t badger them, you simply want to be of service because of their presumed status.
With p90, people will respect you, but it will not be fearful or intimidated based respect. It’s also an attractive molecule to women, however it is not as blatant as others. In the past, AD had released an A314 version with p90 which had some distinctive effects. Unfortunately, it’s not available anymore (typical Androtics Direct bullshit).
Women seem to become more confident and chatty around the wearer – even if you are not directly engaging them in conversation. It’s like an air of having to be heard or noticed comes over them, like they are trying to impress the wearer indirectly. There is a light social element to this putative.
- P90 is no longer available at Androtics Direct, no current alternatives.
p91: Relaxed confidence, the “easy going Sunday session”
I only had a 5ml to-go bottle to test this out with, so I can’t really elaborate too much on this one. I feel as though it is a social type pheromone, which also has a minor uplifting effect on the wearer and those nearby. Some people find your company extremely fascinating, and will follow you around if you reciprocate authentically. However, as some people know already – I am quite scatterbrained and this molecule tends to amplify that quality.
When wearing it, my attention goes from thought to thought, but weirdly, it becomes easy to focus on the task at hand. I can concentrate reasonably well for 2-3 hours and only think about things related to completing my task. I also seem to find things more hilarious than usual — especially when browsing Facebook, memes and the like become so much more funnier than usual. The humorous aspect also comes through in social situations, where people will joke and vibe more openly with you.
Another weird thing is that it seems to allow me to focus on visual details more clearly, although to elaborate I will have to do more testing from the XS-Putatives line up.
p130: IDGAF, clear headed, indifferent
P130 was an interesting molecule that AD was giving away with orders a few years back. During my testing, I felt that it was a molecule that created “detachment” from your emotions – good as well as bad. For example, I remember testing p130 very clearly because I was using it to feel less attachment towards someone who had betrayed my trust at the time. To be quite honest, it was a bit of a hurt feeling because this person was a close family friend for many years.
On testing it, I realized that I didn’t really care anymore. I accepted that people letting me down was a part of life, and it is bound to happen with some people. Another interesting effect I noticed is that this was a period when I was still developing “game”, and had a lot less anxiety about approaching women. I felt that even if I got rejected, nothing wold happen… plus, women get approached all the time and won’t even remember me a week later.
The thing is, this detachment can also be BAD for your relationships in my opinion – some might disagree. Whether its friendly or romantic, people may get a sense that you don’t really care about them, and the social interaction you are having is nothing serious or deep. Although they might enjoy your company, they don’t see you as a friend (if you don’t know them), or if they are your friend/partner, then they might feel you are “distant”.
It can be an enjoyable pheromone, however I think its uses in any serious mix are limited for the reasons above.
- No p130 alternative currently available
Other putative pheromones which have either been “discontinued” or not tested
- p76
- p77
- p78
- p80
- p81
- p82*
- p84
- p88
- p89
- p92
- p94
- p95
- p97
- p98
- p99
- p100
- p101
- p104 (alternative available here)
- p106
- p107
- p108
- p109
- p110
- p111
- p112
- p114
- p115
- p119
- p123
- p124
- p125
- p126
- p131
- p132
- p133
- p134
- p135
The “Experimones” Line Up
The experimones are given “TA” as prefixes, or simply “Molecule” and a corresponding letter.
I don’t know why they did this, but whatever – I will write more about these later and possibly a separate post.
- TAA: The happy, giddy, carefree fool (note: this is already known as Androsterone Sulfate)
- TAC: Sensual, buffering
- TAF: Focus and non-focus
- TAK: Possible memory effects
Note: This guide will be updated periodically to create a complete resource in the near future.
If you have any questions, or would like to contribute to finish off this guide, please comment or get in touch.
We would be happy to feature some guest writers on the site who know what they’re talking about.
Thank you for reading,
- PheroJoe
Don't Go Anywhere. Check Out These Articles First.
- Heaux Cosmetics Review: Overhyped, Overpriced Pheromone Products - October 22, 2023
- The Fascinating Female Pheromone Effects On Males (Powerful Attraction) - October 21, 2023
- The Curious Case of “Vabbing” & Pheromones: A Controversial TikTok Trend - October 18, 2023
Hey pherojoe, I am thinking to order some putatives from AD with a birthday certificate.. I will choose 2. In this case which 2 putative molecules would be the most useful and important (my purpose is bonding and attraction). It seems also they sell them in different concentration . Which concentration should I go for?
Hi Purpleblood,
I have written about the best Androtics putatives and their effects/alternatives here. Once your gift voucher is used I would recommend supporting and buying from other vendors – you never know when you’re going to get duds.
Cheers 🙂
Is P93 a standalone, how did you use it and what strength?
Hey Pete,
I believe this molecule was best used in a combo. I don’t recall having any experiences that really stood out when tested alone.
Cheers 🙂
Hey Phero Joe, just wanted to know if the XS putatives like p83 disinhibition, p74 buddy vibe and especially p96 alternative to a1 effects are exactly the same as AD putatives. I searched this at pherotruth, discover XS and not much info is there. Also, which vendors among the 3 lal, pxs and alpha treasures androstadienone u feel is the best at 25 mcgs. PT offers 50mcgs/1mg per 1 ml at very low cost compared to pxs and lal. Is PT’s a1 a good effective molecule for combos like nnpa,evolve etc. Thanks, hope to hear from u soon
Hi MS, SteveO (the owner of PheromoneXS) actually used to be an Androtics Direct employee… so you will be getting the exact same molecule. The only thing that would be different is the scent as it can’t be duplicated.
hello Joe,
Never heard a review on the product “Edgeup” very powerful stuff !!!
I think I have come across it before, but it seemed like a cheap outsourced product so I have never tested it (atleast that I can recall).
I would definitely look into serious vendors if you’re looking for newer products thought.
Would androstAnone be good for the workplace? I’m looking for a pheromone that gives me mental focus, but also respect without putting people off…
Hi Michael, its a good pheromone and can be used by itself. However, the true power of pheromones shines when mixed with other pheromones to balance the effects. You will have to experiment to find out the ideal dosage for you, please see this page for a detailed rundown.
Hi Joe can I use swoon or GOA work around my wife? Will this make her change her attitude toward me? Or will it have positive effects. Thanks
Hi troy, yes these products are great for current relationships. They can help keep the dynamic of relationships fresh and new — although, I would be careful about switching them up too often as it can sometimes cause a subtle amount of mistrust in you which can be harmful. I believe this comes from women “knowing” you after a certain amount of time, and if your vibe changes even a little bit it can make them question your authenticity. Change it up periodically and also do not use pheromones for periods of time as well.
I want the best oil or spray that I can chose from these stock line
Yes, please read the information about each putative here and then decide what effects you’re in interested in achieving.
Very interesting details, thank for sharing man!