L2K is a “beast level” attraction formula designed to give the wearer a huge amount of “influence” with women, by projecting a “James Bond” style allure & magnetism…
It also has built-in “power of persuasion”, and makes women unusually “forward” (sexually) with the wearer… it works fantastically even if you’re not the “smoothest” guy with women, or lack experience going from a “friendly” level, to asking for a date (or moving things in a sexual direction).
… it “unhinges” women on an emotional and physical level, making seduction as effortless as possible.
L2K is one of my all-time BEST pure seduction formulas, and is something of a “Frankenstein” mash-up of 2 excellent products, Alfa Maschio & Glace.
In short:
L2K seduction formula from the first “hello”, to hooking up (or escalating to a sexual relationship)…
In the introduction, I mentioned L2K’s remarkable ability to make women feel “comfortable” with the wearer …
… sometimes even comfortable enough to casually talk about sexual subjects openly, flirt, touch, and more.
And not only that…
It’s the only formula on the market with such powerful “disinhibition” effects on women (which can even be a little weird if you’re not used to women casually flirting with you – instead of you having to do all the work).
However, it does have have downsides which I’ll talk about in the summary.
So does this mean you can be a “fly on the wall” and still have women busting your door down to sleep with you?
Unfortunately, no.
You still have to put in effort, but L2k does eliminate a LOT of the “mental work” you would normally do to seduce women.
This makes it a potent attraction mix, and works well even if you LACK EXPERIENCE with women …
Does the thought of approaching gorgeous women make you nervous?
… even the most “confident” guys still feel the fear of what might happen if they approached a stranger and decided to chat them up, ask for a number, and set up a date.
And not only that, you still have to worry about what you’re going to do even if she DOES give you her details.
… what if you run out of things to say, she gets bored, or she stops responding to texts?
… Or worse, you have no idea how to interact with women on a “sexual” level, and end up getting friendzoned?
By the time I got around to testing L2K, I was used to getting stared at by attractive women, and “taking the lead” to move things in a sexual direction (with AM & other attraction mixes).
But what surprised me most about L2K is its ability to spark sexual interest right off the bat, and without having to “lead” all the time (women may even start interactions with you).
… in fact, it was this effect which “clued me in” to how L2K works as an attraction formula.
Over time, I realized it has a huge amount of “pull” (or magnetism), rather than outward projection of sexual superiority, or high status value of other seduction mixes like Alfa Maschio…
Women will stare in fascination, hang around for no reason, and seem eager to “engage” the wearer.
This creates an interesting dynamic once the L2K “pheromone cloud” hits…
You can easily tell when its got its “grip” around women:
You’ll see them trying to catch glimpses from the corner of their eyes, walk past you several times, or “accidentally” touch you repeatedly…
And if you’re on a date, things naturally seem to “escalate” in a sexual direction with women.
… wanting to be touched physically and affectionately, being playful, and deliberately making sexual passes (like grabbing you inappropriately – the disinhibition is real)…
Keep in mind, there are 2 very important elements in the formula which makes it all possible:
It has a mesmerizing effect on women when it comes to conversation and creating “chemistry”…
Trust, rapport, and an uncanny level “openness” (like you’ve known eachother for years)…
… as well as a heavy duty sexual attraction element which is “driven” by its social power (makes it easy to be sexually “forward” with women)…
This practically eliminates some of the biggest “roadblocks” to seducing women, and is about as easy as it gets…
Anyway, let’s talk about WHY …
L2K projects a mysterious, somewhat “brooding” atmosphere (which surprisingly, a LOT of women find very attractive – read more here).
… but it makes sense, because once you get experienced with women, you’ll understand that “comfort” and “friendliness” won’t get you anywhere (unless you WANT to get dumped into friendzone)…
Women who are “10’s”, models, actresses, and other gorgeous women are so used to guys trying to hit on them, doing weird shit, or just behaving like complete morons…
… but when you’re wearing L2K, its magnetism, open sexuality, & disinhibition is completely “new” to them (and creates intense curiosity about what makes you tick).
It projects a somewhat “nonchalant” and sexual nature, and makes women feel even MORE compelled to seduce you, because they don’t feel pressured into it.
… which makes you seem even MORE attractive in the process.
I also wanted to test just how much “pull” the product really has, and deliberately put in as little effort as possible.
I kept my conversations short, kept my physical touch to minimum, and in general “suppressed” my game to see how far a woman would go to try and get me…
… even if I wasn’t trying.
This seemed to create intrigue, where women would “probe” me a bit more, and even flirt to get me to “co-operate”.
Like I mentioned earlier, it has a low key moody vibe… but it also has an immense amount of magnetism.
Just 1 example: I have an FBuddy who is a model for a local clothing store and has had some high profile shoots for major magazines…
… naturally, she gets hit on a lot, and it’s probably the reason she rarely does ANYTHING for a guy.
She doesn’t carry conversations forward, never asks about other peoples lives, and is pretty much a self centered b*tch to most people.
Normally, I wouldn’t bother with someone like her, but I just happened to have gone out of my way to get a date for an upcoming event.
Even with a product like Alfa Maschio (which I originally used on her), I was putting in a lot of work to keep her attention and interest, and take things in a sexual direction.
From the first exposure to L2K, there was an immediate difference in how conversation flowed (it was easy and natural)…
… she also seemed to have suddenly developed a whole lot more interest in knowing personal things about me.
However, I kept my mouth shut as much as possible just to test how far it would go…
As things progressed through the day, she started asking if I was playing “hard to get” or if I was bored of HER…
She continued being playful with teasing and shoving me (which was way out of character for her), and tried to lighten the mood…
… remember, the L2K “transforms” over time from having strong “social” properties, while the “sexual” properties get stronger over time.
I could tell it was on the verge because there is a noticeable “shift” in behavior from women (even though it is still attractive while in the “social” phase – it just gets blatantly more obvious after a few hours).
However, I kept treating her like she was a bit of an “annoying pest” (not seriously, but it just made her try harder).
Things kept escalating, where she would try to “tempt” me to touch her sexually (in a joking way, but I could tell she was being turned on).
… eventually, we hooked up anyway (even though I really wasn’t “in the mood” due to negative androstadienone effects – which is one of the main downsides).
Similar situations have happened countless times while wearing L2K with other women.
Understandably, it’s not ALWAYS that drastic, but it does tend to “motivate” women, especially if they have the slightest interest in you.
Anyway, I think that’s most of the general effects covered.
Visit the Alpha Dream store here, or continue reading the summary below.
L2K by Alpha Dream Review (Summary Of Effects):
- Projects a mysterious, yet charismatic “James Bond” vibe (and makes you “stand out” from other men who may be more dominant or “outgoing” personalities)… if you’ve ever felt “stuck” in a conversation trying to think of witty/funny things to say, or cut an interaction short (to avoid screwing up when the going was good), or tried too hard to keep things interesting… L2K has a certain “allure” and makes women feel engaged, even if you don’t put in a lot of effort (it depends on the woman how much effort you can minimally put in, but it still takes a huge amount of “mental work” off your shoulders)…
- Simply annihilates all kinds of resistance – from the first interaction, to asking for a number/date, or even escalating things sexually… it is the closest thing to a “zero effort” seduction formula (due to its “disinhibition effect”)… it has an attractive, alluring vibe, but at the same time its “non-threatening”. This makes it ideal for men who still have trouble approaching, or making women see you in a “sexual” way – even if you lack confidence or “game”…
- L2K seems to “blur the line” of friendly/sexual behavior, and seems to move effortlessly from social to sexual interaction… while you are wearing it, you will notice things COMPLETELY ridiculous and beyond regular “social norms”. L2K starts off with strong social effects, and the “sexual” side becomes much more powerful 1-3 hours later (its still present in the beginning, it just gets stronger over time)… you’ll quickly notice interactions with women start to lean in “sexual” directions, and its very easy to use “persuasion” on women to ask personal questions, escalate to a date, hook ups, & more…
- Produces SERIOUSLY strong self effects such as INSANE confidence, an effortless “suave” attitude, and being more sociable and “disinhibited” yourself… if you’ve ever had a moment where your mind goes blank (while thinking of something cool or interesting to say) – only to realize she thinks you’re a moron… then L2K’s self effects are extremely useful for easing social anxiety… you’ll feel more confident, more charming, and be far more naturally attractive in your interactions with women.
- It works fantastically on “hot” women – models, actresses, and other “valuable” women, because they’re not used to being treated as “normal” (or NOT having guys try weird shit to pick them up)… like the girl I mentioned, this puts them in the weird place of feeling attracted to you, open socially, and comfortable. But what throws them “off-balance” is that you can keep them engaged, even with minimal effort (due its high level of intrigue). This is probably how hot women feel – not having to put in the effort, because they know guys will keep trying anyway…
- Women may perceive you as being distracted, or engaged in “deep thought” and attempt to get your attention (the definition of brooding – and why its so magnetizing)… “brooding” is when you are in deep thought about something which may be frustrating, sad, or make you angry. But at the same time, its incredibly intriguing to women. In fact, it prompts them to want to know more about you, and get YOUR attention instead of the other way around…
- The “disinhibition effect” makes it easy to have FUN with women: they may behave childishly, laugh at lame jokes, play fight you… like I said, L2K projects a somewhat “brooding” atmosphere, but it doesn’t mean boring, angry, or hostile. There is a certain charisma about men who have important shit going on in the background, and its irresistible to women… however, you must find the right “vibe” which suits your personality (its easy to figure with a few uses of the product, so don’t stress on this too much).
- You will notice UNBELIEVABLE eye contact, boob-brushing, obvious flirting, stares, and touching (also known as “DIHL’s” or “Deer In the Head Lights” type reactions)… some women will be completely mesmerized by your presence, and this happens very often with L2K. I’ve noticed it with high school age girls, all the way to girls in the 20’s. This is an EXTREMELY strong sign of attraction, and you need to act on them. This attraction to you from the get-go makes it very easy to seduce women.
- Can make some women feel EXTREMELY clinginess (or emotional attachment) towards you… although it wasn’t designed as a “long term” attraction product, I’ve had women tell me they had a dream about me, text me constantly, and some go downright crazy over me. I believe this has to do with the high androstadienone content, which is known for causing “longing” feelings towards the wearer, and seeing the wearer in a romantic type of way (this gets stronger the longer they’ve been exposed)…
- Is a powerful tool to help escape “friendzone”, even though it wasn’t designed for this purpose (however, it requires a specific kind of game)… L2K is powerful on women who don’t know you, and women you are acquainted with because they have “nothing to lose” if they want to hook up. However, women who consider you a “friend”, will be very easily persuaded into a “friends with benefits” type situation if you play it cool. There are other products specifically designed for getting out of friendzone, but L2K can help destroy the “sexual barrier” between you and your girl-friend (which will make it 1000x times easier to go into relationship territory).
- A downside to L2K is it’s ONLY designed for attraction (and succeeds at a high level)… but it’s the entire scope of the product. I’ve noticed men in general act a little strange towards me while I wear it. Personally, I like to maintain great relationships with my guy friends because they’re people I look up to and want to be like. Guys might feel intimidated by you, or feel some type of awkwardness. You’ll notice your friends seem to be “distant” and treat you indifferently.
- This review is for version 1 of the product – the only difference with version 2 is the androstenone content (which makes it more suitable for older men)… the androstenone is the core “sexual” component in the mix. Version 2 has a slight adjustment which will work better for older men, but otherwise has mostly the same effects… it will also be more attractive to women roughly over 25, whereas L2K version 1 seems to hit women 18-25 much harder. It comes off less aggressively, which is more well received by the younger crowd.
- L2K seems to hit YOUNG women very hard, and they often get “mesmerized” by your presence and start zoning out (like DIHL effect)… sometimes, even to the point where its inappropriate. I have had young high school aged girls giggle around me and stare on several occasions since I leave near a school and a large shopping center where I go to eat… it’s a little weird, but it is what it is.
- WARNING: It contains a hefty dose of very pure & potent androstadienone which can have very bad “self effects” if used for several days at a time… occasional uses of the product seem to be fine and even has positive self effects (like 1-2 times a week, with a few days break in between). However, consistent use may make you feel very anxious/depressed/lethargic. It is a “tradeoff”, because seduction is easy with it, but use it with caution, especially if you are prone to depressive states or anxiety.
- If you’ve got difficulty keeping conversations interesting or find yourself “running out things to say”… L2K makes conversation flow naturally and builds instant rapport with women (so you don’t have to do all the work). Like I mentioned in the review, women find the wearer intriguing, and even if you keep her minimally engaged, she may go out of her way to make you more co-operative (due to its strong magnetism/intrigue effect).
- Earlier, I mentioned L2K also has a “dual purpose”. During my testing, I found it to be an INCREDIBLE tool for guys who have not developed their “game” yet… it’s an excellent product for all men, but it’s ESPECIALLY useful for guys who have not developed their seduction skills… because getting experience is HARD. Getting rejected, and having your heart pound out of your chest is something we all deal with, and it can be frustrating when you see other guys getting the girls you want. Once you get comfortable with it, you’ll automatically develop more confidence, and set yourself up for being more “natural” with women.
- The “ideal” dosage is at 2 sprays for most men, however men perceived as more aggressive may have better results at 1 spray… I have noticed that after going to the gym, and using 2 sprays seems to come off rather aggressively than if I hadn’t hit the gym. I also have friends who are MMA fighters and train regularly, who are still perceived as overly aggressive while wearing 2 sprays. Start with 1, and then move to 2 sprays to see if you get positive or negative results.
L2K by Alpha Dream - Final Review
Social (Only to women)
Self effects
Alpha (men may be intimidated)
"James Bond" in a bottle
If you're looking for a "low key" attraction product that generates MASSIVE attraction, then look no further. Unlike other seduction mixes that try to produce sexual vibes (which do still work great), L2K has a different "mode of operation". It's main goal is to make women attracted to you, and create an intense amount of intrigue... so much so that it makes you irresistible. They will try to "peel back the layers" to find out what secrets you may hide... and in order to win your approval, they will flirt, try to "cheer you up", play fight with you, and act a little immature. All which leads to them eventually trying to seduce you (and sometimes quite forcefully - which is usually a very good thing). Add it to your arsenal today.
L2K by Alpha Dream - Final Review
Social (Only to women)
Self effects
Alpha (men may be intimidated)
"James Bond" in a bottle
If you're looking for a "low key" attraction product that generates MASSIVE attraction, then look no further. Unlike other seduction mixes that try to produce sexual vibes (which do still work great), L2K has a different "mode of operation". It's main goal is to make women attracted to you, and create an intense amount of intrigue... so much so that it makes you irresistible. They will try to "peel back the layers" to find out what secrets you may hide... and in order to win your approval, they will flirt, try to "cheer you up", play fight with you, and act a little immature. All which leads to them eventually trying to seduce you (and sometimes quite forcefully - which is usually a very good thing). Add it to your arsenal today.
L2K gives you an unmistakable edge and IMMEDIATELY takes your success with women to a new, “breakthrough” level…
Imagine knowing you have the power, and choice to seduce hot, young, beautiful women any time, on demand…
I’m not saying L2K will solve all your attraction problems forever.
What I AM saying, is this…
Having the skills to attract women automatically makes you feel more successful – not just with women, but other areas of life too…
You’ll feel more successful. You’ll jump out of bed for every new day. You’ll command social respect among other men.
And most of all, you’ll feel proud…
You’ll literally feel the jealousy of other guys as you walk down the street with a gorgeous woman on your arm…
That’s where L2K comes in…
L2K is a MAGNET to the 10’s, models, and hottest party girls…
And like I mentioned in the review, it’s also one of the quickest ways to acquire charisma, energy, power, influence, and confidence of a man who attracts sexy women — like the good old James Bond persona.
Keep in mind, it is still just a tool, but a powerful one at that…
And it’s a tool that can give you a “peek” into the world of men who are successful with women.
It’s “ease of use” can help you build REAL success with women (and doesn’t rely on pheromones or pickup artist nonsense).
It’s like getting an instant “level up” to your seduction skills (which will help to build a “cycle of success” with women)…
Ready to take your seduction game to unbelievable new heights?
If you still have any questions, please leave a comment or get in touch directly.
Thanks for reading.
Stay tuned,
- Phero Joe
P.S. Quick summary: L2K by Alpha Dream is a unique social-seduction formula, and projects a “brooding” atmosphere around the wearer – women find it incredibly intriguing and sexy. It also causes disinhibition, and makes women playful and unusually “open” with the wearer (in a sexual way). It is a complicated beast, but works especially well for men who lack experience with women due to its ease of use. It has a few tradeoffs for all that seduction power: you may feel anxious/depressed if you wear it constantly, and other men may treat you strangely or act “distant”. Oh yeah – it’s also specifically attractive to hot women (possible reasons in full review).
Click here to take L2K for a risk free, 90 day 'test drive' today.
P.P.S. Remember, Alpha Dream has a full 90 day “full peace of mind” money back guarantee (no hassles, no hoops to jump through, and no drama)… if you’re not happy for any reason (and I’m sure you will be, you can send it back for a FULL refund. Sometimes the product may not fit your personality, or perhaps your body chemistry just doesn’t agree with it – it happens to all of us (even if a lot of people love the product)…
Either way, you have nothing to lose, and a lot to gain 🙂
Don't Go Anywhere. Check Out These Articles First.
- Heaux Cosmetics Review: Overhyped, Overpriced Pheromone Products - October 22, 2023
- The Fascinating Female Pheromone Effects On Males (Powerful Attraction) - October 21, 2023
- The Curious Case of “Vabbing” & Pheromones: A Controversial TikTok Trend - October 18, 2023
You mention in your AM review that AM can be a FZ buster.. What about l2k v1? If you’re caught in the FZ is it wise to use it? Or am I better sticking to AM?
It really depends on how you steer it youself Dsouza. I would personally go for L2K, simply because it allows women to come to me, and if I try to hit on a woman that has effectively friendzoned me then it’s better to let her come to me. However, if I’m short on time then Alfa Maschio is a good idea because I can be proactive and lay down some solid game for her to think about later.
In your case, I don’t recommend trying to escape friendzone. You need to work on your game, and specifically your FOUNDATION, as I suggested in previous emails with you. That means working on changing how you think about yourself and how you come across to people which I feel is your biggest problem right now. No pheromone product will overcome major flaws in your life. This is not an attack, but I feel the need to be direct with you so you can improve.
What is your stance as L2k v1 being a product that attracts bisexuals but not from straight women.. Many experts on PT have stated this , some with decades in the PUA industry. Some said no matter hard they tried they couldn’t close with l2k v1. Yet with AM they could. If this is an issue it is a serious one.
Note: Edited to remove certain words
I don’t know or care for the PUA industry because it creates situations like the one you have landed yourself in. I have asked you to join a forum so you can get away from all that stuff, but as far as I know you haven’t bothered. I also told you to get a personal trainer, at least for a few sessions, improve your hairstyle, but I don’t know whether you did that or not.
I also recall you being a fan of L2K because it really works/worked well for you, and in that case why does it even matter? Every time someone else posts about a product not working for them you start questioning whether it’s really that effective, as is the case with Nude Alpha not too long ago. I have closed many times with the product, and no I don’t deal with bisexuals so I don’t know if it’s attractive to them or not.
Hey PheroJoe.. Just want to clear up I do have a personal trainer who deals with people with injuries and he’s recommended full body light weight training. I do this 3 x week and have transformed my body from 2-3 months ago.. I also have a new salon I go to where I get a younger more studly haircut from women in fashion industry. And a new look in terms of fashion and clothing. As for the new forum you mentioned I haven’t gotten to it yet but will in due time.
Also to some extent I do rely on the advice of others on PT as opposed to just personal experience with pheromones. Many of them are vets too. I like to do a combo of both — personal experience and learning from others.
L2k v1 is indeed a great tool. I will put it through the wringer on new targets from time to time and see where it takes me.
So there’s a version one and two for this product. Which one is this review pertaining to?
Hi Danial,
This is a review for v1 🙂
So what would be the differences in v2? Are they subtle or is it a completely different product?
Hi Daniel,
Both are great products. The main difference is that L2K is suited for older gentlemen – 40+. They both have all the same qualities except that V2 is perceived slightly more aggressive, which works for older women 🙂
Allora per un uomo di 50 anni che vuole attrarre donne di 30 max 45 è meglio il V1 o il V2 ????
V2 è meglio per gli uomini oltre 40
I’m just about to pull the trigger on Some Alpha Dream products. The question is:
Buy one 50 ml bottle of L2K @ $69.50
One 50 ml bottle of AM @$59.50 + one 50 ml bottle of Glace @ $39.50
I’m thinking I’d have the flexibility of going either pure social during the day, pure sexual during the evening, and be able to mix when appropriate, all @ $99 for 100 ml … or is L2K so well blended that it is best not to experiment with what’s already there. Your thoughts?
Hey Al,
You definitely won’t go wrong with the combo you suggest, AM + Glace — if it’s your first time with Alpha Dream products I’d give them a spin before trying L2K. L2K can be a little off putting to other guys, so using AM + Glace gives you that extra room to test comfortably in most environments.
Hey Joe,
L2K is a powerhouse of attraction and comfort in a bottle. But, it does get the men behaving creepily and affect relationships with them. Is there any combo or alternative which could stop them from getting intimidated by the pheros?
Hi Mason,
If you are concerned about your male friends behaving a little strange around you, you could try adding some more “happy” pheromones (like Molecule A from PXS).
I would also recommend trying the Alfa Maschio + Glace combo – it’s not as disinhibiting to women but is still extremely attractive. The upside of this is that men tend to behave much more normal around you than they would if they were exposed to L2K for a little while 🙂
Hey Joe,
Currently in college, I have L2K and AM in my arsenal? I’ve read your reviews and learnt a lot. However, I’m confused on when to each formula? Can l2k be used in the bars? ALso, L2k really seems to give creepy vibes to my male friends. IS there any way I can deal? L2k is a powerhouse, but i rarely get to use it because I have guys all around me and dont want a negative effects on relationships. EVen though I really wanna use L2k
Carl (19)
Hey Carl,
Yes this is one of the downsides of L2K… it works straight magic on women, but guys might seem distant and start feeling down after being exposed too long. This doesn’t really affect me too much when I wear it, but I know other guys will usually start feeling negative. I would recommend going out alone if you are looking for women, although you can help minimize the negativity with Molecule A (from PXS).
Alfa Maschio is also a great product if you will be around your guy friends at bars or nightclubs.
Hi PheroJoe,
I tried looking for this Molecule A but when I click on the link it takes me to this long of list of available formulas (some no longer available) but none are referred to as Molecule A.
Hi Alex, it may be easier to find on this page for Putative Pheromones (Cutting Edge “XSP” Molecules & Effects, AD Alternatives). Cheers
Hi there does this product suits well on mid 20’s ???
Hey Aaron,
L2K is actually perfect for this age range. It promotes an open type of vibe that is not overbearing and rather “invites” women into your presence rather than you having to pursue them. Of course, it will still take a little work, but this is the general premise of L2K.
So I bought both v1 (leather and steel) and v2 (black and spice) and I have extensively tested v1 and I’ve tried v2 out on a few different occasions.
Scents are both amazing L&S is more smooth and B&S is more nighttime edgy smell
So in my experience I don’t even like leaving the house without wearing v1 it puts you on a new social level people are very open and talkative. So in my opinion v1 has a very strong social aspect and it gets more sexual the longer you wear it up to the 6 hour mark. I find v1 is a good day time Cologne with all around positive social effects.
As for v2 I don’t wear it casually v2 has a very strong sexual pull to it. I once wore it to hang out with my friends and the girl I liked asked one of my good friends if I’m always that aggressive of a person. (I wasn’t acting out of the ordinary or even hitting on her i was just hanging out)
V2 is very potent as well when you spray it it smells like a bomb went off in the room you sprayed it in. so I would recommend applying like an hour before you head out.
Also put a spray of v2 on your bed before a girl comes over! Your welcome!
Also I’m 21 year old male usually associating with pretty attractive girls 7s and up around the same age usually a few years older or younger
Secondo te v2 è più potente di alfa maschio?
Te lo chiedo perché su di me alfa maschio è QUASI ZERO effetto attraente sulle donne.
Ciao attendo risposta
Ciao Gian ,
Sto attraversando un momento difficile comprensione quello che stai dicendo . Come ho consigliato in precedenza , si v2 L2K è molto meglio per gli uomini più anziani . Alfa Maschio è un buon prodotto anche, ma richiede uno sforzo maggiore da usare . Devi essere proattivi o le donne respingere rapidamente , o possono trovare si intimidatorio . Grazie
Ciao Joe scusa se ti disturbo ma è necessario.ovviamente non sei tenuto a rispondenti se non vuoi.
Oggi alle 15:40 ho indossato L2K v2 acciaio e pelle.
Profumo molto forte molto più forte e persistente del muschio e sandalo di alfa maschio.
Solo una accentuata sonnolenza e torpore su di me .
Con le donne zero.
Sono stato in piccolo negozio a farmi riparare il Cell c’erano 2_3 ragazze giovani sui 20 anni = risultato zero non uno sguardo nulla .
Poi altro centro commerciale 2 donne 40 anni = zero effetto.
Sono molto frustrato e avvilito di questo.
Di quello che ho provato L2k è il peggiore.
Il migliore è stato tra i tre che ho provato Alluramin .
Io con i profumi ai feromoni ho chiuso dopo aver buttato via più di 200 euro.
Scusami per tutte le mail che ti ho scritto e se ti ho rotto le palle.
Ciao Gian, mi dispiace che tu non abbia avuto buoni risultati. È importante che tu prenda il tuo tempo per capire come funzionano i prodotti a basse dosi, quindi lentamente ti fai strada. Non sono sicuro di cosa sia l’allamurin, ma se funziona per te è fantastico.
Per quanto riguarda i risultati L2K, funziona per la stragrande maggioranza delle persone. Forse i prodotti Alpha Dream non funzionano bene per te – posso dire che conosco alcune persone che non hanno successo con determinati marchi, ma dipendono da altri determinati marchi. È tutta una questione di chimica corporea personale, e ciò che può funzionare per una persona, può essere diverso per un’altra. Se desideri assistenza nella scelta di un altro prodotto, faccelo sapere e ti aiuterò meglio che posso.
hello there can i mix AM with The Hookup?
Hi Aldo,
I haven’t tried this mix, but I would imagine they compliment eachother quite nicely.
Thanks Joe, great and thorough review. I am leaning towards this product more (slightly more than the Nude) although my main concern is the negative effect on men. Being in an office environment, I really don’t want something that puts my male colleagues off, being that I deal with them more than the female colleagues.
Thanks for the review. Been getting some good results with l2k and was wondering if you have tried a l2k alfa maschio combo or a l2k glace combo or do you find its better just as a stand alone. Cheers
Hi John,
L2K is somewhat of a hybrid mix of Alfa Maschio + Glace, so adding either is redundant. Great to hear you’re having results! If anything, I would recommend adding Molecule A to lighten up the mood or counter the depressive/anxious effects if you are using it regularly. Occasional use you should be fine, but it seems to be a great combo. Cheers!
Was using l2k in a nightclub last weekend and there was a number of times a certain girl would purposely bump into me to get my attention. Hair play in the pheromone cloud was extremely noticeable girls would come out their way to have a dance. Never experienced this in that particular nightclub before so I will keep testing. My next night out im thinking of using alfa maschio and possibly glace. Thanks again
LIIK gives me mad depression. Is there any other product you would suggest to help guys without a good “foundation” for game. Thank you!
Hey Boy Scout,
L2K can unfortunately hit pretty hard negatively if you use it on the regular, or you’re just really sensitive to androstadienone. Alpha Dream’s androstadienone in particular is very pure and hits hard, so take it easy if you wear it. Another product that you could use if you’re still working on your game is Nude, The Hookup, and maybe even XiSt. All 3 have some elements of sexual attraction, but aren’t overly aggressive… however, this is good because these types of formulas are much more forgiving if you make mistakes (like failing to escalate, saying something dumb, etc).
If you do get into a situation where it will lead to a hookup or sex, having something to amp it up a little bit, [thirstylink linkid="1219" linktext="Dirty Primitive" class="thirstylink" title="Dirty Primitive"] can also be added which will be very effective and not ruin the effects of other components in these mixes.
Got an order of this on its way (v1) & was just wondering what your experienced opinion/suggestion is of combining it with a more “crushy” phero like true love by true pheromones?
Hi Ryu,
TL does work with L2K, however it works a lot better with V2 because V1 is buffered/layered very carefully and the TL makes it seem overly friendly/crushy rather than the underlying sex appeal of the product. It can work, but I feel its much better with Alfa Maschio or L2K v2.
Which version is better v1 or v2!!… I do not know what the difference helps
Hi Alex,
The only difference is that v1 contains less androstenone than v2 – v2 is preferable for targeting older women and v1 is better for younger women.
Cheers 🙂
Hi Joe …
Have you ever combined between L2K and Voodoo?
Hi Hasan,
Yes I have tried it. It seems to work, however I have not really tried it enough to write up a good summary on the effects… all I can say is that the Voodoo seems to amplify the comfort effects a lot more, and makes it a little more “hypnotic”.
Is it shipped to other countries?
Yes Alpha Dream ships to most international locations.
This product removes all social programming. But also you don’t bother too much about it, because it makes you feel a little depressed and at first that might be difficult to deal with. Sometimes this formula is not easy to wear. But very good results so far. I remember telling a woman, about 15 minutes after I met her “why you look so innocent, you are not innocent, you are wild and sensual”.
Without thinking or worrying I said it like it was just my conclusion after some observation and it got in my way of dealing with her (her poker face was too obvious and she seemed a little frustrated). You sometimes get this feeling, I need to say what bothers me right now and you just say what you think. To my surprise, she nodded and she said she agreed with me. This is stuff I would normally not say, especially not when more people are around.
It feels like you can isolate a woman very easily in a natural and honest manner from the rest of the world, by talking in a way nobody talks to someone they just know. It’s like you know a girl for years, like of course we fuck… Like AM would sometimes make you look like another dude that wants to fuck, this stuff somehow has the power to make girls see you different. This might be the best formula on the market.
AM is more like an all or nothing thing, while this formula makes dealing with women more casual and social. It is also easy to touch girls after some revealing conversation, put your hand on her ass, not grabbing, but in a respectful manner without a lot of resistance at all. And in these steps things start to escalate quickly, but yes it happens in steps. Not like women are on their back when you enter the room, although attraction is starting once you enter the room and lots of staring. This formula works for younger women also.
But I had also milfs coming over to me or getting very close to me, and I also had women get jealous because others got closer to me. I had women ask me what happened to me. They would walk in front of me and follow me around. That would happen after some quick eye contact, like 2 seconds.
Can you tell me please if it is possible to mix XiSt and Turn Up The Heat also L2K with TUTH or Instant Shine………………………………………………. I bought a lot of products from AD and if I cant combine them successfully im well out of pocket , they were my first pheromone company I tried , I then found this company and I think its BETTER , that’s why im here.
You can use L2K with Instant Shine, or you can use XiSt with Turn Up The Heat. Any other combos with those products is probably not a good idea because AD only makes simple products and L2K/XiSt are very complex (don’t mix those 2).
As a gay guy in his 20s ,what would be better for me to use l2k v1 or l2k v2.I ask because I think I read somewhere that gay guys responde better to high level none but I don’t know if it will effectively attract guys from 18-25
Hi El,
As far as I know, the androstadienone content seems to affect gay men in a similar way to how it affects women. Also, there are formulas specifically for gay men, although I haven’t tried them 🙂 I have heard some good results about it though – it’s called “l’UOMO AMORE” (available at Alpha Dream). Due to how androstadienone heavy L2K is, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was also an excellent product for your purposes.
Let me know if you need more help,
I find l uomo amore to be a good social product that affects man in general, being more friendly towards you, smiling more and being more touchy (not necessarily sexually) and I find it very confusing with these mixed signals from guys. I am thinking of buying l2k because it is more sexual and the fact that straight guys get more distant with this, will make it far easier for me to know who are the gay and bi guys as they will react as the women would do.
I uomo amore for me is just a great men social pheromone cologne but not a seduction formula. Besides ,unlike straight people, we can’t just go and hit on any guy we want as it can have a very adverse reaction from some (I friend of mine once tried to seduce a guy he liked and thought he was gay and well he ended up in the hospital when the other guy realized what my friend was trying to do)
Have you ever combined LIIK with GOA or Xist? Thanks!
Hi Boy Scout,
Yes I have tried it with those products, and several others… however, L2K is far too complex to be messing with complete standalone formulas. The effects can get a bit weird. The only thing I suggest is using some XS-Putatives (molecule A in particular), which can help offset negative effects from androstadienone if you happen to use it 2 more days in a row.
At what date did AD state they fixed the none issue….? And many on PT say l2k is social.. and they don’t feel the social to sexual kick anymore.. Has this been fixed back to the way it was before?
Hi Adrian,
This was not a public announcement, but they did provide a fix even when things went wrong last year (with the lab not producing it anymore – due to smell). Those versions were still very good for me, I think you are reading too much into it at this point. Perhaps you have fond memories of the product and recall it being better than it actually was.
Regardless, just a bit over month or so ago, Chris mentioned that they had perfected their -enone synth which gave it a more pungest smell, and presumably it may have something to do with the purity level (he didn’t say, because we were discussing another matter). I recently just got a fresh batch and it has that original -enone aroma underneath the scent, and the self effects hit me hard.
You can post this message if you would like to inform others.
Thanks what scent did you get it in and was it v1 or v2?
I got Leather & Steel as well as unscented v2 L2K. As far as results go, they are working very well. If I had any more “original” L2K from 2015, I would say the results are identical since I’ve used it plenty. Still get self effects and powerful hits from younger women, just as described here 🙂
How Long does this mix last once sprayed on? If I spray at 9PM will it still be effective at 4AM when the bars are closing 7 hours later?
I feel that the peak effects of the product are around the 4.5 – 6 hour mark, and then seems to start tapering off around then. However, you can extend the life of it with a fresh application if you wipe it off properly. I would suggest getting some witch hazel wipes (or a small amount of hunters soap) which will nuke any scent you have on you. Let it dry, and then spray another application on… you will have to wait for the effects to fully kick in again, or you might go with Alfa Maschio which doesn’t have an “unfolding” period. Either way, both products tend to work well in nightclub environments so you shouldn’t have too much trouble just riding it out until 4am 🙂
Which product(s) require the least amount of ‘steering,’ Swoon or L2K? (or something else completely?)
Appreciate all of your hard work and reviews! Thanks.
All products require “some” level of steering, pheromones won’t do the talking part for you. However, for my personality type I actually prefer using Swoon. For quieter/less outgoing men, L2K may be a better option. Both are excellent products though.
On some of the various pheromones a few people complained about a bad batch of Androstenone.
I noticed you mentioned that Chris from AD perfected the -enone.
Just wondering if the current batch is good to go, thanks
Hi Ali,
This was a very minor problem last year (or late the year before that), and was resolved quickly. However, all batches from that point forward are up to par with usual AD standards. This was a brief problem that was exacerbated by a few people on PT, but even the “fixed” versions were practically the same apart from the scent because of the alcohol/silicone/pheromone ratio being altered I assume.
Hey Phero Joe,
How many times (hours, days) should a girl be exposed to L2K before she becomes effected. Also is 1 or 2 sprays better? I am 22 years old and healthy. Also is Alfa Maschio the same or better than L2K for dates? What about bars and parties?
Hi Omar,
Both products are powerful hit very quickly, I would choose one based on your personality. However, AM has a more aggressive element, whereas L2K has a more laid back type of sexuality… it is more a “brooding” feel rather than an outspoken, overly confident bad boy. Some women may respond better to either product. For bars and nightclubs, I feel like Alfa Maschio would be better to help you stand out from other males, and L2K would be better for parties and dates. You can tell when they hit when women are checking you out, or have slightly nervous and interested behavior when you talk to them.
Thanks Phero Joe, and L11K doesn’t hit instanty does it? Because I don’t think that girls would start going crazy over me.
For instance it i suck with girls, it won’t do anything for me. Which product do you think hits harder? L11K or Alpha Maschio?
I know that they have a different mode of operation. Plus I saw that you changed in the “best reviews” section L11K from first place to third place (not that it is bad).
Also should I use L11K in college?
Last question how long does it take for it to take affect (exposure).
Thanks again:)
Hi Omar,
Those reviews are not listed as best to worst, I simply changed the order because I moved Liquid Alchemy Labs a bit lower since they do not have their merchant account working for the last few months. As for L2K, it would be good if you are not assertive, although you definitely need to improve your game. No pheromone product will help you if even you don’t think you’re attractive. It depends on the target how quickly a product will hit, some will be affected instantly, other times, women may start responding to you minutes after exposure. It is not an exact science yet, but it will increase your chances dramatically 🙂
Joe can you make a suggestion to me for which of your products would work best for me to create greater sexual attraction towards me by my wife. I’m in my mid 50’s and she is 50. She is an amazingly gorgeous woman and I’m hugely attracted to her even after 20+ years of marriage but the demands of her life have had an impact on her sexual attraction and desire for me.
Hi Alex, there are several products I would recommend. As an older gentleman, you can get away with very potent formulas without having to worry about buffer molecules too much. I would recommend you something along the lines of Alfa Maschio, Zero to 69 by Pheromone Treasures, The Hookup, and maybe even SOB-XS or Evolve-XS. I think all these products would work well for your situation — considering how long your marriage has lasted, most pheromone products can subtly change the dynamics in your relationship.
Dear Joe,
Would you ever combine LIIK and NA (gel)? Or LIIK and Xist? Asking for a date tonight.
Hi Kevin,
I would avoid using L2K in a combo with anything, as it is far too complicated to be messed with. At the most, you can mix it with androsterone sodium sulfate to give it a more upbeat vibe if it gets you feeling a little down. I would use XiSt alone for this situation.
Hi Joe,
Which one is better to attract 26 years old woman (asian), v1 or v2? I’m 24 years old.
Hi Jason,
For women around your age, v1 would be better. The only difference between v1 and v2 is that the v2 has a higher androstenone concentration, and works better for older men.
which scent should i select from unscented,black spice,sandalwood musk,leather and steel i wanna attract a lot of women who are usually not much sexually attractive eventhough they are in their 20’s. i want a strong scent or recommed me another cologne which is very good to be used with the unscented one to attract women.plz reply fast!!!
Hi cskian,
Sorry about the late reply, I’ve been overseas. The scents all work well, but my preference is towards leather and steel. This seems to be attractive to younger women as well as older women, but scents like black spice and musk seem to be more “mature” in general.
I’m not sure if I want to go with v1 or AM. When I go out I’m usually with my guy friends so I don’t want them to act weird from LIIkv1 but i like the raw attraction that AM is suppose to give off towards women. What would you suggest if I want that pull attraction but not having it affect my guy friends?
Hi Tbone,
If you are going out to get women, hanging around a pack of guys is usually a hindrance. I would suggest going out with an agreement that you’ll split up to hit on women or do whatever in order to attract women… I find that going out with groups of guys usually takes away attention that you would get, I am far more successful being the “1 man wolf pack” (lol). If you really need your guy friends around, then I would suggest picking up AM, they are both very powerful products.
Hi Phero Joe,
Is this better than Cohesion, Xist, Evolve and/or Ascend?
Hi Omar,
L2K is not better or worse than other products, it simply has different purpose than the ones you mentioned. Typically products are separated by their main goal, such as whether they are social/alpha/romantic/sexual. This one falls into the sexual category, with social effects.
Hope this helps.
I have l2k v1 i bought around nov/dec 2016. Does it fall into the category of bad batch?
Hi Vyper,
I’m not sure, you will have to test it to find out as there is no way I can tell (they don’t have batch numbers as far as I know).
Hi sir,
If I want to get my ex back, is L2K or u have other suggestions?
I also want to make her always thinking of me.
She currently in not so serious relationship with other guy
Hi John, for getting an ex back L2K is probably NOT an ideal choice. I would strongly recommend reading through this article about how to get your ex back. There are a few suggestions in there, but my first choice would be to go for something like XiSt, as it has proven itself many times over in these kinds of scenarios.
This stuff is dangerous. I used L2k (1.5 sprays) in combination with AM (1 spray). Several people people reported me to the police for looking like a killer, having some kind of brain damage. It is best compared to Jason Bourne, a programmed killer, a lone damaged alpha wolf. This stuff is seriously powerful. People looked at me like WTF is wrong with you dude, like they tried to look into my brain. Undercover police started to follow me and started to investigate me after obviously several complaints, where I did not really respond to my environment (be aware of this, always respond to people, it is easy to believe you are Jason Bourne with this stuff). I do not recommend using this product in tricky situations like in public places, except maybe in bars.
Looks like Leather & Steel has been discontinued.
Why would Alpha Dream discontinue this scent??
I bought it in 2013 and
it was the BEST cologne I’ve ever smelled!!
I’d pay for that cologne (even without mones).
I agree! The scent was fantastic – I’m not exactly too sure, but I will get in touch with them and see where they are at with it.
I do have a question: is it okay to wear L2K and Dirty Primitive at the same time? combo?
L2K because I lack the experience as stated on your review.
And Dirty Primitive because of its quick sexual arousal on women.
Thank you very much !
Hi Carlos, thanks for your comment! I would suggest not really adding anything to L2K. Some people like adding androstenone based products like DP or straight androstenone, but L2K was designed in a specific way to get the results it gets. I would suggest using it standalone… but if you do add anything, only start with a small amount of androstenone… DP can work, but I’ve often found it to be a bit finicky mixing anything complex with L2K.
I find l2k works better on dates , at the hair salon, than at bars sometimes….. IDK.. Why do you think that is?
In bars and nightclubs women are typically more responsive to aggressive behavior, especially with the addition of alcohol in the mix. However, L2K is still very good in these environments and may be more suitable for men who are willing to take a slightly more passive approach to more aggressive environments.
Where regions of the body should I spray and how many sprays? I sprayed two under my ears and rubbed it on my neck, and used the wetness on spray head on my wrists. Didn’t get any attention from females at public places. Also what pheramone combo works good with it?
Hi Tony, I usually wear products on my chest as I’m more of a T shirt and jeans kind of guy. However if I’m wearing a jacket, I’ll spray on my neck. You don’t need to spread it everywhere for it to be successful.
Hi Joe,
Alpha Dream site states”Molecule A” as an ingredient in the V1. Is this a recent development based on feedback regarding how it impacts other men ? Would you have more info on this?
Hi PB, Im not sure if the Molecule A is the same as what other vendors are using, all Alpha Dream products do have some propriety molecules as far as I know. Can you point me to what recent feedback you’re talking about?
Has anyone tested extensively this l2k v1 or Alfa Maschio with mct oil? I feel like it’s weaker than the l2k v1 and Alfa Maschio i bought in 2017 that’s silicone based. At just 2 sprays, that shit hit ladies like bag of bricks and gets the job done if you know what i mean. I feel like there’s hits with this mct oil version. I have noticed it but not yet as I’ve seen these products work. Maybe I’ll keep testing. Also leather and steel scent is not the same as the one i had before. It’s not nice to me. The other got ladies walking up to me and telling me how good i smell. Anyways i still got some sprays left from my old stock so I’ll only use it on special occasions now. Had i known they’ll change it from what it used to be, i would’ve minimized how i used it.
Hi Dave, I’ve been out of the loop for the past year with Alpha Dream products, but quite a few avid users have been using the product for over 3 years and have not noticed any drastic differences in how it works (or I would have been notified). The last purchase from AD was about a year ago, so I will let you know if anything has changed in the newer version. However, keep me posted, its very rare that AD products don’t hit like a freight train. Cheers 🙂
I’m a 42 year old man. Trying to decide which would be better for me: L2K V.1 or L2K V.2.?
I’d personally go with V2, however V1 can work better on younger women.
Hi Phero Joe,
I’m 42 as well. I look much younger than my age. People think I’m a student in my 20’s. My target audience is 18 – 30 due to my college town location. So I think V1 will be best for me unless you say otherwise. My T-levels are very good.
I have a question regarding the various versions. I see LIIK being sold on the AD site as “SKU: V1” Does this mean that it’s the original V1?
I also see an item for sale that goes by the name “V2” Is this the LIIK V2 you speak of?
Yes, this is correct.