Turn Up The Heat! Pheromone products are powerful tools to attract the women you really want. But even the best can BACKFIRE if you don’t know what you’re doing…
And I’m not talking the Androtics Direct product called “Turn Up The Heat”…what I’m talking about is strategizing to ensure you get the best possible results from your pheromones.
And that means choosing your products wisely for each step of the way.
Not all women find the same products attractive, and that’s why its an extremely good idea to come prepared with knowledge and how to step things up or down depending on the situation.
In fact, some pheromones can be straight girl repellents if you don’t know what you’re doing.
But first, I’ll be talking about the BIGGEST “game killers” that will OBLITERATE your success with women, regardless of whether you wear pheromones or not.
Anyway, let’s jump right in.
Game Killer #1: PUA or “Pickup Artist” mentality (and why it will ruin your life… kinda).
If you’ve been a regular House Of Pheromones reader for some time, you know that I personally think the “PUA” or “Pickup Artist” industry is one huge steaming pile of bullshit…
The ONLY thing I would recommend is SUPREME ATTRACTION if you want to become a REAL player… master seducers understand that they are a product. And they also understand their “customers”, in depth. Once you understand the game on a high level, meeting and dating women is EASY…
Discover the secrets of attracting beautiful women here.
… its an industry with overhyped claims of “bulletproof” seduction methods, secret questions, and a bunch of other ridiculous crap to get women to sleep with them.
Did your dad need this information? Did your grandparents?
Did they need gigabytes of e-books and videos, and study intricate communication patterns to “trick” women into sleeping with them?
Let me answer that.
NO. They didn’t.
So where did all this stuff come from?
It came from marketers who are appealing to men who are interested in attracting women, which is probably over 99% of us… and what better way to cash in on something we all want?

… in fact, 5 years ago, I heard the David DeAngelo (of “Double Your Dating” fame) was making close to 20 MILLION a year from selling his dating advice in Ebooks and audio/video courses.
Is it necessary? No. Neither is a “Turn Up The Heat” pheromone. But it will help make dramatic improvements to your game.
His real name is Eben Pagan and he is estimated to be worth over $120 MILLION dollars…
And that’s just ONE guy who probably made a huge chunk of that from selling his dating related advice.
And I believe it was around this time that other people realized what an enormous opportunity this was, and also began to take full advantage of all the men and women out there struggling the dating world.
I will admit, some of those sales pages are pretty damn persuasive.
And once you get one book, another product comes along telling you that you NEED to know some secret information that will make it rain beautiful women all around you.
What’s the point in telling you this?
Because 99% of it is a bunch of made up crap.
Especially from people like Neil Strauss, “Mystery” (who is an entertainer and would get laid anyway), and others who have made millions off it.
It’s over-complicated something that should come somewhat instinctively to men and women.
And now there is a BILLION dollar industry online where this junk is selling to desperate men.
But pheromones are sold in the same kind of way, they seem to attract certain types of people to the industry…
… people who put all their faith into the products, and when it seems to fail, they blame it on the product, not themselves…
Winnifred Cutler, the founder of Athena pheromones did something similar.
They simply knew how to appeal to men and women who would want the easiest solution to their “attraction” problem.
If you really want to turn up the heat, pheromones and PUA stuff is just a small part of the solution.
They always think maybe its not the product for them, or they need something better and more hyped up.
But at the core of it, they just aren’t putting in the effort necessary, and never will because they want an “easy” solution.

Like I said, your folks and ancestors didn’t need all these guides and information to help them find partners.
What’s the solution? Stop putting your faith into idiotic pick up artist methods.
You will NEVER be smart enough to memorize enough canned lines, fake stories to make you seem cooler than you actually are, or other “tricks” to make women sleep with you.
Learn how to be a real man and become naturally attractive – whether you wear pheromones or not.
Game Killer #2: Thinking that you NEED the “perfect” pheromone combo, or product in order to win a woman over
3 years later, and I still see this on pheromone forums by the same and new people over and over again….
Every time they fail to seduce a woman, its because a product failed to get them “hooked” enough, or simply got a negative reaction.
Guys are constantly tweaking, adding, removing products, and molecules in order to try and get a slightly more favorable reaction from someone they’re interested in.
… I know what it’s like, because I used to be like that too.
The problem with this way of thinking, is that it can make you believe a product or combo is the ONLY thing stopping you from getting the women you want…
Which means you start putting WAY too much faith into the products.
At the end of the day, the biggest difference that will make a woman feel attracted to you, is how intrinsically attracted she is to you already.
Things like your appearance, personality, confidence, health, wealth, etc (read more about how pheromones and attraction tie into eachother here). They all have a much greater impact than a single pheromone molecule or product.
Pheromones CAN “turn up the heat” & tip the odds in your favor (dramatically at times)… but it’s NOT the deciding factor.
So what’s the solution to this one?
Stop putting your faith into pheromone products and trust in yourself.
Use combos that you’ve already TESTED on subjects that aren’t important to you, and roll with them next time you’re out hunting for women, on a date, or when its time to up the stakes into a more sexual or romantic direction.
Take those risks, and remember the pheromones are working with you.
And sometimes, it just takes a little extra “cooking time”, so don’t rush and start spraying on more and more pheromones or it will just backfire if things don’t “work” immediately.
Game Killer #3: Not working on becoming the “whole package” (probably the biggest confidence killer of all time).
One of the biggest issues I faced in my younger days, was I always felt other guys had it better than me.
They were better looking, more muscular, more competent, smarter, more EXCITING or whatever… the list goes on.
As I grew older, I realized that most of these guys I was so jealous of were just like me, but they just had the courage to take on exciting things in life.
… Such as their passions, working hard for what they want, putting THEMSELVES first.
And its no coincidence that women found these types of men naturally attractive.
One of the biggest fears I had (and most guys have), is women are EVENTUALLY going to see the “real” you.
They will see you naked, where you live, what you do for work, who your friends are.
And if YOU aren’t happy with where you’re at in life, then chances are, she won’t either.
If you have a “boring” life, she’ll feel bored too, ad will likely not consider you a sexual or romantic partner, because these things have a way of “spilling over” into how you come across to other people.
They communicate in boring ways, do desperate shit (like memorize canned PUA lines for example), and the “cool” act they have eventually falls apart.
And a lot of women see right through it before you even open your mouth.
Now this is some deep energy type stuff I am talking about, so if you’re not understanding, that’s okay.
The gist of it is that how you REALLY are inside, will usually reflect how you are outside…
That’s why people who have a passion for life, have interests, hobbies, stay fit, eat healthy, goals and more are very charismatic and seem to attract the hottest women.
VERY IMPORTANT: If you still have that deep down “fear” that your life sucks, that you aren’t doing enough to be “exciting” to women, or feel undeserving… then do something about it.
Yes, it takes time, but its something that will set you apart from the competition, and make you far more confident with women… this is how you develop real inner game.
Get good at something you love, and that confidence will translate to other parts of your life, including women.
That will be an even better “magic bullet” than the “Turn Up The Heat” pheromones product (we all know how much they hype at pherotalk). But really, it’s just a cover up for something a lot more grounded in the real world.
DON’T make them a priority… make yourself a priority. Build it and they will come.
If you want a much more detailed guide to creating charisma, personal magnetism, confidence, and an all around “magnetic”/attractive personality, then get the Secret Alchemy of Personal Magnetism report today.
Now lets “turn up the heat” for real… how do you choose the CORRECT pheromones for seduction/dating?
Pheromones impact a lot of people, and some are more susceptible to the effects than others…
… but is it because they have far greater control over their emotions, OR because they are simply more responsive to certain molecules?
I don’t know the answer to that one yet, and I doubt anyone will for a long time.
But what I do know is that you can “tailor” your pheromone products to get the best results for any certain situation.
Here are some important things to keep in mind, if you’re just looking to “turn up the heat” – AKA – simply get laid (there are suggestions further down the page for specific products).
- Decide how far along the “seduction” scale you are… is she already dating you? Or do you still need to decide on a product to pick up women in the first place? There are products designed for different stages of seduction… no, they’re not all necessary. But choosing the right product for WHERE YOU CURRENTLY ARE is a good place to start.
- Try to figure out what a certain girl is looking for. If you’re at the nightclub, don’t try to reel a woman in with “romantic attraction” products such as XiSt, Certo, or Grail Of Affection… they might “hit” some women, but for the vast majority of women, they’re just there to have fun and not find a potential boyfriend. The more likely reason is a one night stand or just dancing with their friends. Choosing a sexual attraction product is most likely the best option here.
- If you are trying to seduce someone in a more “public” area, such as a coworker (not recommended), a friend of a friend, someone in your social group, a salesperson, cashier… then going with a “friendly” type of icebreaker product is probably best (or atleast adding a social product on a more sexual/alpha type product).
- Take age into consideration. Younger women tend to feel somewhat threatened with powerful sexual/alpha pheromone signatures, so going on ham on them is NOT recommended. However, you can still use sexual attraction products geared towards younger women, spike social products with something more aggressive. You can also tone down more “aggressive” products with socials to make them more “accepting” of powerful phero-signatures.

How to “turn up the heat” in romantic or friendzone type situations.
- If you are trying to escape friendzone, read this article for a much more detailed process on how to approach the situation.
- Find out whether she responds to androstadienone, or feels “repelled” by it… what I mean is that some women seem to have an aversion to getting attached. Whether its out of fear of being hurt, rejected, or maybe not “ready” to be in a relationship, mixes that contain androstadienone are extremely powerful for creating romantic interest/attachment and fallout. But they can also be a double edged sword – some women may begin to avoid you in certain cases to avoid their feelings…Androstadienone based products work better on more “emotionally mature” women, whereas NO androstadienone works better for less mature women.
- IF you find yourself in this situation, you may be better off going with a sexual attraction product… and once you have achieved a “sexual” relationship, move into relationship territory. Most of the time, I would go into this if you KNOW that a woman is highly opposed to finding a long term boyfriend or potential husband.
For initial pickup/attraction
For sexual escalation
- Alpha Q
- Casanova (works EXTREMELY well in combo with Alpha Q, but not required)
- Evolve-XS
- Alfa Maschio
- M512 (Hax Pheromones)
For dating/romantic interest
For closing/purely sexual attraction
Note that there is some overlap in the products, and they can all be used for purposes other than what I’ve assigned.
These are just some general guidelines if you’re looking for a starting point.
If you’re looking for the best pheromones for men, check them out here.
Also, keep an eye out for the upcoming “killer combos” guide where I will review the effects of products that have been mixed to create entirely new monsters…
… whether its for seduction, romantic fallout, being the “top dog” alpha – there will definitely be a combo I’ve tried and successfully used!
Since this article was inspired by people asking me questions about Androtics Direct's Turn Up The Heat pheromone, I thought why not review it here. I don't recommend them anymore, because not only are the product very simple, they are known to change formulas and blatantly lie about it. Not only that, but TUTH is a very simple product - heavy on androstenone, and about 2 steering molecules if I recall correctly. This has been far exceeded by superior formulas like Alfa Maschio, Aqua Vitae, The Hookup, Dirty Primitive and others. Turn Up The Heat Pheromones Review
TUTH product quality
Turn Up The Heat Pheromone Effects
Value for money (better products avl)
Alternatives (far better than AD)
"Not Worth It"
Stay tuned and “turn up the heat”, pheromones or not!
- PheroJoe
Don't Go Anywhere. Check Out These Articles First.
- Heaux Cosmetics Review: Overhyped, Overpriced Pheromone Products - October 22, 2023
- The Fascinating Female Pheromone Effects On Males (Powerful Attraction) - October 21, 2023
- The Curious Case of “Vabbing” & Pheromones: A Controversial TikTok Trend - October 18, 2023
Hi joe
Just wanna know why you’re not recommend to seduce coworker
Hi Adrian,
Because it can get you fired, and also sued for sexual harassment if you don’t know what you’re doing. I’d rather advise men to not pursue coworkers in case things get awkward down the road… however, if its a risk you want to take then by all means go for it 🙂
Alrighty.. i got your point
Too Cool!
Thanks Troy 🙂
What happened to the Gel reviews?
Hi La Darrious,
They are coming shortly. I will send an email once I’ve added the sections 🙂
Is the list that you made (that I copy pasted below) up to date? Looks like it is from 2016. If not… please do update it and reply when you do!
For initial pickup/attraction
Alpha Q
Aqua Vitae
The Hookup
For sexual escalation
Alfa Maschio
Primitive/Dirty Primitive
M512 (Hax Pheromones)
For dating/romantic interest
Grail Of Affection
Nude Alpha
Androstadienone (in combo with other products)
For closing/purely sexual attraction
New Pheromone Additive
Not sure what you mean here… it’s not like pheromone products come out every other day. My top products are made up of older, as well as newer products that entered the market in the last year or 2 🙂