Liquid Trust (Oxytocin) by Vero Labs (sold by Love Scent & Amazon) is an “old time” pheromone product that has stood the test of time, and is still available to this day.
As far as I remember, it’s been around since around or before 2010 — so it has definitely aged.
The question is – how does it stack up with the excellent selection of vendors and pheromone colognes we have available today?
And was/is Liquid Trust pheromones just a gimmicky marketing ploy?
Or did it actually work?
This one’s a bit of a doozy as you’ll find in the next few minutes.
But before we get into my personal results, it’s always interesting to see what the vendor’s have to say about it.
Here is what Love Scent has to say about it (I believe they own Vero Labs, the manufacturer):
Liquid Trust is a unique product in our catalog.
It contains a special social pheromone not found in most pheromone products.
The social pheromone in Liquid Trust plays a large role in all kinds of human behavior. It helps build trust between friends and family members, promotes social bonding, and enhances positive emotions in social and sexual interactions. It can also reduce stress and alleviate anxiety.
Liquid Trust is especially popular among salespeople, because it creates an atmosphere of trustworthiness between them and their clients. It’s also popular as a romantic attractant, and as an all-purpose social pheromone for your professional and personal life. Many people also use it purely for its relaxing, anxiety-reducing self-effects!
Unlike most unscented pheromones, Liquid Trust requires no cover scent! This makes it the ideal choice for people who are sensitive to fragrances, or who need a pheromone that does not require additional perfume or cologne.
Apply Liquid Trust to the wrists and around the neck for best results. It can safely be applied to skin and some fabrics.
Liquid Trust comes in a 1/4 oz spray bottle.
Note: You may receive a bottle with either a silver cap or a black cap. Both contain the same excellent Liquid Trust formula!
What is the mysterious pheromone in Liquid Trust?
Trust is very important – that’s why I dislike marketing videos like this:
I doubt the manufacturer themselves did this shady piece, but getting back to the point…
The “pheromone”, they are talking about is Liquid Trust oxytocin – which is technically not a pheromone.
The first thing to note, is that pheromones are typically androgens, meaning they are a derivative of testosterone from inside to outside the body. They are “ectohormones” – and they all typically have very light molecular weights of around 300 g/mol (don’t worry if you don’t understand this).
Oxytocin on the other hand, has a molecular weight of 1007.19!
That’s more than 3 times the weight of your “normal” pheromone like androstenone, which has a molecular weight of just 272.425 g/mol.
This means that this molecule would barely become “airborne”, making the product completely ineffective as an actual pheromone product (but there is a very interesting twist to this – explained further down).
The other thing to note, is that it’s technically not classified as a pheromone – it is an actual hormone which is caused by the chemical being released IN the brain.
Now, pheromones are still a relatively new scientific field of study.

That’s why we don’t really care what the science of pheromones technically has to say – we just want to see the results, right?
By that logic, Liquid Trust oxytocin spray should TECHNICALLY not even work, considering the heavy molecular weight of oxytocin.
However, the surprising thing about it is…
It actually works — with some MAJOR drawbacks which I’ll talk about shortly.
But first, here are the observed effects from using Liquid Trust pheromone:
- Seems to make people automatically trust you without question (which has both positives and negatives)… for example, sarcasm or slightly offensive jokes may be taken more seriously, and may intensify negative emotions.
- Although people may trust you more, they may not necessarily be more attracted or like you more… you can notice this effect when people tell you things, and then later, it feels “weird” that you may know something intimate about a specific person… however, this is generally very good for friendships and romantic relationships, not as much on strangers.
- Deepens and enhances social bonds, and seems to operate in a similar way to ingesting OT (which is strange – but possible, not proven)… OT is released by new mothers and newborn children in order to bond them. This type of deep, unspeakable connection is actually felt by the person releasing OT, which can in turn change the interaction to a much more favorable one. It would make sense if the wearer simply perceives people and situations as more “bonded” than they actually are, rather than another person being affected pheromonally by OT.
- Outstanding self effects, but may become negative over time. OT is used to create bonds, and can provide a great sense of personal power, fulfilment, excessive confidence, etc. For whatever reason, stress may hit harder, restlessness, and more.
- Makes people want to help you, but may also make other people behave in selfish ways later (odd but true)… for example, you may want to share things with someone you feel bonded to, but the person you’re giving to may not reciprocate easily, which can be perceived as selfish by the giving person.
- High level of social acceptance even with complete strangers… I have heard of sales people using this for high stakes negotiations, job interviews, and even asking for marriage — all with success!
Liquid Trust pheromone has major drawbacks which make it UNSUITABLE for most situations
- Major drawback #1: The heavy molar mass of 1007.19 makes oxytocin 3x heavier than molecules typically used as pheromones. This means that the “diffusion” area or “cloud”, is very short (around 1 meter from testing in the past at the very most). You would need to be close to the target for it to have any meaningful impact on the interaction.
- Major drawback #2: It has an extremely short half life, and does not seem to last more than 30 minutes to 1 hour once applied in a fragrance format. OT lasts much longer in the bloodstream.
- Major drawback #3: Do not use around pregnant women, as oxytocin can be used to induce labor… and with the relatively unknown effects from using it as a pheromone, may have unintended effects on pregnant women.
This also goes for other products on the market claiming to use oxytocin as an ingredient (for example, several products by Heaux Cosmetics also use it). The chemical is simply too heavy and impractical to use as a pheromone fragrance.
Final Rating for Liquid Trust Spray & Oil Pheromones
Despite Liquid Trusts flaws, it is still a pheromone product that can be extremely useful for certain social situations where you may NEED a highly trustworthy vibe. Even if its for a fleeting moment, it may be all you need to change feelings about you, create "innate" level trust, and get the results you desire. The obvious flaws are its short "cloud", meaning you need to be within 1 - 1.5 meters for ideal results, and get the exposure in within the first hour of application.Liquid Trust Review - Final Rating
Unique But Flawed
There is still a LOT we currently don’t know about OT.
For example, why does it work, even though “on paper”, it seems completely unfeasible?
Perhaps we are completely wrong about OT’s molar mass (or molecular weight) not being able to be airborne – because it certainly seems like it produces noticeable effects.
Liquid Trust pheromone and other oxytocin pheromone sprays also have very short lifespans once they leave the bottle, and effects are usually only noticeable within 1 hour of application.
So why then does it actually work?
I’d like to present this information, which will lead to my theory:
“The neuropeptide oxytocin (OT) becomes increasingly attractive not only for neurobiologists, psychologists and psychiatrists, but also for sociologists and economists promoted by the discovery of amazing behavioural functions it regulates, especially in the context of social interactions. “
“Among the various behavioural effects of OT are prosocial actions such as the promotion of maternal care and aggression, pair-bonding, sexual behaviour in males and females, social cognition, social memory and social support. Moreover, OT has the potential to reduce anxiety and to inhibit physiological stress responses which is likely to accompany these prosocial actions.“
My theory is that because OT can still be ingested nasally, it can affect people if they manage to get close enough to you…
… even for a short period of time.
And just because the molecule is “heavy”, doesn’t mean they aren’t being dispersed.
Perhaps, it doesn’t take as much OT as originally thought to create the types of results seen with Liquid Trust pheromone.
In fact, I’d love for it to be a true love pheromone perfume.
In my travels looking for the true manufacturer of Liquid Trust, I did find this rather interesting review on Amazon:
Helpful in Self Treatment
Reviewed in the United States on October 29, 2020
I’ve been trying this product for a little over a week now, in an experiment I’m performing to address issues I have with emotional bonding and depression (as a result of, among other things, schizoid personality disorder). I can say that it appears to work –
I’m bonding much easier, experiencing emotional attraction better, able to socialize more easily, and generally happier.
It’s possible this is placebo, but I have a history with medications of not experiencing placebo effects, and the affects I’m experiencing here are quite pronounced. Take from that what you will.
I recommend this product *for self use* for ppl who have a difficult time socializing or pair-bonding (experiencing emotional attachment with a long-term sexual partner)
Remember, OT can create a very high level of trust in you which is almost hard to believe…
As a “self effect”, this “trust” effect will also work on you, which means you should be careful to not get into any overly serious or emotional moods. However, if you are in a positive mood, it will most likely amplify those feelings too.
However it seems like this narrow focus is the the whole point of Liquid Trust (it was designed to do 1 job – increase trust – and it actually delivers).
And seeing as the product is under $30USD, it could be fun to try for kicks.

Ask your boss for a raise, as a random girl out to dinner, make a joke, and see if people take you overly seriously… or if you have dramas with people in your life, perhaps using it for these high stakes situations can really smooth things out.
I’m not saying Liquid Trust will solve all your problems, but it certainly won’t hurt if you need these specific effects.
What I am saying, is that it COULD be a useful pheromone additive to other mixes.
Frequently Asked Questions about Liquid Trust oxytocin spray & oil pheromones
How to use Liquid Trust oxytocin pheromone?
Because of all the problems with this particular product, it requires special planning if you really want to make the most of it.
Here are a few tips:
1. Only apply it when its bonding effects are needed — whether its for a friendship, relationship, coworkers, your boss, colleagues etc. Because of the short window of opportunity, keep it with you and spray as close as possible to the time you need it.
2. Ensure the target either hugs you close to the application spot, or you are sitting within 1-1.5 meters away from them to get as much exposure as possible.
3. Ideal effects seen at around 3-5 sprays (more = better, but do not use it daily as it may have long term negative effects).
Do you recommend Liquid Trust pheromone perfume?
For fun? Sure. But for every day usage? No. The reason is because OT is a very serious chemical and there’s a lot we don’t currently know about it – and specifically in the form of a pheromone.
I have read reports of people becoming very selfish, and then after stopping their usage, become rather disturbed by their own behavior and how far out of the norm it is for them (note: this was over about 3 months of regular usage).
I’m not saying you’ll have dramatic personality shifts, and suddenly become a complete d*ck overnight… there could just be consequences we aren’t fully aware of, which still needs more researching on how it behaves and its effects. Unlike simple pheromones perfume pure instinct for example, products like this have unknowns that must be taken into account
Where do you buy Liquid Trust cologne?
It’s available at Amazon, the official Vero Labs website, or through distributor Love Scent.
Liquid Trust review – final thoughts
Thank you for reading this review on Liquid Trust pheromone – I’d say it’s been around the entire time I’ve been using pheromones, and thought it deserved a post on the “hall of fame” called House Of Pheromones.
As far as using at an everyday social pheromone cologne, I personally feel you would be much better off with X22, Treasureful Shine, BlissXS as the results are much more natural (in my opinion).
However, if you really do want to use this, use it with the tips laid out above, and for situations where a favorable response will have a decent impact.
Stay tuned,
- Phero Joe
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