Bad Wolf by Liquid Alchemy Labs is a follow up to one of the most successful pheromone products of all time… WOLF. Garry dropped this “gangbuster” product on us in 2014… so the question is — did it deliver?
In a nutshell… hell to the YEAH.
Bad Wolf is my *currently* highest rated pheromone product, but it’s also one of the most difficult to get the hang of…
However, one you do figure it out, it’s hands down, one of the BEST pheromone products I have ever used.
After the initial release in 2014, there was a sense that Bad Wolf wasn’t quite as good as everyone hoped it would be.
People were complaining that it was too scary and intimidating, felt anxious wearing it, and thought it was scaring men and women off…
After having some trouble getting it to work for myself as well, I understood exactly why in just a few weeks of testing.
Bad Wolf was designed in a way to FORCE you to develop high quality personality traits to “drive” the product effectively.
Bad Wolf was designed “mold” you into someone who’s extremely confident, attractive, and not afraid to bring out their true “inner badass”…
This review is pretty comprehensive, because there is a lot to learn about this product…
And even to this day, I check back in to add some more observations and new things I discovered about the product.
… it was either that, or have a very highly rated product on my site, and a bunch of people complaining it didn’t work… which is the main reason it took so long to review and write this up in the first place.
As an example, there were a LOT of people who claimed that Nude Alpha was having little to no effects… until myself and several others really dialed in to the sub-conscious effect it was having on women.
The “prince charming” effect was so powerful, but it happened “under the radar”. But seeing as everyone wants instant results, most people in their impatience wrote the product off, instead of trying to figure it out.
Anyway, let’s get to the good stuff… Garry mentions on his sales page that:
“Bad Wolf’s alpha aggressive is going to hit first, so you are going to have to have the nuts to hang in there until the sexual has the chance to get you into real trouble.
This is backwards to the way many pheromone formulas work as most pheromone formulas are made for low level beta males with lots of socials, or they are just all alpha androstenone.”
In a moment, you’ll find out exactly why Bad Wolf is one of those badass products every guy should get, What Garry is saying here is that most products are designed to make it extremely easy to be social… but when that happens, you lose out a lot of sexual tension and also risk becoming friendzoned – or beta in the eyes of other guys.
He goes on to say…
“Bad Wolf is a bit twisted in its delivery. Mostly because we want your life to be interesting.
You are paying for a different reaction with women and people in general. You want a different life and we are trying to give that new experience to you.
I mean in the end you only get your experiences, so you better make them good ones. I mean the goal is not to be more boring than your friends. Bad Wolf does not accept boring!”
As I was reading the pre-release sales page, it dawned on me that Liquid Alchemy Labs was brewing up something crazy.
And as a huge fan of the company, I was obliged to pick it up as soon as possible.
It took me a few weeks to get the hang of Bad Wolf, but once I did I understood WHY there were reports of people not having the success I was experiencing…
It’s because Bad Wolf is a product designed to help you break through the the barriers stopping you from social, professional, and romantic success
So why was it not working for a lot of people?
… however, if you’ve read my other reports (namely, Aqua Vitae), you’d realize that using pheromones forces you to change and adjust your personality.
These are usually positive changes you need to make in order to advance.
With Aqua Vitae, I was forced “upgrade” my skills with women and become smoother, escalate faster, and really step into the high status, celebrity vibe it projects.
Bad Wolf is similar…
Except it was designed for more than just attracting women quickly.
This was designed to make you get out of your comfort zone and reap massive social and professional rewards too.
To use Bad Wolf, you have to adopt a suave, badass, alpha mindset that will win you friends, success, and women.
Sadly, there are a lot of people who will read this report and think “why would I get a product that requires me to put in effort?”… and “why would I get this when I can get x product and get any woman anyway?”.
… and if you are one of those people, I highly recommend you look into personal development whether you use pheromones or not.
As I mention in many of my reports, using a product is not a magic pill or potion, nor an instant cover up for your problems.
Using an attraction product when you have low confidence, undeveloped social skills, and weak game in general will usually backfire on you.
However, if you are one the few willing to make the changes Bad Wolf requires of you to work, then you will reap many benefits such as…
- Highly developed social skills, wit, and banter with both men and women
- Significantly improve your flirting, sexual innuendos, humor, escalation skills, and become a MAGNET for all types of women (usually the hottest girls, as shy ones will likely feel intimidated by you)
- Make high quality friends and an excellent social circle with high value people
- People will like you better, respect you, and feel like you are of high status
One of my readers over at PheromonePro also asked…
Why is Bad Wolf an advantage when you can get products that specialize in attraction/social/status boosts “out of the box” anyway?
And that’s a good question – you can get things handed to you, or you can go out and get it.
Like Garry mentioned, Bad Wolf was designed to help break through the blocks that are holding your life back.
It will push you harder to upgrade your game, social life, and professional life.
It will help if you’re struggling with issues like…
- You lack confidence to be “sexual” with women… Bad Wolf will bring out your inner confidence and sexual nature, and will feel somewhat threatened by you (in a good way) because they see you as a potential romantic or sex partner. Bad Wolf will give you permanent, REAL inner game that you need to pull off this vibe.
- If you’ve ever felt inferior, or like you’re worth is “less” than other males, then Bad Wolf will show you how to become the Wolf among sheep. You will not only get respect, you will be seen as a natural leader and gain the confidence of quality males in your life – and you will build a persona of popularity, status, and sex appeal around yourself.
- If you’ve ever wanted to be more outgoing, fun loving, charismatic, risk taking, live life to the fullest, and be more than just “average”… then Bad Wolf will help you overcome the mental and emotional obstacles stopping you. It is also a powerful tool for attracting women into relationships/creating fallout when combined with romantic type products. It is the closest thing you will find to a “real life love potion” (< read that article for a run down).
I’ll be the first to admit, Bad Wolf initially is not a very easy product to use – atleast when you first start using it.
People often find it a little bit too “Alpha”, too sexual, too intimidating, too this, too that.
The whole point of Bad Wolf was to make your personality “larger than life”, one of those rare, extremely magnetic people who everybody loves and respects.
And in order to accomplish that, you will have to adopt a “larger than life” mindset in order to pull it off…
that’s why Bad Wolf is one of the best products I’ve ever used, and probably will for a very long time.
So yes. You may intimidate some people, feel anxious, ignored, and have other negative feelings – that’s because you haven’t completely “accepted” that this powerful new vibe is yours.
It may take a week, a month, or several months… but once you see it working you’ll never look back.
Women will laugh at everything you say, men will want to befriend you, strangers will stare… and so much more.
But to harness Bad Wolf’s power, you’re going to have to put in some work. And that involves stepping out of your comfort zone in order to grow as a person all-around.
About 3 years ago, I used to be a bit of a “self help” junkie, and was constantly looking for ways to improve myself. And I came a very long way…
I have developed a personality that I like, and overcome many obstacles with my self esteem issues, fears, failures and more – and in many aspects of my life which include women, finances, the social world, and “fitting in”, etc.
I’ve spent years developing a “winners mindset” and that is driven to achieving the most out of life.
That’s how you get to become one of those “effortless” guys that have success, friends, women,confidence, and everything you want…
Bad Wolf will FORCE you to BECOME “that”guy.
Now that you have some idea of what it does and how it works, let’s get more specific
- Bad Wolf is the ULTIMATE pheromone product that amplifies your personality and personal power… but it won’t work unless you put in the effort to break through nervousness of speaking up, approaching women, or being the center of attention – or whatever your goals are. There’s just no room for half assing it – if you do, you may come off as arrogant, intimidating, etc and people might feel angry or turned off around you. However, once you put a smile on their face they will light up with respect, attraction, and “awe” with your presence. This may take a few days or weeks depending on your current skills using pheromones and how “developed” your personality already is (the wait, however, is worth it).
- The #1 takeaway you should get from this review, is that to unlock Bad Wolfs potential you need DEVELOP social skills, charisma, and an all around VIP/celebrity vibe in order it to work… the reason it didn’t take me as long as some others to find out how BW works is because like I mentioned earlier… I’ve spent a very long time developing a “winners mindset”. When it comes to my passions such as dance, I work hard because I want to win battles, and its that same attitude that carries over to business success, having a great personality, and women. Bad Wolf will make you reach deep down inside yourself and bring your inner strength to the surface. You will put in more effort to get what you want out of life.
- Bad Wolf has very strong imprinting/fallout type effects, and can be used to break out of friendzone (in fact, one of the BEST combos I have discovered is using Bad Wolf + XiSt)… XiSt is a fantastic product for creating romantic imprinting on women who have friendzoned you. It can start to change their minds about seeing you as “just a friend” very quickly… but what makes this even more powerful is having the aura of Bad Wolf back it up… it not only has its own unique, memorable subconscious imprint effect (people seem to remember you in a very positive light), but this is amplified with XiSt and significantly adds to its friendzone destroying effect.
- Seems to make people want to follow your lead, and make everything you say and do much more persuasive (useful for when asking women out, escalating, or “suggesting” what you want to do)… Bad Wolf will give you a lot of charisma and personal power/magnetism, which makes people (and especially women) highly receptive to you when you learn how to steer the product. This is extremely noticeable, especially in environments like nightclubs where women can be on their guard, and outright reject guys just because they think they have “power” over men. But Bad Wolf will separate you from the pack, and make women much far more easily available to you – because they want what you have.
- Bad Wolf is the ultimate training tool to upgrade your seduction game – but you can’t afford to play nice… BW outputs a fairly sexual vibe, although it’s not too overbearing. However, because of the high status it also has, women will almost expect you to hit on them – the key is to actually do it, and eventually get comfortable with it. If you’ve been around any type of game so far, you know that being honest about your intentions with women is the best way to get them… when you flip-flop and dance around what it is you want, you will get friendzoned. You must step into the role of a bad boy.
- Many women will consider you “unattainable” because BW will project all the best qualities about you, and suppress the bad… this in turn will intimidate most women, especially average to unattractive ones (and even some that are attractive, but lack confidence). I have women become catty over me at a party (and one interesting case where an ex tried to bad mouth me to her friends – fortunately I am better friends with the people who hosted this party). Be ready for some freaky weird behavior from women. Make sure to try and make the women feel at ease around you, and will open doors – tease and be playful!
- Get ready to be thrown into the deep end when it comes to “situations” with women… it’s simply unbelievable how well it will work once you get the hang of it. Women will give strong eye contact (on the level of Aqua Vitae), giggle and laugh at dumb things you say, touch you sensually, tease you, and give you cute smiles. In fact, these start to become regular occurrences in your everyday life once you’ve really given the tune up your personality needs with Bad Wolf.
- To add on to the above point – I originally thought I might have had my t-shirt on backwards or something because of all the eye contact I was receiving… however, I later realized that it was just the strong attraction properties of Bad Wolf at work. I already knew eye contact is a serious indicator of interest, but it’s like these women wouldn’t leave me alone until I talked to them! So keep calm, flirt, and do your thang 🙂
- Bad Wolf will make you push harder to go out and meet women, accomplish personal and professional goals, and become who YOU want to be – in other words, it’s pure MOTIVATION… and I personally think that this is where a lot of guys experience the most resistance when it comes to truly “accepting” the Bad Wolf signature. Why? Because most guys simply aren’t like the guys who go out and conquer the tasks before them… the ones that go looking for women, build empires and make money… they’re just living paycheck to paycheck hoping for a miracle. If you know me, I am always pushing myself as hard as I can, in every area of my life – and encourage my friends to do so as well. Bad Wolf will make you someone others look up to.
- You will speak much more articulately, and with more charisma and enthusiasm… I don’t know why this happens with certain pheromones for men, but I really do like it. It seems to help me organize thoughts in my head, and therefore gives me a substantial improvement in my speaking ability. Remember, having great communication skills is VITAL for achieving just about anything in life… whether its success with women, getting noticed at your work, professional life, persuasion in business – it will make it a breeze to navigate socially.
- You will have to test for your sweet spot individually to get the MAXIMUM benefit – for me, it’s 2 drops… however, I start with just 1. At this dose, I received some excellent self effects and effects on others – from improved mood and confidence, respect, attraction… but when I moved up to 2 drops, I realized that I needed to become a bit more charming and socially aware to drive it as it was meant to be. THAT is where Bad Wolf pushes you to to be “more” than what you are, and will get the most personal growth. When it gets easy to manage, that’s when you can add another drop 🙂 The frustration you might experience will make you a much stronger individual.
- And finally the big kahuna… SELF EFFECTS OF BAD WOLF: Like I said in my point above, 1 drop got me some great results… however, it wasn’t until i started pushing the dose up that it became uncomfortable and I was forced to adapt. The personal growth I was experiencing lead me to become even more extroverted, a great mood (because of all the things I was and am accomplishing), being at ease even in stressful situations. When it came to seduction, I was much more comfortable around hot/model women, and being more direct with my flirting and innuendos, and being “THE” life of the party. Bad Wolf is some serious pheromone sorcery. Its magnetic properties have powerful effects on men and women, which you really need to experience atleast once!
If you’re not ready to become the BIG, BAD, WOLF… then do not buy this product.
Have you ever heard the saying, “you become what you think about the most?”.
What that means is that if you focus on how you’re not getting anywhere in life, struggle with women, money, social skills…
Whatever it is… you will ALWAYS be stuck being that person.
Why would you want to do that?
Bad Wolf was designed to push you to your mental limits and exert yourself on the world with power and strength, and help you accomplish your goals. That’s why it’s one of the top pheromone cologne products in my arsenal.
It will change you into a more confident, motivated, social, friendly, attractive BEAST!
Once the discomfort of adopting this new pheromone signature goes away, you’ll experience profound changes in how you deal with things in your everyday life.
… it takes some effort, persistence, and motivation.
And if you’re willing to put the time and effort in, then you will reap the rewards many, many times over as I have. Be the “action man” who goes out and gets what he wants!
Frankly, living an “average” life is just not on the cards for me, and I hope it isn’t for you either.
Bad Wolf is a fantastic product... when you know what you're doing. I've taken weeks to write this comprehensive review, and it's because its taken a long time to really figure it out. With Bad Wolf, the goal is to become MORE than what you already are - in all areas of your life. It will show you what's blocking you, because you'll be more motivated to push through obstacles that are stopping you. You'll notice a deep drive to get things done, approach more women, and achieve more in less time. It's a one of a kind product. Highly recommended for the go-getters who wants the money and girls, and everything else that's good in this world! Bad Wolf by Liquid Alchemy Labs - Final Review
Self Effects
"Wolf" on steroids!
Thank you for reading.
- PheroJoe
P.S. Remember, Liquid Alchemy Labs provides a full, indefinite money back guarantee if it doesn’t work for you (and I’m sure it will)… I believe someone returned a product over a year later and Garry still refunded the money. Worst case scenario – if it doesn’t work or suit you, send it back. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Fair warning though – it can take some time to figure out. You won’t have to spend months like the ridiculous 10x pheromone product, but it can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks depending on your experience level. Either way, the personal wins with BW are truly life-changing!
Get your bottle of Bad Wolf by Liquid Alchemy Labs here.
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What are the main differences between Wolf and Bad Wolf?
Hi Davis,
Wolf is a product much more suited to professional/social situations because it comes off a lot friendlier. While it is attractive (and specifically to younger women), it doesn’t have a “hard” edge like Bad Wolf. Bad Wolf is more suited towards attraction, very high status alpha signatures (which can sometimes intimidate), and creating a huge presence that can be overwhelming to women sometimes. They are both excellent products, just more suited for different purposes. I would not wear BW to work or in situations where there is some level of delicacy required like a doctors office, the lawyers, or where you don’t want to be perceived as up yourself lol.
Hi Joe,
I’m a totally newbie of the pheromones world and ready to take BW as my first product. But after reading your comment above, that you would not wear BW to work.. it makes me re-think of it, as i spend most of my time at work. Can you explain why, or do you have any suggestion for the newbie here.
Hi Adrian, I will be doing a small revision on that part. Bad Wolf is fine to wear to work if you know what you’re doing with the product (drive it as intended), be friendly, be charismatic, etc. However, if you are in a delicate high powered position such as a doctor or nurse (or any profession where there is some discretion required), then you might want to use it with caution. For most workplaces, it would be fine 🙂
Is 2 drops really enough with the euro dropper? I’ve read positive BW reviews with dosages up to 6 drops.
Hey Rick,
That’s my own sweet spot. As I advise for most products, this can vary quite a bit. Using more than 3 drops for me makes me feel a little jittery and the energy boost it provides turns into a sort of anxious feeling. However, feel free to experiment, that’s what ‘mones are all about!
Hi…Are you any closer to find a company to handle your account?….Also, Is the “Bad Wolf” being sold on Amazon the real stuff?
Hi Richard,
I am not an actual vendor, I simply review the products that other vendors create. Unfortunately, Garry (founder of LAL), looks like he is still having some issues with his merchant and getting set up correctly so it may be a little longer until things are back to normal. I don’t buy stuff from Amazon so I would be able to tell you, but I would recommend buying directly from the LAL store just to be on the safe side (I suppose it will make things a lot easier in terms of tracking your purchase in terms of getting refunds or exchanges when you need it). Thank you for your patience 🙂
Hi. I am new hear I am 25 yrs I loved one girl but she rejected me which pheronomes to rake
Not sure what you’re asking buddy… if you’re trying to change her mind, Bad Wolf + XiSt is a very good combo.
Hi joe, I was just wondering if this site is still up for advice? I’ve never tried pheros before but am thinking of joining in the fun. 🙂 thanks. Baz.
Hi Baza,
Sorry about the late one. Yes, House Of Pheromones is still available for advice 🙂 If you are looking for pheromone products for a specific situation just leave a comment, however my personal top picks for pheromone products are on this list (organized by type), which might be helpful if you’re just getting started.
Hey Joe!
I finally received my Bad Wolf, it took almost a month for it to come. But that is okay considering the Christmas time.
As I stated before, I only have a few months experience with pheromones (AV, Voodoo). But I thought what the heck, let’s dive into the wolfs nest.
Do you have any final advice you might not had written into your blog. I assume you are more experienced with Bad Wolf now, then before you wrote your blog.
Ohh.. and Happy New Year!
I got my Bad Wolf in the mail early this morning and I put on 3 drops and feel amazing.
I don’t feel like i’m in a panic or intimidated. My body language is strong and direct without my ego getting in the way (You here that quite a few times on the forums. Many guys get into near altercations because the stuff makes them feel like an mma fighter when in fact, they aren’t.)
I’ve noticed through out the day younger people would feel intimidated around me and others my age would give some noticeable respect. One thing you absolutely have to do is keep a friendly persona. I didn’t have a problem with this but I could see many others having a problem.
Anyways, Joe thanks for writing this. I picked up Bad Wolf because of this article.
I am really interested in trying your product. I am a forty five year old man looking to have a little excitement in my life, that’s all ,nothing else.
Hi Andrew,
Pheromones can definitely help you do that. Just note that it isn’t “my” product, it is a review on a product that is available from Liquid Alchemy Labs 🙂 If you’re looking for a fun challenge, mastering Bad Wolf is a great product. It will be fun in that it can bring out a completely new and interesting side, put you in sexual situations, and make people feel enamored with your presence.
Hey Joe,
I recently commented on this page regarding Bad Wolf and was talking about how great I felt.
Funny enough, I now can only handle 1 drop instead of 4. This happened about 3 days of 4 drops per-day. I find it odd that my body would reject it after feeling so good.
Do you know why this would happen?
Hi Jon, your body may have become adjusted to the signature, and started producing more pheromones naturally. This can happen especially with strong products like BW… if you’re finding 1 drop works well, stick with that. Cheers
Where is the difference between Bad Wolf + xist and Bad Wolf + Grail of Affection? And will these combos lose BW effects?
Hi Napoleon,
BW + XiSt works fantastically because it keeps both products properties. The status elevation/alpha-ness of BW, and XiSt’s more playful and flirty vibe mesh together well and seem to both amplify eachothers effects (which makes it particularly useful for escaping friendzone or speeding up the “reset” effect – which causes fallout).
BW + GoA is similar, but more on the “romantic” side of things. It has a more dominant presence due to BW in the combo, but GoA’s crushy/imprinting effects can be difficult to balance (it’s different for everyone). I’ve used 2 drops of each with good results, although I feel GoA’s has powerful properties don’t mesh quite as well as XiSt does.
Hello i contacted Garry and he says that a person could use up to 25 drops in a party or any other high energy event. What is your opinion on this?
Hi Jordan,
I haven’t experimented with extreme doses, but I personally think it becomes redundant at that point. Who knows, maybe we are only scratching the surface with 1-3 drop guidelines! I will be game if I go to a party and don’t know anyone there and will email about it when I do 🙂
does anyone know if the Bad Wolf offered by
is the real stuff? They even have a review from PhreroJoe on their website.thank you,
Sir Black Tea
Hi SirBlackTea,
I haven’t heard of this company before, so I would have to check with my vendors if they are a legit distributor. Also, I did not leave those reviews on their website, they simply copied what I said and pasted it there without my permission, which is already off to a bad start.
Would Bad Wolf + L2k be considered a good combination–particularly in a few college a lecture “theater” in desert heat(Arizona)? Or is there a better combo when considering a Alpha + a Sexual product?
Hi Christian,
I would avoid mixing L2K with most other products, because it is optimized for a very specific result. It’s a complicated product with a lot of pheromones, and mixing it is just a terrible idea (I’ve tried combos, it works better alone). At the very most, I would use it with androsterone sodium sulfate (available from PheromoneXS in the single pheromones tab).
Understood, thank you for the quick response.
HI Joe,
With Bad Wolf, how many drops can Hispanic guys wear? How many drops can Indian guys wear?
Kind regards
Hi Jim,
It varies for everyone, but I would recommend starting with just 1 drop and if you have positive effects, move up to 2. Sometimes, even 2 drops can be a little overwhelming, but the idea with BW is to push yourself to fit into the vibe BW is projecting. Over time, you will adopt the BW signature, and you will be more charismatic, confident, assertive, and attractive.
Are you familiar with Jason Capital’s “High Status” program? it almost seems like it would make a good guide for consciously working on adopting the behaviors that the BW’s signature implies about the wearer. Thoughts?
I have not heard of that, but last I heard Jason Capital was in some deep shit for pulling some scams recently. Anyway, yes you can use BW for this purpose if you like (for developing charisma, confidence, focus, etc).
Hey Joe
I have one quick question can you mix Bad Wolf + Nude Alpha together and if so how long do the effects last
Hi Nate, I tested this only a handful of times. I felt like they are both far too conflicting products to get the best of both of them, and it is also hard to balance that raw alpha feeling with the calming effects of NA. However, it can work 🙂 Just give it a try if you really want to know. Worst case scenario is you end up with 2 killer products. Cheers!
HI Joe, i recently purchased BW but was wondering if it would be a good combo with Casanova or M3X. I am a 20 year old uni student who just got out of a serious relationship and isn’t looking for anything serious, just casual hookups. Thanks a lot in advance
Hi Alex, Bad Wolf would be great for your purpose — however, if you are new to pheromones I would suggest something like The Hookup or even Alpha Q, as they are much more user friendly and still deliver some potent pheromone power to women.
Hi joe
Could you mix bad wolf with Aqua Vitae and max t 150 to get maximum attraction from a girl who is playing hard to get?
And if so what ratios of product would you use.
Hi Raj, maxT-150 is a personal pheromone product, it has copulins in it because it increases testosterone in men. It is not detected by other people as it has a very short diffusion range (it will only stay very close to your nose). I would suggest Alpha Q or Alpha Maschio for short/mid term attraction products. Aqua Vitae is very very good at getting attention, but it can also be difficult to escalate that attraction if you are new to pheromones. Please look at the reviews for the other 2 products I recommended, I think they may be better suited for your purpose.
Tha best pheromone formula I ever use. LAL is beyond my go to. An IV been leveling up wit BAD WOLF ever since. Mr Nelson is a genius. I’m a customer for life. An Joe thanks for the insight on pheromones you an Mr Nelson change my life for the best. GET BADWOLF AN BE COME A GOD
I’ve been using Bad Wolf for 5-6 months now, unfortunately pheromones I spent less than half the amount on work better than this
Hi Arash,
That’s unfortunate, BW tends to work very well for most people. However, I have heard of people not getting the expected results. This could be due to a lot of things, such as a personality clash, not being ideal for your skin chemistry, etc. If you’re not getting the results you want, I would definitely keep it to the side for now, as it can make for a great combo mix as well. And if you haven’t already, I would definitely suggest micro-dosing, as well as using 5-6+ drops, as some people seem to be having crazy results that way (from what I get in my emails). It all comes down to your best personal doses.
Hello, Phero Joe.
I have a simple question regards use of pheromones. What is advisable to wear. Scented or unscented pheromones? Because I read that you adviced BW +Xist. Now if they both come scented(in different scents) that will crash with each other,right?
Hi Shah, I typically prefer to get scented because the scents are not crazy strong anyway. If you want to cover them with another cologne, you can do it quite easily without any negative consequences. However, if you are ordering from the same vendor with the intention to combine them, then make sure to order it all in the same scent otherwise you’ll just smell like a whole mess.
Hi PJ. What are your recommended doses of BW XIST? I know you stated you like 2 drops BW.. I find 2 drops BW to be optimum for me at this time.. How much XIST should I add? I have the spray only. cheers.
Hi Adrian, my doses have changed slightly in the past 2 years or so. I find 1 spray BW and 2 drops of XiSt OIL (+ cover scent) makes for a killer combo.
Hello phero joe I bought the bad wolf tester my Question is does the tester deliver magnificent results or only the original bottle
Hi Beast, use a few drops of the tester and find out yourself 🙂
What do you think of a Bad Wolf + GOA combo? The target once had some feelings for me or possibly a crush, it was confirmed by her in the past. However, I may have came across as too clingy at one point and probably ruined my chances. Would that be a good combo to get back into it and also establish some imprinting?
Hi Bookie, I would recommend just sticking with the Bad Wolf and then adding GOA at a later time to deepen feelings again. Cheers, Joe.
Well, I’d have to say this stuff has just been nonsense for me. I’m not some totally awkward introvert that would consider someone getting into a conversation with me or looking in my direction or even smiling a “but”. That happens anyway.
I’m tall, handsome, styling, well groomed, with a deep voice and conversational skills are part of what I do for a living.
So with all the hype on forums about how incredible this stuff is supposed to be, I expected a little more while wearing it than how my normal life is ordinarily.
I’ve noticed no change in people’s responses to me whatsoever, even at 20 drops.
I finally lost my more than half full bottle, and feel no inclination to get more. It’s just a silly product that did nothing to enhance my interactions. I’ll stick to making my own.
Did you try any other products? I wouldn’t be so quick to write them off. It’s known that some vendor product lines are just not great for some people, whereas for others they may work incredibly well. Skin chemistry and natural pheromones also work together with these products.