XiSt is a POTENT “romantic attraction” formula, designed to make women feel emotionally attached (or “crush”) to the wearer… it’s a breakthrough tool for escaping friendzone, sparking romance, & even “resparking” old love interests (like ex-girlfriends).
It’s got a special “reset” effect, which is incredibly useful for making women see you as “boyfriend material” (even if she doesn’t “see you in that way”), to basically “wiping the slate clean” if she rejected you in the past.
I’ve used it many times to break out of the “friends” box (as you’ll find out shortly), and start/renew relationships…
I’ll elaborate more shortly, but here are just some of the situations I’ve used it in…
- Escaped “friendzone” with a girl I thought I had NO chance with. I made every single rookie mistake in the book, and still changed her mind with the use of XiSt (this was a girl from about 3 years ago, when I wasn’t nearly as skilled with women). Of course, it’s not ALL about the pheromones, however, it is still an extremely effective tool for getting women to see you in a brand new, “romantic” kind of light.
- Got an ex-girlfriend back after begging her to stay with me. However, after using XiSt I managed to change her mind… In the end, I broke up with her because I felt like I let myself down by not walking away when she lost respect for me. However, if you want your ex-girlfriend back, I’d highly recommend this product although I advise against it.
- Make an attractive, romantic “first impression” on NEW women you are pursuing. XiSt is fantastic for when you’re trying to escape friendzone, but its even better on woman who aren’t “romantically” interested in you yet (if they haven’t friendzoned you, it’ll work even faster).
- Keeping the fires burning in your current relationship. As guys, we tend to get lazy in relationships – if you really care about the woman you’re with, don’t let things dwindle and then get your shit together when she wants to leave. XiSt will keep things fresh and new in your relationship.
It’s versatility and overall “impact” it has on various women still continues to amaze me after all this time.
After all, it was refined from a very powerful formula called the legendary “Instant Boyfriend” mix over at Androtics Direct.
This mix was known for creating “heavy duty” romantic fallout…
… women would very quickly become possessive of the wearer, get jealous of other women, and sometimes get a bit “stalkerish”.
It was incredibly powerful for getting women emotionally attached (romantically).
However, the formula for the “core” ingredient (a314) was changed, and made the combo useless.
However, SteveO (owner of PXS, and former Androtics Direct employee), actually took all the BEST parts of the “Instant Boyfriend” mix, and created something that even EXCEEDED its effectiveness…
It’s called “XiSt”.
How I discovered the “romantic” magnetism & power of XiSt…
Several years ago, I came into contact with one of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen in my life.
Now I know every guy has a girl they’ve seen that is truly the “most” attractive out of everyone.
The one we caught “one-itis” for, or gave our undying love and affection for which wasn’t ever returned.
Currently, she still is IMO, one of the most attractive women I’ve ever seen.
But anyway, let’s not get started on that.
Initially, our chemistry was amazing.
It was one of those rare chances where things just suddenly “click”…
And as ridiculous as it sounds, it went way beyond just “normal” chemistry.
If there was a “soul mate” connection, I’m almost certain it’s the feeling I got from her.
It wasn’t long ’til I felt the crushy butterfly feelings in my gut. Yep, I had it bad for her.
She was really one of the few women I’d ever had a connection with, and by far the most attractive…
So you can imagine just how overwhelmed I felt (as a guy with almost no seduction experience), having a beautiful woman interested in ME…
My brain felt scrambled around her, my heart always pounded, and I felt anxious about where this was going to go.
Nevertheless, she was STILL somehow interested in me.
I managed to not do or say anything too stupid, and I thought things were going great…
At one point, she even had her legs wrapped around me, and I made one HUGE mistake (still regret it to this day):
I failed to escalate.
I had the PERFECT chance to kiss her, and I didn’t take it.
My inexperience with women let me down big time.
Like the bumbling idiot I was at the time, I thought everything was fine.
I chatted to her a few times through Facebook, but I started getting excuses about why she couldn’t meet up anymore…

XiSt remains one of the most potent “romantic” products for escaping friendzone, or getting an ex back. Sadly, there are no real life “love potions”, but they are powerful tools to help spark romance. But how do you choose the right ones? Click here to find out (you’ll also see how XiSt stacks up against other products).
Plus the usual short responses, taking her time to respond, and generally acting weird when I asked her questions.
And not long after, the inevitable “lets just be friends” speech. It was one of the most painful rejections ever…
Needless to say, I was crushed.
I beat myself up over it for months, trying to think up crafty ways to get her interested again, but nothing worked.
… almost an entire YEAR into it, I finally wised up and decided it was time to get my shit together and focus on myself.
I did everything in my power to look better – going to gym, eating healthier, being happier…
But in the back of my mind, she was always there (even to this day, I still get a twitch in my eye about how stupid I was for not kissing her).
However, during my period of intense “work” on myself, I found an interest in pheromones…
… and to cut a long story short, heard about the power of XiSt.
Ever wish you could “start over” and meet someone again for the first time? That’s the effect XiSt has on women…
Keep in mind, I’ve used this product regularly over several years now, and this is the WORST friendzone scenario I have ever dealt with (because of my inexperience at the time).
So, I was very invested into making it work.
I wanted to wipe away those “friendzone” memories that were always present during conversations at mutual friends parties.
… You know, the usual “hey, how’s it going” awkwardness and small talk that never goes anywhere.
And not only that, it just gets weird if you try to flirt, or be funny (because she thinks you’re going to try and ask her out again).
At this point, XiSt was a “last resort”. Nothing I did ever seemed to grab her attention, or spark any feelings towards me…
I had done everything in my power to become more attractive, confident, charismatic – but even with all that, there was still that “rejected” feeling in the back of my mind whenever we spoke.
Eventually, we would meet again at a mutual friends engagement party.
Would XiSt “reset” her mind about me, and create romantic and crushy feelings… would she feel about me the way I feel about her?
Our mutual friend (who knew about my interest in her), placed us on the same table.
I was a bit annoyed, because it didn’t give me time to “prepare” myself mentally.
I thought it might get weird, because the rest of my friends came as couples (my friends have a twisted sense of humor)…
But surprisingly, even from the first eye contact, to saying “hello” to her, it wasn’t awkward at all…
In fact, it FELT like I was just meeting her again for the first time (this “perspective shift” is the XiSt reset effect in action)…
There was no underlying awkwardness, or weirdness when I flirted casually (there was before, but I wasn’t using XiSt at the time).
It really felt like a “reset” was taking place (or “wiping the slate clean” of the past rejection)…
… and giving me another chance to finally get my dream girl.
But to really understand how XiSt works, we’ll talk about what happens when you actually use the product.
Firstly, XiSt is a POWERHOUSE, even on the first few initial exposures…
Once a woman has been exposed to XiSt, it’s almost like a “lightbulb” or “Eureka” moment in their heads.
… a bit like a sudden realization that they are extremely attracted to you, or you could be potential “boyfriend material”.
However, the key to seeing its real magic, is when you expose women over a period of time.
XiSt has a massive “build up” type effect – it gets more effective the longer a target is exposed.
The longer you expose a woman, the quicker the ‘crushy feelings’ begin to set in…
… you’ll soon become burned into her memories, in a “romantic” sort of way.
This is what I believe causes the “reset” effect…
Earlier impressions about you tend to be forgotten quickly, and replaced with much “fonder”, or romantic memories.
These memories are “imprinted” on to her mind, and as the exposure to XiSt continues, you start to become a more permanent part of her life.
Eventually, she starts feeling you are important to her, realize she might have feelings for you, or start acting a bit like a “girlfriend”, without officially giving your relationship a name.
She’ll start thinking about your “boyfriend potential”, and put you in a completely different category than the “friends” box.
A few things happen once you get to this point (where the “fallout effect” starts happening).
One of those effects is she might start acting weird, because she doesn’t know why she suddenly feels attracted to you (take it as a sign that she’s thinking about you)…
The “romantic” feelings towards you can take just hours, to several days of exposure to have their “full effect”…
And if you’re DEEP in the friendzone, this can take a few weeks to happen (because the less she knows about you, the less “judgments” she can make about you)…
… but if you’re not “deep” in friendzone (like “best friends” level), then it can happen as quickly as within a few hours.
Another fascinating effect of XiSt has, is how long women will remember you after they’ve been exposed…
In the case of my early 20’s “crush” (who this article has been about), I noticed after several hours she would keep looking around the room for me…
We kept ending back up in conversations, and it felt just like the first time I met her (the “chemistry” we initially had was restored).
And I’d be damned if I let a second chance slip by.
Things progressed beautifully…
Rejection is painful, and being “friends” with someone you’re romantically interested in sucks even more…
But you know what REALLY sucks?
If you were only given a single chance to get someone you’re interested in…
Frankly, it’s not entirely fair on men, because women have an unlimited supply of men willing to break down their doors.
But men rarely have the chance to leave the ideal impression, or have enough time to “prove their worth”, especially if its for a worthwhile woman.
Although XiSt won’t do ALL the work for you (remember, I still did a lot of self improvement too during my “escape friendzone” mission)…
… XiSt is a powerful formula that’ll get you a “second chance” with the girl you want.
That’s more than any man can ask for, and its a tool at your disposal.
XiSt will skyrocket your chances of getting the women you REALLY want (even if shes “not interested” right now).
Anyway, let’s wrap up the major effects of XiSt by PheromoneXS
- A bit more about the “imprint” effect: women will remember things that you say, do, and how you make them feel. this makes them think about you often… this is one of the most important parts of the “girlfriend getting” stage. When they remember you in a fond light, they will start to long and crave your presence… and at the same time, develop a strong attachment towards you. If you want to test if its working, get really chatty with women for a few days then go cold on them (this could backfire, so make sure it’s with someone you don’t care about). More often than not, women will find reasons to contact YOU once it starts setting in.
- Women may initially be confused by you (because they’re “confused” about why they suddenly feel romantic interest towards you)… this can cause some weird reactions, like women going quiet on you, avoiding you, or just being short for no reason. However, just keep calm and realize that its a GOOD thing and the romantic fallout is developing (once you know she’s interested, ask her out casually, and go from there).
- It will make you seem “just barely” attainable by raising your social status & value… I believe the pull of XiSt is when women don’t know if they can get you or not. This is an immediate, automatic challenge to them to pursue YOU instead of them. Make sure you are cool and casual and don’t get involved too quickly. Let women come to you as much as possible. Just remember, you’re a man and have to escalate the interactions too. This is how you can transform a friend into a girlfriend, or turn a rejection into “yes” (don’t make the same mistake twice)…
- Women act flirtier, happier, and more disinhibited around you so you can take conversations and interactions anywhere you want to go… it’s important that you avoid being “just friends” if you want more from them. Don’t keep things surface level – ask personal questions like what they’re into, hobbies, passions, etc because that’s what boyfriends do. When you talk about them, you become one of the few guys who asks those types of questions and imprint yourself further in their mind.
- XiSt is even MORE POWERFUL on women who haven’t friendzoned you, or have no past history with them (the “crush” effect” hits even harder)… this is especially useful if you have a particular woman in mind, but she hasn’t displayed any attraction towards you (or doesn’t see you in a “romantic” way yet). From the first exposure, women will find you very magnetic, and will be thinking about you “boyfriend potential” very early on. This is ideal and will prevent the “friendzone” from happening in the first place.
- Is an OUTSTANDING “IOI Generator” (indicators of interest). You will notice women staring, listening to you very closely, hanging in your area for no reason… sometimes you can even tell when the “fallout” effect is taking place when women stare constantly and look at you with eyes of affection. Also, when women get hit TOO hard, they can become withdrawn, because they’re “processing” their feelings and trying to figure out why they are suddenly attracted to you…
- XiSt will make women comfortable and uninhibited around you, and therefore like being around you… this also has the side effect of making you less inhibited too, and lets you be more charismatic and fun. Women feel comfortable expressing their “true” selves around you, and can quickly develop a deep emotional attachment (especially attractive women who “guard” their emotions more carefully to avoid being hurt).
- Do NOT use XiSt around females you are not genuinely interested in… I’ve used XiSt for a few years now, and know it to be one powerful product. It’s also cost me a few friendships I didn’t want to lose. Working in groups with women when I was a bit more clueless than I am now, I managed to cause a bit of drama over me. I was fought over by several women, and some developed feelings for me which just weren’t reciprocated. You can’t choose who the pheromones work on!
- XiSt is a “slow burn” type of product, although you will notice the immediate effects I mentioned above… for some women, it may take hours of exposure to get them to develop a crazy crush on you, and some it may take weeks. What I can tell you though, is it will be working in the background and “imprinting” you as the perfect boyfriend in their mind. They will start thinking about you more in an “idealized” way, which gets stronger with each exposure…
- XiSt ranks among my top 5 fallout effect/imprinting products because its so versatile with women… it’s simply magic on women you already know. But what makes it even cooler is that if its strong enough to get women you already know in a new light, then it will work even more powerfully on women you don’t know. New women will sense a strong magnetic presence about you, and display more “girlfriendy” behavior right off the bat.
- XiSt is one of the STRONGEST “friendzone destroyer” mixes currently available due to its “reset” effect… as I mentioned in the review, this particular product has some powerful memory effects – to the point where all negative experiences with you seem to pushed away to the back of womens minds… and they start to perceive in a more attractive, romantic kind of light. This feeling can start off slowly, but further exposures compounds the effects significantly.
- Keep in mind that while XiSt is extremely powerful, it’s important to keep your options open too… this will keep you from getting oneitis, and especially for women that will not go out with you no matter what. Its best to just let them go and find better women that are attracted to you with or without pheromones. Also be sure to work on yourself when it comes to health, wealth, and knowledge which will make you a much more attractive person overall.
XiSt is a romance building powerhouse... I've gotten into some sticky situations with girls - I've never been the super smooth player type, and gotten friendzoned, broken up with, and had/have some rocky times in my current relationship. Fortunately, XiSt is such a strong force that it can dramatically help restore my relationships. It's "reset" function is unmatched by any other product on the market at the moment. Not to mention, it's magnetic attraction also works like gangbusters on NEW women too. If it can make a female "friend" think about you in a romantic way, then a new woman would be intrigued significantly more from the get go. XiSt by PheromoneXS - Final Review
Social Effects
Alpha, Status
Sexual Attractiveness
Romance Properties
Self Effects
One of my all time favorite products - now you know why
If you’ve ever “blown it” with someone you were really interested in dating (final thoughts on XiSt)…
After several years of using this product, it remains one of my all time “top rated” products.
It just works like gangbusters.
And not only is it great for getting you out of “sticky” situations with women, its also very powerful on women you haven’t met already.
… in fact, it’s even more powerful on “new” women, because they will perceive you as having a very magnetic, alluring aura which makes them interested in knowing more about you.
With women you already know, this is why it can take a bit of time to see the “full effects” surface.
Either way, it’s a powerful product, and I’ve always got some handy in case things aren’t going my way.
Look – we’ve all screwed up in the past with women who we would do just about anything for.
And it’s a part of life… we live and learn.
But when you meet that ONE woman who’s “perfect” for you, and feel something way more than just regular “attraction” and chemistry…
That’s how you know you she’s something special.
The one woman we can have mind blowing conversations with, be “yourself”, grow together, get attention when you’re out in public (because she’s a straight 10), laughing hysterically or reveling in mind blowing sexuality.
And there’s nothing that cuts deeper than a “one way” love – especially if its because of just a single, stupid mistake.
With a bit of “social engineering”, self improvement, and a little help from XiSt…
… you can drastically put the odds in your favor to get your ideal “partner in crime”.
Buy XiSt today – you’ve got nothing to lose, everything to gain.
Thank you for reading,
- Phero Joe
P.S. Remember, XiSt is a powerful tool for escaping friendzone, turning a rejection into a “yes”, or even sparking romance when she doesn’t “see you that way”… but it doesn’t mean you should put all your faith into the product. It will give you significant advantage, but be sure to work on becoming a better “you” all around, just like I did. It’s not always easy, especially if you have negative history with someone (especially with ex-girlfriends). When you combine your own personal efforts along with XiSt, getting out of friendzone, getting an ex back, or even winning over a new love interest… it’ll be like taking candy from a baby.
P.P. S. Remember, PheromoneXS offers a complete “no hassles” 45 day money back guarantee if it doesn’t work for you (and I’m sure it will). If you’re not sure this is the product for you, it doesn’t work for your body chemistry, vibe, or any other reason, then you can send it back and get every last cent back. Even though I’m sure you won’t need it, you have full “peace of mind” when you order with PXS.
Don’t let opportunities slip by you – and if they do, get your bottle of XiSt today and get your dream woman 🙂
Take XiSt by PheromoneXS for a 100% risk free for a full 45 days.
Don't Go Anywhere. Check Out These Articles First.
- Heaux Cosmetics Review: Overhyped, Overpriced Pheromone Products - October 22, 2023
- The Fascinating Female Pheromone Effects On Males (Powerful Attraction) - October 21, 2023
- The Curious Case of “Vabbing” & Pheromones: A Controversial TikTok Trend - October 18, 2023
Xist makes me drowsy and exhausted 1 hr in to the point I am so tired I can’t act. Is this something people have mentioned? Is this normal?
Hi Adrian,
I have not experienced much drowsiness from pheromone use – apart from when I have applied too much, and OD’d or I have been exhausted from the day. It takes a lot to tire me out mentally, but I think taking a B vitamin complex might help a lot if you’re having this problem 🙂
I currently own voodoo. Would you prefer xist over voodoo in terms of fallout or the other way around?
Hi Randal,
It really depends on the situation. For a new woman, I would rather hit em with some Voodoo, but it’s a personal preference… I like to leave XiSt as a backup just in case things start getting a bit too on the “friendzone” side of things and I feel that I need to inject some romance into interactions. However, they are both excellent products for creating fallout. Now that I have more experience in the game, it is rare that I end up friendzoned (unless I ofcourse want it to happen due to non-interest or whatever).
Hi, I have just purchased your product for the first time.. I have been seeing my girlfriend for over a year. We have not had any magic in the bedroom since March.. She wants to do the “friends” thing… I truly hope this will put a spark back in our relationship.. She claims we have no chemistry in the bedroom.. Any encouragement would be greatly appreciated.. I am 52 & she is 54… Thank you.
Hey Joe, I’m interested in this particular product seeing how you mentioned it got your ex girlfriend back.
I my girlfriend and I to start again as well, is this the product for me?
Hey Nick,
I assume you emailed me before. Yes, XiSt is a fantastic product to help your ex-girlfriend see you in a new light again. Remember, it’s not all about the pheromones though… obviously, some things went wrong and there are other steps you’ll need to take to rectify the situation, however XiSt is a great start. Using it alongside Bad Wolf will also give it a significant alpha/status hike which makes them both work better than if they were alone 🙂
XiSt is great! My goal was to get my ex-girlfriend back, and I wasn’t sure what I should get until Phero Joe aided me in my decision. So I bought a bottle of XiSt, in hopes that we would rekindle the flames. Armed with some good advice of a knowledgeable pheromone user and my bottle of XiSt, I have been slowly but surely reeling my ex back in. I don’t see her that often anymore(for obvious reasons) but I definitely am noticing a positive change in behavior. Bad Wolf, another product I purchased to aid me in my quest, has also been helping and definitely has some noticeable effects! It is a great and powerful pheromone, so be careful! (I don’t recommend wearing it to work!) All in all, Phero Joe knows what he’s talking about and has definitely done his research. I recommend reading his whole review of all the products you are interested in before making a purchase, because these things work in specific ways so you want to make sure you get the right product! 10/10!
Thanks for dropping Nick! I still have some emails to get back to, so if I haven’t got back to you my apologies – been pretty hectic for the last week and a bit. Cheers 🙂
Hi, from your experience, which mone is better, more powerful for relationship, Nude Alpha or Xist? Which one you had better results with?
Hi Ari,
I’ve used both products with great success – the key is knowing when each product is going to be most effective. They’re both complex and powerful, but depending on the girl, the situation, and where we are going to be, the application can change dramatically. Generally though, I use XiSt on “dates”, or if we are going to be in public or around other people… however, if we are going to be alone, then I will usally opt for NA. You can also use them in a combo to elevate both their effects. This require a bit of tweaking for your own body chemistry, but they both work fantastically together if you get the dose just right.
Cheers 🙂
How many drop Xist Oil I have to use?
Is that ok if I combined Xist with NA, and how many drop of each of those for good results? TQ
Hi Jerry,
I usually use 2 drops as I get the best results with that dose, of course may vary for you but that seems to work for most people. As for combining it with NA, it’s definitely a great combo! It does take a little testing, but I usually use 1 drop NA and 2 drops XiSt.
Cheers 🙂
So the longer shes around me the more “in love” she’ll get? Nice! What about inhibition? Will it make her more obedient as well?
Hi Dave, I’m not sure about “obedient”, but what I have seen is that women are more easily persuaded to what you are saying 🙂
Hi there,
Would this work for gay men?
Hi Adrian,
I am not exactly sure, but there are products out there that are designed specifically for gay men. I may be able to get some recommendations if you require since I don’t use them, but feel free to give XiSt a shot and see what happens.
Would you recommend the spray or the drops? I would love to buy the drops but they always seem to be out of stock. A good thing I think, except if you are trying to buy some. 🙂 I saw one user say he puts a very light coating of skin lotion on the application area and use the spray. It helps it diffuse well like the oil.
Would you agree with that approach Joe?
Hi Dylan,
Using some body lotion seems to, help people who have particularly dry skin and seem to have the alcohol/oil mix from the products evaporate much quicker than usual. Using it alongside a spray is good strategy 🙂 Also, yes I would definitely recommend the oil over the spray – it just seems to work significantly better for me, although the sprays aren’t bad at all!
Cheers 🙂
Do you notice a strong smell from it? I have been using the in scented oil with a variety of colognes to try to cover it. But within a few minutes to an hour it seems to be very strong again. I’m a little self conscious about it.
Yes, I strongly recommend getting a built in scent pack. FXS seems to work great for me and that’s what I stick with… however, using it at a few drops or sprays isn’t really going to be noticeable at all to 99% of people. If you must, pick up a proper cologne and have it handy with you if you get uncomfortable with the smell… in most cases it shouldn’t be an issue though.
I’ve worn it more and have gotten used to the “aroma.” No one has said anything about it or tried to distance themselves because of it. In fact I now get a little weird when I don’t catch a whiff of it every once in a while. I’ve even worn Ascend and Evolve with very light cover just to see what happens. I actually can’t help but sniff it :p
I have a girl that I really like in my workplace.
But she think of me as a close friend or a kind big brother.
So I’m interested in Xist to turn it into some romance feeling.
But I’m also interested in L2K as, based on your review, it’s suited my personality better.
Do you think I can combine them to add some spice to Xist?
Or do you think other combo should work better?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Sean,
I would recommend only one or the other. But because it’s a workplace, I would strongly recommend going with the XiSt, and maybe using it with the Bad Wolf as a combo… L2K can be a little bit off putting to guys, so using it at work is not recommended.
Hi Joe
Thanks for your reply. I agree with you.
How about Xist+Cohesion / Xist+Taboo / Xist+Evolve?
I heard they’re good combos.
How are they comparing to each other in different situations?
Hi Sean, I am not going to go into detail explaining each of those combos because I don’t have time to test them comprehensively. However I have tried them all at some point or another and can confirm they work for me 🙂
How long would it take on average to finish the xist pheromone oil if you use it on average 3 to 4 times a week?
Hi John,
The oil lasts for 3-5 months if you use it that often. However, I think this is a bit unnecessary – I have bottles last for over a year when I use them moderately (2-3 drops, 1-2 times a week). You should really only be using it when you are exposing a target as it can be a bit overwhelming and make you feel dull. Your brain needs a bit of time to recover unless you are thorough with cleaning the applications, taking vitamin B, exercising, sleep, and drinking lots of water.
Hi joe
I would like to know which type of xist oil is most effective when trying to attract women unscented or scented and if it is scented which one is best?
And also could I wear unscented xist on its own?
Hi Jonah,
I prefer to get my products scented. Since you’re only using a few drops anyway, a little extra scent doesn’t hurt 🙂
Hello Joe , which is the best scent , for a male over 35 yrs , looking for a more mature scent not too juvenile like A&F fierce 🙂
Thank you
Hi Christian,
I usually get all scents in FXS as it seems to work great for me. Its fresh and mixes well with other regular colognes.
Hi Joe
I would like to know if I regularly expose my target with xist everytime I am with her on dates etc… how long on average or from a scale of the shortest time to the longest time would it take her to develop a full blown crush an imprint.
Also would like your feedback joe from your experiences it took for the women you exposed to develop an imprint?
Hi Chris,
It depends on a lot of different factors, one of the big ones being her initial interest level in you. If its at pretty much zero, it will probably take a lot longer for her to start seeing things in a different way, and thinking of you as a potential romantic partner. However, if a target does already have some interest, this can reduce the time tremendously. In my experience, this can be anywhere from a few hours (high initial interest), to several weeks (low initial interest).
I would like to know if xist oil applies during the gym workout
XiSt oil will be a lot better in the gym, however if you sweat heavily you will need to apply it somewhere that doesn’t get wiped away or washed with sweat. Your elbow put (inside of your elbow) is probably an ideal place to put it.
Greetings Joe.
I’ve had my eye on a very beautiful girl at work for about 6 months & I thought that she might have some feelings or even liked me. Being that we’re at work, we didn’t talk much, mostly Hi & Bye, & very short conversations, sometimes even a few compliments on our clothing. She is a single mother of 2 boys & knows that I’m married but I have not let her know that I’m separated. I was using LIIK V2 for about 2 weeks now in the hope to get her attention & let her know that I’m separated. I asked her one day if it was OK to buy her a custard jello, she said it was OK. When I tried to give it to her, she refused it. I did notice that she would avoid me at breaks in the break room before, but did not think much of this. I used 2 sprays of LIIK, one on each wrist. I seems that LIIK did not work for me with this girl. I’m waiting to receive my oil of XiSt in the hope to get her attention & to offer an apology for my insistence that she accept the jello. Do you recommend XiSt to have any chance at a fresh start & let her know that I like her & that I want to get to know her & possibly date her? Please reply to my comment. I would appreciate your helpful advise. Also, how much XiSt oil do you recommend that I use & where to apply it.
it is very difficult to get products like L2K to have their full effect in work scenarios, because women are afraid of getting tied up in emotional stuff when their job is on the line. XiSt can definitely help, but it sounds like you are desperate to get her attention which is only going to push her further away. Keep your distance and build a very casual friendship with her at work and gain her trust… make her want to hang out, and get to know eachother better. It sounds like she may have gotten a bit weirded out by the whole custard thing. I’ve answered your question in the other post. But with XiSt, just use it at 2 drops and find work related reasons to expose her to it. Over time, this will be a funny incident that you can laugh about, and when this happens you should be able to escalate things into a bit more of a relationship stage.
Hi Joe,
I’ve had my eye on a very beautiful & hot girl at work for the last 6 months. She’s a mother of 2 boys. I thought that she liked me but we have not had the chance to really talk other than Hi or Bye, very short conversations, & a few compliments on our clothing. I started using LIIK the last 2 weeks to see if that would get her more interested in me, I would use 2 sprays, one on each wrist. Starting the 2nd week of using LIIK, I noticed that she would not enter the break room when I’d be there but I did not think anything of this. That same week just to see if the LIIK was working, I had offered to buy her a custard jello she said it was OK. When I tried to give her the jello, she did not want to accept it, she made many excuses for not wanting the jello. I told her to take it home anyway as a friendly gift & she reluctantly took the jello. Noticing this, I feel that the LIIK did not work as I had hoped & that the girl now has no interest in me. I’ve ordered XiSt in hopes of getting her attention & to help her forget the fact that I insisted that she accept my jello gift. The girl knows that I’m married, but she does not know that I’m separated from my wife. This may have a lot to do with why she had been avoiding me. I want to tell her that I’m separated so that we may start to know more of each other & possibly start dating. How much XiSt oil should I use & where should I apply it. I would appreciate your good advise.
Hi Manny, yes women can get very edgy around married men that seem to hit on them. ESPECIALLY in work scenarios, because this can lead to all kinds of drama that she doesn’t want to get involved with. Your wife, her career, it’s all on the line, especially a weird interaction about jello. If you offered it in a more casual way, then perhaps it wouldn’t seem like a big deal. But when you insisted on it, she might have thought it was strange and that you were hitting on her (all the while she is thinking that you’re married).
I would suggest letting her know, but also in a casual way so she doesn’t suspect you’re trying to move in on her so soon – just take it easy because you have time (you’ll be seeing her regularly since its work). Don’t push things too hard, because women can be very conservative where they need to remain professional.
Thank you Joe for your advise. Sorry that I wrote 2 long stories about the same situation. I thought that my first message did not go through. You are correct about me being desperate & I will back off so that I don’t ruin my chances about getting to know this beautiful girl. I’ll be seeing her at work, so there is no reason to rush to get her attention or have a more romantic relationship. As always, there is time. I’ll be using XiSt & I will take my time. If it does not evolve into romance, then I’ll simply move on & we’ll remain friends & co-workers. I’ll still continue to use the XiSt oil at work & in social outings to get noticed. Thank you Joe for answering my to messages & for your helpful advise.
Hi Joe,
HOP is a ready to use guide for all the people using mones. Your time and efforts are highly appreciated.Could you comment on using NAG + A1 (30 mcgs) + XiSt to be a powerful attraction where the subjects would strike a conversation instantly and carry on with it? this is for situations where we get less opportunities to expose them to mones.
Also please do suggest any other powerful combos derived out of experience. Anticipating an early response from you.
Thank You,
Hi Leonidas,
Using XiSt alongside NAG is a bit redundant, because they behave in a similar way to eachother – however, I have used NAG and XiSt together successfully, although I would go either 1 drop NAG (yes, a drop sized amount from the gel), and 2 drops or sprays of the XiSt as well as the androstadienone. This seems to work for me, any more or less and it seems to get a bit messy with the effects and ratios.
Anyway, unless you are in a bad situation with a woman, I would suggest leaving the XiSt out of it and just using the NAG + A1 at 30mcgs-40mcgs (depending on how much you can tolerate). If you do want to spike it with something, I would suggest Glace, Hypnotica (when LAL is back), or even Aura of Amity by Pheromone Treasures.
Hi Joe,
Thanks and appreciate your immediate reply. As per your recommendations, below is my plan of action.
Plan A: NAG + A1 for 3 days (I’ve A1 with 50 mcgs and i know it is a little high dosage, will back up with B Vitamin to contain for any unforeseen effects) and see how this plays out. In case it doesn’t then Plan B.
Plan B: NAG + A1 + Glace (Unfortunately i do not have it yet and awaiting delivery :().
Will try combining XiSt (if i have to) only in worst case scenario. This is for a very unique situation where i and a girl have been looking at each other for 3 months and spoke only a few handful of times. I see there is something lurking beneath her heart which is stopping her from opening up to me and the situation is appealing to find out (i’m compelled to experiment this combo and see the outcome as i’m more curious and less cautious for this one).
Thanks for letting me know about Hypnotica (is Voodoo better compared to Hypnotica for socializing?) and Aura of Amity (looks like a great product, will place an order soon). Any idea when LAL be up? (I’ve gotta place an order with LAL too).
Unfortunately LAL has been down for quite some time, I have tried over the years to ask what’s going on but there seems to be no progress yet.
Hello Joe,
I am from the Philippines and I would like to buy XiSt oil.. Is it possible to be delivered it here? and how much would it cost?
Hi April,
Please go through the checkout process on PXS — I am not exactly sure, however you can always email them and ask if it is not on the list. They have worldwide delivery though, so I can’t imagine this being an issue.
I am interested in getting my ex-girlfriend to realize her mistake in breaking up with me. I read a reply you sent to someone else about rectifying the situation. When the time is right, I plan on reestablishing communication with her in the future before I do anything else. She currently, however, has a new boyfriend.
Will this product work on my ex if she already has a boyfriend?
Hi Dan,
If she is in a rebound relationship, I strongly recommend going through all the phases mentioned in this article. This will definitely help her see you in a new light, but you must never show any jealousy, regret, or anything else negative. In fact, you must really BE a “new” you, because reconciliation doesn’t happen, it is really starting a new relationship. Move on for the moment, let some time pass, work on yourself, and then when you get in touch with her, the XiSt will only propel her attraction to you even further.
I’ve seen her 3 times this summer with her new bf at grad parties. We talked a few times at the first one, but I didn’t speak to her at all at the other 2. But this wasn’t because of jealousy or anger, it was just because I did not know how to approach the situation, I did not know how to talk to her in our situation, and I was trying to make her less of a priority in my life. I just wasn’t ready to talk to her, nor did I know how. This certainly, however, will not be the last time I see her until I plan on getting in touch her. I’m bound to encounter her a few more times.
With that, can I still make her see me in a new light and a new me by working on myself, and being a new version of myself?
Hi Dan,
Yes, this is exactly why getting an ex-girlfriend back can be such an uphill battle, but if you really want to then the steps in my article are a must. I have been in this situation before and there is no other way. If you want to speed up the process, I would definitely suggest getting a significantly more attractive girl to out with you to a party where she will be, and just completely ignoring her. Yes, it is a bit childish, but she will most likely try to figure out where you’ve been and what you’re up to.
At this point, you should just be cool and not give her 100% attention, just keep following through on the steps in the article. If you really must, then you can escalate things from there… however, most guys usually don’t really give a damn at this point and feel the breakup was actually worth it because they have improved themselves so much and deserve better.
Good evening phero joe
i have buy XiSt oil and i like to know how many drop i need to use for good attraction , how many distance away you have to be with the girl i like to use on so she can smell the xist oil i apply on?
i am interested in a cute girl in my workplace who is not marriage , i also like to know how the effect work cause i buying a unscented type of xist oil.
can also tell me which is the best place to attract the more girl , as i am taking mrt so how much will the xist oil affected?
do i need to include any other type of Pheromones to amply the effect?
thanks in advance for advice
I would recommend using XiSt at 2 drops and slowly exposing her over longer periods of time. It will vary tremendously from woman to woman and may take a lot longer, because women (especially Asian women) take their jobs very seriously, and you may have to break the ice numerous times. I would recommend that you take it slow and easy and ask her out very casually. The effects of the product are listed in this review, please read it thoroughly to get an idea of how it works.
Hi Joe,
Since I’ve been wearing Xist around my specific person of interest, I’ve noticed alot of weird behavior from them and they only say these things to me. indirect compliments, making up excuses to talk too you, then say they’re cuter then some girl to you. then refer to you as a friend alot. Did you ever notice girls flip floping while wearing this especially if you had history?
Hi David,
Yes, I have seen this happen. Usually, women are trying to “figure out” their feelings when this kind of thing happens. I’ve excperienced women just generally acting very weird, avoidant, quiet… but if I keep pressing (gently), then I will usually find that they are interested in starting a relationship. This has even happened with inappropriately aged women who I am around constantly due to my hobbies and interests in dance. This “friend” stuff is usually just a front to avoid coming out about their feelings if they are shy about it, or something may/may not be clearly on the table. This is a good sign. You can proceed to be the same way around her and navigate things in a romantic direction (conversation wise, talking a lot more, getting much more into “personal” bf/gf territory).
Glad to see you’re still active! New to pheromones like many but I am contemplating getting evolve in spray or oil whichever is available Or Xist. Which would you suggest for newer interactions but not necessarily random? A spark starter rather, attention grabbing, and sexually attracting. No ex gf that needs to be gotten back I just desire an overall sexual attraction to myself that’s blunt and yet not overpowering…Thanks for help! or even if u have a different group of suggestions for my goals. I’m tried ammo but i hear it’s not so good and stumbled upon this site could u explain difference
Hi Harris,
XiSt is an excellent choice, but it is more geared for “romantic” attraction purposes. If you are looking for a solid sexual attraction product, I would recommend getting something along the lines of Swoon, The Hookup, L2K, and Evolve-XS like you mentioned. They vary in degree of sexuality, but have other elements which may suit your personality better or worse than others. I would read through all the reviews and find something that you may think will suit your vibe the best. All the vendors have money back guarantees so you have nothing to lose 🙂
Would XiSt and Corporativo be a good combo?
Hi Scott,
These 2 products are very complicated, and having tried the combo I would not recommend it. They also have overlapping molecules making both products less effective, rather than synergistic. I would suggest using it with SOB-XS or Evolve-XS.
Which combo would you suggest with Xist oil version. Cohesion oil version or Love boat in spray version? This past week I’ve combined 2 drops of Xist to the left side of my neck and 1 spray of Love boat to the right side. It seemed by the end of that week I over did it with too much Love boat
Hi Kyle,
It really depends what your goals are. CohesionXS is very potent at creating romantic feelings and making attraction feel deeper towards you, but it may also be a bit too strong if you’re still in the beginning stages of forming a relationship with a woman. Love Boat will help keep things lighter and social, and also very flirty. They are both good with XiSt, it just depends on your goals.
My goal is to get this girl (myco-worker) to have a crush on me with imprinting affects. and eventually see me as BF material So it seems what your saying is that cohesion works basically the same as Love boat ifnot stronger combined with Xist
There is some subtlety you should use while exposing someone to Cohesion. SOmetimes it can create a romantic attachment, but in a workplace environment it may make women behave a little weird towards you because they don’t want to compromise their job. However, using something like XiSt (or XiSt + LoveBoat), it is playful, fun, and flirty and keeps things light enough to use at work. At a later time, you can start using Cohesion or other androstadienone based product to deepen the romantic effect of XiSt. That’s the way I would do it anyway 🙂
Would XiSt and Alfa Maschio by Alpha Dream be a good combo?
Hi Mike,
Yes, this combo does work and I have used it a lot. It is similar to EvolveXS + XiSt, but it feels like AM can ovepower the XiSt if not dosed very carefully.
2 of AM and 2 of XiST its ok?
This combo works, but I would be careful adding 2 sprays of AM at first. There will be some molecule overlap and will throw off the ratios for each one, so testing with a lower amount is ideal. I have done this combo before and it seemed to get very good results. I am compiling a lot of tests I ran over the past year so I’ll send an email out soon 🙂
Hi Joe,
So, I’m new to the pheromones world and somewhat confused by where to wear it on my body and the different combinations. I work with my ex. We met at work and dated/lived together for a year and a half. We broke up about 8 months ago and still work together. During that time, we’ve been close at times and even hung out some but she wouldn’t take the leap to getting back in a relationship with me or anything sexual. More or less friend zoned. I recently found out she’s in a new relationship so I’ve limited contact to only being work related.
Anyhow, at this point my only interaction with her will be at work. Any advice on if I should give Xist a shot and since you’ve mentioned it’s potency & effects, how often should I wear it at work? Every other day or twice a week? Should I avoid interacting with her on days I’m not wearing or am I holding on to false hope altogether? Any advice is appreciated. Since it’s a work environment, should I limit my use to just Xist?
Thank you!
Hi Brownie,
I would definitely suggest you read through this article as it applies to you. Obviously, you have already crossed the intimate barrier, so crossing it again isn’t a huge jump like it is from the beginning. As for using XiSt at work, it is relatively safe compared to more aggressive formulas, and it is a solid choice for your purposes. I would strongly recommend that you keep things light and friendly at work, and do NOT appear to be bothered by her new relationship. It would be far better if she thinks you have completely moved on and simply don’t care anymore. This will probably get her to start poking around, which is where the the article I mentioned before will come in handy… you will be able to have a bunch of cool new things going on in your life, and she will start to think about reconciliation. Its important that you do the tasks I mentioned in order to maximize your chances.
Hi Joe,
Based on your experience, what is the best range for exposure on target.
Let say i was went to the movie with a girl (with an apps of course)
Usually a movie takes 1 and a half hour and she was sitting next to me.
Does it count as an exposure??
Pheromones are more effective when the target is in close range, however, they are effective from 1-10 feet, but products all vary by their composition. Some products (such as oil pheromone products, versus regular spray versions) have a shorter range, but can deliver much more potent doses of pheromones when a target is exposed to them. Taking a girl to a movie and exposing her for an extended period of time is a very good – it definitely counts as an exposure!
Hi Joe,
So, I was just reading the XiSt article, and I can’t believe how similar it is to the situation I am in at the moment! I met this girl Feb 2017 and we instantly clicked, it was like we have known each other for years! We got extremely close very very quickly, got into a relationship and crossed the intimate barrier and everything was amazing until this other guy came into her life in October, since then, nothing has been the same, she is now in a relationship with said guy and I still have strong feelings for this girl.
A few days ago she told me that she is not sure whether she wants me in her life from now on but she still “misses” me? It goes back to the soulmate connection you talk about, I have never felt like this about anyone ever before and even when we fought or either of us fucked up we would reconcile, talk through it and make up. Yes, I have messed up quite a bit over the past 2-3 weeks (more than I care to admit), but I just want her to know how sorry I am and that I would do anything to make it up to her… Even if the end result is her still wanting me out of her life.
I am honestly lost right now and I have no idea what to do.. do you have any advice?
Hi Ash, sorry about the late reply. I can tell from your post that XiSt was definitely doing what it was supposed to do, seeing as she still “missed” you… it was this loophole that you could have exploited to change the situation around and get her back on your team. However, later you mention that YOU would be the one apologizing to her, when she is the one that went off with some other guy.
That is very, very bad for your state of mind and emotional health. If you read my article about how to get your ex-girlfriend back, you will be in a much better place and significantly improve your chances. Perhaps it is now too late and you have taken things too far. But I do know a few situations that have been restored from the “point of no return”. You must work on yourself first before she will ever consider dating you again.
Hello Joe,
What is the best cover scent for male from xs pheromones?
Hi Hristijan,
I usually order FXS or Pepper Nutmeg, although the scent has no noticeable effect on how the product works. You can also get unscented if you want to use your own custom cologne 🙂
Hello Joe,
Do i have to use XiSt permanently after someone has a crush in me or will the effect stay after the initial crush?
Or will she, when i stop using XiSt after she has a crush in me, feel nothing for me and sees me as just a friend again?
Will she even when we would be together stop feeling anything when i stop using XiSt?
Hi Peter,
You do not have to use XiSt permanently, in fact, XiSt works by imprinting you into her memories. Those will remain long after you are gone and will leave a long lasting impression on her. She will not see you as a “friend” once you have crossed the barrier from friendship into something more… I would recommend throwing it in from time to time, or mixing it up with other pheromones to keep things interesting, but it is definitely not required. It is however, up to you to keep the relationship fun and interesting – if you are a boring old tart when you’re together no pheromone will cause women to hang around for long.
Hey Joe,
How would xist react in combination with the hook up? I plan on using xist by itself at first to understand and get a feel for the pheromone when I order. As far as quality of product would you recommend the oil or spray, any pros or cons of either, and when applying either option is it best to apply before or after a cologne?
Hi Peter,
Using THU with XiSt gives it a slightly more sexual edge, while the XiSt keeps its friendly, flirty edge. I would recommend only 1 spray or drop of each and experiment with a dosage for you. More pheromones isn’t always the answer 🙂 Also, I would recommend the oil version of the product as it will last a lot longer and hits harder than the spray version.
What is the best way to apply the oil, is it best to gently rub in, apply directly from the dropper, or finger tip in order to optimize a good surface area?
Hi Peter, just put a drop on your finger tip — I like putting oils along my jawline or neck, especially for the self effects. The head area of your body generates a lot of heat so its great for diffusion as well.
What do you say about no contact or time apart from the woman to deepen the effects of Xist? I read in forums that making the lady miss you can help in the process of using Xist
Hi Angelo,
Using XiSt around the subject, and then being absent physically can be a great way to get her thinking about you. This is one of the top features of the product and its “fallout” effect is very noticeable. If you keep doing it you can create very deep romantic interest in the target.
Hi Phero,
i am little bit confuse, when i go to any one of the oil products like EVOLVE OIL it give me options
AVAILABLE OPTIONS: Acqua Di Gio , Aventus ,Cool Water ,Le Male , and so on
is that mean EVOLVE OIL came pure and it came mixed with that option ? Please clarify
Hi Ebrahim,
I’m not sure I understand your question. You can choose whichever scent you want, or you can get those scents mixed in when you order (just don’t select anything and add to cart). Cheers!
HI Joe,
I’m surprised you wouldn’t put xist and swoon together as a combo for getting an ex gf back or escaping the friendzone , that’d seem like a deadly combo considering what swoon does and that xist resets. On an unrelated note I read somewhere on the forums that swoon is status lowering.
Hi David,
These 2 have very similar properties, but there are some obvious differences. As you get better with using pheromones you’ll see that more isn’t always better, especially with products that have the same sort of vibe. Swoon doesn’t have much of a “reset” effect but its playfulness is very well received. XiSt may not be as playful, but has an excellent fallout/imprint effect.
As for Swoon lowering status, I haven’t seen any evidence of that, in fact quite the opposite. Women view you as fun guy to be around, and men either like you more or didn’t like you to begin with.
I am roomie with a 27 year old woman. I have used 2 drops of XiSt and 2 drops of Evolve mixed in her presence and conversations with her. Also 2 drops of Evolve only in her presence and conversations with her and she has told me that my man odor was very strong. Since I am a 63 year old male I was wondering if that was the reason for her comments. She has many friends and socializes a lot with a lot of the people in the casinos we visit and I take her on rides to gamble in.
Could you give he some advice as to whether I should decrease dosages or try a different one of your products or other products that would work just as well as these two. Or maybe for my specific age and cultural background. I am a 63 year old Hispanic/native American person. Thank You.
Hi Christopher,
Her comments were probably innocent and could be taken as a compliment depending on how she said it. I would say that its nothing to worry about – my only concern is that there is a rather large age gap between you and her and that means you will probably not have a chance to get into a serious relationship with her. That’s why XiSt may not be appropriate for use around her. I would strongly suggest that you keep things light and you have a very strong, powerful persona that she’ll respect… something that would develop through high personal success, ambition, or an attractive personality trait. I would suggest something more aggressive for you – Alpha Q has a youthful aura and sexual seductive edge. The Hookup can also create a friends with benefits type of interaction with her, which she may find more attractive. You’ll have to experiment to find out 🙂
Hi PheroJoe, I admire your work and your mastery of the subject, I would really appreciate if you are not too busy to help me understand a little bit more about this product.
I now have the spray version of Xist in my arsenal, I’ve been using it with a 2 sprays dosage on my neck, but not in a consistent basis with an especific woman, just testing the product in a college environment trying to have fun with it. I’m not yet very attuned to noticing the effects and subtleties of a new pheromone but I understand this kind of effect is more subtle and long-term am I right?
I mean for example with the Alpha Q tester I got, I wasn’t expecting anything since there wasn’t any published review yet, but I noticed the positive social aspects and self-effects without seeking for them, but Xist is my first “romance” pheromone and I’m a little bit skeptic with the spray since you say the oil version is much better (sad thing is the oil is like double the price). Could you explain further what the differences between the two versions consist in, in terms of performance?
I’m gonna try applying lotion on the spot before applying the spray, but I’m a bit confused here because I thought the sprays are alcohol based and therefore evaporate much quicker creating a less believable pheromone signature, but you say in this comment section that with the lotion thing it evaporates even faster and that is a good thing? I think I got something messed up here :S
Finally, sorry for the long text, but my ex messaged me recently to hang out some day, and it’s been like 3 years since the last time I saw her. I don’t want to engage in anything serious with her, but it would be cool to have some casual carefree open relationship. I am in the mood for that, but since I haven’t seen her for a long time I’m not sure how that’s gonna go down. She seems to be a little bit nostalgic for what we had, and I would like to have her again in my life because I still care for her and the sex was amazing. I think using 2-3 sprays of Xist would be useful to clear the slate and prevent any negative background to arise again, but I’m not sure what to combine it with, or even if I should use it. Should I buy the oil to be sure she is effected?
I also have some other pheros to combo with: I have AV gel but that may be too much since I’m not yet totally acostumed to that product, also I have Alpha Q, Glace, HAX X22, L2K v.1, Corporativo, The Hookup, Wolf, and Chakra chinese pheromone.
Does any of these make a good combo with Xist spray? Or should I buy something else? I think my collection needs a boost in the sexual direction, but I’m conservative about what to buy since my budget is very limited and I’m not yet good at smooth physical escalation, though I use pheromones to help me level up and boost my game skills.
Any help would be truly appreciated.
Man, I was reading this and I was AMAZED at how close your story is to mine. Almost EXACT! We made out in the back of my truck (my first kiss, very inexperienced), but I could tell she wanted alot more by the way she was grinding on me. I couldn’t handle that much Sexual Tension (again, very inexperienced) so I ended it and took her home. We’re still “friends” after about 5 years, but we hardly ever talk anymore since she moved away. Lately, though, it seems like she’s unhappy in her relationship and been talking to some of her old flames. (she even sent me a couple “risque” Snaps). She was my cousin’s friend and my cousin wants me to go with her to see her soon.
So, my question(s) to you is:
Should I get the oil or spray version?
How much did you apply/ should I apply? (I am White, if that matters)
I already own SWOON, would that work also?
How long before I should start mixing it with other stuff (The Hook Up, Evolve, Bad Wolf,…)?
Sorry for so many questions, but I feel like I’ve got a second chance. I wouldn’t get to see her everyday like before so I want something to make a great impression and get her thinking of me again. And I like to be thorough about things.
Your guidance would be extremely helpful, Thanks!
I would suggest the oil version every time, I simply get way better effects from it even though it does take slightly longer for it to start hitting. Swoon is also great, but with a friendzone situation, I feel like like XiSt works better. As for mixing it, don’t do it until you get a gauge on how she reacts… you could use THU with it, but it also has social elements which may interfere with the “reset effect”. Cheers.
I have been an asshole to my ex gf and I want her back. If works for being friendzoned, but does it work in this case too?
Hi Michael, yes it is very effective in this situation. However please search the article I have on escaping friendzone as you might find it helpful.
Hei,.i like to use xist and all other pheromone xs spray products but the problem I have with them,they are too obvious and hit naturally,.I always use a quarter a spray but people realize and react as if it’s an overdose,..how do you do to prevent this from happening?….someone advised to shake well before spraying,do you think it makes any change?
Hi Max, I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone with this specific issue, but I find it hard to believe that a quarter spray of XiSt will have any impact. Anything is possible though – maybe this particular product isn’t good for your natural pheromones, OR maybe you are perceiving people in a negative way when they are actually intrigued by you. Unless people are being blatantly rude to you, or something very far out of the ordinary then I don’t think that is the cause. Maybe it’s the scent? If you don’t believe so, I would recommend getting a dropper bottle, and starting with a drop or 2 to test, and seeing how the results are that way. Let me know 🙂
Hi Phero Joe,
I just came across your work and really impressed by the content of it. I´ve recently became interested in the subject of pheromones and started trying some. It´s really easy to come across scams or products with little to no effect in the popular web.
I consider myself to be a decent attractive guy. I have no problems socializing but since never had to work too hard for attention, I´m also not the biggest player. I also think that often, I fall into the too much of the nice guy vibe. That being said, I´m not growing younger (34) and now living in one of toughest markets (definitely for me) in the world (Stockholm, Sweden). Even though I´m latin, I do not look very latin but also not blond (and loosing some hair) :p. Even so, still considerably tall.
I´ve came out of a turbulent relationship and trying to build my way back into the game as well as looking for an edge. Even though I would like to win my ex-back (to be honest, only for the competition of it), I´m more interested in start scoring some pretty Scandinavian women (commonly known as confident independent women).
After starting to read your page, it made me realized that I´ve perhaps tried some placebos – as I only previously bought the RawChemistry for him with considerable results (therefore the placebo effect). After your reviews I´ve bought some bottles of Xist but the more I read, the more I wonder if it is the correct option for my goals. I´m also looking to get an edge on my professional career where I deal with business senior management.
Can you give some advice if Xist will be a good option? As a pragmatic person I do not want to disregard pheromones due to usage of the wrong blend.
I´m also considering to buy Alpha Maschio and Corporativo. Taking in consideration my background, do you suggest such options? Would Alpha Q also be a good option or an alternative to Alpha Maschio.
I will definitely come back with feedback on the future experiences.
Hey man, sorry about the late reply. I’ve been working on some business ventures, I don’t really have a lot of time to work on the House Of Pheromones but getting back to it as soon as some other things clear up. To answer your questions, I would suggest different products for different situations. It is definitely not ideal to try and mix a seduction product in the workplace, as it can cause some tension among your colleagues, managers, etc (I know this because I have done it). For work, I would 100% recommend Corpo by Alpha Dream, or if you are dealing with much older people in the heirarchy you want to climb, I would look into getting either Captain by Pheromone Treasures or APi by PheromoneXS. All 3 have their own pluses and minuses, but as I work in a younger environment I prefer to use Corpo. The plus side of Corpo is that it’s also a fantastic attraction product.
As for attracting women, you will want to figure out what your goal is. Are you looking for a relationship or short term flings or hookups? If you haven’t already, I would suggest looking at this list, as I have categorized my top picks for both of them.
Alpha Q is probably my current favorite product, although I do like to switch it up with good old Alfa Maschio or even just XiSt + straight androstenone (you can also buy single molecules from PXS).
Can I mix XiSt with Alpha Maschio?
I don’t recommend mixing XiSt with Alfa Maschio, there is too many pheromones for both of them to work effectively.
Will XiSt help me get back my ex girlfriend who is dating someone else?
Hi Adam, if you are following the instructions in the guide I link (in article), this is an obstacle you will have to overcome. Most of the time, if it is a rebound it will fall apart very quickly. In the mean time, I suggest doing the inner work and getting a head start before an opportunity presents itself. Remember, making her feel as if you’ve COMPLETELY moved on (which you should in most cases), will make her wonder what’s new about you. This curiosity can literally drive women crazy and beg them to get you back if you play your cards right. I have women from over 4 years ago still get in touch, but I simply have no time or energy to waste on them.
Hey Phero Joe I’m trying to get back with my ex girlfriend who has ADHD, Depression and Anxiety and the guy she’s with she said he’s not good at relationships and his longest only lasted a year. So I’ve decided to make myself absent and I haven’t spoken to her in weeks so after a long while I thought one day when I meet up with her again I’d give her money to help her go abroad and I thought if I wear XiSt Pheromone spray it could help me win her back any other advice you would recommend? And will my plan work?
Hey Joe I was wondering can XiSt spray work On my ex who has ADHD, Depression and Anxiety. Also she can have mental breakdowns and she has a new boyfriend who she told me is not good at relationships and his longest only lasted a year, and I haven’t spoken to my ex for a month and I got back in touch with her but I haven’t seen her face to face so can XiSt spray help me win her back? And also should I spray xist twice on my neck, wrists, chest and behind my ears for it to have effect?
Hi Adam, I don’t think pheromones will terribly affect anyone that has those types of problems, however it may be more unpredictable than using it on someone who doesn’t. I would look at using it conservatively to see how she reacts first, and then slowly ramp up my efforts if the results are positive. All the same rules of re-courting an ex apply – ensure that your life is much better than when she last saw you, and that you absolutely do NOT have a shred of desperation to “win” her back.
Hi Phero Joe,
Me and this girl have been on and off for a really long time like 4 years. I have constantly been in her life regardless of what other guy comes in.. I love this girl and I just don’t know what to do to make her see that through thick and thin, I have been there for you (apart from a few occasions). I always go out of my way for her. I always try to be there for her, even when I am in another city.
She broke up with her boyfriend (if you want to him that) in March and I have been there for her through this whole turmoil.
I just want her to see me as a romantic partner. I don’t know where I am going wrong. I am an emotional person and I have not had the best of luck with women, having my heart broken time and time again. I am too quick to catch feelings and I don’t really want to go on so many dates with different girls because I would rather stick it out with one and see where it goes.
This girl has kept me around all this time and we can’t be friends because that line was crossed when he had sex. I don’t think we are friends with benefits. And I love her.
Any help and guidance will be very much appreciated.
Ajay, your comment is the epitome of what you DON’T want to be – even though I am reading your comment, just that small amount made me instantly think of someone who is far too desperate for a females attention. This is exactly what you don’t want to be doing. It is a turn off, and the longer you continue being a shoulder to cry on, the beta male, the deeper into the friendzone you’re going to get. It’s good that you have passed the sexual barrier, but you can still be placed right back in there if you act like a fool and chase after her like she’s the only girl in the world.
As a male you need to make her KNOW that you are capable of attracting other, more beautiful women. I can’t explain this all to you from scratch, so I would suggest you to read the 14 step guide to escaping friendzone, and getting the Secrets Of Personal Alchemy.
Does this work on church girls?
Hi Mister E. – yes, it works just fine on church girls 🙂
SO… I don’t think xist is working. I thought it was after a few weeks but it must have been my imagination. There’s this girl (who didn’t know I liked her) I hang out with on a regular basis, right? But she’s also my sister’s bestie. All I did was hang out with her like normal, saw different behaviors from her. Some good, some not so good. Anyway I mixed a drop or 2 of xist oil with Cohesion spray on my wrists one night, sat next to her in church,. Then she, my sister, myseld, and some other guy went to BurgerFi afterwards.
I told some small stories and she was dying laughing. She put her hand on my shoulder too. Then 3 of us minus the other dude carpooled home and as we were walking up to the door I heard my sister say “Are we drunk right now? Why am I acting like this?” I thought it might be the pheromones.
So the next Sunday I tried the same combination of pheromones hoping for an even better result than the last time. Boy oh boy was I wrong. She was supposed to go to a Phil Whickham concert with my sister but it was sold out. So what happened was She and my sister came to pick me up for church, since I had no other ride. So at church I tried to join a conversation she was having with another girl but was shooed away.
After the church service I tried asking if she was okay but she bolted towards the lobby. I thought maybe either she didn’t hear me or I should have used the word “alright” instead. So she was sitting alone in the lobby and I tried asking “are you alright?” and she said “not really”. Then I said “sorry you weren’t able to go the the concert.” and she got up and went towards the auditorium where other people were talking.
Anyway we were at BurgerFi with a larger group, I got my number sign and sat next to her on the end where she was alone. She immediately got up to ask a friend for help and that’s when I thought “I should have waited” … “these pheromones don’t work at all do they?” “I’m screwed.”
So then her friend moved the girl’s stuff to the other end of the table. Then we all ended up sitting outside, where I didn’t get to sit next to my love interest or say anything (I’m a socially awkward introvert by the way). Then the 3 of us got home and when it was time for Her to leave my sister walked her out. I follow them to the door and said “see ya” like I’ve been doing lately. My sister comes back inside and says calmly (in summary) “She knows and a heads up, expect to hear about this from her pretty soon”. So my fear is these pheromones are bogus and She doesn’t want to be friends anymore. How is xist supposed to work if she’s avoiding me? Either She’s immune or I did something wrong or both.
Hi Mister E, that’s quite a long story and I am a busy guy, so I’ll try to keep this as short (but helpful) as possible. There are some things that stand out when I read your comment that are a little bit concerning. I’ll get to the pheromones themselves in just a moment, but from a perspective of someone who’s experienced with women, you may have appeared to be too needy, made your affection to her far too obvious, and as you admit yourself, may have creeped with your “social awkwardness” and introversion.
The thing is, this is not cute behavior and is very much a turn off for women, whether you use pheromones or not. I know shy guys in the movies tend to open up to women by the end, and they fall in love, live happily ever after, but this is the real world. When you are socially awkward, you don’t have much social status or charisma, it is VERY unattractive to women.
This is just my suspicion, but women often talk about guys when they’re not around – what Ithink has happened here is that your friend (the one you like), has probably noticed your behavior towards her, and questioned whether you like her or not. And she may have brought this up with your sister. And then, when you sat down right next to her at the burger place, confirmed her suspicions which is hilariously obvious. Sorry, but girls have a 6th sense for detecting when guys are crushing on them, and if they do not know you well, may react negatively or not know how to handle the situation.
As for the pheromones — you observed your sister and her friend acting way out of the norm, even questioning themselves “why they’re acting that way”… this is a major clue that it is doing something (and quite strongly at that), but due to your lack of skill were unable to drive this interaction favorably. You sound like a very young guy, so I wouldn’t worry about this too much for now, but you need to get your life and confidence up so you get that stench of desperation off you. This is what I believe caused their negative reaction – when they KNOW you like them, but won’t admit it or creep them out with awkward behavior.
Also another thing to note — why would you add Cohesion into the mix with XiSt? XiSt is designed very specifically to cause that “boyfriend”, crushy feeling with women… but combining it with Cohesion may have thrown off the vibe and made it seem too deep, too soon. Just use XiSt by itself until you have some experience.
And lastly… if you haven’t already completely blown your chances, you need to now create distance from your “crush”, and basically, you need to get over it 110%. Because any contact you have with her now, is going to be perceived as an advance on her, which she is not receptive to. Avoid her at all costs, and work on yourself first. I would recommend you get the Supreme Attraction course so you can build yourself up and understand “game”, because you lack it severely based on what I’ve read here.
If that’s a bit unaffordable for you, I would atleast have a read through the “escape friendzone” article, and getting on with it.
Sorry if this seems a bit harsh, but you are blaming pheromones completely when it seems like your lack of self awareness, and game was the real cause for your L here. That being said – sometimes women can act a bit strange when they’re processing romantic feelings. And in the off chance that she does have anything for you (highly doubt it), being a little bit distant will help you anyway.
– PheroJoe
Hallo Joe,
if I screwed up on a woman because I asked a stupid question or couldn’t give smart answers to her tests, Xist would be an interesting way for her to forget my mistake and make a new impression. If you’ve screwed up with a woman, you have to stay away from her point of view for a long time to make her forget my mistake.
1. How long does it take with Xist? How long do I have to stay away from the woman if I am wearing Xist?
2. Which pheromones still have RSET effects? I saw that Bliss, Connection, Sob and Liebesboot also have these Alloc Molecul that are responsible for RSET.
3. Which pheromones have the fastest RSET effect?
4. If I don’t want to have a serious relationship with the woman and want an affair, can you use Xist for that?
5. Which sexual pheromones have RSET effects? I would like to use this with a woman who has lost sexual interest in me.
Hi Mert, it really depends on the woman, sometimes it can hit quickly (within 1 hour), sometimes, it may take several exposures that are several hours long. The more negative thoughts she has around you, the longer it may take to change those perceptions around you. I am not 100% its that molecule alone that is responsible for the reset effect — I believe XSP-96 also has somewhat of a reset effect.
XiSt can be used in long term relationships to respark sexual and romantic attraction if things get stale. I would however also recommend using with something stronger — Alpha Q may be a good base to use in this mix. Cheers!
Is xist a better product on its own or comboed with Badwolf?