X22 is one of the most underrated, sexiest, social powerhouse pheromone products available. It’s fun, memorable, attractive… but the most intriguing part? It’s not just for being “social”…
Hax Pheromones hasn’t been given enough credit on the site, so I decided to start off reviews for their products with a bang…
One of my favorite “social” products, X22.
Although it’s classified as a social, it’s much more than that – it covers the bases for several categories including attraction, alpha/status, as well as social.
… but because it excels as a “social” product, that’s what we’ll be judging it on.
One of the reasons it’s in my top 5 social pheromone products is because …
X22 has some important features that most “social” products just don’t have
And one of them is just how incredibly effective it is at making YOU social.
A lot of products work just because they make other people react favorably.
But one of the core reasons this is such a fantastic social is that really brings out your “inner drive” to be social with other people.
The self effects are so intense that it can literally force me to “break out of my shell”, even if I don’t really feel like it…
To elaborate, I am a very busy guy.
I spend a lot of time studying, reading, writing… so when it’s time to be be social, I often have trouble communicating.
I can’t think of anything cool to say, have trouble asking “questions”, and feel kind of “left out” because of the way I feel – anti-social.
Keep in mind, I AM naturally sociable.
However, once I get stuck into more “brainiac” tasks, I can nerd out for hours.
As a result, this causes me to feel introverted, and not really feel like socializing, or picking up women, or hanging out with friends.
Sometimes, it can take HOURS to break free from that mentality.
However, applying X22 results in a SURGE of energy that allows me to be able to more charismatic, confident, and eloquent in how I communicate
The unreal self effects, combined with the magnetism of X22, results in one thing.
A sexy, social beast who can open and communicate with anyone.
We’ll talk more about the “sexy” element of the product in a minute, but first…
It’s not just about being able to “communicate” effectively that makes X22 such a fantastic social.
It’s also got a powerful “memory” effect, so people will remember you vividly
While I won’t go as far as saying that it can cause imprinting/fallout, there’s no denying that your social interactions will be memorable for the people involved.
They will see you as someone who’s just “cool”, and someone who’s definitely worth getting to know.
During my testing, this became noticeable because I frequent nightclubs and bars frequently.
I also manage to talk to a bunch of random drunk people, who either act, or genuinely don’t even remember who you are when you run into them around town.
The people you had such “exciting” conversations with, are suddenly strangers you’ve never spoken to.
However, X22 proved its slight “imprinting” effects by having these same people react with excitement, or like seeing an actual friend.
… the conversation continues and the relationship builds.
It is a potent ice breaker that lets people connect with you for real, instead of just being another forgettable “cool guy” in the night.
It’s also very memorable for women…
As you know, women in nightclubs and bars are also social butterflies that jump from guy to guy.
They are often hard to keep the attention of, and will forget you the instant you leave.
They also lose interest very quickly, which makes nightclubs and bars some of the best places for testing pheromones…
It’s also a great way to test just how much attraction/pulling power they have.
This is where things get even more interesting for X22.
It works excellent as a magnetic ice breaker… women feel playful, flirting is well received, and sometimes women will feeling comfortable opening you too.
It goes with out saying, but if it’s effective for women in the nightclub…
… then it will be triple effective while people aren’t in an inebriated. Also, there’s no loud music, no “competition”, and no friends to distract your target.
I’ve had women open me with all sorts of products, but there is a particular property x22 has that makes women particularly “sticky” to the wearer.
Women simply want to be around you.
Whether it’s because of the “imprinting” or not, this “sticky” behavior from women means they will be magnetized/intrigued by your presence…
… which lets you drop game on them when they’re nearby.
This is different from your regular “attraction” pheromone formula, because it invites them into your presence, rather than you having to go and break walls down.
This “sexy/sensual” element is very prominent in X22, making it one of the most well rounded social pheromone products to date
Although there are better products suited for attraction, X22 also has its place as a “backup”, just in case something goes wrong with your other attraction mixes.
For example, if you use too much product (and cause yourself an OD – ghosting/weird effects), and don’t have a chance to wash it off properly – then X22 will save the day.
And not only will it save the day… it will potentiate the effects of your “overdose”, and make the combo even more powerful.
Intimidation will turn to respect, and aggressive/weird/dismissive behavior often turns to intrigue.
This is very important for times when you need a product to work but you’ve either used too little or too much.
It will add just the right amount of social/alpha/sexy into your mix and put it on FIRE
On second dates, or follow up meetings with women, I would recommend something specifically designed for that purpose (either romance or straight seduction) — or combining it with M512 (another fantastic product from the Hax line).
You can also combine it with other slightly more intimidating mixes, if you are targeting younger women, since they tend to respond especially well to X22.
That’s covers most of the “core” aspects that makes x22 really stand out in the social category.
There are other socials with distinct differences that may be more suitable for your purposes – but it’s definitely a worthy competitor for every mans arsenal.
Below, I’ll elaborate a little more on the nitpicky details.
X22 by Hax Pheromones Review Summary
- X22 is an excellent social that goes way beyond meaningless chatter. It gives you a magnetic, approachable, high status swagger… people will view you as a cool, sociable, and respectable person and will feel compelled to engage you in some cases. This “brute force” effect goes hand in hand with the self effects, making for one of the most potent social pheromone products I’ve used to date.
- X22 has INSANE self effects, and creates a “phero-rush” on application… I don’t get “heavy” self effects much more, and this is one of the few products that creates this effect (I use it sparingly for this reason). I enjoy the feeling of a social powerhouse washing over me, but it is slightly over-stimulating (like a mild pre-workout) — however, this is just attesting to how much pheromone Hax really shoves into their products. Do NOT drive or use machinery if you feel dizzy, or silghtly disoriented afterwards. I have the same warning for other strong pheromone products.
- X22 has the effect of being able to almost “force” you to be social, even if you don’t feel like it… I work online a lot, and tend to be “inside” my head (introverted, not really feeling like communicating). However, a few drops of x22 later and I’ll be itching to head into town and unleash its social/attraction properties on women nearby.
- X22 will allow you to feel more “present”, be more exciting, and have livelier conversations… carrying on from what I said above, X22 forces me to get out of my own head and get excited about socializing. However, it also creates the effect of being more “present”, which means I can think more clearly, say more with less words, be more charismatic, and have more confidence in my ability to communicate effectively/ persuasively, and in a more “alpha” kind of way. It’s extremely useful for “forcing” yourself out of an anti-social state and being “in the moment”.
- Have wittier, more charming conversations that create a strong impressions (or slight “imprint”) on people… as I mentioned earlier, the feeling of being more present and “in the moment” will allow you to express yourself much more freely. This also affects other people, and they will feel the same towards you… which results in lively conversations that people remember. With women, they will want to engage you again, making it an excellent pickup/icebreaker product.
- Powerful magnetism that makes people want to be around you… this effect is also common with social products, however what makes x22 unique is that it’s also “sexy”. While not “in your face” attraction like products designed for that purpose, it projects just enough so that women will want to hang around, flirt, and be gamed by you. This is an excellent and slightly more “passive” way to game women if you are shy about opening women directly.
- With most social pheromone formulas, the “fun” part is a given, but none do it quite like x22… why? It’s also a HUGE attention grabber, as well as “sexy”… I can’t count the number of times attractive women have hit on me first while in shopping lines, at the store, waiting for trains, and more. It simply makes you approachable and gives off a “cool” vibe that lets people know you’re awesome.
- Makes it very easy to flirt, converse, and engage with women because of it’s “stickiness”… as I mentioned, the magnetism/pull of x22 is very strong, but once women are in your cloud they will want to hang around. They will make excuses to talk, or find reasons to walk near you just so they can “feel” the X22 vibe. It is very noticeable effect, especially if you are used to using poor quality products that have been heavily promoted online the last few years (cough *Athena Institute*).
- Has some “motormouth” effects if you’re not careful with the dosing… while I haven’t seen anything too bad with larger doses of 5+ drops, the one thing I’ve noticed that could be considered a negative is not knowing when to shut up. As I said, this has some very strong self effects, and using too much can be a bit like a caffeine buzz – talking too much can ruin the effects and reduce the “sexy” vibe it creates.
- An excellent way to “calm down” overdoses, and turn them in your favor… instead of ruining your night because of underdosing/overdosing on your more “aggressive” mixes, you can add some X22 to amp up the effects and turn that ghosting/dismissive behavior into much friendlier, flirtier, and lively conversation. It’s great to have on hand just in case something goes wrong because of its very well balanced social/status/sexual properties.
X22 by Hax Pheromones is a social product that really floats my boat - its social, sexy, and magnetic product that's excellent for picking up women, or simply hanging out with your friends. X22 is one of my top 5 social pheromone products because it also has a massive "kick" in the self effects department, which makes it easy to be more persuasive, charismatic, and confident when I communicate. The "sexy" aspect of this product also makes hitting on women more fun, because flirting is so well received -- the magnetic part also makes them hang around so that you can continue escalating. All in all, a fantastic product that can be useful for a wide range of scenarios. X22 by Hax Pheromones - Final Summary
Social (self effects)
Social effects on others
Attraction (sexy)
Status (magnetism)
Magnetic, sexy, social, slight imprinting
Final thoughts on X22 by Hax Pheromones
X22 by Hax Pheromones hasn’t really been talked about, and I’m not sure why.
It’s one of the coolest products I own, simply because it can bust me out of bad situations.
Whether it’s not feeling like “socializing”, or kicking a funky mood, or turning an “overdose” into something more positive – in fact, that’s what helped earn it’s place in my top pheromone products list…
I’ve had countless nights (where I’ve blown it with women I wanted), where X22 could have got me out of trouble.
One of the downsides is that the product only lasts about 2.5-3 hours (for me – it could longer or shorter for you), so carrying it around for re-apps is a bit tedious.
Regardless, I think it’s a small price to pay for what you get out of it.
But anyway, if you’re looking for a social with some serious punch, I would definitely recommend checking it out.
Thanks for reading,
- PheroJoe
P.S. Hax Pheromones has a very generous 1 year, no hassles money back guarantee. If you have an issue with the product, or just feel like it’s not a good fit for your personality, you can send it back and get a full refund – no runaround, no games, and no hoops to jump though.
Take X22 for a risk free test drive today.
P.P.S. Hax Pheromones is currently an EPIC special offer (not sure when it will end just yet), where you can pick up C4, M512, as well as X22 for just $127. Normally, this would cost a bit over $200.
The other 2 products are very good attraction/alpha type products that can be used together for a synergistic effect. They work extremely well together by amplifying eachothers core properties. If you can afford it, I’d definitely recommend picking up all 3 products while it’s still discounted here:
Don't Go Anywhere. Check Out These Articles First.
- Heaux Cosmetics Review: Overhyped, Overpriced Pheromone Products - October 22, 2023
- The Fascinating Female Pheromone Effects On Males (Powerful Attraction) - October 21, 2023
- The Curious Case of “Vabbing” & Pheromones: A Controversial TikTok Trend - October 18, 2023
Can you help me with how much to wear, as in the pheromone. But can’t find the right combination.
Hi Dwayne,
Not sure I understand your question. But for me, x22 works great at 2-3 drops, although this one isn’t as temperamental and you can use a higher dosage without too much worry. It’s also a great standalone, so you don’t need to use it in combinations with anything for it to work. It’ll work great by itself 🙂
Hey Joe,
When do you think you’ll have a review for hypnotica?
Hi Daru,
I am currently in the midst of some more content, so it should be about 2 weeks. There are some distinct differences between Hypnotica and X22 which are pretty interesting. Will write about them soon 🙂
Awsome, looking forward for the review and distinct differences between the socials. I recently purchased a 10 ml bottle of hypnotica and I’ve been doing some test; haven’t noticed much besides being asked for my opinion/input on topics, and I feel a mutual sense of comfort amongst others. Just wonder what conclusions you’ve came upon on this product.
Patiently waiting
Hi Daru,
What dosages are you using? Maybe you haven’t reach your sweet spot yet 🙂 Also, Hypnotica seems to be a bit temperamental, as some people see effects with one or another product, but not both. I’ve found them both to be equally great in their own ways, but i will elaborate on the reviews.
When I bought my bottle it was the standard design (roller top). I found it difficult to elaborate dosages with the roller (something about 5″ is equal to one spray/ 4-6 drops), So I transferred the liquid into a Euro dropper. As of now I am using 4-6 drops.
Is this unscented?
Hi Alec, x22 is scented 🙂
You had promoted a special that HAX was doing with Holy Grail X with a couple of other pheromone products from them and when I went back to look at your take on the product it was gone. They had a lot of problems shipping it out to me. I have been waiting for a long time. It looks like it will be here tomorrow. With that said, I just wanted your take on on the product.
Thank you
Hi Jacob,
Sorry about the issues you’ve had with Hax. They are very small and often times the customer service can be spotty, but it is getting better from what I hear. Usually Hax is good with shipping though, so unfortunately you got a bit unlucky there. As for Holy Grail X, it is a very well rounded for attraction. It has very good social properties, status elevation, and is great for every day use. Here is a bit more elaboration from my email on the original product (note that Holy Grail X is an improved version, but these qualities remain true):
Thanks for your message!
Got my package a few days ago, he gave me a free bottle of holy grail for the late delivery thanks for your help joe
No worries! I have contacted Brad and he says things are back on track now. Hax is back to being cool, so no more delays or out of stock messages 🙂
Can i combine m512 with x22 ?
Hi David, yes the oil packs from Hax are easily combo’d and go together well 🙂
hi Joe ,
i have a very long question to ask i tried like 4 products from LAL but did not see any result but yes someone did ask me that what am i wearing for AV when i was with a friend and now i saw that the girl is interested in him he don’t wear any phero though to compare now i have VD BW sample AV gel and NA 10ml bottle and just places order for wingman series… being on pherotruth read and tried every way possible to get the best possible result one thing about me i am confident and generally able to speak with girls or talk to strangers without issue my main concern is to attract and to give a perfect charismatic vibe advice me something.. funny thing though i used a AV gel to 1 pump did not see any effect same with 2-3 but with 4 i saw girl asking what am i wearing and also advised after few minutes conversation that what ever i m using can only be smelt at 1foot away not from far which is olso i want to understand …\ pls advd what combo i can use for full fallout effect and and attraction
P.S.. i am an indian and targets indian and Asian girls
I ordered Holy grail X combo which has x22 and lady killer with it
Any reviews on lady killer
Hi Rocky, not at the moment. But I will be catching up on some Hax stuff soon, so if you’re not on the newsletter make sure to get in 🙂 Will send an email once its ready.
Does this combine well with any top alpha products such as BW, AV or AM?
Yes, it works pretty well alongside most alpha/sexually geared products.
I have purchased the items one week ago and it seems that the package is still not shipped out???
Is that a fake site or what?
Hi Stan,
Sorry you’ve had this experience. I have emailed Brad (owner) of Hax to follow up. Please note that Hax is not my company, I only review products periodically from different vendors. My experience with them has generally been good but sometimes orders slip through the crack I guess. I’ve been told several times that the issues have been fixed but occasionally stuff happens. Again – sorry, I will let you know what’s going on when I get a response.
Hey there Stan. I’ve had the same experience. Placed my order in January and received my parcel this morning. My advice, keep on emailing them. Ohhhhh, i got an extra bottle of x22 as their token of apology for my order so the late delivery can go out of the window =D
Hi Alexander,
Thanks for chiming in – I’m sorry on behalf of Hax this happened. I thought this would have been fixed by now, but it appears they still have issues from time to time with delivery. Atleast you got a freebie!
Hey PJ, I was wondering what is M512 supposed to Do? I work in a humid climate but they don’t specify what the product does on the site. Thank you
Hi Jeff,
M512 is an attraction product that goes very well with X22, in fact the oil pack that’s available is meant to be experimented with as all the products seem to work rather well with eachother and amplify eachothers effects. I have tested X22 and M512 together and they do make a very nice attraction/pickup mix. X22 has the pull and gives me energy, while you can see the M512 effects taking place in form of IOI’s and sexual interest.
Hey there, PJ!
Well, i’m not 100% sure, but it seems there could be some delays here again! Ordered Fedex (it says – 3 days) shipping about a week ago, but there is still nothing, no shipping confirmation, tracking, no e-mail answers). Ahh, well, hope everything will be fine, going to some other countries soon, and a bit worried what will happen if my arrives while I’m away) Fyi my order is 103656, if anything)
Hi Alex, it seems you are located in Russia judging by your email. Can you confirm whether there’s been movement on your package? Typically there are delays to sync up shipping/tracking events by a few days when using cheaper shipping services.
Cheers 🙂
This gives me the opposite effect. Anti Social, intimidating, Boss vibe like A314. Any ideas?
Hi Oliver,
That’s strange. I have never had any overly intimidating vibe like that from X22. Is it possible you may be using too much? Try lowering your dose or maybe even try something ridiculous like 5-6 drops and compare results. Sometimes “mega doses” work extremely well for people, but others may find it way too overwhelming/wasteful.
Personally, I have also had similar effects with x22 as was mentioned in another comment (odd reactions from folks, distance, and “swinging emotional affect,” in that THEY go from open/friendly to standoffish, etc.). I, too, thought this was odd. Nonetheless, I’ve had this happen on a few occasions– though I experienced *excellent* results combining 2:2 with THU from P.T. (which, in all honesty, has become my go-to vendor; thank you, as I learned of them through your site!). Anyway, I just wanted to throw that out there, as I wouldn’t think such a reaction would happen with x22. Of particular note– all negative experiences were in very close quarters; positives were in everyday scenarios and nightclub environments… Just my $0.02.
Thanks, ProjectZacko!
Add to cart links above don’t even work and lead to shareasale.com website instead 😉
Hi Lauri,
Sorry about the late reply – I’ve gone ahead and fixed it up. Thanks for letting me know 🙂
Hey Joe, are you in Australia? I am and the Hax website is quoting me US$75 for shipping, but their FAQ says they ship worldwide via USPS for free for orders over $75, which mine is. I’ve emailed them a couple of times but not yet had a response of any kind.
Hi Henry,
Sorry this has happened to you – I’ll shoot an email off and see what’s going on. I have never paid that much shipping before, something may be messed up on their website.
I don’t think they are still in business.
Their website is still online, what makes you say that?
this is a good pheromone as well. I use it from time to time. One girl came up to me and started talking to me about herself and I didn’t even know her that well. It helps girls open up to you.
Any idea what’s going on with HAX website? I attempted to buy this phero and during checkout I get a message that “this store is not accepting payments at this time”. Are there any other places to purchase X22?
Hey, can you try again? Seems to be working fine for me
Those links above for adding to cart defo don’t work and can’t find HAX website either…
It seems they’ve gone out of business unfortunately!