Certo by Alpha Dream is another classic that has gone relatively unnoticed in the pheromone world, due to it’s label as a “good guy” formula that gets the girl…
While Alpha Dream‘s “powerhouse” products, Alfa Maschio and L2K have been stealing the spotlight, Certo still has a place in your attraction arsenal.
Sure, the others might sound “cooler”…
But Certo is a product designed for a different purpose: to attract quality women for a long term relationship.
Seduction products like the ones mentioned above focus on the seduction part.
However, getting a girlfriend is usually a longer term play than trying to meet and seduce women right off the bat (and how most heavy hitters are designed to work).
There are several reasons why one would want to use Certo over more ” blatant” attraction formulas:
- If you are looking to attract a more “conservative” woman, who doesn’t respond to heavily sexual mixes (or becomes too intimidated by you to consider you relationship material).
- Want to attract high quality women who looks for positive qualities in a guy, rather than a “bad boy” (as most heavy attraction mixes tend to project).
- You feel like you’re a “romantic at heart”, and don’t feel comfortable with more aggressive seduction mixes that require fast escalation, flirting, and changes to your personality to accommodate those results.
Certo was one of the last products I bought from the AD line, because I was so excited by other formulas like AM, L2K, Corpo and Glace.
They took months of testing and provided killer results for what I needed.
It was only recently (like earlier last year) that I decided it was time to finally put Certo to the test…
After all, they are one of my top vendors, and have always provided consistent, kickass products.
Here’s what I discovered.
Certo is a formula that plays with women’s heart strings, rather than just creating “immediate attraction”.
To elaborate, Certo is not a “blatant” type of attraction product like others in the Alpha Dream product line.
And while it doesn’t generate over the top hits, it makes up for it by creating INTENSE romantic feelings from women…
Which creates the perfect climate for attracting women who want to be in a relationship.
Certo will give you a powerful “protector” signature – which can be described as “dreamy” or “crushy” by most women.
Women who are seeking a strong protector/alpha vibe, tend to be extremely feminine and high quality.
By “feminine”, I do not mean weak – I mean women who hold strong traditional values, who do not sleep around, and often only date when they are looking for a long term relationship – not just short flings.
However, it’s not attractive to EVERY woman out there – and that’s a good thing.
Frankly, Certo is an absolute MONSTER for getting women interested in you romantically.
Especially from quality women looking for quality guys.
However, it’s important to note that not EVERY women will be immediately receptive to being in a romantic relationship with you…
It is very possible, but there are things you must be aware of beforehand (as I’ll explain in this review).
Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as scam artists like Dr. Cutler make it out to be.
Let me explain.
There are a LOT of women out there, and they are usually the most attracted to a certain “archetype” of men.
This means either they are still emotionally immature, and gravitate towards drama and the “bad boy” vibe… or more emotionally mature women (regardless of age – but usually 25+), who are more attracted to strong “protector” male archetypes.
Now that is a very simplified version of archetypes, but it’s easy to draw a comparison and how certain pheromone products work differently for each of them.
As I mentioned earlier, this is a girlfriend getting product, and it’s a longer term strategy than instant attraction products, which require quick escalation and solid game.
How long exactly?
It depends on the girls archetype preference, and how you play your cards…
Note: Read this article about how attraction and pheromones work simultaneously.
How does Certo fall into this?
Women seem to find Certo a passionate, sexy, “slow burn” turn on rather than an instant attraction feeling… it also creates a strong fallout (the “crush effect”).
I have tested many products, and one thing that fascinates me how quickly women can develop feelings for a man.
There are several pheromone colognes for men that can create something called the “fallout effect”.
But what makes Certo any different?
It provides a sense of safety, comfort, trustworthiness, and the sense that there is “something special” about you.
I’ve found women that had slight romantic interest in me almost within days develop a full blown crush on me after lengthy exposure…
And women who were not even remotely interested, start displaying signs of interest within a few weeks…
Now this doesn’t mean I could score a relationship with every single woman I tested Certo on.
But if it could move a woman from zero interest, to showing signs interest… then it’ll work even more “magic” on women who were receptive right off the bat
As I mentioned earlier, Certo is most attractive to women who gravitate towards a strong “protector” vibe.
They also tend to be more “conservative” types of women.
They might be a little bit shyer, show less blatant signs of attraction, and be less “forward” in their dealings with you…
Love pheromone products tend to take time more time for a number of reasons.
They may take longer to “warm up” to you, and display feelings of affection before they decide they can trust you.
While party girls and other immature girls can be attracted to this vibe, you might have better success with more aggressive products for them.
… however, this is actually ideal if you’re looking for a girlfriend, because it filters out women who are just trying to have “fun” and jump from guy to guy and waste your time.
It may take a few hours, to weeks of exposure (depending on the woman) to see full blown “crush effects”…
Because Certo is designed for women looking for a relationship, you can probably guess that they will be “pickier” in their boyfriend selection (than if they were just looking for flings).
Therefore, you will notice a lot less flirting on the surface…
However, after some exposure to Certo, you will start noticing more “romantic” interest signs like “bedroom eyes”, subtle contact such as deliberately touching legs (from having no physical contact at all), asking much more personal questions (which was really prying about my love life), and even escalation from women.
That last effect was not something I am used to, and it actually took me by surprise.
I missed several opportunities from women because I had not taken their subtle advances as flirting, and then had women suddenly act cold towards me (women perceive it as a sign that I’m not interested in them romantically, and shut me out – this is quite common when I test romantic attraction products).
I’ll elaborate more on these effects in the summary.
But lets talk about Certo’s built in “imprinting effect”.
Certo has some of the most blatant fallout effects I’ve ever experienced.
I’ve had women tell me they had dreams about me (common effect of androstadienone and subconscious imprinting), call me for lame reasons, and show much more interest in my personal life than with other products.
… this is especially obvious after brief meetings with friends and friends of friends, who later contact me through Facebook or other avenues. They tend to remember details, and show all the signs of interest when it had never happened before.
One of the core ingredients of Certo is androstadienone – a component that has been studied extensively by pheromone enthusiasts as well as the scientific community.
Alpha Dream has since stopped selling single molecules, but in the past I did have the pleasure of actually trying this component out. It was also available at some of the highest purity levels of any other vendor on the market at the time.
As I later found out, it was supremely effective on women to create clingy feelings and “super glue” effects on women, where they simply would not leave me alone and be all cuddly.
But as I later found out, it started having brutal negative effects on my emotional wellbeing (which is a known effect on males).
And while Certo did NOT affect me that badly, it just goes to show how powerful and pure this particular androstadienone is. Certo is also a well balanced formula, that amplifies the effects of androstadienone for women, and nullifies the effects dramatically on men.
… In fact, the self effects are actually very good, as are most of Alpha Dreams products.
However I think it was important to mention in case you have sensitivity issues using androstadienone.
In any case, I recommend you start small and work your way up. Also do not use it daily as the effects can compound over weeks of repeated exposure.
These are about all the major effects I’ve noticed over my testing period of Certo (I’ll elaborate below on everything).
Certo by Alpha Dream Review – Summary
- Certo creates a mysterious, intriguing aura that makes women sense that there is “something about you”… they feel that you are a strong “protector” type of male, and naturally try to get to know you better. Certo creates romantic attraction, which is excellent for getting high quality, conservative women into a relationship.
- A major differentiation point between Certo and other attraction mixes is that its definitely MUCH more “sensual” than the aggressive, sexual vibes a lot of products produce. The women looking for relationships are typically attracted to them, however they will not consider “flings” with guys. In these cases, a romantic attraction product like Certo will be a much better choice.
- Certo creates a DEEP, very obvious subconscious imprinting effect… you will notice after using “fallout” effect type products how to spot this. But with Alpha Dream’s aboslutely stunning androstadienone quality, as well as other components, they have created an absolute powerhouse on the same level as their other attraction products – but with a different flavor.
- One thing I forgot to mention: I’ve noticed some women who I’ve tested this on may start acting a little bit weird. This happens for a few different reasons: if they made an attempt to flirt with you subtly and you didn’t pick up on it (they will see it as rejection), if a female friend starts acting up, she may have developed feelings and is still “sorting” through them in her mind, or if they start to get feelings for you, and you haven’t asked them out. You can change this around very quickly if you ask them out or be more aggressive with your flirting.
- Certo works best with a few hours of exposure (depending on the woman)… as I mentioned earlier, Certo seems to have an EXTREME amount of “pull” to it, as it creates intrigue. And while some women are not receptive to relationships, Certo can plant a “seed” to grow that thought in their minds over time. You will still have to interact with these women, flirt lightly, and gently push the interactions… but once you cross that path, you will find Certo an absolute powerhouse for getting women interested in a potential relationship.
- I’m not sure what makes it so intriguing to women, however I can tell you that they see you as something like a “wounded hero”… I’m not talking about feeling sorry for you – but it’s as if women sense that there are some dark secrets you hold deep within, and they wish to unleash it. It makes women extremely curious as to what you’re all about, and it’s important to let women keep unraveling to keep the romantic effects going. Do not turn into a chatterbox and start carrying on about your life story.
- Some of the “fallout effect” (women developing a crush) signs include… “bedroom eyes” (you know the one – gentle gaze, slightly watery eyes), repeated glancing and looking away, contacting you more frequently, remembering small details about you, having dreams about you, touching you more and being comfortable, flirting with you more openly, and asking more personal questions. You can start to tell she has a crush on you when all the signs start to add up. This is when you need to decide quickly, as women can interpret your lack of action as a rejection and shut you out.
- Some of the self effects include calm, inner “sense of wellbeing”, being comfortable in your own skin… while it doesn’t have extremely extroverted self effects like Alfa Maschio, or the “brooding” vibe L2K, it does have a VERY distinct feeling “warm and fuzzy” feeling effect on the wearer – this translates to smoother game, ability to be “authentic”, and develop real connections with women.
- Certo is EXTREMELY social and comfortable, which makes it very easy for women to communicate with you… this allows women to be able to express themselves comfortably, without the feeling of being judged. There is a sense of rapport, deep connection, and understanding which all contribute to creating a very heavy-duty fallout effect.
- Some women start to display jealous behavior if you happen to talk to a lot of women… I cannot even begin to tell you how often women I talk to start acting “short” with me after they see me talking to other women. Even if there was no official date, a presumed interest in women tends to drive some of them crazy. they may feel like they got the wrong idea about you, or feel that you are not honest. It’s important if you are using this on a specific woman, to not try to induce jealous behavior unless you are trying to kick her attraction into a higher gear.
- Warning: Alpha Dream androstadienone is extremely potent, and may have negative side effects… I have tested their molecule solo, and found it to produce some very bad effects on me. However, it seems to to work just fine as a formula, as I don’t experience any negative effects. That’s because I use it responsibly – stagger your use of the product with “off” days. Seems to work best in the 3-4 spray range.
Imagine a beautiful woman, who shows up to a an upscale bar... low lighting, ambient music. There is a man sitting across 2 chairs down. She thinks to herself, "he looks incredible"... there's just "something about him", she feel completely magnetized by his presence. It's like she keeps feeling an uncontrollable urge to keep gazing over for another glimpse to find out what makes this man so interesting. After a while, he makes his way over, and they begin talking... and slowly escalate into flirting. I believe this is the kind of relaxed, attractive, and magnetic kind of vibe Certo has. If you're looking for that kind of absolutely fascinating kind of attraction, then Certo is for you. Women will find you a secret "catch", and develop strong romantic feelings for you over time. Certo by Alpha Dream Review
Attraction (Romantic)
Fallout Effect
Self effects
"Romantic, Intriguing, Fascinating"
Certo by Alpha Dream – Final Thoughts
Certo was an unexpected kickass addition to my pheromone arsenal.
I was blown away, because I had no idea that such a gem was eclipsed by the more “aggressive” pheromone products in the Alpha Dream product line.
However, do NOT underestimate its power…
While it may seem like a “friendly” product, a lot of women find it very, very sexy.
I was told on 2 separate occasions by female friends who know I test pheromones on them, that they felt “butterflies” in the stomach…
… a sign of true love and deep affection.
Certo is still just as powerful as the other products, but it was created for a different purpose.
And it succeeds with flying colors.
Remember, just because it takes longer to work (most of the time, sometimes it takes hold immediately), doesn’t mean it’s any less powerful.
- PheroJoe
P.S. Remember, Alpha Dream offers a full, 90 day money back guarantee. If for any reason you don’t feel like this product is for you, you can exchange it or get your money back with no hassles, no hoops to jump through, and no dramas. This review of Certo is extremely comprehensive – and no, it’s not for everybody so choose carefully… however, if you’re still on the fence, take it for a risk free “test drive” today.
Click here to order Certo by Alpha Dream
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- Heaux Cosmetics Review: Overhyped, Overpriced Pheromone Products - October 22, 2023
- The Fascinating Female Pheromone Effects On Males (Powerful Attraction) - October 21, 2023
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Xist vs Certo?
Hi Derek, they are both very good products but go about their attraction in very different ways (although they have the same goal). I can only help suggest a product if I have more details, because your situation might be different and one might suit another better for what you’re trying to accomplish. For example, XiSt is excellent on younger women, and it can break women who aren’t really looking for a relationship because it’s so fun and flirty.
Certo is geared for romantic attraction too, but it will make women feel extremely safe in your presence and see you as highly desirable, romantic at heart, and a true gentleman. Depending on the woman they might find one or the other more attractive 🙂 More details would help, but in a very quick nutshell comment those are the core differences. There’s a lot more to it than that, but feel free to read the reviews again for more details.
I ordered Certo, thanks so much for sharing these items. Know each one has it’s own personality. Really like this one. Reading your articles, and you said pheromones affect the user. Hopefully this will. I am confident, easily can approach, been working on getting to that level for a year. But unconsciously I fear commitment, this androstadienone, hopefully will infect me, as well. Feel like I have a flashing sign that says, emotionally unavailable. Want to fix this self sabotage. Thank you again Joe for writing about these products. Really means alot. Finding hope in this is appreciated. 😀
It seems that Certo have bit similar effects as GOA based on your review, how exactly the differences of these two products?
I used Certo btw but not with GOA, if I decided to buy one of them which one you recomended?
Last year when I used Certo single or pairing it with NA and it works very well for me, but now when I see your review about GOA its make me reconsider which one is I prefer to buy,
Anyway I already have Xist, NA, A1 spray (Pxs)
*sorry about my english*
Hi Jerry,
They are both similar products in terms of what they do, but they do it in very different ways. Certo seems to be more mysterious, while Grail of Affection seems to be much more about creating chemistry, and making things “flow” between the wearers more easily (which is very useful, especially if your target is very difficult to communicate with).
Cheers 🙂
Why has no one tried to combine certo and goa at the same time?
Hi James, Certo and GoA are both similar products, but work in different ways. Simply adding a whole lot of pheromone products together doesn’t mean that the combo is going to be more effective. In fact, it is more likely to reduce the effectiveness of both pheromone products unless you know exactly what you’re doing.
Do you recommend Certo with evolve oil? Somebody mentioned that combo on PT.
Hi Taylor, I haven’t specifically tried this combo. To me it would seem there are quite a few overlapping molecules, but you never know if a combo will work exceptionally well even if that’s the case. Give it a try and see how it goes for you 🙂
is certo and nude alpha a good combo? i already have certo but i plan on buying nude alpha along with glace.
Hi Taylor,
Certo contains some social elements which are already in the NA formulation. It would be redundant to buy them both, although you are welcome to try. It is already a fantastic standalone. NA + Glace + androstadienone (or even Grail Of Affection) work very well together as well if you’re looking to combo up your products.
yeah, NA, Glace and A1 will be my next purchases but since i have certo, i want to combo it with something.. Im thinking certo with regular nude. Does those 2 make sense modules wise?
I tried Certo unscented, stunk & made me cough. I may have sprayed too much
is it possible to mix Alpha Dreams Certo,
XiSt by PheromoneXS,
Nude Alpha by Liquid Alchemy Labs
and Pheromone Treasures Grail of Affection ?
Hi Jonathan,
All the products you mentioned are very complex and have a similar purpose… combining them would be redundant and also add an extra layer of confusion to your vibe. I have tried a few of the combos you suggested, but it simply muddies up the mix and seems to detract from both products. Using only 1 of each of those products is far better in my opinion, although your results may differ.
Cheers 🙂
Hello Phero Joe,
You have talked about negative effects with other guys in your report. How does Certo affect the case? Should I then mix at parties Certo with Glace to put the social in the foreground or you can recommend me other combos …
Good experience I have done with Glace + NA! To first the social with Glace promoted and then the fallout effect with NA made perfect … Works really well, exactly as you describe …
You sometimes write a few tricks in your reports. For example, that you mix more social mones with aggressive. To first build the social bridge to the girls and then escalate …;)
I’m a bit out of the topic … sorry 🙂
The effects on other men aren’t too bad, I suspect its just an aversion to Human Pheromone Molecules (Tested & Known Effects of Pheromones). Some men may act distant or not as friendly if you already know them — but they will perceive it as their own problem, not from you.
Should I mix Certo with Alfa maschio to avoid coming off as a beta ?
Hey Mike,
Certo is not “beta” at all, in fact it is very sexy even though it may seem like a product for long term relationships. But if you WERE going to spike it with something, Alfa Maschio would be far too complex in terms of pheromone ratios to make an effective combo. I would recommend just pure -enone or wearing it alone if you feel that its too weak (which it shouldn’t be for its purposes!).
Cheers 🙂
Hi I want to order ur products how to place the order???
Hi, there are links spread throughout the page (or you can buy it here).
Thanks 🙂
I wanted to get something that could help in getting hookups but also spur long term relationships
Hi Joe,
Certo can definitely help with this, although it is more geared towards getting women to see you in a romantic kind of way. If you’re looking for something that’s “in-between”, I strongly suggest looking into The Hookup — this has elements of both, and depending on which way you want to steer it can go either direction. However, I would advise to switch to a product more potent for romance later on if you wish to get someone into a relationship.
Hi PheroJoe,
Just wondering if you have tried a Certo and Corp combo? I feel like it would work well and give off a successful romantic type of vibe, but what are your thoughts? Thanks.
Hi Jim,
I have tried them in combo, but they are both too complex to be mixing with eachother. You’ll actually have better results if you just used them for their designed purposes. If you must mix, I would recommend a very simple standaline – OR using individual molecules to keep it a kick in the direction you need. You can check out individual human pheromone effects here.
What would you say is the biggest difference between this product and Nude Alpha?
Hi Pjones2009, sorry about the extremely late reply – I would say the main difference is in “depth”. To explain further, I would say that Certo will likely have very noticeable up front effects, and the effects will also continue to build in the background over time… however, I feel that NA has a much less immediate noticeable impact, but has more extreme effects over the long term.
Hey PheroJoe
What do you think about Certo mixed with Voodoo?
Voodoo will help amplify the emotions whilst certo will be the initial ‘attractant’ per se.
I currently have both and have witnessed the different effects of each. However, I wanted to know your thoughts on whether mixing them will be effective?
I would not advise using those together, as they are designed to produce romantic interest and chemistry… Voodoo can be quite serious if you don’t steer things in a positive direction, although it feels much more genuine. Certo produces excellent “fallout” on women, but you don’t need to work as hard to control it.
Hello phero joe
I have 2 questions
1) i recently bought certo Unscented has this got the same effects as scented versions? and also how many sprays is ideal?
2) for instant sexual attraction which be the best product to help you with that from the list? Also how many sprays for that product?
Hi Abdirazak. Yes, the unscented versions work just as well as the scented ones. However, you should add a cologne as there is still an odour of the pheromones themselves. For “instant sexual attraction”, you would be looking at products such as Alfa Maschio, Alpha Q, etc — its best to consult Top 10 Best Pheromones For Men To Attract Women (Updated Reviews For 2020) of the highest rated products.
i’ve tried to order but was unable to generate a shipping quote. tried emailing their support twice but no response either. do you have anything similar to recommend in place of certo? many thanks!!
Hi New guy, that’s a bit odd, Alpha Dream is usually pretty easy to order from. If you are looking for an alternative anyway, I would definitely look into Casanova by S1CK Jewelry (SILENT Lady Killer, “Crushy Imprinting” Social Mix), Swoon by Pheromone Treasures: Playful, Imprint, “WOW Factor” (Seduction), or XiSt by PheromoneXS (Friendzone Killer, “Instant Boyfriend”, Flirty, Romantic).