Alfa Maschio by Alpha Dream is a unique attraction formula designed to give the wearer a sexy, studly "bad boy" vibe (women perceive wearer as sexually superior)... It's designed to spark deep, animal-like attraction towards the wearer... but can you handle it? Alfa Maschio will give you an irresistible edge to your personality, make women see you as sexually superior, and give you
Evolve-XS by PheromoneXS (“Natural” Sexual, Flirting, & Easy Escalation)
Evolve-XS is a killer sexual attraction formula which has been tweaked to PERFECTION after years in the "experiment" phase. It is designed to hit women "under the radar" and simply works like gangbusters... It's a masterpiece that generates HUGE attraction and magnetism towards the wearer. It's especially effective if you have trouble "escalating", or making things more sexual/flirty with women
Aqua Vitae by Liquid Alchemy Labs (Weapon Of Mass… Seduction?!)
Aqua Vitae by Liquid Alchemy Labs is a MAJOR attention grabber, creates a high status "celebrity" persona, and attracts some of the hottest women that are available... But there is a catch. ... the owner, Garry Nelson is a MASTER of creating complex, powerful blends that create the results you want and need. But as you'll soon discover, Aqua Vitae, while extremely powerful... may also be