“The sexual predator, that dark and mysterious figure, the “stranger”, unpredictable, hinting at danger, tinged with violence… what is there that so attracts women to him?
Truly, there seems something almost magical about those few men who seem able to mesmerize women at will. What secret do they possess that gives them this power, this intensity, this animal magnetism?”
Yes, I knew you were going to read into this because I specifically told you not to. It’s okay – this is going to be some crazy shit you’ve never heard anywhere else.
The following is another article by the late Player Supreme, where he dissects how much power one can acquire over women in love and dating — and even to the point of becoming not just a player…
… but a complete emotional vampire.
I’m telling you this because you don’t have to struggle with women once you understand the concepts you’re about to learn.
And even though this is a tiny “slice” of Player Supremes knowledge, it is profound knowledge I have yet to see or hear from anybody else…
And I first came across it more than a DECADE ago…
NOTE: If you would like access to my ENTIRE “Player Supreme” library of products – which includes about 900+ podcasts about game, seduction, attraction, psychology, and more (as well as paid products that were released over the years), be sure to pick up the “Supreme Attraction” package.
This will be the LAST product you ever need to buy to dramatically increase your success with women. Once you understand how to be a player, getting the women you really desire can become a simple game, not an uphill battle.
Make the mindset shifts you need to finally succeed with women today.
Check it out here.
Yes, more than a decade of seeing absolutely useless PUA advice, products, coaching, workshops…
Yet none of them have ever covered anything this deep, let alone how to develop these skills or personality traits.
… just like the last article about how to use conversation to enter women’s minds… and make them think about you all day long.
But anyway, before I start ranting about PUA’s again…
Here’s my final warning:
Be careful how you use this.
There is so much value in understanding the words and mindset of a true player, that PUA’s can only dream of achieving this level of mastery.
Read between the lines, and read CAREFULLY because this is an absolute bombshell of an article.
Part 1: (Emotional) Vampires Are Real.
I know this because I was one of the night creatures.
I have ensnared over 130 women in my lifetime into my trap and totally sucked them dry emotionally, spiritually and sometimes even financially.
Vampires/Players are out there stalking victims everyday of the week. Even in the broad daylight, right in your own office, school, library, or home.
We are out there pretending to be regular people until something triggers a change within us and our inner needs become an insatiable thirst.
Then we become predatory and we hunt.
We have the power to hypnotize and cloud your minds with false promises until we trap you within our spells.
Like a spider and a fly we will draw you in with promises and then drain you until there is nothing left.
We enter your lives trusted and well liked.
We know how to sell ourselves very well.
You invited us in, which will become the biggest mistake that you will ever make.
When we take our fill we will disappear into the mist leaving you with a pain in your heart and more than likely an empty purse along with your emotional pain.
I can only laugh as I am typing this recount of my life.
So many and yet so few.
They invited me in thinking that I was so perfect, only to find out later on what a perfect mess that I really was deep down inside.
All of the promises that were so empty but yet so full when whispered in her ear at night, only to burn to ash in the light of day or reason.
Vampires, as I said are everywhere.
We are in your families, your churches and yes we can enter there too.
We are your bosses, your employees, your waiters, your knight-in-shinning armor coming to your emotional destruction.
There isn’t anything supernatural about us, even though we may seem like real vampires.
We don’t feed on blood but instead on emotional energy.
There are several types of lower vamps, that we also come in:
- The Misfit. Here we are, the rebels without a cause. We love adrenalin rushes and what we sell is excitement. The thrill of living on the edge. Driving faster than sound. We are the sexiest of all vampires and we know how to sell it to you.
- Drama Vamps. This type’s only purpose in life is to gain attention and approval. Mostly they look good on the outside until you get inside and the drama starts. It is always them against the world who doesn’t understand their pain.
- Control Freaks. This type hides behind a mask of obsessive compulsive disorders that are all about being anally retentive. In truth, there is a misfit trying to break free and pillage and plunder.
- I am a Star. Only two words are needed here. Big Ego’s. In their light, only your imperfections will come to the surface and it will be you who bows and waits on this one hand and foot.
- Someone’s out to get me. Now can you say paranoid to the max? This fellow can actually spot patterns within patterns. Often times he is dead wrong and cannot see what is really going on. I recall often accusing women of doing things that they were not doing just because I detected a slight vocal alteration in their voice during a conversation.
All-in-all once you have invited one of us in, you will be sucked dry.
Just consider yourselves lucky that you’re still alive when we leave you.
That is if you call the emotionally drained and distraught victims alive.
Part 2: The Path of the Emotional Vampire or Player
We are not like the rest of mankind.
The biggest trick the devil ever did was to convince humanity that he was a lie.
We rely on the same principle.
So many women believe that we are just normal guys beneath it all.
Let me show you our ways so that you can recognize us in the light of day and hopefully save yourself some precious moments before we pounce on you.
- It’s all about me. We are the ultimate in selfishness to the point of being predatory. Regardless of what we say, almost everything that we do is predicated to our desires of the moment. We live by no moral or philosophical values, and you can trust me on this. If we want sex then you can believe that is what we will get and if you want it at the same time then so much the better. Else you will have to feel our manipulative wrath. And in the pimp game you learn the power of bringing heaven or hell to a woman’s mind, body and soul. When your needs do not go along with ours, then you see us mutate and the real person comes out.
- We are always right! How dare you think that we would ever make a mistake! We are never wrong, pure and simple. Sound familiar? I’m sure you have then, run across one of my brethren.
- NOW! Yes when we want something we want it NOW! Not 1 minute later but right now.
- Who me? We hate following the rules of society and believe that they do not apply to us. And this applies no matter what the situation; work, home, church, it doesn’t matter cause remember it’s all about me.
- Want to see me get ugly? Try not giving me my way and you will see my real side come out. I will get real ugly when it comes also. But it’s not my fault, it is yours for creating this change in me. Sound familiar? You have been had, if it does.
Part 3: The Dark Powers Of Emotional Vampires / Players
Yes you invited us into your lives not knowing of our power to cloud and hypnotize your minds.
As I said about the devils greatest trick, we have our own tricks.
It’s all about the “game.”
When you first see us we are striking, when in comparison to the other fellows around us.
We radiate a raw energy that draws women’s eyes to us.
Our smiles are dazzling and beam out warmth and friendliness to hide an empty heart inside.
We come across as being fun, creative, exciting, talented, interesting, alluring, seductive, powerful and many of us seem manly.
We are easy to talk to and can often ferret out your darkest secrets in moments.
I cannot tell you how many women have told me about being molested and raped in just hours of conversation with me.
And how many have told me how they enjoyed it, on an even deeper level.
We have the power to get every secret out of you.
And we lavish in them, (those most darkest of secrets), and lick them up like a vampire licking at blood.
We have an intuitive ability to understand you and your pain almost upon meeting you.
Many fools believe that hypnosis doesn’t really exist. Trained hypnotist’s love these types.
How many times have you seen these skeptics on stage acting a fool after spending a few moments with a hypnotist?
We have the same abilities that come naturally to us.
Your only protection is to see us for what we are before you fall up under our spells. Otherwise all is lost!
Let me tell you the inside scoop on this so-called hypnosis.
The first thing is you need to be aware of any form of misdirection.
When we speak to you or whisper in your ear it is to purposefully to distract and confuse you.
In short, misdirect you.
With hypnotists, they do this deliberately to get your critical brain to shutdown and your lesser mind to just go with the flow.
This is necessary for us too.
We need your brains to shutdown while we work our magic in your ears.
If you were to activate your critical brain, it would ruin our spells and that is your first defense.
If you suddenly feel confused and foggy, that is a sure sign that we are working in your minds and you need to run quickly to the bathroom to reactivate the thinking portion of your minds.
Hypnotic suggestions or way of speaking is distracting and confusing on purpose, so beware of it’s power.
Vampires/Players have the ability to feel the right person in a room of people.
I teach seduction to fellows and I have been stating this for many, many years.
I can feel the right victim for me in a sea of people.
And that person isn’t whom you might think they are.
For me they are usually the ones with the highest walls put up.
That is a sure sign of how strong their mind is at keeping others away. A strong mind is what I look for.
Cause once you crack that mind that person will use that strength to move us along in my direction.
Our next tool comes from the pimp game.
It’s called isolation.
Once we lock onto you, we will attempt to isolate you from your herd.
You silly humans run in packs and have herd minds.
That allows us to cut you off from all of your friends or anyone else who can talk some reason into your pretty little ears.
We like to keep you close to our sides and away from your friends and family members who might start asking silly little questions.
Even in my retirement and awakening I still do the same thing.
It is a natural instinct to isolate anyone that I am with away from the world.
My current girlfriend has no friends other than myself.
Have you met someone new who is constantly putting down your friends?
That is one of our tactics. Stage hypnotists will do the same thing.
They will get the people with the highest suggestibility to come up.
That poor sap steps on stage with all of those lights in their eyes and listening only to the master’s voice.
Critical thinking goes right out the window.
A hypnotist will get that person believing that they are a star and was called up to show the world.
When they are through that fool will be on all fours barking like a dog so as not to disappoint the master.
As I said we can see you.
It’s like a big ole sign on your forehead that says victim please hurry up and take me.
We wouldn’t exist if you didn’t need us though.
The real problem is inside of you.
You bring us to you to complete your own destruction.
You need us as much as we need you.
Now getting back to our stage person.
He will get your desires and use them to control you. Just as I taught young pimps to do.
Find out the woman’s dreams and sell them back to them for a price… her soul.
We know what your desires are often times better than you do and yes will use them to our fullest potential, taking you on the roller coaster ride of your life.
We will create a dream for you and then sell it to you.
Hypnotists will create a alternate reality and make you believe in something that isn’t.
We do the same thing. We can create a fantasy that only you and I will live in until you wake up empty and alone.
Tom Hopkins, a great sales coach and leader in the real estate industry had a series of tools that he used.
He could accomplish great sales by asking questions of which all of the answers led in his direction.
Yes, we do the same thing. And we will give you a choice of two answers.
Both leads where we want you to go.
Usually on the first meet we need to be next to you in bed to soak up your energy, as we prove that you are different and unique and belong by our side.
We sell that uniqueness like a lemonade stand in 120 degree temperatures.
You have the option of going to bed with us or showing us that you don’t have that special unique quality of a superstar person.
You have the option of anal sex to prove this to us that yes, you are indeed special and unique, or the dismal disappointment of proving to yourself that, yes once again you cannot cut it in the real world of relationships.
Do you see my direction here?
What do you do?
If you meet someone and you suddenly feel confused or pressured, then walk to the bathroom and get away from their energy.
They have already begun to suck you in and suck you dry.
It is a normal effect of victims to feel this way.
If you’re dating someone like this and you notice that you always feel drained after they leave but yet you crave their attention, you are now a victim and you need help as soon as possible.
I have for years warned women that one hit and you’re hooked with me.
I often have told them that I am like a drug and being without me will cause them great pain in my final stages of conquest. Yet they still tried all the while hoping to change me.
Women this is your second biggest mistake. The first was talking to guys like me to begin with.
Ok, let me blow the roof off our game.
Here are some things to look out for:
We will try to get you to deviate from your normal routines. If you go out with your girls, you should leave with them.
I have been in Las Vegas and met a married woman who was out with her family.
She was dancing on the dance floor with another male of my race.
I walked over and took her from him, whom I had considered a lesser vamp than myself.
Her family saw this and tried to rush to her protection. She wouldn’t leave me, so intense was our dancing.
Me, having taught hip hop and been in dance, it was one of my lures. She having been a Las Vegas dancer, at one moment, had no idea what was happening.
I ended up in her hotel suite that night after she hid me from her overly protective family.
In short, if you ever find yourself doing something radically different because of a man who you have just met…
… this is a sure sign of a vampire.
Instant Connections. Oh my, what a powerful tool this is or was for me.
When I was hunting online I used this as my main tool upon chatting and thereby meeting unsuspecting women.
Ladies, if you find yourself having an out-of-body feeling about someone, please do yourself a favor and run for the hills.
Yes you’re special, sure you are baby girl. We will find a way to make you feel special and unique.
We will compliment this and use that, to control you.
You have no idea, or maybe you do since you’re women, how powerful this works in the right hands.
All women want to be seen as special.
From daddies little special girls to just being unique and different in a positive way, rather than those 100 other women in the club.
Man of Mystery. Yup you got it. We need to hide.
I teach men to keep their conversations focused on you the women.
Us master vampires will rarely divulge anything about ourselves.
We will cloud your minds so that we remain a mystery just like the 1930’s radio character “The Shadow.”
Smoke and Mirrors. When dealing with us, all you will feel is confusion.
Confusion about who we truly are…
Confusion about what we stand for, our history…
… or for that matter anything else about us.
But you will be wondering if we truly like you.
And you will end up trying to prove to us how worthy you are in the end.
So beware!
Part 4: Seduction thy name is sweet on the ears!
Vampires/Players are the ultimate seducers.
We come bearing kind words that will worm their way into your hearts and minds.
I have had women read and re-read my emails over and over again:
“I don’t seem to be able to call you right now since I am continuing to have problems with my cell phone and you won’t answer when I try from another phone. I really wish that I could hear your voice…
I have been thinking a lot. I re-read your most recent emails and [snip]…. But, don’t deny my feelings Chris… don’t deny that I have fallen in love with you because everything I do now…
…even if the action is seemingly all my own… you are in it.”
Many of you women reading this will swoon for this woman.
Do not.
She was actually a female of my kind and she only met a master who tamed her.
Notice how she needs to hear my voice.
The voice is a powerful tool in our seduction of our victims.
Notice how she continually reads my emails.
Words are powerful tools on you women.
It is no wonder that the number one book sales the world over are romance novels and don’t even try to convince me that you have never read one either.
Never watched a soap opera or the lifetime channel on cable T.V.
I have a naturally and trained deep soft voice. Most vampires that I know of also have nice vocal qualities.
We sound good in person and on the phone.
We know how to use words to make you women feel special.
We know how to make you feel lesser than dirt also with those same tools.
Let me tell you about a popular type of vampire/player.
The bad boy.
This type you can recognize them by their attitudes. I share a few of these qualities myself:
- Quick to fight.
- Poor finances.
- Hates rules and will break them at all opportunities.
- Loves danger and thrills by the second.
- Often been in trouble with the law before or have some kind of legal issues going on.
- Can get really charming really quick.
- They are creative with using excuses to cover for crap that they don’t wanna do.
- Addictive personality disorder. I was a sex addict. If I didn’t get it, my victims saw my fangs pop out really quickly!
- Pathological liars. They have no problems spinning a quick lie to fit our needs. Once a liar always a liar, is the rule.
- They go from nice to total asshole in 6 seconds if you throw any type of salt on our game. That means not giving us, immature types, our way.
- They believe do unto others before they can get a chance at you.
- Their motto is have fun first then take care of business. A sure sign you ladies need to evaporate. That fun my be all good for a quick minute but eventually you will wake up.
- Reckless beyond measure. Why look before you jump? Takes all the fun out of it.
- If they say we will do it, don’t ever ever ever ever ever hold us to it now.
- Will quit a job (and usually before they get fired) for no reason.
In short they are stimulation junkies.
They love sex, loud music, fun, and wild times.
They have dated way more than their share of woman in their lives.
My number is small compared to other master vampires.
I was just a bit more choosy on whom to feed upon.
We, (players or vampires), are impulsive and charming when we want to be.
And sex with us is usually the best you will EVER have.
This is one of our tools to make a powerful package.
We say the right things to you and then we will do all of the right things to you.
If in doubt we will ask you what it takes to get all the right things done to you. Sounds like a deal doesn’t it?
Only the payoff at the end is way worse than the trip there.
There are some vamps/players who love the thrills of danger.
Their goal is to give you the huge doses of adrenalin to addict you to them.
These guys never worry about anything.
Years ago I met a female like this. I met her in a dark night club cause this is what we enjoy most. She had a fast supped up sports car.
We raced after midnight one Halloween night, (go figure), from one end of town all the way downtown in just a few minutes.
She was totally addicted to speed. We flew at speeds well over 100 miles per hour through town!
This type of seducer rarely can keep a job and never worries about deadlines or anything that says wake up to the reality of life buddy.
Their seductive power is to take you out of your boring lives and show you adventure and thrills.
These vamps/players have also the ability to spot their particular brand of victims.
Women who are stuck in boring lives often married to boring men.
Women who want just a bit of fun like they used to have when they were young.
Often these guys will use that exact ploy to lure you into their webs.
They will get you to call in sick for a day while you go to the ocean to have fun.
They will convince you to take a break from reality and life to go on adventures with them.
Our methods are to groom you for whatever weakness or vice we can instill within you.
Sex, adventure, excitement. Whatever gets you off.
We will try to teach you how to be different and you will look up to us as your master and teacher.
Your lovers and daddies.
For years I used to have all of my women call me daddy:
SLV: Daddy! Is that you?
Sac: 😀
SLV: I miss you daddy
Sac: wazup
Sac: how you’ve been baby girl
Again do not feel sorry for this young lady either.
She brought me into her life. And she is lucky she still had it when I left.
Many of you will think that you’re not susceptible to guys like me cause you’re smart and intelligent and have good self esteem.
You keep thinking that way while another vampire sucks the life from you. I only preyed on women who thought this.
Most of my women had advanced degrees. One even had a Master’s and two B.A. degrees.
Our charm is legendary and irresistible!
We are like a dark force of nature and once you let us in we become a hurricane of emotions and energy.
Our favorite targets are women who doubt themselves as being normal and adjusted.
That means smart and nerdy types who just want to fit in and be cool.
That also means women in general since you guys are so competitive with each other.
- Player Supreme (AKA. Chris Arnett RIP 2017)
My take on the true “player” game and being an emotional vampire…
The game goes deep.
Deeper than you’ve been lead to believe by ridiculous pickup artist “techniques” and tricks.
And way, WAY deeper than the MGTOW people think it is (in fact, this probably pisses them off quite a bit – and instead of trying to become the player, they just give up on women instead because they lack understanding).
It comes from deep within – your true inner confidence, energy (the metaphysical, as Supreme liked to call it), and the physical (outward appearances).
He often talked about how he wasn’t as good looking as other black men, how he hated that he wasn’t as tall as them, but was still able to outdo them in the most competitive environments (like night clubs) just with his presentation and energy...
After revisiting much of his content (it’s been about 7-8 years), all his words ring truer than ever.
And I’m also making use of them in different ways, as naturally you change your behavior over time…
but reading back over this… woah.
… there was a time in my life where I was leading on 2-4 women at a time and dragging them out for as long as possible before they “blew out” and had to be replaced.
It was a cold game, and I forget just much knowledge was passed down to me.
Looking at it years later brings another layer of truth to it. Some truths I had forgotten about, and will be using to elevate my game to a higher level.
If you haven’t yet read the other articles from Supreme… well, there’s a lot more where that came from. Make sure you’re on my list for when new posts drop.
Thank you for reading.
- PheroJoe
P.S. As I stated at the beginning of this article, this is just a tiny, tiny piece of the wisdom and knowledge Player Supreme dropped over the years. There is a LOT more of where this came from, and it is finally being released to the general public after being hidden for over 10+ years. It is available for a small fee, and includes 90+% of the entire library (still trying to track down the rest – but all will be included if/when obtained).
P.P.S This knowledge will make you stand out from the sea of men out there… and position you in a “special” category in women’s heads. If you want to become the guy women talk about, crush on, and obsess over… then you need to understand how to be a player, the mindset, and the game on an entirely different level. And you can learn all this with the Supreme Attraction package – don’t waste your time and money on other pickup/attraction/dating courses until you get this.
Click here to check out the SUPREME ATTRACTION package.
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