SOB-XS is the REAL “instant jerk”. Its designed to attract women by pushing the SAME emotional “hot buttons” that make women go crazy over these types of men (without actually being one)…
Let’s be honest – we’ve all been there…
… We’ve watched absolute wankers get their pick of the sexiest women, and take them home, date them, and other “activities” – while we’ve wondered what their “big secret” is.
Is it really just to be rude, inconsiderate, and plain assholish for no reason?
Is that why women seem to gravitate towards them, and feel uncontrollable desire to have them?
We’ve talked about this before, but no.
You don’t really have to be that dick-ish, immature guy in order to attract women (unless you want to attract women that’ll ruin your life).
All you need to do is develop some of those “qualities” that make them so attractive to women in the first place…
… and that doesn’t include behaving like a turd in order to attract them.
In fact, most women are only highly attracted to “jerks” and bad boys because they push their EMOTIONAL buttons.
(this article on fallout covers why this “bad boy” behavior is so attractive in the first place – it is a MUST READ for understanding this review).
Long story short, there is a huge laundry list of behaviors that “jerks” have that seem to attract women from every part of the spectrum…
Some of those things include:
- Being unpredictable, spontaneous, and FUN
- Not being “Mr. Agreeable” all the time
- High perceived social status, being “scarce”
- Being “wanted” by many women to create jealousy and other feelings
- Hot/cold behavior, attraction then taking it away, etc
There is a lot more – and again, I strongly recommend you read this article.
You will gain a much deeper understanding of what’s REALLY happening in women’s heads when you try to understand their fascination with “bad” men.
The cool thing about SOB-XS is that it’s a “shortcut” to possessing these highly attractive personality traits. Mysterious, alluring, somehow detached, yet sexual.
Now that you’ve read the article I linked above, let’s talk about the actual product.
I actually was NOT impressed with the SPRAY version of the product.
However, the OIL version worked much better with my body chemistry, and I had significantly better interactions, self effects, and attraction from the oil.
I had the same issue when I was initially testing Evolve-XS, where the oil version seemed far more natural and “synergistic” with my natural pheromone signature.
… the oils simply work better for me personally (and that’s what I’m basing my review on).
Anyway, let’s talk about the effects of SOB-XS.
The attraction elements of the product are wide and varied. But the most noticeable effect?
Attraction from “bad” women …
Let me explain:
Women who go to nightclubs and dance sexually for attention, have “attitude”, and act like they’re BETTER than you. Those are the women SOB-XS seems to attract (mostly)…
As I mentioned at the very beginning of this review, SOB-XS is definitely not for everyone.
Yes… some of these women are very attractive.
But at the same time, they will waste your time and energy. And if you fall for their bullshit, they’ll waste your money too.
The type of women it attracts, and also how you come across can change this a LOT.
For me, it seems to be about 3 groups:
- SOB-XS seems to attract women who WANT to be treated like shit, be “played”, and want drama… however, these women are usually in their mid to late 20’s. They usually don’t have their lives together, seem to have “daddy issues” (like not being able to connect emotionally to men), and make a big deal out of small issues. These women also tend to want someone to fix their problems. SOB-XS seems to be a magnet for the crazy women – it’s not ALWAYS the worst of the bunch, but it just seems to hit these women the hardest.
- Seems to attract women who are only after the “emotional thrill ride”… as stated in the article about fallout, this is exactly the quality that makes women go gaga over the REAL “jerks”. They offer excitement, honesty, fun, sexual experiences… these women can be very attractive, but they can also rip your heart out (and probably will). They will leave you without a second thought, the moment they get “bored” or someone they perceive as “better” than you comes along.
- Women in their 30’s-40’s, who are much more “normal” … these women are outside of my usual age range that I would consider, because it just feels a bit weird to me. With that said, SOB-XS hits women HARD in this age range, and I’ve had my fair share of experiences with “cougars”… if you are an older gentleman, this would be a very good sexual attraction product, as it conveys the vibe of someone who’s in control, not going to get attached, but will still give them the thrills they’re chasing.
That said, SOB-XS is useful, but I do not use it often because it attracts dramatic (and sometimes crazy) women…
Let’s be honest – when we’re out on the town, we’re not all looking for that special someone to build a life together.
I have been studying attraction for a while now, so I know a thing or 2 about being “spontaneous” and having that “bad boy” swagger that women seem to find so attractive.
That’s why it’s very important to note that your results MAY be different…
… because SOB-XS seems to “mold” itself around your personality, rather than change who you are.
That means it is a product that requires very little steering, but if you DO steer it, can change your results dramatically.
Personally, I think SOB-XS is fantastic, but it pushes my personality way too far over the edge…
I am already someone who cuts to the chase with people, asserts leadership, and generally tries to take the lead in my life and with people.
With SOB-XS, I found it very easy to get carried away with my sense of “power” over women.
… and to be honest, this just seemed to “push” things a little too far with a lot of women – except for most of the “bad apples”.
… The women I talked about earlier, who are dramatic, have daddy issues, want to be controlled, etc.
A LOT of women may find you repulsive, overly dominant, too sexual, inappropriate, or intimidating. But for those few “bad” women, SOB-XS’s dark aura is supremely attractive…
Now let’s talk about what exactly causes this type of attraction… there seems to be “multi layered” effects happening all at once when you use SOB-XS.
As you know by now, women are excited by bad boys, because they are exciting, spontaneous… and could care less about the woman’s “feelings.
They just DO NOT CARE.
SOB-XS can come off slightly arrogant, has intrigue, and spontaneous elements that seem to “layer” on top of your natural personality… which can emulate those attractive “jerk” traits perfectly.
SOB-XS works by amplifying and layering your vibe, by adding elements of excitement, intrigue, mysteriousness, sexual prowess… all at the same time.
This dark “confidence” and aura that surrounds you seems to make women experience a RANGE of emotions which gets them HOOKED…
And a “range of emotions” is exactly the type of behavior that “bad boys” and jerks have, that makes them so attractive in the first place.
Like I said before, SOB-XS wont turn you into a raging jerk.
But it will add a significant amount of intrigue to your personality…
And with the addition of “copulins” , this also seems to trigger very specific personality types in women.
They will either HATE you, or they will LOVE you… there seems to be very little in between.
(By the way, “copulins” are female hormones that acts like a pheromone – which can give the impression that you recently got laid).
If you are trying to attract women who seem to fall for the “bad boys”, then SOB-XS is an excellent choice.
There are women who out there who simply don’t respond to men unless they are an EXTREME alpha/domineering type of character…
That’s what the appeal of the product is.
And although it can be a massive turn off for most “normal” women, the women who DO respond, can become very attached to you in RECORD time.
However, SOB-XS is a seduction product – and if you only use it for those purposes, you are pretty safe (just don’t let these women know where you live if possible).
And even if you consider yourself a “nice guy”, it can still add exciting dynamics and “bad boy” elements to your natural personality which women find attractive.
And the nicer you actually are, the better it is perceived by most women.
It won’t necessarily turn you into a raging asshole.
But if your natural personality leans in that direction, it will only exaggerate those those qualities.
As a pheromone tester, it’s important to give my own perspective and results on the product, as well as how it will affect different personality types.
That’s why I deliberately “changed” my personality, to see what kind of effects it had.
For example, I wouldn’t “speak up” in group situations, I let women do most of the talking (rather than me trying to drive the product), and even let women “take the lead” sometimes…
Surprisingly, SOB-XS still projected a mysterious, dark, but intriguing aura which is very attractive (like I said, it kind of “tunes itself” to your natural personality).
This made it far more attractive to a broader spectrum of women.
… by toning down my natural outgoingness/assertiveness, it became much more clear what the purpose of the product is.
It gives you intrigue, a “sexual energy” that lurks under the surface, excitement that women find attractive…
At the same time, I felt that it was TOO powerful for my natural personality.
Being prone to self effects, SOB-XS made me a little over-bearing, talkative, focused and “business like” in my interactions with people (which can be a good thing, but you need to keep it under control)…
All in all, SOB-XS is definitely an interesting product that appeals to certain types of women… if you’re just looking for “fun”, then it’s a great tool for your arsenal.
I could talk about the effects of SOB-XS all day, and how it personally affects me – but that isn’t going to help you, because nobody is you-er than you.
Yes, I just ripped that off Dr. Seuss… but it has a point.
SOB-XS is one of those rare pheromone products that will morph into something different for everybody.
For some, it may be a god-send, and for others, it may have come from the depths of hell.
It’s one of the most polarizing mixes I’ve used to date… and I only use it for very special cases – where I will be around women who I KNOW are into those “jerks” and always seem to have a complaint about them (NEVER try to be the “shoulder to cry on”, unless you like being a sissy that caters to women).
Anyway, let’s wrap this up with a summary.
Summary of effects for SOB-XS by PheromoneXS
- SOB-XS seems to make women experience a range of emotions – happy, sad, angry, love, hate in a very small amount of time (which is the KEY behind why “bad boys” are so attractive)… it is also a key element of creating “fallout” – and although that’s not the purpose of the product, it makes for an excellent “carrot on a stick”… let’s be honest – some women have guys chasing them all day every day. It’s not often when someone who “challenges” them comes along, and makes them feel all types of emotions, which is particularly attractive to women who are attracted to players, bad boys, and the “jerk” crowd.
- SOB-XS is a seduction product that will give an exciting, spontaneous, alluring vibe (and sexual prowess which “lurks” under the surface)… this all combined creates somewhat of a “dark” aura around you. A lot of women can find this extremely intimidating, and may even find you repulsive if you are already “alpha” or outgoing… but for those few women that DO find it attractive, they are easy pickings for getting laid.
- Signs of SOB-XS working is when you notice women giving you those “knowing” bedroom eyes, touching, laughing, flirting… and everything you get with most attraction products. But AMPLIFIED. Even though SOB-XS seems to attract a smaller group women than most products, the ones that are attracted to it, seem to be extremely attracted. A little escalation can go a long, long way… touching can turn to caressing and that can turn to foreplay and so on.
- SOB-XS morphs around your “natural” personality, and may give you slightly different effects from what I’ve described here… it will also change the type of women who find you attractive. For me, the women who find SOB-XS attractive seem to be the ones who are attracted to players, and want drama in their lives… and while they can be extremely attractive, they can also be very cunning and take advantage of you if you don’t know what you’re doing. It’s also a magnet for older women (30+).
- Women seem to TRUST you very quickly, and some women are just waiting for you to take control over them… like I said, the type of women SOB-XS attracts for me are the ones who seem to have emotional problems/daddy issues, that’s why they tend to seek out “bad boys” who will treat them like shit. This is VERY good news – but only if you are using these women for hook ups.
- WARNING: Do NOT trust these women in relationships or get emotionally involved… carrying on from the above bullet point: this only applies if you seem to attract these types of women in first place. If you detect that these women are an easy hook up, by all means go for it – but I strongly recommend you don’t get involved emotionally, because they will bail if things get too “serious” in that department.
- Women seem to either have a HUGE amount of attraction for you, or they just don’t like you at all (most likely due to copulins and giving off a “high value” or “scarce” vibe)… as I mentioned before, copulins can give the impression that you’ve recently had sex with a woman, and give off a player vibe. This is why it can be such a polarizing product… it’s either love or hate, not really much in between. For some women, the fact that you’re “wanted” by other females is the sign of a high value male – and this puts you on an automatic pedestal. For other women, it may make you seem sleazy, or “out of reach”.
- Women over 30 find this EXTREMELY attractive (they’re not in my age range, but I have had sexual interactions with a few, and flirted with a lot more)… these women are more experienced in life and sexual relationships, and are far more likely to fall for the SOB charms. The women in my age range sometimes do find it attractive, but as I’ve mentioned before, they’re the ones I avoid these days.
- Self effects include: GRANDIOSE sense of confidence, talkativeness, feeling more focused and “manly”, feeling like I have control over myself and others… personally, these effects were a bit TOO stimulating for me for it to be an everyday product, because I am naturally confident and assertive. I have leadership skills and speak out – SOB-XS seemed to push things over the edge, into borderline “asshole” territory. However, for some people these effects can be very positive. I have a few friends that I trust to test them, and I could tell the difference between when they were wearing them or not – they seemed more articulate, had better body language, had a stronger tone in their voices, and other noticeable improvements.
- Suitable for younger men wanting to attract “club rats”, party girls, women who may be attractive but have “emotional issues”… again, I don’t recommend going after these women for relationships, but SOB-XS is a great tool for projecting that “jerk” vibe that these specific types of women find attractive. If you want to attract a more “normal” girl for a hookup, I would recommend XiSt, The Hookup, or L2K.
- Highly recommended for men looking for older women (30-40+) as this age group seems to find it the most attractive… I am 25 at the moment, so these women are usually not on my radar. However, attraction is blatantly obvious when I do talk to older women… they are a lot more up front, and will make it clear that they want action with how they behave. Especially since SOB-XS seems to project all the right things for a hookup. Where the aggressiveness and “player” vibe might scare a lot of younger women off, older women seem to welcome it.
- WARNING: SOB-XS is HEAVY on the pheromones and can smell very, very bad (easily fixed though)… this product is definitely potent, but you will NEED a cover scent. I highly recommend the EDP 1 Million by Paco Rabanne, as that stuff will cover just anything. You are free to choose whatever you like though, I just recommend this one because it’s strong and a lot of women like it (not a fragrance connoisseur by any means).
SOB-XS works by adding something of a "layer" on top of your natural personality. It adds intrigue, mysteriousness, spontaneous-ness, and a "sexual" element that makes women want to try and figure your out... in fact, it adds many of the qualities of what makes "jerks" so attractive to women, without actually making you a jerk. This is a product that seems to attract women that have a lot of guys chasing after them, but they only go after men who have a lot of options (because they like drama)... yup - the women who will chase after jerks and then complain about them to the "nice guy"! Moral of the story is... don't be the nice guy, be the jerk that women love in the first place. SOB-XS is a fantastic overall product, but only if you're after specific women who seem to gravitate towards "bad boys" or jerks... a lot of women might find it offensive, but it can be a great "filter" to find women that are MOST attracted to you. SOB-XS by PheromoneXS - Final Summary
Alpha (high status respectable)
Sexual (seems to
Magnetism (mysterious and intriguing)
Social effects (makes women try to
Effects on men (can make some men competitive)
The REAL "Instant Jerk"
Final thoughts on SOB-XS by PheromoneXS
SOB-XS is definitely a “heavy hitter” in the seduction department. It’s mysterious, “dark” aura, with sexual elements seems to fascinate specific types of women (the MOST interested in you), while it turns off women who are on the fence, or wouldn’t be interested anyway.
Yes, it can sometimes come off in a “jerk” way, but some women do not respond to any other vibe.
… they are the women who are attracted to bad boys, attract drama to themselves, and then complain to their “nice guy” friends about (who of course never have sex with these women).
… DON’T be that shoulder to cry on! SOB-XS will make YOU that “jerk women love”!
I used to be one of them.
I used to crush on women hard, thinking that they would eventually “feel” my love for them, and would some day return the same affection for me.
You know what happened?
After pining over her for a year, I heard through the grapevine that she had a gang bang with 3 guys at a party.
That absolutely destroyed me, even though she wasn’t a girlfriend (she did know I was interested in her though).
From then on, I have never been one to pine over a woman… because they will simply screw with your mind if you AREN’T that alpha/sexual and “in control” guy.
The guy that SOB-XS projects perfectly.
It won’t instantly change you, but it gives you exciting elements that women find attractive about those guys.
You don’t have to truly BE the “SOB”, but it will help you tremendously if you’re interested in this particular archetype of women.
All you need to do is get some of those exciting elements and add them to your “natural” self.
Use pheromones and your game wisely, and reap the rewards my friend.
Thanks for reading,
- PheroJoe
P.S. Remember, PheromoneXS has full 45 day “money back guarantee”… if for any reason you’re not happy with the product, or it simply doesn’t match your personality, you can get every red cent back with no hassles, no hoops to jump through, and NO QUESTIONS ASKED. I’m sure you won’t need it anyway, but it’s great to have that extra peace of mind… SteveO is one of the most highly trusted vendors in the pheromone space.
Click here to order SOB-XS today, at ZERO risk to you.
P.P.S. One more thing, before using SOB-XS, make damn well sure that you know what you’re doing with women… you don’t need to “drive” this product as much as many others, but it also hits women very hard – some of them WILL act very sexual with you right off the bat, whereas other women may find you sleazy and reject you (harshly sometimes). SOB-XS is an “over the top” product and loads of fun… but be sure to use it in an appropriate place, and with appropriate targets!
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- Heaux Cosmetics Review: Overhyped, Overpriced Pheromone Products - October 22, 2023
- The Fascinating Female Pheromone Effects On Males (Powerful Attraction) - October 21, 2023
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I am mathew.I had a lot of friends ( GIRL FRIENDS) but they look me as a friend only .If i talk about marriage they will escape because they are friends only but i like to marry one of them
which pheromone product or combination of pheromones is good for friendship destroyer and to marry one of them
Hi Mathew,
You can definitely turn friends into girlfriends, but you will need to make a few changes as well as select the best product for your situation. XiSt and Escape the Friendzone by Pheromone Treasures are both excellent choices. I also recommend reading this article about escaping friendzone.
On their website, when ordering SOB-XS, what cover scent should I select from them to add to the pheremone ?
Hi Raph,
You can choose any scent you want, it doesn’t make a difference to the product effectiveness. I personally like Vanilla and FXS.
How will SOB and ALFA MASCHIO when used together ?
Hi Hardy,
These are both very “alpha” and sexual products, I would not suggest using this combo.
Thanks for your advise ill try Sob + XiSt then I should be a cool mix !
How a bout SOB and L2K , is that ok ?
Hi Hardy,
SOB and L2K are both complicated products, I wouldn’t personally recommend mixing anything with L2K (apart from perhaps molecule A from PheromoneXS) to give it a more positive spin if the negative vibes start to affect you too much.
Do you think using a light dose of SOB along with a regular dose of Xist and Cohesion would work well as something for both quick sexual build up but also some long term imprinting?
Hi SteveO,
SOB with XiSt makes for an excellent combo, it definitely gives it a more sexual kick and also adds to the “intrigue” of the overall pheromone signature. However, I would avoid also trying to add in Cohesion. Although it has a sexual edge, it is mainly designed as a bonding tool (hence the name), but since it contains DHEA it can interfere a little with the effects of the other pheromones. It will work, but it is just a complication in an otherwise excellent combo.
I’d personally rather here about post use verses prior to. I’ve purchased products before one even had a repulsive odor i was told . Some actually seem to permeate and come out if you dance get hot and so on . I want something fool proof .
Hi Garry, pheromones at their very core are going to smell like sweat. The stronger the pheromone product is, the stronger the odor will be, however they are generally covered quite well with a scent (unless of course you order unscented products). Some people are also particularly sensitive to certain pheromones, and you may be one of them if it bothers you that much.
What are your thoughts on combining BW + SOB (and perhaps throwing in AV and Core in there as well)?
Would that be a good mix and what exactly do you believe I would be projecting?
I would not recommend mixing BW + SOB because they are both within the same categories of products. You’re bound to have OD effects or just get ignored completely with this amount of alpha/aggressive type pheromones emanating from you.
What ist the differenz between Sob and AM, Bad wolf, AV in the categorie:
-Badboy self-effect
Which this 4 Mones is the best for beginner? I mean with beginner not eneugh sozial and alpha.
Hi Mert, these are all different products and have different overall “vibes”… in each review I try to cover what each of them does, and how the effects work on women. It depends on your personality. All the mones you listed will still work for you, but some just may take a bit longer to figure out how they work.
Hi, how many drops do you apply?
2-3 works best for me!
Is the combo of true instinct and swoon a good match? True love and swoon? Goa and swoon? Can you use true alpha with any? All oils and I work with some women but I’m not really going for relationships main reactions and fun except a few lol. I’ve noticed a dash of “copulins of true essence ” with true instinct gets a lot of smiles.
Hey,, yes these combos should work in theory but definitely best to try one drop at a time from each to test for best results.