Garry, the owner of Liquid Alchemy Labs designed Wolf as a product to “inspire trust, leadership, lust, and the desire to obey. “
If you’re looking for a pheromone product to create high social status, magnetic “personal power”, and create a “VIP” vibe everywhere you go…
Then look no further than Wolf by Liquid Alchemy Labs.
“Wolf” is one of the highest rated, consistent products in the pheromone community. A staple in many new and veteran pheromone users arsenals.
As you’ll shortly discover, my experiences with Wolf are beyond fascinating…
Wolf was designed as a product to create “Alpha” status.
But I believe Garry, being a somewhat intimidating looking guy wanted to make a product that made him appear Alpha, but also “approachable”.
But what he came up with was MUCH better…
Because unlike some “alpha” type products that cause intimidation, fear, and anti-social tendencies among people exposed…
Wolf is more like a “social VIP”…
People WANT to do things for you, because they like and respect you.
Wolf creates a magnetic kind of vibe that people simply love being around.
They see your “personal power” as something to be greatly admired, and feel as if they can confide, trust, and be lead by you to achieve their goals.
Wolf is all about reaching deep inside and drawing out your inspirations and your personal strength.
Which will allow you to instinctively achieve the goals you set – whether that’s in your social, business, or romantic life.
But before I get carried away with all the incredible benefits Wolf has produced for me, let me just say that these are merely SIDE EFFECTS.
The real power of Wolf is in creating the “inner game” of success.
Yes, the pheromone effects on people are powerful… it creates a vibe where people will go out of their way to cater to you.
Wolf makes you someone who is seen as a type of “celebrity”, and molds itself to your environment.
If you’re in a social group, people will naturally see you as the leader in the pecking order.
At work, you’ll be a professional that people look up to – whether you’re just a coworker, manager, or the boss.
If you’re with women, they will see you as more attractive and alpha than the rest of the people around her.
It makes you the “elephant in the room”.
But how?
I believe Wolf works by creating a vibe that you’re a real winner… an archetype of someone who will be extremely successful in any endeavor he pursues.
That’s why there is so much “trust” in you by others, even if you don’t completely believe it yourself…
If you knew beyond a doubt, you could accomplish any goal that you set, what would life be like?
What if you knew you could win the girl you really want, instead of just settling for what you “think” you can get.
What if you could quickly and easily transform your life… and create the “dream lifestyle” because you have the confidence of a lion (or should I say, Wolf?).
You see, the dreams you have of creating your ideal lifestyle…
… whether its success in romantic attraction, career, business or social life is not a distant, unforeseeable goal in the future… no, it’s not always about pheromones & attraction alone – but pheromones can give you that kick start you need to “see” things the right way.
It’s there, waiting for you to clear a path to its door.
Wolf will help you bring out that insatiable drive to help you accomplish all of that… the power is within, it just needs to be unlocked.
Wolf by Liquid Alchemy Labs will open doors and opportunities to help you achieve whatever it is you desire.
Let me elaborate on the effects of Wolf, and how it will help you…
Who are the most successful people in life?
The go-getters, risk takers, the entrepreneurs.
And what’s the one thing they have in common?
Confidence, and a consistent approach to making their dreams a reality.
The successful ones didn’t give up, even when they were faced with enormous obstacles.
Now Wolf is the type of product that will get people to talk to you, trust you, and want to befriend because you’ll be seen as superior, yet approachable.
Successful, but humble. Attractive, but not assholey… the list of positive traits that you will exhibit while wearing Wolf (because yes, pheromones do subtly change your behavior too) goes on.
Wolf was among the first few pheromone products I owned that really kicked the door down on what was possible...
Wolf gives you that “VIP” vibe that makes people want to get to know you
When you’re wearing Wolf, people around you will feel a sort of “magnetism” that draws them in.
This is the same kind of power you want and need for attracting more friends, personal power, romance, and success into your life.
That’s why it’s one of the highest rated products on this website.
Because it’s versatile for many different situations (and it also combines well with other single molecules/products to amplify a specific effect you want to create.
However, Wolf is a multi purpose tool you can use to…
- Amplify your sexual attractiveness to women, making you the “perfect catch” for women – whether its for one night stands or for long term relationships, or anything in between.
- Starting, and building powerful friendships, connections, and become a highly valued confidant for people of all social / professional statuses
- Become the “life of the party” and become the go to guy that friends invite to parties, to the bar, club, or other catch ups.
It was refined from a rough idea, into a complex mix of 7+ pheromones to create a breakthrough in the pheromone world.
So far, there are no products that can compare to Wolf in terms creating a high social status, being perceived as “alpha” (but not creating intimidation), as well as being well balanced in the attraction department.
It was one of the first products NOT focused specifically on boosting sexual attraction.
But when you think about it, alpha/social type formulas are the BASE behind why certain attraction-specific formulas work so well.
It was designed much more carefully to provide an “unfair advantage” when it comes to many different situations — rather than just attraction (although we’ll talk about it’s power in that department shortly).
Wolf will give you that suave, smooth, high status swag that attracts high quality women, friends, and relationships…
I have used it to create high value personal friendships, and create an awesome social life with awesome friends.
In fact, wherever I go I tend to run into someone I know or met previously, and am always greeted with excitement and enthusiasm (which is especially useful for creating a reputation in the nightlife scene — one of the most difficult arenas of seduction).
… this has lead to meeting many women who I have dated and been with in some way or another.
And it’s also opened up professional doors in my business, where other business owners typically offer me free advice and help in any way they can without expecting anything in return (because they value my presence).
Not only that, but it opened my eyes to the possibility of how high social value can improve your interpersonal, flirting, and leadership skills very quickly (and permanently)…
I have developed my social and leadership skills to a higher level than most guys, which is a key part of using Wolf.
I can confidently take control of a situation if I have to, I am the life of the party, and people are generally drawn to me.
Unlike pheromones like Athena pheromones 10x, PherX scam, or Pheromax… these are results that stick around long after you stop using the product.
All of which contributes to something I like to call the “circle of causality”.
If you’ve ever done any reading on self improvement, changing habits, developing confidence etc.
One of the key ideas behind them is that your thoughts determine your reality.
This is creates a “cycle” where either good or bad habits continue to perpetuate themselves.
In my opinion, it’s one of the most useful concepts I have ever come to know of.
In fact, it’s one of the main principles behind developing charisma and personal magnetism.
Here’s just a quick break down of what I mean:
But before I go off on a tangent about self improvement, let me explain how this relates to Wolf.
With any pheromone, there’s only so much it can do to help you in your every day life.
Sure, it can be useful in terms of attraction, displaying high social status, creating “personal magnetism” and more… but for me, the INFLUENCE Wolf creates on others is unmatched.
Wolf’s “influence” effects can help you tremendously in just about every area of your life…
… by making positive, permanent changes in how you perceive yourself, as well as how others perceive you.
Let me explain why:
As I explained earlier, the circle of causality starts with your thoughts, and becomes your actions, and so on. Once you’ve worn Wolf for an extended period of time, you will naturally begin to exhibit these traits too.
You will get people following your instructions (willingly), be respected and treated as “superior”… even if you don’t use the product anymore.
You will adopt the “Wolf” persona as your own, and begin the cycle of success…
That’s one of my favorite parts about Wolf.
But anyway, before I go on another tangent about self improvement, let’s wrap it up.
I’ve listed my experiences below.
Here are just some of the effects you will experience using Wolf by Liquid Alchemy Labs
- Wolf projects a very magnetic, charming vibe that attracts friends, romance, and success… you might often find people to be a little bit “star struck” when they meet you because you possess a high status vibe (such as a VIP or celebrity) and treat you with more respect, better service, gifts, flirtiness, and more. Aqua Vitae is also known for this effect, however, it is not suitable for younger women, nor professional environments.
- Wolf is “Mr Popular” in a bottle and will attract the social circle and relationships you need to succeed… it will open doors to all kinds of personal and professional relationships which will help you advance your life. I have received many helpful free gifts, including private weight training, free dance classes, offers to join training groups, etc. which have all advanced my personality and success on different levels in life.
- People will see you as a “high value” person, and its in their best interest to you as an ally. If you’ve read much of my other work, you already know pheromones won’t grant you magic powers or instant attraction – instead, you must work on yourself to create success and use pheromones as an additional, but powerful tool.
- You feel much more carefree, confident, and less stressed about your financial issues, health, and relationships… why? Because once you understand the power of Wolf, you will learn that success is as much as creating a climate that attracts it – putting in the effort you need to succeed, and having the CONFIDENCE to pull it off.
- Wolf is an amazing stress/anxiety relief product, as well as a fantastic confidence booster… it improves my mindset on days that I wear it, and gives me that extra “pep in my step” if I’m not feeling 100%. Everybody deals with day to day frustrations – things go wrong… but Wolf allows me to think clearly, articulate my words better, and navigate my day much more easily.
- People will trust you with their secrets and will subconsciously want you to lead them… because Wolf is also a “status booster”, it will make people see you in a higher light and will often seek out your help in personal professional ways. It’s great to have this power, but also to not abuse it – when you have tough days, these are people who will bend over backwards to make you happy.
- As an ATTRACTION product, Wolf is EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE on YOUNGER WOMEN 16 and up… Garry didn’t originally design Wolf for the purpose of attracting women – instead, it was made as a significant enhancement to your everyday life… however, I’ve found that it’s particularly useful or getting the attention of very young women. I am 24, so 18 years and up are what I tend to go for. Since products that are specifically designed for attraction are usually geared towards more mature women, Wolf makes a killer addition to your arsenal if younger women are what you’re after (in some cases, it can trigger serious “love” feelings from certain pheromones in the product)
- Self effects include: Massive boost in self confidence, feeling more “personal power” and magnetism, automatic higher status, a sense of pride, well being, and a natural born leader of the pack. Remember, what you think is also highly connected to what you put out in terms of body language. You will notice that you carry yourself with a much cooler swagger and confidence in your walk, talk, and dealings with people.
Wolf is a staple in many peoples pheromone arsenal - because it's one of the most consistent, powerful, respect getting products out there... and not only is it useful for social AND professional situations, it's a MAGNET for picking up women in their 20's. It's not intimidating, but it commands respect and gives them a sense of AWE. This is especially useful for women who are intimidated by you. What's more, apart from its attraction properties it also triples as a daily wear product to get you through most tough situations... and is flexible to add more stuff on if you feel it needs a kick in a certain direction. Be prepared to be treated like the VIP. Wolf by Liquid Alchemy Labs - Final Review
Social (outstanding social rapport, vibe, etc)
Alpha (high social status)
Sexual (attractive, but not designed for attraction)
Self Effects (excellent for feel-good mood)
Be the leader of the pack
Remember that you must truly step into the role of being a strong, attractive, friendly leader, and celebrity all in one…
Simply wearing a pheromone product isn’t going to make you an instant VIP everywhere you go.
Sometimes, it takes a little while to get the hang of a pheromone product and push the boundaries of your personality…
But in the end, you will become a more well rounded person whether you wear pheromones or not.
Wolf started as an experiment and ended up changing my life. I am the VIP of my own world.
And when you believe in yourself, other people will sense that spark inside you and believe you too.
If you’re ready to boost your attraction, sex appeal, status, social life, romance, and career/business… then Wolf is the product you need.
Final thoughts on Wolf by Liquid Alchemy Labs
Obviously, there are products that are more suited to very particular situations.
But for what it’s worth, I think the social VIP, respect, and attraction is the most versatile of all the alpha/status products I have used so far.
Wolf is also similar to Corporativo by Alpha Dream, which I am also fond of. However, they both differ in that Corpo seems a little more professional, and not as “celebrity” as Wolf is.
Regardless, they’re both excellent choices if you’re looking for something versatile that covers attraction, social status, as well as create alpha respect.
It’s mystical, magnetic vibe conveys all the right things, and amplifies them so you’ll stand out from the crowd.
So if you’re ready to “level up” your life, don’t waste any time by getting Wolf today. You’ll thank your future self for doing so.
- PheroJoe
P.S. I’ve already explained how Wolf will amplify your personal power, magnetism, and confidence… and how it can attract high quality relationships and friendships with a huge variety of people… but remember, it’s not just who it attracts — but what those connections mean to you. They will enrich your life and improve you on so many different levels – from social skills, happiness, sense of wellbeing and more … there are countless benefits to having an all around product for daily wear that boosts your social status, attractiveness, and “VIP” factor.
P.P.S. And remember, if Wolf doesn’t deliver the results you want, you can easily return it at any time… there is NO limit to the refund guarantee because Liquid Alchemy Labs provides some of the most advanced pheromone formulas on the planet.
Order your bottle of Wolf absolutely risk free HERE.
- Heaux Cosmetics Review: Overhyped, Overpriced Pheromone Products - October 22, 2023
- The Fascinating Female Pheromone Effects On Males (Powerful Attraction) - October 21, 2023
- The Curious Case of “Vabbing” & Pheromones: A Controversial TikTok Trend - October 18, 2023
I’m currently an actor seeking a job, and have to attend tons of auditions. In your opinion, what would be better for making me stand apart from the thousands who audition (of course, except my skill) and give me a professional actor kind of image?
Corporativo or Wolf.
I can only buy one of them, which would you recommend and please let me know if there are any minor differences between the two.
Appreciate it
Hi Krish,
It really depends on what type of role you are applying for. E.g. if it is a serious role, then you might lean towards a product that is perceived as being more serious, like Corpo. For a “friendlier” role, Wolf might be better for you… Wolf has a bit more of that “celebrity” vibe than Corpo, which would make it suitable for more social roles. There are some more serious alpha products out there, but I think these both have a nice middle ground (high status, not intimidating etc).
Hey, love your page.
I brought Wolf, having self improvement in mind. The problem is that I don’t get any self effects.
I know wolf is working because other people have effects, I also have a sample of primitive, which make the effect easier to see.
From neither I get self effects. So obviously I’am the problem.
Any idea of what to do? For now I’m hoping that with time I start getting some effects.
I really hope I’m not some kind of exception that isn’t affected.
Hi Anon,
There are a small number of people who don’t seem to get any self effects no matter what the product is – however, this is actually pretty rare and I only know about 2 other people who have the same issue. The thing is, they don’t have a sense of smell and aren’t affected at all by pheromones. That said, the 2 products you mentioned are very well rounded signatures… perhaps if you tried something that leaned into a more alpha/sexual direction, you might get more out of them. Some products I recommend for this purpose is Bad Wolf, Alfa Maschio, and Aqua Vitae.
Funny thing is, I can smell pheromones. I always could smell some female pheromones and using pheros seem to make me better at detecting them and even able to detect more types than before.
I brought Bad Wolf and Aqua Vitae. If they work, I will comment here for future references.
I tried BW and AV. It’s difficult to explain how the self effects manifest, but they are definitely there.
It’s not like “hey I feel this much different that before”, not at all. I just feel normal, I feel like nothing is different and that everything is normal.
But with some introspection I notice that I think and act differently, I’m just not aware of it (being different) and it feels natural, like I’m always like that.
Some differences are easy to see and some takes a serious effort of introspection.
Ego may play an important role. “Yeah, of course I’m acting cool. I always act cool. I never do stupid bullshit”. Taking the credit and negating that there was any change at all.
Hi Anon,
Great observation! This is also how self effects seem to manifest for me, which is why it sometimes takes a long time to get a review out. Most of the time, I’ll notice some effects, but to really understand a product, it occurs to me retrospect. Then I can go back and confirm it and maybe even pick up a few new effects over time.
What’s the proper dosage for wolf in terms of drops? (I currently have a sample and am using the tip of my finger in lieu of a bulb dropper)
Hi David,
With Wolf you can be a bit more experimental with your dosages, I vary mine from 2 drops to 6 drops. If I mix it with something else, I tend to go for lower amounts and work up til I find my sweetspot.
Cheers 🙂
Hi Joe
I am going for the I interview that will not last more then a minute or two will there be any effect to people around in this short time .. I mean the interviewer will be female above 30range.. Is there anything that I can use in this scenario I have wolf and hypnotica social..
Hi Ayush,
Your comments weren’t showing up because they’re moderated (too much spam) — but what you have there is good. I would go with Wolf for a professional job interview, and maybe even give it a spike with Primitive or just straight Enone since your interviewer is female. Just a small dose of 3-5mcg will do, or 1 drop of Primitive as it is buffered carefully with some type of extract.
Joe but will it work in this small event I mean time of 1-2minutes because that’s what we get at max in interview I don’t have anything except wolf or hypnotica I am from India and to order from us it take lot of time … one last quedtion where to put on pheromones in case I m wearing a suit…..
Ayush, you can apply the pheromones on the side of your head if you have short hair, or also under your chin/neck area – this will be great for self effects too 🙂 I can’t comment on shipping times exactly, but most of my products arrive within 10 days and I live in Australia (with standard shipping). I’m sure some of the vendors offer express but it might be pretty expensive.
Hi Joe,
But the question remain is wolf or hypnotica is not suffient ….and does it show any effect in this short time of 1-2 minutes of interview…. Thanks and really don’t have time to order before interview ..please reply
They will have an effect almost immediately, but to really have someone “feel” the power each of these products have you will need more time. I’m not sure why you’re limiting yourself to such a small timeframe, pheromones can give you an advantage but it’s also your job to make the interaction last. Both products will help create a great impression and rapport, so keep the conversation going with enthusiasm, confidence, humor, etc – all of which will be well received.
Hey Joe,
I really want to try wolf. But before I do… Do you recommend a really good (all around- Social, imprint, Alpha, romance- pheronome product?
Thanks very much,
Hey Jon, it’s usually best to select a product that is geared towards one particular purpose because that will get the best results for you. However, for an overall product, I would definitely suggest Wolf, Corpo, or even a product like X22. They all have great all around alpha/social/attraction properties. Bad Wolf is also a great option, although if you are new to pheromones I would go with one of my suggestions above. BW does fit the bill, but might be a bit aggressive if you’re planning on using it as daily wear.
Thanks very much! I now have a bottle of Wolf and Corpo. I’m looking forward to testing these babies out.
Also, have you heard of Raw Chemistry’s line of pheronome cologne?
Yes, I have a review on Raw Chemistry Pheromone Cologne Review: Average Product, But Works Okay. They’re pretty average and just geared towards the masses, but they are very watered down compared to professional quality pheromones from actual enthusiast companies.
good site joe. I’ve bought nude alpha from your link and just bought wolf!
Will report back.
Question – have you ever tried wolf with L2K?
I need a good clubbing mix when I go to vegas in a few weeks and think Nude alpha may not be strong enough (and is more suited to dates)
Hi Acker,
Good job 🙂 Those are some pretty good pheromones, Wolf for the day time and Nude Alpha for the women. I have tried the combo a few times, back when I was a “kitchen sink” tester and the end result was that it’s just not effective, and can produce some pretty weird effects. They seem to clash – Wolf is the friendly leader, and L2K seems like the silent lady killer. Although by themselves, they’re both fantastic products. For clubbing, I would definitely suggest checking out Alfa Maschio or Aqua Vitae.
Cheers 🙂
Super fast reply! thanks
yeah I was actually just reading the comments on L2K and how it also messes up relationships with the guys – which I want to avoid and which is also one of the reasons i’m getting Wolf.
So was just checking out Aqua Vitae now and Alfa Maschio now and came back to ask you about them – but you already answered the question.
Will be sure to go through your link again.
is there anything you suggest for sexualising Wolf? I used it the other week and found it pretty hard for girls to be attracted. They were very open – but not attracted
Hi Acker,
I’ve found Wolf to be very attractive to younger women which is my target market, although I know what you mean. You should be able to steer things in a sexual direction, with or without pheromones, but if you do want to give the product a little extra “kick” I would recommend adding Primitive (also from LAL), or straight -enone.
Hi Joe
Finally tried wolf and hypnotica to check if it works for me I tried with 2drops to 3drops of wolf and a lil rolon of hypnotica … But don’t see any effect not even a little.. Self effect no effect on others none. I used this combo in flight I mean don’t see any effect on person sitting next to so I tried more wolf and hypno thinking lack of fuel still nothing …
So I need a suggestion what do u think I might be missing
Hi Ayush,
before you start mixing pheromones all together it’s important that you understand what each one does separately. Try Wolf by itself at 1 – 8 drops and you will see a difference. When you start applying another pheromone on top of it you are making a new combo effectively, so you need to test which dose each product works at. You might also have to wait a few days to really notice the effects at different doses. And another thing, you still have to be social to see effects from pheromones. Did you try and talk to the person you were sitting next to?
Hello, I have recently got a job working in a where-house moving boxes, but its only part time. While I am going to work my as off are there any pheromones you would recommend for me? I want to stay and become a full time team member. I was thinking Wolf or corpo but I would like your opinion.
Hi Kwame, great work! Anyway, warehouses tend to be fairly casual positions, so wearing something too alpha might be a bit overbearing with your co-workers. Wolf or Corpo are excellent choices, I don’t think I would recommend anything more than them. Of course, you should try to learn as much about the warehousing operations as possible to move up the ladder (like dispatch, shipping, organization, forklift license etc), I have worked in a few warehouses so I know 🙂
Awesome, thank you very much.
What pheromones are in your Wolf formula?
Hi Armando,
It is not my formula, it is a product by Liquid Alchemy Labs. Unfortunately, I can only make guesses as to what’s in the product but the more important thing is the ratio – and that is only known to Garry the creator of the product. Email him if you want to know, but I don’t think you’ll get an answer so easily.
Hi Jeff, these issues were sorted out months ago. This is most likely an issue on your end. Garry will get back to you either way 🙂 But what exactly does it say when you try to check out? I’ll see if there’s anything I can do.
PheroJoe, the message is: Occured an error. Try again later. The message is in Portuguese….”Ocorreu um erro. Tente novamente mais tarde”……I’ve tried in my smartphone, and now I’m in the notebook, but I can’t checkout because of this issue. If you ask me, I could send you a print screen showing this error…… I really wanna buy these pheromones, kind of frustrated because in other compannies is always so simple to checkout…..Pheromone XS, Alpha Dream, in these sites is always simple to buy. But Wolf and Nude Alpha are awesome products from LAL, please I just want to buy….
Hi Jeff, unfortunately the LAL payment processor has been down for years now and some people have reported other issues with the website. Please look the Top 10 Best Pheromones For Men To Attract Women (Updated Reviews For 2020)list if you’re looking for alternatives.
PheroJoe, I was surfing in the Pherotruth forum, and this situation is happening with a lot of people. They just can’t buy, like me.
Sorry Jeff, it looks like we’ll just have to wait until they fix up their payment processing issues. As I understand it, merchants probably see this as a risky business and it would be difficult to get approved. Hang tight, I’m sure Garry will fix it as soon as possible.
Hello Phero Joe. Im furious that will Wolf help me battle the negative effects on male friends of L2K? 🙂 So basically is it a good idea to combo Wolf and L2K? Thank you for your view.
Hi Pertti, that is not a good combo. They are both complex products and Wolf does better when added with a more simple mix such as New Pheromone Additive or pure androstenone.
Hi Joe
I just bought Wolf, Corpo, and The Hookup, and I was wondering what are the recommended dosages and for how long can I expect the effects to last. I also have X22 and Glace, I think you said the effects lasted somewhat beetween 2 to 4 hours for those, and I prefer to not have to carry the bottles with me. So it would help to have that figured out before hand. Also, do you know about a chinese pheromone product called Chakra? (not chikara) I’ve been using it for years and it seems to be legit to me (no flashy advertising, pretty convincing with moderate success in the effects in my experience). I think you’ve never done a review on that one but is relatively cheap and in my beginner judgement seems to work fine but it would be awesome to know your thoughts about that product if you’ve tried it.
Thank you and keep up the good work!!
Hi “Bird Person”, some great choices you’ve made. For Wolf, you are quite flexible with dosage, anywhere from 2-6 drops seems to have good results, but some people may find higher doses counter productive. Its up to you test it and find out, which is half the fun of pheromones 🙂 As for The Hookup and Corpo, 2 drops/sprays seems to work best for the majority of people.
I haven’t heard of a product called Chakra before. THere are a lot of basic products that contain simple pheromone mixes which work fine. However, the products I review tend to lean on the more complex side of the spectrum, with particular vendors being highly experienced in this niche. They are created and then refined, and then refined some more. THen we end up with high end products from the likes of LAL and PheromoneXS and Pheromone Treasures.
Hi Joe,
I have just started reading about the effect of these products and I am very interested in trying Wolf along with other pheromones. I am in my mid 30s and I am trying to get a job as a Paramedic. During the hiring process we have to perform multiple medical scenarios that are marked very subjectively by a senior medics (Superintendents) in the service. What would go along well with Wolf in order to impress the evaluator?
I would like to get more information on using certain combinations for different things such as an interview, an evaluated performance, or a night out with friends, or acquaintances for social attention and attracting women or even for everyday routines. There is too many products and I’m new to this and I need some help.
Thank you,
Hi, Wolf would make an excellent choice for impressing your evaluator as it will convey friendliness and leadership without being too overbearing. Another product I would definitely recommend looking into is Captain by Pheromone Treasures. This is similar, but seems to give people the feeling you are wise beyond your years, without seeming like a boring old fart… I believe this could work very well in your favor, especially as someone in a serious field such as yours.
There are a lot of products that cater for different needs, personalities, and scenarios — there is no one size fits all 🙂 But you could definitely check out popular products like XiSt and Alpha Q, which are both great products for going out and meeting women or sparking up some romance.
Please check out the reviews and see what suits you best.
So is wolf no longer in your top 5 for any pheromone category?!
Hi John, I have temporarily removed LAL as they are still working on their merchant accounts. Wolf is definitely one of the top 5s in social category for me.
But you had it in the alpha category before,right? Is this no longer true?
Last I recall, I moved it to social category (could be wrong, it was a long time ago), but it could fit into either quite nicely IMO. It is still the best mix of alpha/social I have used.
Would you still say it’s the best mone for work? IE getting promotions, creating relationships based on respect, ect?
I’ve found Wolf to be great in the respect department, and “higher ups” tend to see the wearer as trustworthy and very reliable. However, it does have an air of youthfulness to it. If your goal is to create better relationships to climb up the ranks, get cozy with managers and that sort of thing, I would definitely suggest something more along the lines of say Captain by Pheromone Treasures or Corpo by Alpha Dream. These will have that social element, while also giving you an air of ambition and leadership.
What do you think is the best out of Wolf, corpro and captain? I work in a warehouse so its kinda chill but I want to give myself an extra edge when it come promotion time.
Hi John, you might have some trouble ordering through LAL. My personal choice would be Captain as it tends to last longer, however Corporativo (AKA Corpo) by Alpha Dream – Sexy “Entrepreneur”, VIP Vibeis still very good as well.
Hi Joe, I have been experimenting with quite a cool combo recently, whilst not technically classed as a pheromone I have mixed ISO E super ( basically molecule 01) with hedione. It has had somewhat of a cool effect with women, in as much as it has illicited some great compliments from certain ladies who I work with and one in particular makes any opportunity to hang around my general vicinity when I’m working. I work in a meat processing plant so can’t wear any strong smelling scents but this combo is oil based rather than alcohol so the effects last considerably longer and are more subtle. The iso E super tends to lift the hedione (dihydrojasmonate) and project it more whereas the magic of the iso E super is that it fades in and out, ie you smell it then can’t smell it but the people around you can. Also there is a turbo charged version of iso E super called timbersilk which is a heavier molecule and in my opinion far more effective.
Very interesting! May have to give it a try some time. Thanks for your comment.