New Pheromone Additive (or NPA) is one of the most mysterious, BLATANT & “polarizing” sexual attraction formulas on the market. It is designed with a single goal…
… and if you haven’t already guessed – yes, it is a formula for maximizing the “sexual attraction” and arousal women feel around you.
However, it does come with a few “warnings” that you must take into account before using it:
- It is very powerful, and NOT appropriate for work, school, or other “professional” environments… the only time New Pheromone Additive is appropriate is either in a combo, or you KNOW that a woman is already turned on by you and you want to ensure you get laid.
- It is EXTREMELY polarizing – women are either turned off, or turned on (no “in between”)… during my testing, I have found women who are particularly interested in sex to be attracted to the NPA vibe. However, with more reserved women, women who don’t like aggressive sexual behavior, or women who aren’t “in the mood” will react in a hostile way to anything you say and do.
- Women perceive it as a “sexual threat”, they will feel raw masculinity and sexuality around you… however, this can be very off putting, especially if a woman is interested in you romantically, you are friends with them, or women who are cockblockers for their friends at nightclubs, bars, parties, etc.
That being said, New Pheromone Additive is still “king of the ring” when it comes to blatant sexual attraction formulas.
I’ll get to talking more about some of the specific effects shortly, but there are some points that need to be addressed first.
The first is the confusion about the product names, due to it getting a slight formula change a few years back… as well as being offered by different suppliers (Love Scent and Lacroy).
There are few different variations in the product and the name.
- Original NPA (New Pheromone Additive). This is the original version of the product which was available before 2014. The original version had a buildup effect which was excellent for 2-3 days after wearing it and reapplying it without washing. This product is NOT available anymore. However, the new current version is largely the same with a few minor differences. The original formula by Lacroy also had a white lid. They currently use the same bottle, but now has a black lid.
- NNPA (New, New Pheromone Additive). There was a subtle formula change some time in 2014, which resulted in people now referring to the product as NNPA. This version is slightly “softer”, but SIGNIFICANTLY easier to use… the original version of the product was practically unusable… unless heavily buffered. This is the version being covered in this review (Lacroy NNPA). Although I will just refer to it as NPA because it is still the same product, just a slightly revised version.
- NPA Touch. This is pretty much the same product, however it comes in a sprayer bottle. It seems to have slightly different effects because the dosage will be spread over a larger distance… this makes the product a lot more convenient than having to open the dropper bottle and dab on applications. I will explain the difference between NPA Touch and NNPA in the review. This version is still available from Love-Scent, and I have linked it in this review because it is simply the most ideal in my opinion (I’ll state why below – but it is the exact same as the NPA concentrate available from Lacroy).
Important to note: this is a review on the LaCroy version, but I have a section specifically for the Love-Scent version below.
The version that is currently available from LaCroy and Love-Scent are exactly the same formulas (according to Bruce, the owner of LS).
I asked Bruce a little while ago what the deal is with formula changes, and the differences between the products.
Here’s what he said:
“Good question. We get this a lot. NPA and Edge are both trademarked creations of Love Scent that go back to the very beginning of the company.
We’ve had them manufactured by several different companies over the years, most recently by LaCroy, who has been filling it for many years and added a lot of new products.
As you might have heard, we had serious problems importing products from LaCroy, often taking several months to get to our warehouse.
It wasn’t their fault, but we had to figure out some other way to keep it on the shelves, so we started bottling it ourselves. The formula is the same.”
That being said, you should also be aware that the Lacroy version is alcohol based, whereas the LS version is oil based, which makes for some differences in the effects.
There may also be some discrepancy in the purity of these ingredients, due to them likely being synthesized in a different way (different labs).
Permanent changes to products that worked well in the past are typically disliked (we all remember what happened to A314)…
However, the current version of NPA includes very welcome changes (atleast for myself and most normal users of the product)…
The current version is better because it addresses the “harsh” sexual nature of NPA, and is SIGNIFICANTLY easier to use…
The current iteration is less blatantly sexual than the original, because a small amount of buffering pheromones were added to improve the product effects.
In the past, women could (and would) react VERY negatively, because the sexual/masculine vibe was so overwhelming…
Men would also be very aggressive towards you if they felt the slightest bit of intimidation.
It worked well, but still required a great deal of effort to steer the product, even if it was used in a combo with something more “social” to balance it out.
However, the current version is still VERY strong, and should be used with caution as advised above.
Anyway, let’s get on to the good stuff…
New Pheromone Additive is a MAGNET for attracting women interested in sex, and also “sealing the deal”…
NPA has been around for a while, so if you didn’t already know from my raving above – yes, this is one hectic formula designed to get you laid.

But, it does have some very specific instructions you need to follow (and learn from my mistakes) before you put it to the test.
The first thing you need to remember, is even though this is a seduction formula, it is NOT a balanced product…
… Unlike potent seduction formulas such as Alfa Maschio, Evolve-XS, The Hookup…
This product is geared more towards laser-focus on creating arousal, and “intimate” vibes with women.
During my testing, there have been many positive reactions, as well as negative.
It is simply a risk you take wearing NPA.
In the past, negative reactions were a lot more common, but with the current version, these effects have been improved tremendously…
Reactions are either very good, or women seem to “open up” a lot more easily.
The occasional “disgust” with you is still there from some women.
But generally, those overly blatant sexual vibes have been buffered very nicely…
… without taking anything away from the seductive aura of NPA.
Like SOB-XS, it seems to project a certain type of vibe and seems to be attractive to particularly… non-girlfriend material.
NPA is also a MASSIVE attention grabber. Staring, intimidation, double takes, and blatant flirting from highly interested women.
Once you get a sign of interest, women seem to get very flirty and touchy-feely…
It may start very subtly, but once you get into an interaction things can very quickly go on a “greased slide” and get gradually more sexual and obvious.
For example, women may start by standing very close to you… which can escalate into more blatant and obvious physical touching.
… conversations can quickly go from friendly to having a very obvious “undertone” of sexuality underneath it…
This all makes it perfect for women who have shown the slightest bit of interest in you.
However, it does have a downside.
Even though the new version is well buffered, it is still very potent, and women can turn hostile if you DO NOT HAVE GAME (and if you are not in an appropriate environment to close).
I have had experiences where I push things too far, too soon…
… and women can suddenly feel a lot less comfortable about being around you.
There is a delicate balance of sexuality and appropriateness you have to get a grip on while using NPA.
But once you have it down, it is a potent mix for attracting women women who are very interested in sex, and making them horny…
This makes it a product geared towards men who just need help CLOSING, or escalating things in a more sexual direction, without being “direct”.
Let’s talk about the core differences in Lacroy’s NPA, NPA Touch, and NPA from Love-Scent.
As I mentioned before, there are some differences between the products you should be aware of.
I’ve linked to the NPA Touch version, because I have actually had the most success with it.
This is mostly due to ease of use, but it is exactly the same as the LaCroy NPA, in a more convenient sprayer format.
- NPA concentrate by Lacroy: This is the version this review is based on, and is strongly regarded as their best formulation (alongside the excellent Impi Red, which has been unavailable for some time now). This is an alcohol based version, so the product needs to be dosed extremely carefully or you risk over-dose, ghosting, or downright negative effects.
- NPA Touch by Lacroy: This is exactly the same as the concentrate version, but myself, and several of my trusted testers feel this is the most convenient and easy way to get the product working. It is simply more consistent, probably because it is far easier to spread over a larger surface of the skin. The alcohol version evaporates very quickly, and can be difficult to spread over a large area.
- NPA by Love-Scent: Yes, LS originally outsourced their formulation. But due to customs issues and items taking far too long to arrive at their warehouse, they are now creating this product in house (from what I’ve been told). The oil version is the same formula as the above 2 by Lacroy, but I feel that because it’s OIL-BASED, it has some rather unique properties. It is still a great product, but seems to behave slightly differently from the Lacroy versions.
Love-Scent’s New Pheromone Additive – different product, or just different because it’s oil based?
If you read Bruce’s reply above, he claims that the NPA formula is the same as that sold by Lacroy pheromones.
I have no reason to doubt the man.
He has always been a straight shooter when I have questions, and owns one of the oldest brands in pheromone-world.
But there ARE a few differences between the Lacroy versions (even though it still has the same effects of arousal, obvious sexual undertones, etc).

Here’s just a quick summary on the differences with Love-Scent New Pheromone Additive (oil) vs Lacroy NPA:
- The oil versions hits a LOT slower, although you can speed it up by applying it over the top of a regular cologne application (while its still wet). I think people have been missing out on this very obvious one – oil will always diffuse a lot slower than alcohol. Once you mix it in with cologne as it was designed to be used, it is very close to the Lacroy alcohol version. It still hits slower, but women seem far more receptive than the regular Lacroy versions.
- NPA oil seems to project a far more “natural” vibe than alcohol versions by Lacroy, and is somewhat “softer” (but still effective)… as someone in their 20’s, I naturally have high testosterone due to being physically active. In general, hard hitting attraction formulas need to be balanced with socials in order to not intimidate and scare women away. Pheromone oils diffuse more slowly, but are more well received even though you won’t get as much “instant interest” – it takes a little more time to see hits occurring, but is well worth the wait.
- The oil version of the product does not have an “over the top” sexual vibe, but is still very arousing after short amount of time… this may be why it works better on women who know you somewhat, whereas the Lacroy NPA seems to hit women a lot harder when they DON’T know you. Once women already know you, there is a level of comfort, and hitting them with a very blatant sexual product can turn them away… whereas with the oil version, this is a feeling that “comes over them” after brief interactions.
- The oil version seems to be more “well rounded” as an attraction product, and is generally a lot easier to use. Personally, I think this is because I have much better success with oil products altogether, rather than just because the alcohol diffuses and hits faster (this was also the case with Evolve-XS, where the alcohol spray version was just way too over the top).
- The various subtle changes in how women respond, and how powerfully it hits could also be due to variations in the synthesis process of their pheromone molecules… since both the Lacroy version and the LS version are made in different labs, the way they mix their ingredients can have an effect on how the product performs. The biggest difference is probably because it is oil based, but we won’t ever know for sure just how much it is due to the ingredient synthesis process.
- Other than that, the most notable differences in the Love Scent version is it’s much more “well received” by women (not as much hesitation, more friendliness, extra touchy-feelyness)… however, like I said its probably because of the slower diffusion. After about 10-15 minutes of being around women, you can clearly tell when they become affected… slower speaking, more seductive, subtle behavior, which seems to escalate in a very obvious manner.
Summary of effects NPA by LaCroy (NNPA & NPA Touch)
- Product is designed to create heavy sexual feelings and arousal in women, and is a potent attraction formula for getting women interested in sex… however, due to its blatant sexual nature, it is only recommended to use in combo with friendlier products. Unless of course you are already familiar with a woman, they may react negatively if you push things too quickly.
- New Pheromone Additive is a heavily geared in a sexual direction, and best used in nightclubs, bars, dates, or environments where you can CLOSE soon after… once women get aroused, there is very little you can do to “stop” sex from happening – unless you can’t take her home that same night. I’ve noticed with the new version, there is some “carry over” to the next day and women will still be interested. BUT, you chances of closing with her will be reduced. This is likely because of the androstadienone in it that helps women feel more attached to you, even though it is a sexual product.
- Hits women over 25-40’s best, but can still be effective on women under 25 if used in combos with social products (yes, it is a cougar magnet)… NPA seems to works best on women who already have some sexual experience, and who are already interested in finding someone for a hookup immediately. More “reserved” women, younger women do not respond well to NPA unless they are already “warmed up” to you, or it is buffered with Glace, or some other social product (Glace works well for me).
- New Pheromone Additive is a hit generating BEAST. Eye contact, boobing, touching, sexual touching and conversation… it is there like the best of them once the product hits. However, due to how blatant the product is, some women may also feel disgusted by your presence, because they are just not ready to feel that way around you and they can’t understand why. This “disgust” is typically masked by rude behavior, being short with you, or being completely unresponsive to anything you say and do. It CAN be broken with humor, but it takes a lot of effort when you can just move on to a woman who is more receptive from the start.
- Arousal can kick in at varying rates, from “instant” hits, to taking up to 15 minutes for the first
effects to become noticeable… once you are near women, it can become very obvious once they become affected by the cloud… they can also get fidgety, touch themselves, open their legs more, talk to you in a slower (and sexual) manner, and just get turned on if you play your cards right. Do not push things too quickly and let women turn up the heat at the right pace, or you risk blowing yourself out.
- Keep in mind, arousal effects are on the longer side if you are using the oil version by Love Scent, but can be applied over wet cologne and spread for maximum diffusion (and faster hits)… this makes it behave in a similar way to the LaCroy version, but it still has slightly friendlier properties that make it easier to use. You have much more leeway for flirting and physical escalation with the oil version.
- NPA has powerful self effects that are hard to describe, but it feels like you become more “focused” in a sense, and have more naturally “sexual” behavior… it is a confidence booster, but isn’t like most other sexual formulas… these self effects make you feel more “grounded”, calmer, more sexual in a sense. You may also feel a sense of being more “physically connected” to your body – physical touch seems more… pleasurable (which is probably why women also get very “turned on” – if its you, it hits women a lot harder because they typically have far more sensitive senses of smell).
- Dosing: if you have the oil or concentrate, use a “dab” to begin with (take off the dropper cap and put it on your finger, then spread as much as possible on skin)… this is called a dab – not that stupid dance move! But anyway, I would strongly suggest applying cologne, then immediately applying a dab over the top while it’s still wet. This gives you maximum diffusion. Also, for the oil version, applying a slight mist over the top can improve its diffusion even more, which makes it hit a lot faster.
- Note: I have linked to NPA touch because I’ve found it much more convenient than messing around with dabs, and it spreads a lot more without drying like the LaCroy concentrate. Use half a spray at first, then move up if you feel the effects can hit harder.
- Depending on your age, age of target, I have seen good effects with 2-3 dabs, although the more I use, the more intimidating/arousing it gets… I am in my 20’s, so I stick to just 1 at the most which is plenty, and it is still attractive to women in their 20’s. Older men can get away with 2-4 dabs, but it depends on the individual. Start with 1 and work your way up until you get negative effects.
New Pheromone Additive - Final Review
Sexual (heavy)
"Good for specific scenarios"
Although the product had a good run all these years, I feel its now slightly outdated due to there being many sexual attraction formulas out there that cover ALL bases well (sociability, chemistry, comfort, fallout etc). However, NPA still has a purpose, and is more of a "specialized" pheromone product, for when you need precision - that extra little sexual bump that will get you a home-run with women. My only other concern is because there are several iterations, and now produced by 2 vendors makes it a confusing product line, and we'll never know if it will go though another change that warrants another review. I will keep the site posted if it does change again, but I only recommend NPA for specific scenarios. If you are looking for a seduction product, NPA is great, but only when mixed with something a lot friendlier. Only recommended for EXPERT pheromone users.
Final thoughts on New Pheromone Additive (by LaCroy and Love-Scent)
New Pheromone Additive - Final Review
Sexual (heavy)
"Good for specific scenarios"
Although the product had a good run all these years, I feel its now slightly outdated due to there being many sexual attraction formulas out there that cover ALL bases well (sociability, chemistry, comfort, fallout etc). However, NPA still has a purpose, and is more of a "specialized" pheromone product, for when you need precision - that extra little sexual bump that will get you a home-run with women. My only other concern is because there are several iterations, and now produced by 2 vendors makes it a confusing product line, and we'll never know if it will go though another change that warrants another review. I will keep the site posted if it does change again, but I only recommend NPA for specific scenarios. If you are looking for a seduction product, NPA is great, but only when mixed with something a lot friendlier. Only recommended for EXPERT pheromone users.
Over the years, NPA gained a reputation for being one of the most potent sexual attraction mixes available.
And to this day, still stands as among one of the best.
However, seeing as it only has 1 purpose (sexual attraction), I feel that it is now a somewhat dated product…
… the reason being is that these days, most sexual formulas come with built-in social properties already.
That makes “driving” the products a whole easier, and creates an “overall” vibe which helps the user steer things sexually.
… And because it is so heavily geared towards ONLY the sexual aspect, it has limited potential when using it by itself (except for perhaps the oil version available by Love Scent).
My other concern is there are several iterations of the product (original, then the tweaked version – the product this review is about)… to now being produced by 2 different companies.
This all makes it rather confusing, and damages the trust people have in the products.
In my opinion, the products should have revisions labelled on them, or have different names altogether to avoid any confusion in the future.
But regardless, the product still delivers results.
Even though I now prefer products that cover all bases for seduction, it still has its place if you just need that slight “edge” at the right time to close with women.
Thanks for reading,
- Phero Joe
P.S. I have linked to the NPA Touch version at Love Scent, because it is the easiest to use, and is exactly equivalent to the normal LaCroy concentrate. The only difference is the sprayer, which is a lot easier to manage (dosage wise and application). This version is a LaCroy product. Also, keep in mind you have a full 60 day money back guarantee if you are not happy with it (even though it should work great for most users).
Click here to buy New Pheromone Additive at NO RISK for 60 full days.
P.P.S. The blue bottle version is oil based and is the one produced by Love-Scent… there is nothing wrong with this version, it just has slightly different behavior from the LaCroy versions (see summary of differences above). It should be applied over the top of a wet cologne application, and then a light spray of cologne over it once it’s dried. This gives it much better diffusion and behaves similar to the LaCroy versions of the product. You can also use the oil straight, but it just hits slower (better if the alcohol version is far too aggressive for you).
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I have a black-top NPA that has “love scent” printed on the bottle from years ago, but it is clearly alcohol based (strong scent).
Looks like this:
Strange that all of the photos online that match my bottle are listed as the women’s version.
Unfortunately, I don’t remember when I purchased it.
Any ideas which version I own?
Thanks! 🙂
Hi theLaw,
Thanks for stopping by. If I took a guess, I would say that it is the version after it went through a slight revision which made it a little bit friendlier/crushy. I have all the versions and there is a clear difference in the effects between the one with a black top (it’s a lot harsher). I could be wrong though, LS & LaCroy have become very confusing to keep up with in the last few years or so with the changes, out of stock products etc. Hopefully they can get back on top of it in the near future.
What effects do you see from the black top?
Very strong, but I don’t have the other versions to compare, so I’m not sure.
I assume it’s not the women’s version (I would have noticed the box label), and the strong alcohol scent leads me to believe that this is not the oil version either.
Perhaps they are using the black-top for the current women’s version.
All the LaCroy NPA iterations have been alcohol based as far as I know. The only NPA oil I know of is the one by Love Scent. If you bought it some time around 2014, it is most likely the revised version with the black top (men). And if its strong, you can probably guess how harsh the original white lid one was 🙂 The revision was welcome, and necessary or it was pretty much unusable, especially for younger men.
Original NPA = Venom!!!
Thanks for the info! 🙂
One spray of NPA Touch (Alcohol based) by Lacroy gives you 18.6 micrograms Androstenone with approx 80 sprays per 12ml spray bottle. It is available scented or unscented if bought from Lacroy direct and takes about 13 days to arrive but without tracking info. NPA Concentrate (alcohol based) by Lacroy delivers 15 micrograms of Androstenone with approx 100 drops per 5ml bottle. Both contain Androstadienone, Stabilizers, Antioxidants, and some DPG. In my testing last month, I favored NPA Touch and it was also much easier to dose. My photo of the current Lacroy bottles and packaging:
New Pheromone Additive by Love Scent contains an additional 1mg of Alpha Androstenol, is based in oil and not alcohol, and uses a different supplier now for their pheromones which in my personal testing I have found to be quite different in performance depending on the source that created it (at least with Androstenone and Androstadienone). New Pheromone Additive is a trademarked name owned by LoveScent, and they used Lacroy as their supplier. Notice the names are different now with Lacroys version. Love Scent and Lacroy ran into difficulties with getting large commercial shipments to the USA, and so Love Scent at this time no longer uses Lacroy, however the owners of both companies are very close friends.
Here was the reason Daryn of Lacroy gave me about the problem: After doing many years of good business with Bruce we introduced Edge TRUST which contained Oxytocin which was following the likes of Liquid Trust. Unbeknown to us and Bruce, this became a classified product or a prescription drug and therefore not allowed into USA commercially. As a result of that change and holding up of one shipment of Oxitocin in Trust, the customs subsequently required analytical testing of our other products. Following this shipment (which was returned to us) we sent 2 other shipments to Bruce but again these were scrutinized and all products tested. This was costly, timely and a nightmare for both our companies . We discontinued using oxytocin when this happened and now Edge TRUST is reformulated. —
Lacroy seems to have changed the PURITY of the androstenone over time, and this is what caused the performance difference from the old original one. If there are any who feel the old one was better, feel free to post and I’ll pass that to Daryn when I speak to him,.
I personally feel like the first version was far too overpowering. It was difficult to use without any steering and was often met with resistance. If a less pure version of -enone was the cause of it becoming a little “softer” in some aspects, I feel it is a welcome change. It certainly is for me, but may be different for older men who could use the extra -enone punch in their mix.
The 1mg of added Alpha Androstenol (Not in Lacroy Touch/Concentrate) is what makes the LoveScent Oil version perform more like a well rounded balanced mix with social features and more usable by non expert users. NPA Touch (and concentrate) by Lacroy on the other hand only contains the sexual portion with a bit of comfort, and is therefore a great product to have and use as an add-on to spike up the sexual side of other product, added on when sex is on the cards later in the date, or mix with socials such as glace, scent of eros oil or gel, core, LPMP Charisma etc that lack the sexual punch to make a more balanced mix… For those who are androstadienone sensitive can use androstenone spike product like PRIMITIVE by LAL for everyone (bulb dropper recommended), or Zero to 69 by PT if you dont have high testosterone only for that one.
Lacroy over the years has made their androstenone MORE pure (HIGHER PURITY), and this is what I told Lacroy is what I believe made the androstenone a bit less hammer like then the white top version and probably effects other product as well they sell.. Seems that older men and those with lower testosterone, as well as those that prefer ‘stronger hammer’ hitters and to buffer them down may have liked the original white top version, while the rest should prefer this current version as its more usable and a bit less polarizing…
My opinion is that the LoveScent Oil being a balanced blend now lacks some of the other pheromones that add additional touches found in more recent releases like Alfa Maschio NOS and Silicone versions, The Hookup, Evolve, and M3X to name a few…. NPA Touch/Concentrate I find to be a great add on to have however as it spikes up quite alot of other product, as well as Primitive… (or 0-69 for those that can handle that much enone) when you dont also want the androstadienone or that would throw off a mix…
This NPA is easier to use than AM. When wearing AM I naturally test women more, it is like I’m so high status, I throw a bunch of words at women and see how they respond and it makes them frustrated, which is close to attraction most of the time. With NPA it does not really seem to do this. With NPA it seems hit or miss, which is actually what is dating is about. Imagine the world being divided in people that are interested in you or not, no in between. NPA seems to do this. It is essential to find a partner, accept or reject. It is a great product, especially because AM gives me depression when used too often. I don’t throw AM away, it just works differently, people call you sir with AM, it is mature, high status and sexual, a combination that is often intimidating to people. NPA feels more natural and is more on the sexual side. I’m interested to find out what the other pheromones are in this product.
You have probably answered this question in another comments section, however I can’t seem to find it. My girlfriend works the opposite shift as me so one of us is usually sleeping while the other is awake (we live together). What would you suggest to wear to bed to get your girlfriend in the mood and wake you up? Or would it work better to put something on the pillow? I have heard of others putting The Hookup on their pillow. I am mainly targeting her ovulation window and thought about either getting Voodoo, Alpha Q, or The Hookup. I am open to experimenting with anything, but I have been leaning towards The Hookup or NPA. Ideally because I will be sleeping it would be one I don’t have to steer, just super boost her horniness.
I have already ordered: Swoon (for bar hopping), Xist and Evolv (for dates with my girl). I have also been thinking about getting Cohesion to go with Xist and Evolv, or maybe with Swoon? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
PS I would also be interested in more relationship articles, I really liked your Get The Ex Back article, and your Get Out of the Friend Zone article, but I would love to read a Keep Your Girlfriend/Wife article. Or maybe Get Her Friends to Love You article. I like how well thought out your articles are, they aren’t just “Buy This, Good Luck” they are a step by step action plan!
Hi Austin! Thanks for your excellent comments and for your feedback about articles. I will definitely take that into account when I get back into the swing of writing new reviews and content (very close, but still have things going on which are taking my time away from the site). As far as using a pheromone product to get your GF in the mood, putting some on the pillow is a good idea, but I would avoid it if there are allergies you might not be aware of, or if your partner is sensitive to the smell. A lot of attraction products have quite a strong scent, so be careful about dropping or spraying it on bedding.
An alternative I would suggest is using on yourself, as the distance is close enough to expose the target for an extended period of time. Just be careful to place it somewhere it will not rub off easily. This could be behind ears or under your chain, etc – whatever works for you.
NPA is a great product and I would definitely consider it for an overnight exposure – since you are looking for something to use alongside it, you could try adding pure androstadienone (available at PheromoneXS, Pheromone Treasures) alongside it before you go to sleep. The reason being is that it starts off very comforting and “crushy” which is great for relaxing women, but over several hours it converts into androstenone naturally. In the morning, you will definitely see the effects unravel 🙂
For your pickup/dating combo, I would suggest adding Cohesion when things develop more emotionally between you and a woman. It is generally used for creating strong emotional bonds and right off the bat it might not be ideal to go that way. You want things light and fun and gradually move into more real relationship territory.
Thanks again!
– PheroJoe
Hello again Joe,
I appreciate you getting back to me so quickly! Would it make sense for me to substitute 0to69 for NPA? (I am 32 and my GF is 25)
As far as androstadienone can you throw up an affiliate link for PheromoneXS to the one you would recommend? (This would seem like a win-win) Also, would I need to get a single molecule or would Cohesion work? I am a bit concerned about the whole depression thing, or would the 0to69 offset it? This is the reason I am leaning toward Cohesion over GOA.
Thank you so much!
PS Other article ideas: Pheromones by occasion (Date, Work, Nightclub, Gym, Mall, ETC.) and Combos by Personality (Clown type that wants to be taken seriously, quiet brooding type, intellectual, alpha-male, wallflower-type [self-effects might be most important], etc.) Just some thoughts!
Hi Austin, there are links to buy single pheromones from various vendors Human Pheromone Molecules (Tested & Known Effects of Pheromones). Cheers
Hey Joe!
Thanks for getting back to my comment so quickly! I appreciate your advice, it never occurred to me that if she didn’t like it after I soaked my pillow I would be kinda screwed [in a bad way].
What is the main difference between 0to69 and NPA? I am 32 and my GF is 25. I am leaning towards 0to69 but I don’t know if it would wear off before she gets home since I didn’t notice if it comes in an oil form?
As far as androstadienone can you drop an affiliate link to the one you recommend (seems like a win-win to me)? Can I substitute Cohesion, I am a bit leery of the depression some people get, and the last thing I need is to be more negative around my GF, in fact I probably need the opposite. This is why I am thinking about Cohesion even though you rate GOA better, what is the main difference between the two?
Finally, my personality is the brooding mysterious type, not the alpha, or the clown. I notice a lot of combos include BW, would you recommend Alpha Q as an alternative or maybe L2k? I am thinking later on down the line.
Thanks so much!
PS Some other article ideas: pheromones/combos for situation- date, work, presentation, nightclub, with the guys, gym, mall, etc.; pheromones/combos by personality- Clown that wants to be taken seriously by women, alpha that doesn’t want to be intimidating, brooding type that women want to approach, wallflower that needs self-effects for a little confidence, etc.
PSS My last reply just vanished after I submitted it?