Nude is a social/romantic attraction product designed to “break the ice” – and create crushy feelings very quickly (especially on younger women)…
And although it’s considered to be the “baby brother” of Nude Alpha, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t pack a punch in the attraction department.
Nude also has powerful “beautifying” properties that makes the wearer seem more attractive than they actually are, which makes it ESPECIALLY useful for attracting younger women.
In fact, I would say that NA and Nude are equally as complex and powerful as eachother, but simply have VERY different purposes.
Some of those purposes include:
- Targeting women who value fun, vs a truly romantic relationship. While Nude does have “romantic attraction” properties, it is in a much lighter, much flirtier/fun way.
- Creating a playful, somewhat silly vibe which makes it “non serious” – but also very “crushy” for women who are not yet ready for a long term relationship (it is also a “hook” that gets them thinking about it).
- Make women feel comfortable teasing you, and becoming “enamored” with your presence. Nude is very lively, and uplifting to women – they feel safe, protected, and happier around the wearer.
While NA is geared more towards sparking and creating a serious
romantic relationship, Nude can be considered the “icebreaker” that leads the interaction…
Here’s why I think this is important:
When you are first starting an interaction with a woman, if it is playful, fun, and flirty, you will have a MUCH easier time leading the interaction into romantic situations.
… however, if you start off on a more “serious” note (and are perceived as such), then it will be a lot more difficult to make things fun, because there will already be preconceived notions about who you are.
Of course, if you are pursuing a romantic relationship, changing things from fun to serious/deep is a LOT easier than going serious/deep to fun.
Anyway, let’s talk about what makes “Nude” unique in the attraction department…
About 2-3 years back when I first received my bottle of Nude, I was still in the somewhat “noob” stage, and forgot to ask for a dropper bottle.
At the time, there wasn’t much information on the product (and there still isn’t, because it’s a somewhat advanced kind of tool), so I decided to use the roller on my jawline and give it a few extra swipes on my neck for the “first run”…
Well, it didn’t exactly “backfire”, but I started getting “schoolgirl” like crushes on many more women than usual (even if they were just average looking).
… I started noticing that women who I had talked to before somehow seemed cuter, more attractive, and how I felt more endeared to them.
It also became easier to flirt and talk to more attractive women, because they didn’t seem intimidating…
(they don’t anymore anyway, but I was developing my game at the time and still had some mindset issues)…
And it goes without saying – but if it had those types of powerful effects on myself, it makes sense that it affected the women around me too…
Women had suddenly become a lot more playful with me, and would joke that I was a loser (because I would tease), or got ready to “pretend slap” me for saying something that would normally be considered offensive.
Women teasing you is a great sign that they are attracted to you and comfortable in your presence. It also makes you a challenge if you tease back and escalate the flirtiness.
We’ll talk more in depth about specifically how to drive this in a moment.
Nude has POWERFUL “beautifying” effects which make you appear more attractive… but it should also be used with caution.
Like I said, women started appearing far more attractive than they actually are while on the effects of Nude.
Unfortunately, I don’t really like feeling like I have developed an attachment to women, especially after only talking to them for a few moments.
This can quickly become a “game killer”, mostly if you lack experience with women.
If you find yourself becoming “mushy” while wearing Nude, I highly recommend you take a step back and remember to be a man – do NOT get too friendly without escalating physically, or with your flirting.
It’s fine to be silly and fun, especially when you are reeling in new women… but going too far without any flirting or “upping the stakes” and sparking real attraction can still get you friendzoned.
You need to maintain the mindset of simply using the flirty behavior as a way to escalate things – like asking her out on a date.
However, it’s not ALL bad…
As you probably know, women are a lot more emotional than men.
And that also makes them far more susceptible to the effects of pheromones… especially ones that can deepen emotions in any way.
The molecules responsible for this effect are androstenetrione and androstatrione.
… both molecules have proven themselves to be visual beautifiers, as well as emotional intensifiers (read more on the links – the effects are very closely related to the products).
In fact, I was one of the first testers who made the correlation between the molecules and the “Nude” product line by Liquid Alchemy Labs.
But Nude does a lot more than just make you seem more attractive than you already are…
Besides being “visual beautifiers”, one other thing that really makes the Nude product line stand out is that they can make things “physical” very quickly…
There is a good reason why there is a “Nude” woman on the label 🙂
When using Nude, you will find that women will constantly come near you, as well as either touch you, or want you to touch them (they will show this in various ways)…
Some ways women do this can be very subtle, but if you act on them you can quickly escalate interactions to a physical level.
Look out for signs such as…
- Brushing legs up on you, or inching closer to you the longer you expose her
- “Accidentally” rubbing her hip on you when standing side by side
- If shes comfortable enough around you, leaning on you whether seated or standing
- If she acts super ditsy and wants to play fight (this is a very good sign she’s “ready” lol – especially if you’re alone)
Women will simply feel the need to touch and be touched when you are nearby.
That’s what I meant with the “Super Glue” effect… but don’t underestimate Nude’s ability to create EMOTIONAL attachment too.
No, it’s not as “deep” or meaningful as NA – but there is a distinct difference that still makes Nude a worthy addition to your arsenal.
… Nude will get its hooks into younger women MUCH more easily than it’s “older brother”.
Firstly, because most younger women are not actively looking for a relationship – which means it would still take a lot more effort to move her into thinking about a long term relationship seriously.
There a number of products that work on younger women, but Nude is different in that it creates this feeling of “butterflies” because you make women FEEL good…
There is a reason why Nude was designed to be fun and silly, and basically a “flirting”/ice-breaker type product…
It’s because it creates emotional highs and lows, which are a CORE part of creating the “fallout effect” – or a CRUSH on the wearer
In other words, Nude can DRAMATICALLY speed up the amount of time it takes for a woman to develop serious “feelings” towards you.
Of course, there is a point of “diminishing returns” – more exposure to Nude doesn’t correlate with deeper feelings.
Although it can do some serious emotional damage if you have tight game (and follow the fallout guide linked above accordingly), I believe that exposing women to Nude Alpha, Voodoo, or other products specifically designed for fallout can really drive it home for you.
Think of Nude as a “turbo charger” to create fast and powerful attachment… and more “serious” fallout products as the engine that drives it.
Of course, it doesn’t have to be for a relationship – you can also replace it, or use it in a combination with more powerful seduction blends too if you just want easy lays (I’m working on a combo guide, so make sure you’re on my list).
Some signs of the emotional attachment created include women contacting you more frequently, making “jealous” remarks, or even blatantly coming on to you…
This is one of the most obvious giveaways that Nude is working its magic.
And although it’s one of NA’s traits (women suddenly becoming much more “available” to you), this effect is present within Nude too.
One thing I noticed in my early testing (as I mentioned earlier, when my game wasn’t as developed), was that younger women who were always “busy” when I asked them out… suddenly had time for me.
Yeah, women will usually make up bullshit excuses about why they can’t go out with you – especially if they’re not that into you…
… it was blatantly obvious that these women felt more comfortable being around me, more attracted, and more “open” to the idea of dating or hooking up – because it was FUN to be near me.
That covers most of the “core” effects of Nude… below, I’ll summarize in a bit more detail about each effect I’ve discovered so far.
Nude by Liquid Alchemy Labs – Summary Of Effects
- Nude is a social/romantic POWERHOUSE that can quickly generate “crushy” feelings/butterflies (especially on younger women)… I believe this is because of the somewhat silly, flirty, uplifting vibe is creates, which allows women to feel free, comfortable, and attracted to you in your presence. This creates an emotional attachment, which can be deepened by using Nude Alpha, or other types of products to break past the initial attraction.
- Powerful “beautifying” effects that make you (as well as people around you) look more attractive/cuter/endearing… this is also another factor which I believe can contribute to creating the emotional attachment I mentioned above. Androstenetrione is the molecule I strongly believe is inside, and it correlates with all my testing on it as a single molecule – it is powerful on its own, but in combination with the other ingredients, makes Nude an absolute monster for generating attraction.
- Can create a “crush”, or attachment FASTER than using heavy duty romantic attraction products right off the bat... this is especially true for younger women who are interested in a “fun” boyfriend. Using more “serious” or powerful attraction products will probably work, Nude just gets it done much faster because of its emotional deepening properties (which I again, attribute to the -trione molecules).
- Nude will dramatically increase the amount of touching your receive, and promote “physical closeness”… women will want to be near you, and will give you signs that they want to be touched. This “sticky” effect of Nude is also apparent in NA, but Nude steers it in a more “playful” kind of way. Like women shoving you while walking, poking you, or generally just being close to you (you can steer this in so many ways I’m not even going to try and elaborate – use your imagination!)…
- Nude can come off slightly childish and immature – which makes it fantastic for breaking the ice and the “getting to know eachother” stage… however, one thing I advise is that there are diminishing returns. Nude is not a serious product, and will only take you so far in generating romantic interest. It can speed it up, but switching to a specific fallout product can deepen things immensely.
- Nude’s “child like” qualities which make it one of the flirtiest, and easiest to use social/seduction products you can currently get… but it’s extremely useful, ESPECIALLY for people who can be a bit “quiet” or perceived as “too serious”… this was one of my main issues when I first began using pheromones. I simply took things way too seriously, and women perceived me as boring, smug, or just too “business-y” to become romantically involved with. When I discovered Nude, the self effects, as well as how women perceived me changed DRAMATICALLY – it doubles as a great “learning” tool for developing your flirting and dating skills with women.
- Speaking of self effects, Nude works great to make me feel more upbeat, more “fun” to be around, and generally easier to get along with… I believe this is a mix of the -nol’s (molecules responsible for creating sociability) as I am generally easily affected by them. However, this specific mix makes things “flow” very easily, and jump from topic to topic with women, which makes it very easy to get to know them. Women also feel very chatty around you, and lets them open up (remember the fallout article – conversation is the key to winning women whether it’s for romance or just straight seduction purposes)…
- WARNING: The “crushy” effects of Nude go both ways – so YOU can be affected too (be careful with this one)… when I feel attracted to a certain woman, I definitely pay more attention, and any “feelings” I might have about her simply help me with my game. However, it’s important to not get TOO mushy, otherwise you might become too friendly and not escalate beyond that. It’s important to be cool, calm, and escalate things where you want to go as well – don’t get trapped in being the “nice guy”. Flirt, tease, and keep it moving with women so they don’t get bored.
- Dosage: I don’t feel that Nude has to be as strict with the dosage as other products... I have used it successfully with just swiping my jawline with the roll-on bottle. However, if you prefer more accuracy, I’ve found that 4-5 drops gets me the effects I want. Any more than that, and I start to feel that I am being “controlled” by the Nude application, rather than me controlling it.
Nude is a fantastic social/romantic attraction product which was designed to "break the ice", and help get things moving in a fun, flirty kind of way. It will make women feel comfortable around you, as well as attracted... don't surprised when women start teasing you or wanting to constantly be around you. This is the "superglue" effect - which makes it even easier to "game" them... it's also a STRONG visual "beautifer", which makes you appear more attractive to people (and you will notice people appearing more attractive to you too). Read the full review for more details on the specific molecules... all in all, I highly recommend adding this to your arsenal if all you have are "heavy duty" attraction or romance products. Use this first, then switch them out - you will notice a HUGE difference in how your interactions change. Nude by Liquid Alchemy Labs - Final Review
Social (neutral on men)
Romantic/crushy feelings
Physical touch
"The Young Babe Magnet"
Final thoughts on Nude by Liquid Alchemy Labs
All in all, Nude is an outstanding product to really help speed things along in the right direction – especially with younger women, or women you are just getting to know.
It will keep things fun, flirty, as well as create “crushy” feelings towards you, which you can then use to your advantage to steer romantically, or purely in a sexual direction.
Products like NA, Certo, Voodoo, etc are excellent products to use once you’ve “hooked” a woman initially with Nude…
While it will still be effective whether you decide to use “heavier” products or not, there is a point where you (and the woman in question) are going to want more than just light-hearted joking type behavior. It’s great to start things off on a great note, but if you want to deepen you relationship there has to be more depth.
The crushy feelings and attachment Nude creates is much more in a “I really like being with you” way…
Whereas other products can steer that into a heavy duty kind of crush feeling – where you take over her thoughts all day every day.
Also, you can use “heavier” products initially if you want as well – but why when you can dramatically speed up the amount of time it takes to develop an attachment to you?
I know I’ve stated it several times, but I think it needs to be made clear, especially to those who are new to pheromones, or deciding which product they need to get next.
Thanks for reading,
- Phero Joe
P.S. Don’t forget – if you feel that Nude is just “not for you, or feel like it just doesn’t deliver (and I’m 100% sure it will, because LAL is awesome), then Liquid Alchemy Labs offers a 100% money back GUARANTEE… for an UNLIMITED period of time.
That means if you order, and don’t like the product for any reason, you can get your money back with no questions, no hassles, and no hoops to jump through.
Order Nude by Liquid Alchemy Labs today, and take it for a risk free test drive.
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- The Fascinating Female Pheromone Effects On Males (Powerful Attraction) - October 21, 2023
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Is this similar to ‘Scent of Eros’? and would you say SoE hits more all age groups & both men & women?
Hi Ed,
Scent Of Eros is a good product, but Nude is leagues ahead of it in terms of complexity and the effects it has on women. SOE is more of a social type of product, but doesn’t really have much “pull”, nor are the effects as blatantly obvious.
Is this product effective in getting women attention in a nightclub/bar situation? Or is there a different product you recommend for that?
Hi Lee,
For nightclub environments, products like Alfa Maschio & The Hookup are much better for producing strong sexual attraction hits. Nude is more of a crushy/sticky feeling social mix. It is very good, but not ideal for those environments.
Would Nude, Voodoo and Bad Wolf go well?
Hi Angelo,
Those are all very complicated products and I would not recommend it. If you are using BW, I would suggest either Nude OR Voodoo, but not both together 🙂
Could this product be worn I the work environment?
I believe Nude would be far too immature for a workplace environment. It may cause people to see you as fun, but not trustworthy or someone to put too much faith in. However, it is a fun social attraction product so if that’s the environment you’re working in, go with it 🙂 I would more suggest something like Captain by Pheromone Treasures, or perhaps APi by PheromoneXS.