Nude Alpha is one of the most powerful “romantic attraction” products currently available for attracting high quality women into relationships – and it just got even better…
We all know by now that NA is a POWERHOUSE attraction product when it comes to generating powerful romantic interest/CRUSHY feelings towards the wearer…
… but the re-released “gel” format of the product takes it a step further with significantly improved projection, hits, and overall “potency”…
Originally, I was just going to add in a small section to cover the effects that Nude Alpha GEL (NAG) has, vs the original oil version.
However, since I’ve tested the product, I felt that it was going to be too much for an already in-depth review.
… besides, I also feel the NAG deserves its own article.
Because even though the formula is the same, it seems to behave quite differently from the original NA.
Here’s just a brief run-down of the ORIGINAL product (read the full Nude Alpha review here).
- NA was designed to create a STRONG emotional attachment/crushy feelings towards the wearer, and make them see the wearer in a “romantic” light… this is ideal for attracting women into relationships, and getting them to see you as “the one”. It is very capable of creating stalker-like crushes, and is amplified with the use of androstadienone.
- It is known for making women think about you constantly the longer they are exposed, and can become clingy, possessive, etc (aka “fallout effect“)… this can turn from a “subconscious” feeling in the background, to developing serious romantic feelings towards the wearer (fallout, subconscious “imprinting”). It was probably one of earliest products geared towards sparking “love” with pheromones.
- Creates a magnetic, “alluring” type of aura which women find fascinating… as the mystery around you deepens, women seem to text, call, and want to hang out more and more. You will find that it easily breaks down resistance that you would face if you weren’t wearing the product. Women see you in a “prince charming” sort of way, and can become extremely entranced by your presence.
- Makes women “touchy feely” and want to be close to the wearer (hugging, kissing, and wanting to “hang out” much more readily)… you will also notice women staring at you from a distance, giving you very extended eye contact, and feeling completely comfortable around you to fully express themselves. This feeling of “protection” and comfort, and being uplifted around the wearer adds to the romantic element of the product.
- Contains androstenetrione, a very powerful “visual amplifier” (for making you appear more attractive)… this is also one of the molecules I’ve long suspected to be an attention grabber – even at long distances. It causes interactions with people to seem more “dreamy” and magical. Especially when you reflect on those memories.
If you aren’t already familiar with the product, I highly recommend you read through the full review to get an idea of how it works.
The above bulletpoints are just a simplified and shorter version of the many complex effects it has on women
So you’re probably itching to know, what’s the difference between the original and the gel version of the product?
… and what’s the difference between the NA series and other “romantic” love potion type scents?
As I mentioned above, the all new gel version of the product seems to behave completely different from the original (even though the pheromones and ratios are the same)…
… and while the ingredients are the same, it seems that Garry’s new “gel” format is really helping to amp up the effects of the original Nude Alpha formula.
It’s still the same powerhouse romantic attraction product most of us have come to love… except way better.
I got this product about 6 months back, and have been using it on/off for a good while.
I’ve also had a few new women come into my life over the past few months, one of whom I have actually developed a deep affection for.
(Also partially the reason why I haven’t had much time to work on the site the last few months, and why this review took so long).
I’ll talk more about the self effects in the summary, but here’s what happened…
It’s actually a pretty funny story, but its how I became familiar with some of the effects of NAG.
With this particular target, I met her a little while back at my dance studio where I train.
We became acquainted immediately, and she was very attractive – brown skinned, curly hair, deep brown eyes… an accent that sounds so magnetic. Any guys ideal woman!
To cut a long story short, she seemingly started to appear everywhere I went… at a supermarket, at the same night spot I go to (where she was already acquainted with my friends), to “feeling” she might be somewhere and she just happens to show up… unbelievable, yes, but truly spooky coincidences.
Especially because they all happened within days of eachother.
I’m not extremely spiritual, nor do I believe in superstition and things of that nature (a skeptic at heart)… but it actually got to the point where I began to think about whether it was a sign from the big man upstairs to reach out to her, because she might be important in my life.
And I did – that’s when things started to get very interesting as I began my testing of NAG on her.
Don’t get me wrong. I am attracted to her, although shes not physically as attractive as other women I’ve been with… but for some reason, I felt a “pull” with her that I haven’t felt with many people before.
It’s almost like my inner senses are telling me that she is special.
Nevertheless, our relationship has blossomed into quite a beautiful friendship/romance, and we are on the same page, spiritually and emotionally.
It’s hard to describe, but if there was such thing as a “soul mate”, I imagine this is what it would feel like.
… however, I have refrained from getting emotionally attached as much as I can, because I know she will be moving home (half way across the world) in less than 2 months.
We’ve been intimate already… we’ve also talked about keeping it real, and how being in a relationship would be extremely difficult.
But its an offer neither of us have said yes or no to.
Anyway, enough about that – let’s talk about the Nude Alpha GEL effects on her.
Even from the first exposure, everything about the original NA effects became so much more obvious, and much faster than I was expecting.
… Prolonged eye contact, scanning my face, long periods of time not saying anything, but feeling extremely comfortable in my presence.
Within about a 30 minute conversation, we had already discussed burning her passport, forging a new identity, and buying new ID’s off the deep web…
We also talked about relationship stuff like we were long lost friends.
I could feel that she was developing a deep attachment to me… but at the same time, I also felt the same way.
Could it be “reverse imprinting”?
Was I developing the same type of interest in her as she was in me?
Needless to say, the very well known “clingy” and jealousy effects manifested very soon after, something that can take a lot of time to accomplish.
Its hard to tell with just one target, so as a pheromone tester I was obligated to hit up other women too…
The same sorts of things happened, although I haven’t really met anyone I connected with on the same level without the pheromones…
Just attractive women that I would game as usual based off IOI’s.
In these cases, I still noticed women were reacting in similar ways.
Lots of eye contact (and in a “dreamy” kind of way, comfort, deeper conversations, that underlying sexual tension…
This would happen with the original formula too, however things progress MUCH faster with the gel, and more overtly.
I can see effects immediately, and the “build up” that can take hours of exposure (with the original formula) happening within the first hour or so…
… the part where you get to a certain level of rapport, and can talk about stuff in a back and forth, in an “old married couple” kind of way (with the playful bickering).
So far, I have found that all the deep imprinting elements are there, but its a LOT more “rounded out” into an overall product.
Some people may find the original NA a little “serious” sometimes, and often difficult to hook in younger women.
However, with the gel I found more women were open to having conversation, would open me regularly, and would even go out of their way to stay in contact, even after brief exposures… including younger women.
All in all, I think NA GEL is a HUGE improvement over the original… but it does have a few downsides.
The original NA formula is a fantastic overall product, because it also covers the “awe” and slight intimidation factor to other men…
However, with NAG, I found men were a little less respectful towards me.
For the people who use this as an “alpha” mix for professional work situations, the gel might be somewhat inappropriate.
Because NAG seems to get more “social respect”, rather than “alpha respect”, if that makes sense…
In other words, people like you because they feel you are relatable, easy to talk to, charismatic… not because you are a “high ranking person” who’s out of their league.
They may see you as someone who is “up there”, but cool enough to be social with.
This is a GOOD thing when it comes to women – especially younger women, who find the social respect element less intimidating, but more inviting (which makes the product easier to steer in a romantic direction).
Anyway, I’ve rambled on for a bit now, so without further ado…
Nude Alpha GEL summary of effects
- The BIGGEST improvement over the original NA is that Nude Alpha GEL hits more overtly, a broader range of women, and seems to get fallout happening significantly much faster… there is a point when you’re using NA that you notice women becoming a little more mesmerized by your presence… this can happen within hours, days, or weeks depending on her initial level of interest. It’s hard to quantify, but with NAG, this effect happens within just hours more often, and has more blatant effects immediately…
- NAG feels more like “Nude” (not NA) in terms of its social properties, but also packs the power of NA’s romantic fallout effects… Everything from more staring out the corner of eyes, women wanting to be around for no apparent reason, longer eye contact, more playful, yet deeper conversations, more touching… all effects of the original product, but amplified with the use of the gel. The combined social element with the deep “fallout” created by NA, makes it a greater overall romantic attraction product.
- NAG seems to be far more “balanced” in the social end of the spectrum, because it hits YOUNGER women much more readily… even though younger women were affected by the original product, it seemed to be much more appropriate for women who were looking to settle down (above 25+). However, since my targets are usually in the 18-25 range, I saw much more obvious effects on them. Things seemed much more light hearted, conversation flowed more easily, and were just a lot more “fun” overall which is especially important to me.
- The “beautifying” and attention grabbing effects are just as prominent as ever, people will stare and feel in “awe” of you… try talking to average women, with and without the product – and you’ll quickly find that the product makes a HUGE difference in how you perceive women. They will simply appear more attractive, cuter, more “child like” in some ways (not in a paedo way). You’ll see flaws as more attractive than they really are… and guess what – the reverse is also true. Women will perceive you to be more attractive than you actually are.
- Mixing it with androstadienone also deepens the effects even more, and seems to push the fallout effect into “overdrive” (like adding gasoline to a fire)… this was also true with the original NA, however, because of the fast hitting nature of the gel version it seems to amplify the effects of androstadienone further than adding it to the original formula.
- NAG seems to have less “alpha” respect than its oil counterpart, but also seems to garner a “social” type of respect a lot better (comes across less intimidating)... people feel more compelled to engage you, see you as someone important, and it gives you a high level of social acceptance (whereas with overly “alpha” blends or OD on the original, people may feel that you think you are too good for them, feel intimidated etc).
- Reverse fallout could be a problem for some people – because it was for me (the original NA didn’t have me crushing on women as easily, but I had to fight the gel’s “reverse imprint”)… however, given that this is NA’s original purpose (to get women crushing on you), it only makes sense that this aspect is amplified on the wearer too. It COULD possibly be me being genuinely interested in these women, as I am looking for a long term partner, but I am also aware of the emotional impact pheromones can cause in people, and it may be a factor. To be determined over the next few months.
- Speaking of “reverse fallout”, this is not an entirely bad effect – if you genuinely are more interested in someone, they will be far easier to game… that means even if you do start feeling emotionally connected to more women, it doesn’t mean that you’re going to turn into mush and start begging them to be with you. Develop a little self control, and use it to your advantage – use your interest in women to drive the interactions in a genuine, meaningful way… and watch women become putty in your hands.
- NAG works BEST when spread over a large surface area (the “lubey” viscosity helps a lot)… in the email I sent out last year, I also mentioned that spreading it over a large surface area around your neck, back of ears, and alongside your arms is also a good way to get the product diffusion up there. In fact, this is almost as good or even better than the regular oil drop because it would just make the pheromones evaporate quicker, and also make it harder to pin who the pheromones are coming from. The gel format seems to get around this issue somehow.
- Found it works best for me at around 1/4-1/3 of a pump… Garry has mentioned that the gel is equal to the oil in terms of pheromone density – that means 1 drop of the oil would also be the same as the gel. It takes a bit of time to get the dosage right, but I feel its okay to go a little higher than you normally would, due to the more “balanced” feel of the product.
- Does it need more “body heat” to diffuse than the oil version? This was actually one of my last concerns testing this product, seeing as the weather is on average 30+ degrees Celsius where I live (about 86+ degree Fahrenheit) where I live… however, surprisingly the gel version hit very well even at cool to normal room temperatures. If you follow my instructions above and spread it over a large open area of you skin with a lot of heat, it is just as efficient as the oil.
- The gel lasts for over 10-12 hours on my skin, and cleaning it thoroughly is a MUST… you will not have to reapply this throughout the day, but I would strongly recommend getting some hazelwitch and some type of exfoliating scrub and using it after each application. I found that if I didn’t get very thorough with it each night, the effects would be a little wonky or seem a bit more “serious” the next day. I assume this may be because of androstenone build up or the slower conversion of other pheromone molecules (which may be why this gel seems like a much more well rounded formula, even though its supposed to be the same product).
Final thoughts on Nude Alpha GEL
The gel NA and AV products came as a bit of a surprise last year, there didn’t seem to be much build up leading to their release.
But it’s obvious that these products had some seriously thorough testing before they were made available.
Nude Alpha, while a fantastic product, did have a few minor drawbacks which I believe have been resolved with the gel.
Namely, that its not always possible to expose a particular woman for a long period of time to try and cause romantic attraction.
The gel solves that problem by hitting harder and faster, more deeply over time, and reducing the time it takes to induce fallout tremendously.
… At first, I was also a little concerned about its price point. $147 USD is not cheap by any means… but is Nude Alpha GEL worth the money?
If you are very interested in a specific woman, or are looking for a high quality woman in your life… then yes, NAG will be a fantastic addition to your arsenal.
It is simply a more powerful version of an already FANTASTIC product.
However, if you’re not in a hurry, then it would definitely make sense to just pick up the oil version before laying down a nice chunk of change for the gel…
Either way, both are excellent products and clear cut winners in the “romantic attraction” category.
If you are looking for your ideal woman, this is definitely something you should check out!
If you want women to pursue YOU, then its obvious that you need a hook... and that hook is Nude Alpha GEL - a potent "crush inducing" romance product that works on a wide range of women. Some of the most notable improvements over the original formula include being more "social" and inviting, rather than giving off the vibe that you are too high status to chill with "normal" people (which also has the side effect of being far more approachable to younger women in their 20's), hitting FASTER, and projecting a more "well rounded" signature as a standalone pheromone product. Nude Alpha GEL - Final Review
Sexual (seems to
Alpha respect
Self Effects
"The One 2.0"
- Phero Joe
P.S. Remember, NA is a very powerful emotional type product that can cause severe jealousy, possessiveness, and a desire to be with you… using it irresponsibly and leading women on when you aren’t really interested can backfire very badly. NAG is a fantastic product for creating “crushy” feelings and emotional attachment towards the wearer, but use it wisely.
P.P.S Remember, Liquid Alchemy Labs offers an UNLIMITED time money back guarantee… and if you’re not happy with the product in any way, or you feel its just not for you, you can send it back for a full refund. No questions asked, no hassles, and no hoops to jump through. You probably won’t need it because most LAL products work fantastically for a lot of people, but it’s just for your “peace of mind”.
Click here to take Nude Alpha GEL for 100% risk free “test drive” today.
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- The Fascinating Female Pheromone Effects On Males (Powerful Attraction) - October 21, 2023
- The Curious Case of “Vabbing” & Pheromones: A Controversial TikTok Trend - October 18, 2023
Great Review! I found NA oil scary good……I can’t imagine what the gel would do
Hey Jaskaran, thanks for the comment! I agree, the oil is already a fantastic product. I’ll be keeping the gel on an “as needed” basis because of the price and when I feel like bringing in the big guns!
Also, I took a look at your website — some pretty interesting stuff 🙂 I would definitely be interested in posting up an article in the future.
Hey buddy,
Nice review. According to your article, gel is better is attraction and seduction in girls and bad at alpha status. Is it same at higher dosage ? Did you find higher dosage acting similarly? How did the man reacted ? Did they insulted you ? You might have OD too? None with man brings anger. As it hits faster, man get agitated faster. Any change in effect with man at lower dosage?
Hi Kalpan,
Yes, I feel the attraction from NAG is much stronger and obvious than the original oil formula. The “alpha” part of the product seems more rounded out into a “social” type of respect, but its not bad at all. In fact, I prefer it when mixes aren’t TOO “alpha” because it makes it easier to use on women in my age range (18-25).
It doesn’t seem “insulting” from men, although sometimes men can be more honest (and sometimes their true feelings aren’t positive). I have had men give me stares of jealousy, but no confrontational or agitated behavior at this time.
Hey Joe,
Great review.
Do you think this hits faster than Grail of Affection?
Hey Jon,
I feel that the GoA probably hits quicker, but I feel that NAG is a much more emotionally complex formula… if you wanted to strategize with a limited amount of time, you could use GoA first and then when you have more time to make interactions “deeper”, switch to NA or NAG.
Hey Phero joe, so does this means there is still reverse imprinting with the gel. Also, i heard that NAG is cold climate mone and limit is mostly 15 degree celcius, añd beyond that it is very easy to od in hot weather,is this true.Also most people find that 1pump is too much, so how do u get 1/3 of a pump out. Will the 30ml gel last the same duration as the oil. Ultimately , which do u prefer, if u can choose only 1. I am thinking of buying NA oil, but your gel review makes it a lot harder now, and i cant afford both for 147 usd☺
Hey MS, thanks for the questions. I think if you calibrate your dosage to the average temperature you’ll be fine. NAG works perfectly at room temperature and thats what I go by, can’t see any OD effects even if it does get a bit hotter. It can easily get to 30-40 degrees Celsius in Australia but it doesn’t seem to be an issue.
Also, just squeezing the trigger a third of the way (might take a little guesswork) but its doable. Garry has mentioned that the product will has the same concentration of pheromones as the oil, so about 1 drop size of the oil is the same as 1 drop to the gel. I would go with the gel, mainly because its much more well rounded and lasts all day.
Taking that NAG is more social and have a less “serious” vibe than NA.
Do you think that this closes the gap between Voodoo and NA?
What is your current opinion in the difference between voodoo and NAG?
Hey Anon,
It’s actually very hard to say, I think Nude Alpha is a deeper product than Voodoo, but Voodoo appears to do better when driving the interaction, whereas NAG seems to do better when you leave a little to the imagination and let women come to you. Also, if I had to make a comparison, I’d say that NAG bridges the gap more with regular Nude than Voodoo.
One of the pluses on the PT forum regarding the gel was that it didn’t cause reverse imprinting like the oil for many people.. And now I hear the opposite?
I’m not sure who the “many people” are, but for me it did seem a bit more pronounced. But then again, I am good with keeping my emotions under control and not letting my pheromone products dictate my feelings so much. This might be a problem for you because you seem to get hung up on random women at the mall, restaurants, beauty shops etc when they are just normal, casual conversations.
Also, I mentioned in the review that I am trying to find a long term partner so I am dating and opening myself up (and to getting “hurt” too), which could lead to feeling the effects more easily. It’s not always a clear cut “this pheromone does this” observation. But like I said, if you get hung up on women easily then I would be wary about wearing this one out, although you should feel free to see how it works for you and whether its an issue.
Hey joe
its mentioned in the reviee Mixing alpha nude gel with androstadienone also deepens the effects even more, and seems to push the fallout effect into “overdrive”.
How do I mix it do I buy those 2 separate pheromones and apply them both and will it also deepen the sexual attraction and tension as well.
Hi Abdi,
I don’t recommend mixing the products together in the bottles or on your skin. Apply them in separate areas. The sexual tension will still be there, however, just be careful to not use too much androstadienone or you might make it TOO comfortable and kill the sexual attraction part of the formula. They compliment eachother very nicely, but using too much might make things a bit too mellow, too lovey dovey and cancel some of the sexual tension effects.
this stuff reverse imprints pretty hard…any luck combining it with anything besides A1?
Hi Boy Scout,
I have tried it with XSP-96, which seems to work very well, but I need to test it a bit more to compare with androstadienone. You could also try pairing it with Voodoo, although some people seem to get negative effects (I think this is probably because of its emotional amplifier effects – if you get affected with reverse imprinting it might be a good idea to wait on the results before trying it yourself).
I will write more as soon as I can.
Cheers 🙂
Hey phero joe
I would like to combine nude alpha gel and a1 androstadienone ideally how much mcg of each should I use to obtain the best results for female romantic attraction
Hey, try 1/4 to 1/3 of a pump for NAG, and try out androstadienone at 30-50mcg… that should be quite effective!
What do you think of adding some NPA to this combo to sexualize things a bit. Do you think it would it be a good idea, and if so, how would you adjust the ratios?
Hi B-man,
This combo does work, but I feel that it ruins the effect of both formulas. On one hand, NA is trying to give off a romantic vibe, whereas NPA is raw sexual attraction. The androstenone present in both products seems to throw the balance way off and it can be difficult to steer. However, NPA tends to work a lot better with regular Nude, rather than NA.
Phero Joe
Since nude alpha gel is unscented do I just apply this pheromone by itself or do i have to apply another perfume or cover scent for it work?
Hi Asad,
Yes, it will work without a cover scent (but I add one personally anyway). The decision is yours 🙂
Hello Phero Joe, regarding the unscented nude alpha gel do i wear it by itself or do i also apply another cover scent to get the maximum benefit from this pheromone?
Hi Jonathon,
You can use this with or without additional cologne, its a personal choice 🙂 But I do often wear a few colognes just to mask pheromones for the extra sensitive people.
Hey joe,
Did you see Gary is coming out with Alpha Q?
I’m gettin’ excited, man!
Hi Jack,
Thanks for the heads up! I’ll email Garry soon and see if he’ll let me in on what’s coming.
I’ve been using NA for a little over a month now at my job and I’m now seeing good results with it. IF I was to all of sudden switch to NAG would this alter my signature in a negative way?
I just don’t want to switch from the oil to this and be set back a bit in the progress that I have made thus far with it.
Hi Anonn,
I think you’ll actually have even stronger effects because the product is the same. The only thing different is that its properties seem to make it a more well rounded overall product… the fallout effects will still work as it does with the oil version 🙂 Thanks!
Hey Joe, a clarification question: when you say use 1/4 to 1/3 of a pump, do you mean in total to be spread over several parts of your body, or do you mean use that amount for each spot where it is to be applied?
Hey, you can apply this all on one part of the body (the neck for example), but simply spread it so take up as much surface area as possible. You can use it on other body parts, but that just makes it a little bit difficult to manage if you need to clean it, reapply more later, etc.
Sorry Joe, still a bit confused. 1/3 of a pump TOTAL, or 1/3 of a pump for each spot where you apply it?
1 one area, a 1/3-1/2 pump in the same location. You can spread it if you want, but it can be a bit harder to wash it off if you need to reapply more.
Hey P.J.
I am going to meet up with my ex gf soon and I have a sample of this. I broke up with her and she said she has “many walls” when it comes to me. If I use this will it break those walls down and let her open up to me?
Hey Bigsby,
NAG will definitely help spark up those romantic feelings, however, if she has negative feelings for you (because you broke up with her), it’s important that you do not put all your cards on the table straight away. You’ll have to feel out the situation… however, in case things aren’t as “open” as you want them to be, trying out XiSt can help reset those feelings and bury the hatchet 🙂 But definitely give the NAG a try first, it should work pretty well.
Hi Joe,
I’m working towards getting my ex back, we’ve been apart for a while, (she broke up with me) and our on okay terms, we talk but it’s largely work related, (we work together, 3-4 days a week) and we have many mutual friends in common. I would like to respark interest in me/imprint on her. In your Ex back article you mentioned Nude Alpha + Glace+Androstadienone/Voodoo: The classic “falling in love” combo…, could I use the Gel with this? Also, I usually use corpo & xist at work to help me socially and to reset any negative imagery she has of me. I do believe it’s worked because she was ignoring me completely for a long time (and I mean long like over a year). But, sometimes I have issues when I try to engage her conversations. Like I’ll head towards her to talk and just kind of freeze up and detour before I can say her name and just go about my own business without saying anything. It usually happens when I attempt to talk to her about more personal things, like how was her week, how’s class, her son, etc. Any suggestions for that, as well as the NAG question from earlier? I just don’t want to scare her and get to personal to fast, considering we’ve only been talking for a few weeks and her walls are just starting to come down. Like she cut her hair the other day and I was going to tell her it looked good but didn’t want her to take it the wrong way so I didn’t.
Hey John,
Sounds like whatever you are exposing her to is having an effect. Because this is in a work scenario, I would strongly recommend you just take it very easy and be there sometimes, and other times distance yourself. Your goal is to try to get her interest again, but you seem to be having some issueshaving simple conversation with her.
I would recommend you go through the article again, because like I advise you are so invested in the outcome that you can’t even approach her right now. This will ruin your chances. You’ll be seeing her regularly since its work, so distance yourself for now, do some work on improving your mindset and life, and then approach it with a fresh perspective.
NA Gel is a very good choice, but I would hold off on that until you are at the very least on amicable terms (which XiSt seems to be doing a wonderful job of currently).
Hey Joe,
I have Xist and have been using it around this girl at work who was into me and I was into her but then I unintentionally hurt her feelings and we stopped talking to each other and that was the end of that. Now were a lot more friendly towards each other and talking. I was wondering would the NAG amplify the effects of Xist if used together or would that be overkill?
Hi David,
I would suggest keeping on using the XiSt, atleast for now. Once things have settled into a pretty standard routine and you have good chemistry and interactions with eachother, a small spike of NAG can help amp up the fallout properties 🙂 Use a 1/4 pump and see how she reacts to the combo first, and up the dose to a full pump incrementally (or less if things take a serious turn).
Have a hot date tonight, but she’s not in her 20’s.
Have you had success combining NA-G with anything? i.e. DP?
Hi Ben,
I have used NAG with DP, but I don’t feel like it is a particularly good combo. I suspect its because the copulins give you way too much instability in the mix, rather than the androstenone. You can spike NAG with straight androstenone or regular Primitive, but I wouldn’t attempt to use it with cops. Basically, it is a signal that you may have been sexual with another female, which conflicts with the romantic/crushy feelings NAG produces.
i was wondering what your thought were on NAG for first time use. i have a problem opening up to women am alway have a temid personality i was wondering what your thought on me using it am looking for a long time partner i if you have any other suggesstion on stuff to use i be open to it
Hi John,
Opening women and having conversations are something that you need to work on, regardless of if you wear pheromones or not. No pheromone product is going to take you ALL the way there – not even the best products on the market. However, NAG is a very good product, especially for the “quiet” types as it seems to create intrigue and mystery around you. That said, you will still need to be able to carry conversations forward in an interesting way, and not behave in a way that indicates you are a lower value person with low self esteem and confidence. I know some very confident people that are quiet and keep to themselves a lot. A lot of women actually DO like a mysterious, quiet personality but you need to be interesting to back it up – otherwise the’ll just get bored.
what’s your take when a woman suddenly shit tests you or suddenly wants distance and no touching? Weeks before we were okay. Enjoying each other’s company. Then we had to join this one week event and she’s suddenly like that. Before I was using Nude and BW, then I shifted to Xist + NAG and A1. Then she started getting this reaction to me
Hi Angelo,
It could be because she is suddenly feeling some attraction towards you, and isn’t exactly sure how to handle it. This has happened several times to me before, and the best thing to do is keep things fun and light – do not give in to her weird behavior. She might act irrationally, but if you keep things interesting you can use this as an escalation into a deeper discussion of what she’s thinking. This is where you should apply some light pressure and perhaps ask her if she’s single, or what her situation is. This will help her to see you in a romantic type way.
I’m asking for a female friend. Knowing that NAG can cause reverse imprinting, it means a man can be affected by it too. If a female would wear this around a guy, would it also create some sort of imprinting or attraction from the guy to the female?
Hi Angelo,
NA/NAg was designed for men, so they can project the pheromone signature of someone who might be “the one”. I am not sure what the effects of a woman wearing it around men would be. Who knows, it could work quite well, but I would think that the “alpha” properties of the product might be confusing to men. I am sure it would be memorable, but the results could be a bit weird. It would make for an interesting experiment though!
Have you ever combined NAG with the oil? Is that redundant?
Hi Steven, I haven’t tried mixing the same products, although I would have to buy normal NA gel to test it. I feel that it would be redundant as I like the effects of the gel better anyway.
Just want to know what you think the results would be of combining NAG with AM NOS? I know one is a gel and one is alcohol carrier…. so perhaps they should be applied on different spots… But would you ever mix them? Have you tried this combo?
Hi Adrian, I personally wouldn’t mix the two as they both have different purposes. However, you might do much better with them. As far as I remember, you were on testosterone supplementation so high -enone products may suit you much better than they would suit me.
Hey Joe,
Have you ever seen the effects on older woman (35+)? Is it viable in this case or should I look for a different product?
NA/NAG is very effective on women in their 30’s as they are looking for the ideal man to settle down with. I would definitely look into it. However if you’re having trouble ordering, I would look into Grail Of Affection too as that is another excellent romantic attraction product, and also works well for a younger, as well as slightly older age group of women.
Can this be stacked/mixed with other fallout or imprint products to double or even accelerate the desired effect?
Hi Duane, these types of products are very complicated and I do not recommend mixing romantic/emotional attachment type products together.
Glace is no longer shown on the alpha dream site Joe, got any alt. I can check out to pair with nude alpha???
Hi Christian, I would definitely check out X22 as I’ve found it to be a great social to mix with and doesn’t seem to have any major clashes with anything else.
why can’t the Liquid Alchemy Labs website payment link be opend?
Unfortunately they have issues with their payment processor.
Is LAL still selling products? I noticed they aren’t in your list of vendors like before.
they are, but a lot of people have complained about the cumbersome checkout process (you have to message Garry directly and organize payment that way), and people seem to think I am customer service for LAL. Great products, but unfortunately I don’t have time to keep explaining over and over again.
You do a thorough review of NA OIL but your review of the gel is so diminished in comparison!
Do you not think NAG is worth a detailed review?
Hey PheroJoe,
I’m not getting the same imprinting fallout effect that I from the gel that I get with the oil.. Why ?
Also I don’t get reverse imprinted much by the get but I do by the oil at times.
I seem to feel the oil works better but is more serious, and the gel seems more in the moment and conversations more magical. Almost like I’m in some sort of movie script.
The gel seems to pull some very tall , young beauties too just like Casanova spray does for me.