Nude Alpha’s magnetic imprinting effects work from the moment a woman lays eyes on you. And if you play your cards right, you can almost predictably create an INTENSE crush/love between you and the girl you want.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Nude Alpha is now available in a “gel” format (same formula, but somewhat different effect). Read the NA GEL review here.
Have you ever had a woman become “imprinted” on you?
Start imagining what it would be like if she was your girlfriend? Develop a small, but undying crush on her?
As guys, we’ve all been in this position.
And no, it doesn’t necessarily mean we’ve been friendzoned, or acting like little wussies just because we feel affection or crushy over a certain woman – sometimes it just happens (even though it’s not ideal)…
But what if you could “turn the tables” — and make HER feel the same way about you?
That’s what creating subconscious imprinting and fallout is all about… and Nude Alpha is hands-down one of the best products for this purpose.
It’s also one of the most underrated pheromone colognes for men out there. But why?
Because chances are, most people haven’t figured out how and why it works, OR because they don’t have the patience to figure out how to make it work.
Let’s get one thing out of the way…
Nude Alpha is an EXTREMELY potent product, and should ONLY be used if you want a serious romantic relationship with someone.
Let me elaborate on what I said at the start about “imprinting”, and why NA is such a powerhouse for this effect…
Imprinting (also known as “fallout”), is what happens when we get fixated on someone (like we MUST have them)… or catch “one-itis”.
Most of the time when we talk about these situations, it’s a guy who falls for a woman who has absolutely no interest in him.
However, almost nobody talks about how to “turn the tables” – and how to get these “not-interested” women, interested.
You see, it’s not about “winning her over”.
Instead, it’s more like becoming the catch, so that she WANTS to be with you.
Nude Alpha is a powerful tool that helps create subconscious imprinting, so you become “stuck” on her mind all the time.
“Once you have burned yourself into her memories, you may remain a subconscious, but persistent thought in the back of women’s minds. This can be escalated into complete obsession (provided you want it to happen). Some pheromones can make this happen with enough time” (read the full article about fallout here).
Imprinting is all about moving that attraction needle in your favor, and getting these “hard to get” women pursuing YOU instead.
Nude Alpha shines where other pheromone products fail – producing “after effects”, and making you a memorable, highly “magnetic” women can’t stay away from.
You might not get immediate attention, IOI’s, or obvious interest right away…
But the longer a woman is exposed to Nude Alpha, the stronger the “pull effect” is…
Romantic thoughts about the wearer seem to be an after-thought once a woman has been exposed (which is why this is a “fallout” product).
Because unlike other products, some of the effects might not be “visible” in blatant ways like women hitting on you, or making obvious flirting attempts.
Don’t be mistaken though.
Nude Alpha is just far more insidious…
It DOES does hit immediately.
The difference is that the effects become STRONGER and more
noticeable the longer a woman is exposed…
There is a very noticeable build up when you stay consistent, and use Nude Alpha for extended periods of time around the same woman.
… what I mean is that over a few exposures, you will begin to see small changes in behavior that indicates a woman is developing feelings for you (I’ve included some “dead-giveaways” to look for below).
You’ll be able to tell by dilated pupils, suddenly being in contact with you more often, having time to hang out, staring/glancing, and other effects which we’ll talk about shortly.
I do have a quick warning before I talk about more effects though:
Please read this review carefully, because the product – while powerful – is not for everybody.
It took me many months of experimenting to figure this product out.
It was NOT an easy task, because at first I thought it was a dud.
However, once I stopped using it (and coincidentally gave pheromones a break at the same time), I realized that women were still chasing me up to spend time with them.
After being “somewhat” involved with them for the testing of Nude Alpha, I realized that “pulling back” actually made them much more fearful of losing ME.
I knew there was something there, but couldn’t put my finger on it for a very long time.
It wasn’t until we started discussing this in the community that we figured this thing was an absolute monster in terms of creating “fallout” or “imprinting” on women.
If you are ready, Nude Alpha will be one of the deadliest seduction tools you’ll ever own…
I believe there are several elements to Nude Alpha which causes the effects I’m talking about. I can get really specific, right down to the molecule, but that would just be pure speculation.
Instead, I want to elaborate on why I think it creates such a strong emotional attachment towards the wearer:
- Nude Alpha will give you very high social status, with a touch of “alpha” – this means that you will be perceived as a true “catch” in the woman’s eyes.
- I strongly believe it contains Androstenetrione, which from experience, create an ethereal, “dream like” kind of effect on the wearer, as well as those nearby.
- It is also a very strong beautifier – this molecule makes things appear more beautiful, and makes things feel deeper emotionally.
That’s a very basic break down of a few reasons why I think NA works so well.
Obviously, there is a lot more work going on “behind the scenes” than I understand right now.
I think it’s important to understand that no product will work if you just sit there like a fly on the wall.
I highly recommend reading through the fallout article which I linked up above and following those instructions, alongside using this product.
If there is a woman you’re interested in, this will give you the best possible chance to hook her, and get her to see you as a serious romantic partner.
There is a lot more to say about NA, but I really think it would be easier to summarize in a nice bulletpoint list.
Here are just a few more of the effects you’ll experience using
Nude Alpha…
- Myself, and several other advanced pheromone users believe Nude Alpha contains “androstenetrione” – a very potent, highly effective visual BEAUTIFIER… while using the product, you will notice that you appear very attractive in the mirror, and other people will also look very attractive to you. Yes – this has a very noticeable effect in your perception… I found that women I weren’t originally attracted to somehow seemed cuter, or more endearing in some ways. If you notice this effect on yourself, than you can bet that women will feel the same towards you 🙂
- Women become clingier, offer to hang out with you more often, and get in touch much more regularly… women who once always had the “busy” excuse for you might suddenly have a lot more free time in the schedule to see you. You’ll also notice that you might get more text messages, facebook messages, and phone calls… this is all a sign that Nude Alpha is working is sneaky magic into their minds.
- Keep in mind that Nude Alpha is not a “heavy” sexual type of product for one night stands, fast attraction in nightclubs, bars, parties etc… instead, it’s a product for attracting and keep high quality, attractive women for a relationship. There are better products out there for these purposes, but NA was designed as a slow burn, relationship getting product, and succeeds very well at it.
- Nude Alpha makes you appear as a magnetic, high quality alpha male that will make YOU the prize… guys and girls will perceive you to be of high status, and as a result will usually try to befriend you, or want to make you part of their social circle. Nude Alpha is much like an amplifier to the attractive parts of your personality, while making the negative parts less noticeable.
- Women will trust you very quickly, and reveal deep, dark personal secrets and info with you – but here’s the IMPORTANT part… when women reveal these things to you, it’s very important to not dwell on those subjects. Listen carefully, but then try to brighten the mood by saying something funny, witty or take the subject off the negative.
- THE SECRET TO NUDE ALPHA… like I said above, women will trust you very quickly and will start revealing deep things to you. But it’s your responsibility to take the subject off negative topics and steer it in a positive direction. This will make women feel much better being around you, and will “associate” positive feelings to you. While wearing Nude Alpha, you will imprint these positive memories into women’s minds, and they will be remembered in vivid, magical details.
- Nude Alpha allows women to feel protected and safe around the wearer. It projects a masculine, “prince charming” vibe that melts away all their problems… I believe Nude Alpha works so well for creating the imprint/fallout/crush effect because it’s very uplifting for women. Make sure you convey confidence, charm, and vitality and women will feel like you may be “the one”. It’s up to you to play your cards right if the woman is worth it 🙂
- Nude Alpha can cause “FATAL ATTRACTION” so use it with caution… I personally recommend not wearing this in environments around women you are not attracted to, or interested in a long term relationship with. The reason is that I have worn this in my social circle with a girl i wanted, and several girls that i wasn’t interested in and it turned EVERYTHING into a “catfight”. After spending just several hours with female friends, I started to see competitiveness and clinginess, which took away from my end goal – the one I really wanted. It can cause a lot of drama, so take this as a fair warning.
- Nude Alpha projects a mysterious, magnetic vibe which makes women want to seek your company… I’ve mentioned quite a few effects NA has, which includes making you appear more attractive, creating positive, uplifting vibes for women, creating deep relationship-py conversations… but what does it all lead up to? A HUGE school-girl like CRUSH on you. This will slowly break down their internal walls and barriers and make them feel open to being with you in a relationship.
- Nude Alpha works even BETTER when combined with “androstadienone“ (you can get it from the “single molecules” section at Liquid Alchemy Labs)… if you haven’t already heard about androstadienone (or a1 in the pheromone community), it’s one of the strongest – as well as the most studied – pheromones you can buy. By itself, androstadienone has been proven to make women let go of stress, “long” for the wearer, and behave more affectionately. You’ll notice blatant interest such as increased touching, flirting, and sexual behavior. 30-50mcg seems to provide the best effects. It’s not necessary, but if you really want a particular woman, it’s only going to help you.
- Just to re-iterate: Nude Alpha will slowly start to creep up on women. The longer they are exposed, the more noticeable the effects will get. I once used this is a street dance workshop, and within about 20 minutes noticed women circling around me. When the instructor told us to “switch lines” (so people at the back can also have a chance at the front), I noticed that the same women who were eyeing me before we within my touching distance once again.
- This has happened several times… after the workshop, many women we very eager to get in touch for the flimsiest reasons. Perhaps the heat and sweat in it made it burn faster and created a quicker “fallout” effect. This was interstate, so I wasn’t able to meet many of them afterwards, although from what I know about Nude Alpha, this would have been very easy to steer romantically.
- And finally – you must remember that Nude Alpha works at a very deep level. You might not even notice that it’s working, or any obvious signs of attraction right away – however, women will feel something when you’re not around and may get the idea there is something special about you… from there on, further exposures to Nude Alpha strengthen the feelings that you are “Mr right” or “Prince Charming”. It may take more or less time depending on the woman, but if you play your cards right this is a STEAM ROLLER for nabbing the woman you want.

Nude Alpha by Liquid Alchemy Labs will make you stand out from the crowd… especially for women who have guys chasing them constantly.
It took maybe 3-4 months of experimenting to really drill down on the effects of Nude Alpha.
At first, I was very skeptical… sure, I got the smiles and attention but that happens on a pretty consistent basis when you wear pheromones.
They give you a unique “aura” which women haven’t been exposed to before.
Most people would simply write these indicators of interest off.
However, as I began seriously testing NA, I found several women who I had tried to get the interest of in previous times…
… we’re suddenly showing interest.
At first, they would start conversations with me over text, or facebook, or whatever method of access they had to me, chatting about inane things…
… and then it would lead to hanging out, where I would show a little interest.
And when I did this, there was no more resistance – instead a welcoming of my advances.
That is how I figured out what Nude Alpha really does under it’s subtle exterior.
Beware though… NA can also damage relationships if you’re not careful.
As I mentioned earlier, this had the effect of making women “catty” for my attention, and in the en it backfired very badly.
I suggest using this only around a woman you are seriously interested in.
Also, what I mean by “backfiring” on me, was that the women would start to act weird, or distant around me…
… they would close up in fear that word around the social circle got around and not want to be rejected for a friend (I found this out after a lot of prying).
Nude Alpha by Liquid Alchemy Labs – Final Thoughts
One thing to keep in mind while using pheromones, is that it can be a small part of the attraction puzzle…
They only become SIGNIFICANT boosts when you have other things going for you.
“What? I thought pheromones would get me my dream girl without any effort! What a waste!”
That’s not how any pheromone product works.
Maybe some day in the future when we all have personal robots that cook, clean, and do our daily mundane tasks will we have a pheromone product capable of pulling women with absolutely no effort.
Let’s be honest – if you’re unfit, live in your mom’s basement, dress like shit, and have no interests, passions or zest for life, act lazy and slobby…
What makes you think a woman will be into you?
I always tell my friends an acquaintances online that you must develop a solid foundation for your life, and not to take the easy road with quick fixes.
Because in the end, a woman will find out more and more about you…
And if you’re not truly happy with yourself, she won’t be either.
Stay healthy, work on your passions and career and business objectives, and women will naturally gravitate towards you.
By using a product like Nude Alpha, you will magnify that magnetic feeling you feel inside and spread it to the women you want. I’ll write more about this later.
Nude Alpha by Liquid Alchemy Labs – Final Review
Nude Alpha was a breakthrough by LAL and almost nobody knows about it... whether that's because they haven't realized its potential, or whether it's just a relatively unknown product, I don't know. Regardless, it's THE product for getting high quality, hot women into a relationship... and the best part is, it will do the "heavy lifting" for you (just don't do anything dumb). The imprinting effect will take hold immediately, but the key is repeated exposure over a period of time... once you've built up a good relationship with a woman, it will be a very difficult bond to break. Women will pursue a relationship with YOU. They will consider you "the one" and see you in a special light, which I believe is Nude Alphas goal - because it's wildly effective for that purpose. Nude Alpha by Liquid Alchemy Labs - Final Review
Self Effects
"The One"
P.S. Remember, Liquid Alchemy Labs offers an unconditional, unlimited money back guarantee. If for any reason you are unsattisfied, or feel that the product is just not right for you, you can have every penny back. No questions asked, no hoops to jump through, and no hassles.
Nude Alpha is a fantastic addition to your arsenal if you really want to reel in your dream girl for a relationship… but it’s not the easiest product to use.
Take it for an absolutely 100% risk free “test drive” today.
- Heaux Cosmetics Review: Overhyped, Overpriced Pheromone Products - October 22, 2023
- The Fascinating Female Pheromone Effects On Males (Powerful Attraction) - October 21, 2023
- The Curious Case of “Vabbing” & Pheromones: A Controversial TikTok Trend - October 18, 2023
I’m Asian and I think this would be a nice product to use. My question is:
– what age range does NA usually affect
– and what kind of girls will usually show more interest (both in terms of ethnicity if you’ve experienced different ranges, and in terms of personality type – valley girl, night-club goer, shy, conservative…).
Hi Al,
NA is great for Asian men, as I have heard about from several of my friends. It usually affects mature or conservative women, so it’s not the best on nightclub goers and party girls. As I mentioned before, this is to get a long term relationship, so it will attract the “good girls”… but that’s not to say it won’t affect the party girls. It will – it will just take them longer to figure out if you’re the one 🙂 It really depends on how well your personalities play off eachother. I know crazy girls who go for conservative guys, and conservative girls who go for crazy guys (or just more “exciting”) in general.
Let me know if you need any more advice.
Thanks for your review. I would like to ask you if you believe this is a good product if one is trying to get out of the friendzone. It seems like its good but i’m unsure. Would it be better with a combination? Thank you!
Hi Bob,
Nude Alpha is great for reeling in women over a longer period of time, however if you’ve already been friendzoned then it might be a little bit serious for what you are trying to do (re-position yourself)… in that case, XiSt might work better for you, especially in a combination with Love Boat, and SOB or EvolveXS depending on how old she is.
What is your regular dosage für Nude Alpha? Thanks
Hi Tom,
1 drop is great for me personally. However, I have seen reports where high doses actually works great too (6-10 drops). You can give either one a go, however I feel that after 1 drop it just becomes redundant to add more, and is just a waste of an expensive product 🙂 Feel free to give it a shot a few times and see what happens though!
– PheroJoe
Thanks for your quick reply 🙂 Do you also prefer low dosages like one drop at Vodoo? It’s hard for me to handle it and seeing imprint effects.
Hi Tom,
I’m seeing great results with 4-5 drops at the moment. I’m still playing with it at this range, and it may change in the near future as I try mega doses. I will keep you posted on it 🙂
I ‘ve heard a lot about the use of NA , but I am a little bit confused about the statement that said “give the wearer more laid back vibe”, what does it mean? whether by using NA I have to play a more passive with women so that they will initiate first and then pursue me, or NA would give such an impression/vibe by itself in the subconscious level?
Do you have any expieriences with gel version? What are the differences in diffusion? Can you suppose quicker imprinting effects? Thanks
Hi Tom, the review for Nude Alpha GEL: Romantic “SUPERGLUE”, Crushy Feelings, & Massive Fallout is here.
‘Imprinting (also known as “fallout”)’
This is a common misconception I see far too often in the pheromone community. Imprinting and fallout are related, but far from synonymous. Imprinting covers a whole spectrum of intensity. In the broadest sense, it’s a memory effect. It gives long-term impact to mixes. That covers the general meaning of the term.
Fallout is what happens when imprinting is taken to a new extreme. It’s almost never occurred with Nude Alpha for all but a few users (and I believe you were one of them?) Fallout is when a target misses you like a drug. It can create stalker-like tendencies and result in strong emotional extremes. Nude Alpha barely scratches the surface of this, even combined with other potent imprinting mixes. Just my opinion.
It can’t be emphasized enough just how difficult it is to achieve this effect within a mix. It’s a challenge all vendors to date have failed to live up to (save earlier revisions of A314, going by reports). From a formulator’s standpoint, it’s been one of my main goals. I’ve worked over two years to create a mix that can achieve these effects with relative ease. Until recently, I never thought I could achieve that goal.
If I’m honest, I do tend to get annoyed when others claim a mix has “fallout potential” when it’s, at best, a decent imprinting product (same mix-up in terminology here). Nude Alpha is one of the best imprinting products on the market, but it still falls well short of fallout for most of us.
This isn’t meant as a personal attack. I just wanted to clear up the terminology here. If you’d like some examples of fallout, I’d suggest speaking with Paradox or looking into Commander Kotov’s fallout thread on PheroTalk. Though I should imagine you’re already familiar with this thread! An absolutely fantastic read.
I’d love to know your thoughts on the gel version. I plan to pick this up within a few weeks. Although I can no longer wear the oil, what I’ve heard of the gel sounds promising in terms of reverse imprinting and negative self-effects (none reported yet that I’ve seen).
Hey Ekscentra, thanks for stopping by and leaving some thoughts. I think you have made some pretty good points, but I disagree with you in that Nude Alpha doesn’t cause fallout. I do recall A314 having some serious impact (I had rev17-rev20 I believe), however after getting to know other quality vendors and products I tend to disagree with a lot of what everyone thinks of the old “fallout” effect. It was powerful for sure, but nothing that wasn’t matched by other vendors, although perhaps they don’t work as quickly or require more effort to induce. All the AD hype also didn’t help, and distinguishing between who was for real and who was just riding the bandwagon was quite a challenge in my time on the pherotalk boards.
Getting annoyed is perfectly okay my friend, there tends to be a lot of disagreement in the pheromone community. I don’t think all of us serious testers have done enough talking about how much effort fallout and imprinting really entails and what the “official” definitions might be. In fact, I make it clear that there are some disagreements as to what it is in my fallout article, and define it’s purpose as it pertains to this site. I think that was an important step, but it’s always open to interpretation and change. At the end of the day, we’re all speculating and coming up with collective information on what and how these products produce their magic 🙂
I’m very tempted to pick up the gel version of Nude Alpha and see how it compares too! Although, it’s a tad bit expensive for me at the moment. I do plan on owning this one eventually and comparing the effects, since gels seem to behave so differently from normal mixes.
– PheroJoe
Hey Phero Joe,
I didn’t mean to give the impression that Nude Alpha isn’t capable of fallout. It’s been demonstrated to be more than capable than this on occasion, however its reputation isn’t quite as consistent as earlier revisions of A314. Without a doubt, Nude Alpha is the most commendable effort we’ve seen since that point.
My only issue with the oil is the reverse imprinting it’s caused with me. My gel should be arriving on Monday, and from what I’ve heard, I’m not too worried about similar problems arising here.
I can agree with the rest of what you’ve said as well. Even the most knowledgeable of us know very little in the grand scheme of things. Everyone is pioneering in this industry. This, to me, is the most exciting part of pheromones.
On another note, you may have heard that I’m intending to become a vendor within the next year. Perhaps you’d be interested in testing my mixes once they become available commercially. I could use as much feedback as possible, and considering your experience with earlier revisions of A314, you’d make a perfect candidate for at least one of my mixes.
I do hope you get to test the gel at some point. This seems like a winner! Have you heard of PT’s new product, Swoon, by the way? This one is tempting me above all else right now. I might have to pull the trigger in a couple of weeks.
Ah yes, the reverse imprinting can be pretty powerful, especially if you already had some kind of feeling for any particular girl. It can be a total game killer if you can’t keep it under control, but I find that relatively easy these days. I can understand if someone starts to imprint a woman onto themselves, although it is definitely a testament to the amount of romantic attraction it can create.
That’s pretty awesome man! I heard some things, but I tend to avoid the forums these days due to the flak some people insist on throwing at me. I definitely have a lot of work to do on the site, so let me know once things are up and running! Let us know how the gel goes too 🙂 I still have some PT products to review, they are very good from the products I have – I’ll definitely check some more out in the coming few months.
So i am currently living with a woman we were once in love but certain obstacles made us hate eachother. Those obstacles have been removed and she is still having doubts. All in all i dont fell that i need this product. As i already had all this with her before. But it sounds like it will help to get back to the way things used to be at a faster rate. She is 50 black im 34 white not sure if that makes a difference or not but you seem know whats were I’ve no clue. So you’re thoughts on what you think would be very much appreciated. Like i said we had all this once before and i just want us to go back to it.
Hey mate,
I’m of the opinion that if I am after a certain result and a pheromone product can potentially help me, then I will buy it. It’s always best to put the odds in your favor, although in your case it is already tipped in your favor quite significantly 🙂 Because she is black, she probably has a higher tolerance for -enone (fact), so you might even be helping yourself by upping the dosage on this when you start exposing her to it.
Curious question kind of dumb but I’ll still ask does NA gel also cause fatal attraction
Fatal attraction sounds like a mental issue, not one caused by pheromones…
Hey Joe
I want to use Nude Alpha as my main pheromone to attract an old love of mine but could I eventually change her mind through Nude Alpha or do I have to use XiSt.
Hi Abdirazak,
If you’ve already been a lover in the past, chances are there is already chemistry there to spark up those old flames again. Both products would be excellent choices for your use… if you ended on bad terms, using XiSt would probably be a better idea. NA is much more useful for creating and keeping the romance alive.
There’s a target/woman at work that is already showing interest in me, and I’d like to cause imprinting. She reacts well to NA + Androstadienone + Xist (both separately and in combo).
Would you advise me to stay with the same product/combination every day, or would it be beneficial to rotate between a couple of products/combos that I know works, in order to keep her interest monday – friday.
Will imprinting over time be less if I stick to one product? I suppose there’s no clear cut answer to this but I’m curious to hear your opinion.
Hi Jonas,
Unfortunately there is no clear cut answer like you said. However, if she is responding well to both those products it is a very good idea to use one for a few days, then switch them up after a while. This slight bit of confusion about you can work very well for speeding up the fallout effect, because her feelings will be constantly changing but always in a romantic way. Keep us posted 🙂
I’ve had a fantastic week with just NA + A1, my crush seemed almost possessed with me at work (possessed is a strong word I know but it’s true), heavy grinding, heavy blushing, and she tried to isolate me a lot.
After a week with NA + A1 the effect on her does seem to fade a bit, im not really sure, perhaps it’s still there working its magic, her reactions is just not as prominent as when I first introduced it to her (that would also be too much to expect).
Today after the weekend she kind of isolated herself at work, she was not her usual self. She did have a very important meeting to prepare for so she was obviously busy, but the heavy interest towards me was gone. She’ll come around I know (you can’t have crazy interactions EVERY day) but this leads to my question:
Is it normal that targets exposed to NA/A1 withdraw for periods of days in order to collect themselves, perhaps trying to figure out why they behave as they do and if their feelings are real? Of course I would have hoped she would have missed me over the weekend, but I also realize she has only been exposed for a week.
would you suggest this for asian/chinese women? I’ve heard there are certain molecules they don’t respond well with
I have had no negative experiences with Asian women wearing this, although it does seem to appeal more to the over 20’s crowd. For younger Asian women, I would recommend something geared towards a bit more fun (like Alpha Q or maybe Swoon).
Hello, I think this would be too “mature” for a 16 year old girl. You would need to use something that projects youthfulness, such as XiSt, or perhaps L2K by Alpha Dream.
Works well. Women that where previously not showing interest, now contact in all sort of ways after being exposed to nude alpha. I wore 8 drops that day.
I am at a loss to know the time of exposure to Nude Alpha , I see a lady and play team sports with her once or twice a week and have one on one contact with her for about 10 minutes , is that enough time and times per week ?
Hi Hardy, you will need longer and deeper interactions for NA to have any effect. A better solution might be something Alpha Q or Alfa Maschio which can provide a large attention grabbing effect. From there, you can work on getting into a situation where you can expose her to it longer.